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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. That Anthony squeal will NEVER get old to me. Josh spent so much time on that pintucking and the final result just looked sloppy on top of the sleek bottom of that gown. And his muslin sample reminded me of the technique Maragrita used on her winning shirt-dress. Not a great choice for a gown and definitely not a signature look for him. Ken dodged a bullet this week. That gown was rather tragic.
  2. ^^^ That's another one I didn't see either! My gaydar needs recalibration.
  3. Johnny Knoxville? I'm thinking a younger Tony Danza mixed with some Joe Rogan. The bird camerawork was impressive. I like the show "borrowing" challenge elements from Ninja Warrior. I wanted to throw something at the screen when Probst was like, "Chelsea really struggling with that rope!" No, she wasn't. Shut up, Probst. Poor Morgan. Sweet, little Libby was lying to your face.
  4. In a million years, I would've never guessed that Victor Garber is gay. Didn't see that one coming. Bernadette Peters is timeless.
  5. It's absolutely shocking and ridiculous that he was NEVER nominated! Get out! He wasn't nominated for Mr. X in JFK?! WTF?!
  6. This yellow dress? No bueno. Looks like she has on stripper shoes to complete the dreckitude.
  7. Love Mary's performance gown and her hair is everything. Go Mary. You're a looong way from Real Love, girl!
  8. Yes, all day! She was fabulous. Zero-fucks-to-give Ken was cracking me up. I love that Anthony got all in his ass about finishing the look. These designers really seem to care about one another. But Ken, kicking it in the break room, savoring his chicken was everything to me. And I don't care if they cover the logo--I know that was Popeye's. I would've been lingering over my chicken too, Ken. Extra mashed potatoes and gravy, please!
  9. And was that Sonja next to her attempting to be a backup "singer?" I liked both Dennis Quaid and Patton Oswalt. Ellen Barkin was Quaid's best on-screen kiss. I'm not surprised. The Big Easy!
  10. Nothing made me happier than the Gonzalez vote off. Bitch thought that TC whispering nonsense was cute. Heh. My best friend's sister named her son Donathan 25 years ago. This Donathan is only the 2nd time I've heard that name. Cool. And I'm really liking this Don. I'm a sucker for the "people finding strength they didn't know they had" storylines so I hope he goes far. Did the two black players really make ALL of the baskets? Too funny. It's what we do. Oh, Jacob. A pretty woman bats her eyes and you tell all. You big dummy. I hope his big mouth doesn't come back to bite Morgan. I'm liking her so far. Her self-awareness about having a big mouth was cute. But I don't like the idea of production rummaging thru my bag, even if it is to plant an advantage.
  11. No, you're not alone and how funny is it that we're so invested in these little kids ' romantic lives? I got especially tickled about Kevin sneaking the cologne because I just went thru that a few months ago with my own son. Homey was sneaking and dousing himself in his dad's Gucci cologne. Gucci, Y'all! LOL at Papa saying "Someone smelling like my grandad." I don't like Tracy either. Or Jericka. And I'm already mad at this chick showing up at Emmitt 's talking about she wants EJ back. Girl, bye.
  12. Thanks, Kaiju Ballet. He's changed but he's here; that's what matters. It was touch and go there for awhile. And you're right - - - TBI is something that you don't hear about unless you have first-hand experience with it. And if Rio is calling Kyla stupid and it's because she has residual effects of a brain injury, that's extremely effed up. But I agree with you that this show always seems to have models with issues - - medical, social, financial - - take your pick. Tyra can't have well-adjusted, happy women. No opportunity for model tears.
  13. Yup. She didn't elaborate on her injury but I think it goes beyond a concussion when there's significant brain swelling. My brother was in a car wreck in 2005, sustained a TBI and it impacts him to this day - - - short term memory loss, loss of sensation in his limbs, aphasia---all kinds of life-changing shit. Now Kyla may be exaggerating because a TBI sounds more dramatic than concussion, but she may have legit issues from a TBI--we just can't know for certain. I wonder why they only chose 3 male models from the casting call? I know some didn't fit the definition of "brawny" but they should've used more than 3. And why didn't they let Shanice shoot with Eric? I wanted to see where the flirting went. I must admit, Shanice has surprised me. I didn't think she would last 2 weeks and she's hanging right in there. She's this season's Furonda.
