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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. For the record, I wasn't cheering that a player was injured. I was commenting on how Nadal's "injuries" seem to always occur when he is not at the top of his game. It's called an opinion.
  2. Damn, Kevin. How you gonna set up Brandon like that? And just how is this confrontation supposed to go down?! Brutal cliffhanger..
  3. Well, damn. I saw the post-Rafa interview and had no idea what was so controversial about this guy until I heard "alt-right" mentioned. So I just Googled him and I hope Chung whoops that ass right back into obscurity on the challenger tour. Let the church say, "Amen!" I love how the hobbling injury correlated directly to the ass whooping Cilic was delivering.
  4. So have you seen the one for Turbo Tax with the fisherman impaled with a swordfish? W.T.F. Turbo Tax? It's not cute, it's not funny--it's horrifying and put me in mind of how Steve Irwin died. Yeah, that makes me want to use your tax service. Except, no. Assholes.
  5. George Washington is NOT HERE for your horn blowing. I could watch this one all day.
  6. Superbowl 39 didn't have Justin Timberlake as the halftime show. It was Paul McCartney. I know because I slept through that snooze fest and was pissed that they gave us that bullshit. But I agree. Fuuuuuuuuuck the Pats. And "Fly, Eagles FLY!"
  7. Fabio made me LOL when he stated, "Ari's? dress is not my cup of tea, cup of water or cup of anything else." Heehee. I agree, brother. That look was hideous. I rarely agree with the judges but I was with them tonight. Ken and Fabio were far and away the best team in this challenge. Both looks impeccable. I keep waiting to hate Ken this season and I don't. Maybe he really does have some self awareness now. My love of Anthony knows no bounds. He seems like such a genuinely sweet person who approaches everything with so much joy. And his observations: "Edwin's and Helen's look like a tampon and the blood right before they get together." Ok, gross, but he ain't never lie. What the hell was that?! Edwin's was a hot, wrinkled mess and Helen's reminded me of a chiffon nightgown my grandmom used to let me wear on overnight stays with her. I felt so grown-up and glamorous with the floating material (which smelled faintly of Jean Nate). Thanks, Helen! It's nice to reminisce about my Nini. Anthony's was beautiful but I didn't care for Kim's at all. It was well made but Isaac was correct in stating it looked way too large for the model. Melissa's was tragic. How did she ever think that pink brocade would be a good idea?? And did she purchase the same material as Shar? That pink, camo-esque fabric? What, was that on sale? Maybe she scrapped that if Shar was already further along with her look but she did NOT make that pink brocade work. Lastly, Merline. Sigh. When are they going to send her packing? Everyone is on to her except the judges who keep trying to make her happen. Every other designer realizes that her arts and crafts approach to designing is just a way of disguising that she can't really construct a well-sewn garment but they keep buying it! And I HATED her ingratiating agreement with every criticism the judges offered. I really thought she and Candice should've gone before Ari and Melissa.
  8. I can't believe Halep just erased those 3 break points to win that game. Come on, Lauren! Oh, no...a missing toenail?!! Ouch...
  9. Just saw this: CoCo Vandeweghe has earned the largest fine of the 2018 Australian Open so far -- a $10,000 penalty for unsporting conduct for screaming an obscenity at her first-round opponent, Timea Babos. Vandeweghe said after the match that she was irritated by what she described as excessive celebrating by her Hungarian opponent during their match. The 10th-seeded Vandeweghe was assessed a code violation for the obscenity and delay of game for insisting on eating a banana during a changeover, getting docked a point in the second set of her 7-6 (4), 6-2 loss. HA! Love it! I don't know what her paycheck was for her 1st round exit but I hope it wasn't enough to cover the fine. Classless jerk.
  10. LOVED Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda! Both ladies looked fantastic and I could've done with a full hour. More guests like these, please! He can keep those episodes with Below Deck and random HW's personnel. I delete those from my DVR without watching. The drag queens always crack me up. That Barberella one was all kinds of fierce! The queens from Taraji's show cracked me up too. The Katharine Johnson Queen nailed her portrayal.
  11. Hmmmm. Must be some truth to this because in his post match interview with Courier, Roger all but admitted that he requested a night match but he quickly added that "there are 60 other guys asking for things" so he didn't know how much sway his request held. I think he was trying to keep a straight face as he said that but if he preferred evening and Novak wanted afternoon, it was probably a scheduling no-brainer. Why, oh why can't I quit Monfils?
  12. You just know that a returning new mom Tyra had to make it all about her. We even got to hear about her 7 cycles of IVF, the last shot coming backstage at a fashion show! Maybe the next photoshoot will have the girls trying to inject themselves with hormones...
  13. It's going to take me forever to learn everyone's name but I am loving Jeana so far. Also Coura. I really want to like Ivana but she looked sloppy and anything but fierce when they were runway walking for Stacey. Glad Stacey spoke to her about losing that insecurity. She's a pretty girl. What did those judges see in the girl who won the runway challenge? I thought she clumped and looked kinda awkward, not effortless. Whatev. LOVED Drew calling out White Home Girl or whatever her name was. Her attempts at being down (and her photo shoot!) were painful to watch. Buh bye!
