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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. Yeah, Bratinella, you might want to avoid this one. This poor child reported the abuse to someone at school and the Plaintiff (I refuse to call her "mother") JUST. DIDN'T. GET. IT. She tried to tell JJ that the allegations were false and JJ had to practically scream at her, "Then something is wrong in your house---a child just doesn't make that up!" It fell on deaf ears. The fact that she would agree to appear in front of a national audience is even more mind-boggling.
  2. Preach!! And when Dad had to CHASE her for his daughter? And she lied about the fact that she wasn't supposed to even have contact with her kids until the investigation was over? And then got busted with the voicemail and paperwork??? I'm getting furious just thinking about it all over again. I guess I truly can't wrap my mind around why someone like this even wants the children around? You clearly love the pedophile dick more than you do your own daughters.
  3. My Fellow JJ Faithful- I cannot recall another episode that had my blood boiling like the piece of shit today. Brittany White. I still can't comprehend how this bitch can call herself a mother. She can't be as dense, negligent and evil as she came across but each time she opened her mouth, she just reinforced how vacant she is. That poor father. I can't believe that JJ didn't advise him to go for full custody of his daughter, post haste. She actually tried to stand there and argue with JJ that one abuse allegation had nothing to do with her other child! And she was serious. I'm so disturbed by this--I want to give poor Calvin Jones a hug. Can you imagine? Arrested because this lying, negligent, vindictive bitch accused you of assault after she vandalized your property? The justice system can be SO fucked up for men.
  4. She really is irresistible, isn't she? Very much like her mom but she has her own special kinda charm.
  5. LOLOLOL. Too funny. Even his girlfriend said he was working with a print that she would never touch. And when we first saw it, my eyes widened and I was thinking, "He can't be serious!" But he was. And Tim said he loved it. Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmm." I will give him this---the treatment he did to lighten the colors did make for interesting contrast. I love that Kentaro is sticking to his guns and didn't fall into a trap of sending the same item down the runway. He does much better when he sticks to his convictions and not random advice. I just love, love, love Kenya's spirit. Her family was lovely and I think we got to see that her nervousness and tears on the runway were never contrived--that's who she really is. I really hope her business takes off, Project Runway win or not.
  6. I just watched and found myself really stressing over who would be sent home. I seriously hoped they would allow all 5 to show. I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely loved Margarita's. It was everything she tried to convey--her love of PR, the glitter, the over-the-top-ness of it all. The last-minute shorts were ill-fitting and I was a little worried for her but happy that I get to see her whole collection. And again, I'm highly annoyed that Heidi keeps insisting that everything has to be "New York." Ummmm, everyone doesn't think NYC is the center of the universe, even if you do, Heidi. Kentaro's styling was questionable. I hope he changes that for Fashion Week. I loved Ayana's even though I can't get onboard with the idea that half her models will wear hijab. But I loved both looks that she showed this week---even with the jacket that was a throwback to Members Only.
  7. Mom suing Daughter for re-payment of a loan: I was really worried for mom because JJ was so quick to want to dismiss the case because it was "stale." But I absolutely believed that Mom kept giving her daughter every opportunity to re-pay what she owed. Any time someone keeps sprinkling in "Your Honors" while they're spinning their tale? I automatically think they're lying or at least trying to embellish. Daughter kept doing that. The second case with the crashed car: I just kept thinking how much the Plaintiff looked like Michelle Pfeiffer.
  8. Yeah, I've heard the taxes can be a nasty surprise for some winners and if it was a 100K car or something extravagant like a Golden Road winner, I'd give him a pass. But he can't scrape together the tax money for that 13,000 car? He could sell the car for a much bigger profit than 1500. I know, I know. I get way too invested in this show!
  9. How about I DVR'd the show and fast-forwarded and I still dozed off during Tribal. I opened my eyes just as Jess's torch was snuffed so I had to rewind to see the bulk of TC. That ain't good. UGH. Tony Joe and his, "you ain't 'bout that life" and "deuces." I guess he's representin' the hood? NOT. And AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that he played that idol. Jackass. I love me some Outback but I don't know if I could've immediately done beer and margaritas on an empty stomach. But one of their Blackberry Sangrias? Yes, please!
