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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. Maybe he's vegan at the Wendy household but he's chowing on burgers and wings with the jump off? I can't help it---I like Wendy so I was feeling for her today--trying to keep a brave face. LIMOM, you think she got the good weed? LOL. My mom agrees but I thought her giddiness was a Herculean effort not to burst into tears for a whole hour. I'm interested to see how many days she can go before we get a re-run because she just can't take it anymore. Now, Anne Heche? I think she got the good weed. Or meth. Or something. Weird interview.
  2. I think it was the case with the cousin who was suing for her home downpayment---there was a brunette young woman sitting behind the Defendant who was preening and mugging for the camera. Distracting as hell. And I was surprised that the Plaintiff was awarded the 5K. If she was delinquent with 4 months worth of mortgage payments then she clearly needed to be evicted and I wouldn't have returned her whole downpayment either.
  3. I was all prepared for the nail-biting in OT because I swear, Eagles-Giants games over the years are responsible for 90% of my grey hair. I think I'm still in shock. And although it played in Philly's favor, I HATE when a TD is not a TD. Ridiculous.
  4. I've only seen it once but just came here to say that Natalie Portman's Dior ad is what Kristen Stewart's sad ad aspires to be.
  5. ITA. And I guess it's because she didn't make it to the critique (although one can make a strong argument that she should have!) that we didn't hear the judges point out that her garment was too Nigerian costumey. But I was giving Zac and Nina a side-eye for clowning Margarita's about it being "so Miami." Uhhh...and what's wrong with that? Why couldn't it be streetware for Miami? Or San Juan? I guess in their minds, streetware must equate to NYC streetware. Not cool.
  6. I just caught up again. Miss Mace in the Face: Why did JJ allow her to say, "I seen..." a ridiculous number of times without correcting her?!! One day, someone will have to explain to me how "seen" has replaced "saw" in conversation. 2nd case today. I'm distracted by how much the Plaintiff looks like America Fererra. And her "boyfriend?" Ummmm...right. Girl, my gaydar is pinging on overdrive. That might be your problem.
  7. I feel terrible but this made me laugh. Hard. What does that say about me?!
  8. Haha,Yes! "Oh Mighty Sound Effects Lady" pulling double duty. Even that third guy JUST missed getting his second 1.00. And I get waaaaay too invested in this show. I was clapping and cheering like I was getting a cut of the 25,000!
  9. My neighbors have twins and they just began kindergarten. I was shocked when they told me that both are in the same classroom because my son has been in the same elementary school & same grade with a set of identical twins that are never in the same class. I didn't think the school even allowed it but I guess it depends upon how insistent the parents are about not separating. I think if I had twins, I'd encourage individuality. It really was anti-climatic to see the twins collaboration brought up in judging but not addressed with them directly. I don't know why the other designers haven't called them out to their faces--this group is way too nice. I just remembered, I LOL'd when Zac described the way the fit on Magarita's pants was bothering him. He's no Michael Kors but he's damned close.
  10. So much to say. Samantha hit the nail on the head when she described Brandon's as being Star Wars nerd wear or something to that effect. I have never seen any of those Star Wars films but I think they have those earthy, cream colored baggy garments that also seem very Kanye. And I adore Brandon so I don't want to think of someone as sweet and humble as he and Kanye in the same thought. It looks like he dyes his garments in tea. I'm liking Michael more and more. When his first iteration of his garment was shown, I was like, "Ugh--that looks like some kind of kitschy Native American wear" and then he bemoans, "It looks like bad Pocahontas cosplay." But I didn't get any of that with the final runway garment so kudos to him for making it work. So sick of Ayana. That robe was a mess. Where did she even get that horrible satin?! If I were her model, I would've balked at wearing that shit. I didn't care for Batani's either. I'm all for pride in your heritage but that was too much. Claire's would've been tolerable for me until she did those stank shorts. She should've gone home. I actually really like Shawn's but considering she didn't really complete it herself, no way she should've been in the top. Her model was SO cute though. I adore Kenya and green is my favorite color but no. Just no. I guess I'm old and dated because I really like Magarita's. Definitely got the Aaliyah inspiration and I guess that's what they hated about it. And Margarita is no longer cool with me now that she pulled that shit on the runway. Own your shit, Girl! Where do I start with Kentaro? I could watch a whole hour of him. What did he say? "Beautiful, clean, modern homeless?" BWAH. Then, "It looks like mayonnaise." And Michael's like, "Mayonnaise???" I know Michael, I'm still trying to figure that one out too but I love it. I'm so happy that he won this week--it wasn't even a contest. But did he get immunity? If not, that's bullshit. He should've won something.
  11. That show today? Bananas. I'm not a conspiracy theorist in general but I swear they were manipulating the wheel today. 3 people with 1.00 and then 2 with a second dollar? But it made for exciting tv.