  14. I know but I was fully Team Sparks in that argument. DJ is more than a little overbearing and bossy--it's cool to make suggestions but directing Sparks to alter his vision was out of line. I guess I don't know shit about tats because I really liked that lion that they kept ripping.
  15. I second that! I love me some Liam Neeson and if Taraji isn't in a relationship, she'd be crazy not check out that possibility. I think he was definitely interested.
  16. He really did. But can Tracie please tell him to pick up a razor along with the T-bones and wine? Love Detective Cruz. That other detective? Typical. I think being an asshole must be a prerequisite for being on a narcotics task force regardless of the city.
  17. Really, Australia Open? The same tiresome, "Let me hear the seabirds calling..." ad from last year? I'm going to be completely stabby by the time this tourney is over.
  18. Decided to check this out after seeing Lena Waithe on Wendy Williams earlier this week. I'm very impressed. Great acting and a riveting storyline if not heartbreaking. On a shallow note--I just kept marveling at the gorgeousness that was Coogie's hair! Someone get that young man an endorsement deal for some hair products immediately. Very reminiscent of Troy Polamalu.
  19. Yup. NFL = Nepotism For Life
  20. Ken's. And I just knew that would land him in the bottom. Silly me. At one point, one of the judges mentioned that a sleeve or shoulder on Merline's garment looked "unfinished" and my eyes nearly rolled right from my head. Wasn't that the point of the whole challenge? So bummed that Kelly from the Deli is gone. I thought Stanley was toast. But YAY for Anthony! Loved everything about his girl and I could watch him trying to light that blowtorch all day.
  21. So when she announced that she was from Jenkintown PA, I perked up because I can throw a stone from my front porch and it'll land in Jenkintown. So I'm thinking I get to pull for a local girl. Then she spoke. What the hell was that?! Running down her resume like she was the next Naomi and so above the competition. Law or Tyra should've come right out and asked her, "Well, if you're all that, why are you here?" Maybe she has a weak heart but she has a flip lip and now I can't stand her. Yes! And I'm here for it. I love Erin's story but her modeling really was lacking. I hope she picks it up. But the truly sadistic thing I've missed are the insane challenges. Did y'all see next week's previews??!! I'm giddy---navigating a concrete skatepark in high heels whilst dodging flying skateboarders. You just know a collision or two is inevitable.
  22. I guess everyone has their own little quirks because I'm with Wendy on this one. Don't get me wrong---I'm not someone who attempts to turn every innocuous thing into a racial maelstrom but I'm always sensitive about the monkey thing as it relates to Black kids. Years ago, one of my sons was in a summer camp where every age group was named after a different animal--Cubs, Sharks, Dolphins, Tigers and <record scratch> Monkeys. Me: "Monkeys??!! Oh HELL no!" My kid wasn't even in that group but I tell you I made a quick call to the camp and had the group renamed before you could blink. Now, I want to believe that there was no malicious intent in calling a whole group rife with Black children "monkeys." I want to believe that the camp director gave no thought to how that could be misconstrued. But I for damn sure wasn't letting that go down for a whole summer. The stylist on the glam segment today had the WORST hair! Very Pam Oliver-esque. She was in dire need of a curling or flat iron. I really enjoyed Lena Waithe's interview. Definitely intend to check out her Showtime series.
  23. I came here to say exactly the same thing. I thought maybe I misheard--a real Sharpie?? Sharpie's are supposed to be permanent markers. How many make-up wipes does it take to remove that mess at the end of the night? As far as the H&M scandal--I just keep telling myself that someone HAD to have photoshopped that kid into that offensive hoodie. May that person find themselves next to Kendu on the unemployment line along with anyone who signed off on publishing that ad. Edited to add: Well, just saw an article where the mom of the child modeling that hoodie is telling everyone to "get over it." Turns out, the photo was NOT altered--he did wear that hoodie and she was ok with it: In another message, Mango said she had been to all of her son’s modeling shoots and was with him when he modeled the hoodie in question. “Everyone is entitled to their opinion about this,” Mango wrote. “ … I really don’t understand but not coz am choosing not to but because it’s not my way of thinking, sorry.” I guess she told us.
  24. I would be quite content to have Anthony narrate the entire season. Can't get enough of him. Yay, Kelly! Love her. Loved her jumpsuit..hope she goes far. Merline? Ugh. Questionable choice for All-Stars except to be cast as the Annoying Designer. At least she stopped that "Hashtag..." bullshit. So I see Aminat from ANTM is a model again but I think she's too skinny now. I thought she was one of the most gorgeous models ever on ANTM but I swear she's lost weight. Eat a burger, Aminat! Bye, Casanova. You're gone too soon. Ken's dreck was much more deserving of the auf'ing.
  25. My kid is 10 and has shown me videos of this idiot. When I saw how he was jet-setting to Abu Dhabi and rocking Rolex watches all on the strength of YouTube, I just shook my head and chalked it up to another glaring sign that we are fast approaching the End of Days. Shame on Top Chef for lowering themselves to this foolishness. Bye, Rogelio. Your teammates should've pulled your coattail on that one but they probably strategically used him as an Elimination buffer. That salad was a terrible idea from the door and they knew it.
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