  14. THIS. And Drew too! When he told that story about being called a fag--and he did that little pause and added that it was while he was walking with his father---SOB! My heart really broke for him in that moment. I'm not used to ANTM being so real. I need more swinging pendulum runways to pick up my spirits. So glad Christina is gone. I know she gave off a vibe like she was SO much better than everyone else and Rio chalked up her bougie attitude to where she was raised but y'all---Jenkintown is NOT bougie! It's 5 minutes outside of Philly and very diverse and working class. Bitch was just a nasty piece of arrogance disguised as confidence. I loved that Tyra called her out and she should've let Law loose on her too.
  15. I thought it was hysterical! As did I. Especially since I was an asshole to my mom when I was 14. I can relate. Too funny that she thought she had a shot with George Michael. Or Michael Jackson. But very sweet story about relating with Paris Jackson.
  16. I'm guessing Henny. Damn you, jumper sage. But you made me laugh. Well played.
  17. Yeah, Hot Topics was very strange today and I could've gone the rest of my life without hearing her give a critique of Blac Chyna's blowjob. I'm no prude but that was too much for me at 10am.
  18. Come sit by me! We can hang our heads in shame together. We had square dancing in H.S. which I always thought was so random and strange, especially in an all-girls school but for me, anything was better than the gymnastics unit. Give me an "Allemande Left!" over a vaulting horse any day.
  19. I thought Brandon and Jerricka were married. But married or not, she brings some random to the block party?! Not cool, no matter how angry she was about the gun.
  20. And don't forget: Ronnie: "You got something for the pain?" Jada: "You can use Tylenol" as she pops the pain pill. Well, damn! I am loving Kevin's buddy, "the Renaissance Man." Boyfriend had the chips to get them in AND he got the party started.
  21. Yes to all of this! I think the judges put Liz through because they were so weirdly entertained by her in the tryouts but she is not quirky funny or cute. She IS off and it's uncomfortable to watch. Brendi went moping into panel and surprise, surprise! They loved her film. But did she really wear that cardigan over her shoulders?! No. Just no.
  22. Poor Ivana. Pretty girl but the insecurity was too much to overcome. When she said Nomi from Showgirls was her inspiration, I just braced myself for the trainwreck. And she didn't disappoint. I think I watched her shoot through my fingers, it was that bad. I love Law even more now. Shedding his weave, genuinely supporting Jeana through her wig removal and giving the model with psoraisis some serious tough love--he was impressive this ep. When girlfriend started with her, "I don't want pity..." and hit hit her with the, "Then stop acting pitiful!" I nearly stood up and cheered. And I feel like Tyra could've sent her packing with Ivana. She is no model and psoraisis has nothing to do with that.
  23. He is. And I hope him cutting Sparks for personal reasons comes back to bite him. HARD. I thought Anthony might cut the dude who wouldn't listen but he made the correct cut. She was out of her league. Speaking of which... How does older, ZZ Top lookin' dude keep skating by? He is NOT good. 24 years of tatooing looks more like 24 months to me.
  24. Hee! So, my mom HATES Djokovich and she was livid when he called for the trainer during his match with Chung. "Oh, I can't stand him! Did you see him strip down to his shorts courtside while he's faking his injury?!". Her outrage was palpable! So just picture my glee as I watch Nadal do THE EXACT SAME THING a mere 24 hours later! I wanted to call her at 4 am just to make sure she was watching. (Yeah, I can be petty like that.). But I waited until I spoke to her later that morn and I casually mention, " Soooo, did you see the Nadal match? Please tell me the difference between what Joker did and his "injury?" I mean, we even had the stripping down to the shorts! She had nothing. I dropped the mic.
  25. For the record, I wasn't cheering that a player was injured. I was commenting on how Nadal's "injuries" seem to always occur when he is not at the top of his game. It's called an opinion.
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