  10. Wowwwww...Dixie just scored a real coup! The ultimate endorsement. On his way to jury duty, no less!!
  11. But at least it's not Mr. Pink. No one wants to be Mr. Pink. ;-)
  12. Yesterday's episode: The idiot that took 1500 dollars instead of rolling for 1 car made me incredibly stabby. He got 4 cars on his first roll and then had 2 rolls to get another car! And he settled for the 1500 instead of trying for the car??? Yeah, buddy---enjoy your 900.00 after taxes. Edited to add the video of this idiot: http://m.worldstarhiphop.com/android/video.php?v=wshhw008r0adEq1V159L
  13. And it does. As the lady next to him agrees. This ad is perfect--calling all kids "Chief, " wearing the free hat. Bitching about the utilities---which is near and dear to my heart because I constantly walk around turning off blazing lights in uninhabited rooms and complaining every step of the way. And don't get me started on the water running while teeth are being brushed. The one with the guy turning into his mom is cute but not as funny as the support group.
  14. Yes! I think she must've been wearing a Go-Pro? But I loved how JJ pointed out all the flaws in her account. "His loud, barking dog charged at us..." Meanwhile, not even a hint of a bark on the tape. Then she's ringing his doorbell at 8am in the morning to ask for damages?? Bish was cray-cray. I'm also disappointed that JJ didn't make an award on the counterclaim.
  15. Co-signing all of this. And I'm all for women being confident in their own skins but no. Just no. 1000 x "No!"
  16. And she was 16?! Was that in leap years?? That heifer looked 35 if she looked a day.
  17. Like so many of you have mentioned, I thought "cavewoman" as soon as Liris donned that dreck. All she needed was a club and a bone in her hair. My Kentaro love knows no bounds. Kudos for him for sticking to his guns and making a design that was true to his vision. I don't think you can ever go wrong with a neutral pallete especially if you keep it lux. Meisha's look was EVERYTHING. I loved Brandon's too...cropped top and all. Ayana. Girl. You need to thank Tim for stopping that white paint disaster but I wasn't fond of the black with pink at all. It reminded me of a Lady Marmalade costume (modest version, of course!). And that ill-fitting romper looked like a toddler's onesie with a full diaper. I really liked Kenya's coat and I love her to pieces but I don't get "designer" from her. She's a phenomenal seamstress who knows what makes women look good. And I didn't feel that her tears were calculated. I'm happy that she gets an opportunity to present a collection. She cracked me up teasing Brandon about having cupcakes and coffee with his model then collecting his win. And then wanting him to break a finger but not really. Love her.
  18. I thought the same thing! When she said something like, "I didn't think he would do that to me" I just shook my head. Another young woman who has to learn the hard way that you can't be a fool for love. You just know she was crushing on this scam artist who set her up--and he knew it too. I absolutely LOVE The "Mouldy" Blueberries. We must make this happen.
  19. Oh, I didn't think mom was involved at all. I think she was mortified that her daughter was that gullible OR even worse, her daughter was complicit. And this is what I think happened with the money. Mom is on a joint account with Daughter so she can see her daughter's spending activities. (Or she opened the account for her daughter when she was a minor and she's still jointly on it.). That account only had 62.00 or so in it but Daughter deposited those fake checks and immediately withdrew the cash. I think Mom had her "secret account" at the same banking institution and when the fraudulent checks were discovered, they dipped into Mom's other account to recoup the funds. Now, I'm intrigued about that "confidant" too. She said a few words in the hallway interview about the young lady being embarrassed. She deserves every bit of that embarrassment.
  20. I like this read on them. Color me impressed that someone can even break them up into these camps! I still don't know everyone's name and don't have a clear favorite. Dr. Mike may be in the lead now, though. I love when people who are "out of their element" find new confidence and skill sets on this show. He was so proud of his spear-caught fish and rightfully so. His catch was right up there with my favorite fishing scene---Cirie catching that big fish after "Captain America was swimming out there for weeks." Heh.
  21. JJ and the "moldy blueberry" analogy just made my day. I think I want to start a band and we will call ourselves, "The Moldy Blueberries."
  22. Oh, she was a piece of work. So vile. Why did she keep harping on, "he liked to sit with the Black waitresses?" And? What did that have to do with you scamming him out of a pricey laptop? LOVED that JJ called her on her bullshit.
  23. I had to come back to Renee Zellweger. I recently saw an interview with Djimon Hounsou where he was discussing his new film, "Same Kind of Different As Me." They showed a clip that contained Renee Zellweger and I had NO IDEA it was her until Djimon called her by name. I think she may have out-Greyed Jennifer Grey. It's unsettling.
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