  12. Right? His old look was more "him." Cooler. Edgier. This looks like a bad newscaster's style.
  13. OK, what the hell is happening with Drew's hair?! The cut, the color---he cam out and I thought it was a joke. I need answers...
  14. Zola, check out Open Range. If you have Showtime, it's running quite a bit this month. Maybe it won't change your mind about Costner but I think it's a great movie with superb talent. (Robert Duvall and Annette Benning join him in the cast.) It's one of those movies that I stop to watch no matter how many times I've seen it. Tops of my hate list: Angelina Jolie.
  15. Sorry, Dez Bryant. Josh Norman's ad is waaay funnier than yours. Two more ads that I'm loving - - - both in heavy rotation during the ball games: "Ice cold Bud Light, here!" And the new Southwest WannaGetAway ad: The influx of good ads has really limited my channel surfing during timeouts.
  16. I just watched the ones on my DVR and LOVED Sarah Paulson and Elisabeth Moss's reaction to Dorinda coming out--in her reunion dress even! They were really fanning out--it was hilarious. And probably very surreal for Dorinda. Then they got giddy over John being backstage. Both almost seemed to be like, "F*ck an Emmy--drinks with Dorinda is the only prize anyone needs!" And they might be right. LOL
  17. There are no words. That heifer seriously thought that leaving a baby with her mom had "nothing to do" with her stepfather! I would love to know the nature of her disability. If it's not mental issues, it should be. Le sigh. Pregnant. Supposed to be in school but clearly no interest in that. Mom an enabler. But the young man learned a valuable lesson: "Date one girl at a time." Indeed. I watched a binge of these so I don't remember all the particulars but in two different cases, JJ declared, "She didn't pay you in wampum..." Cracked me up. The one litigant was that stunning black woman with the platinum hair that barely had to say 2 words. I love cases like that. And she gifted JJ a copy of her book. Cool. If I live to be 100, I will never stop being amazed at how nasty families can get when there's an estate involved. We'll never know what she was thinking but deceased sister had some nerve naming her brother the Trustee but bequeathing everything to that shady cousin. JJ had no time for that sneaky, greedy, VAIN! wench. Bitch, no one really cares how old you are. You have a black heart.
  18. I wondered the same thing. Who does she think she is? The Plus-Sized Naomi Campbell. ;-)
  19. Perfect description! And she said her favorite color is green? I couldn't tell--that was the saddest most drab hue of green I've ever seen. I think Good Disney said it looked like the colors had been left out in the sun--not a bad description, young lady! I actually rather enjoyed both young Disney stars. They had definite opinions and werent afraid to express them. And those shady editors---Samantha voicing over that she loves the fit of her garment as her model looks lumpy, uncomfortable and unkempt. Heh.
  20. Such a strange episode. I really love Brandon's originality but there's no way I would've had him in the top, much less winning. I would've swapped Brandon for Kentaro--I thought his was beautiful. OK, Samantha's was bad but how was Amy not in the bottom?! That shit was FUGLY as all get out. I'm over her and we don't even see much of her. And she can take "Modesty" girl with her. With her "curry"-colored disaster. (Thanks, Kenatro!) Aaron's was just strips of crepe paper. He deserved to leave for that dreck. Zac on Shawn's: "It needs a Bippity Boppity Boo." HA. Indeed.
  21. I do too! And why did Molly get Issa the man's garment?! "You got a Moroccan man body!" AHAHAHAHAHA. Those two have GOT to be friends in real life. Their chemistry is everything.
  22. Guilty! I'm the one who said that I think blonde Angelina is Sarah from ANTM. The link that Schnickelfritz found doesn't really show a good likeness but I swear that's her. She had a very distinctive trout-pout on ANTM and they loved her look but she wasn't photogenic at all. And that walk? No words. Bratinella, don't feel badly that you've never seen ANTM. It's a guilty pleasure. Tyra Banks was a special kind of crazy on the show.
  23. I kept hearing about this so my curiosity got the better of me and I just checked out the clip. Ok, it was awkward as hell but am I the only one who didn't think it was that bad?? The Interwebs. Man. She is one ruthless taskmaster.
  24. ^^^ You beat me! I had 29. Watched a whole slew of them last night because both MNF games bored me to no end. I think I'm down to 12 left before I'm current. You've all already hit the highlights of the ones I watched: The Moob Brothers, Bum-Drummer boyfriend with the RN (I'm still trying to figure out how he pulled her!) and beady-eyed platinum blonde mother who was taking her ex through the ringer. I REALLY hope JJ's crystal ball is accurate on that one and she eventually loses custody of their son. Hateful witch.
  25. Wow. I just turned to MNF and was completely taken aback hearing a woman call the game. I thought it was Linda Cohn but just looked it up and it's Beth Mowins. Either way, I'm impressed. She sounds quite at ease too. Nice!
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