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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. Just saw the best ad I've seen in a long time. Apparently, it's not new but I had never seen it and a quick search thru the Forums didn't show me any threads where it was discussed before. It caught my attention because of the music from Up. Well done, Save The Food!
  2. I never thought I'd feel this way, but Imma need Serena to go have several seats and stop talking like she's the first woman in the history of the world to give birth. It grates.
  3. I am. B Dawk! I was so into the speech, I didn't hear any yammering but then, I'm watching on the NFL Network.
  4. I don't care for Gaga at all but I like Bradley Cooper enough that he balances out my Gaga dislike. I can't speak for the earlier versions but the Streisand/Kristofferson film is one of my all time favorites. Kick-ass soundtrack, genuine chemistry between the stars, Barbra at her very vocal best. Check it out if you've never seen it. I think it turns up on cable every few months or so.
  5. I hear you. And I feel we're all friends here and would never insult another's intelligence over something so silly as an 80's Toto hit. I really do think this particular trivia nugget is a generational thing. If you were a toddler, it's easy to see how you missed the chatter about Rosanna. But it really did seem to be common knowledge that transcended race. I'm black too and Mondrianyone is not exaggerating to state: It's just surprising that Andy, who's such a pop culture junkie, wouldn't have known it. Or who knows? Maybe he didn't become a pop culture connoisseur until later in life. It makes me laugh now but I had NO IDEA that The Village People were gay until I was an adult. I almost want to call myself an idiot for that one! LOLOL. It's all love, Chenoa333! I borrowed that phrase from Wendy Williams who describes herself as, "a woman of a certain age." Just a way of acknowledging that we've got a few years of experience under our belts.
  6. Right?! In that crazy looking film--but it looked like a damn good kiss! And being cool with Michael Jackson and Madonna? Laverne Cox was in all kinds of awe. I actually didn't see the intro and when I first glanced at the screen, I thought she was Sissy Spacek. Not sure if you are "of a certain age" HunterHunted (or you either, SugarBaker Design!) but I also thought everyone knew that Rosanna was about Rosanna Arquette. I seem to remember it being a big deal when the song was a hit. Or maybe I just watched too much Casey Kaem Top 40 growing up. LOL.
  7. All of this. I love Tinsley. I have likened her to Porsha from RHoA. She's sweet, friendly and seems incapable of any real meanness or holding a grudge. You do need those nice additions to all the madness. I hope we get to see her marry Scott and have real babies over which to fawn--not just pics of her fertilized eggs. I've been a Beth fan from Day 1 but I've really disliked her these last 2 eps. Her Talking Heads are the only things that have kept me on her Team albeit waaay less enthusiastically.
  8. Second this. I tuned in expecting to be amused but it's too sobering to be funny. The hatred in that AZ public meeting was palpable. I just saw an article on Slate about the gallery owner and her experience. She doesn't take herself too seriously and she seems like a good sport. Good for her.
  9. I thought the house was lovely. Lu's dirty, bare feet didn't even bother me and frankly, she didn't seem to be too bothered by them either. Cool. Lu's a down-ass broad. Fucking Ramona. Hasn't been in the house an hour and starts with the kitchen staff. And if I was on that trip, we would've had words. Don't breeze into the kitchen announcing that YOU don't like butter. Some of us love (no ADORE) butter and don't start messing with the local cuisine becasue of your hang ups. Do I sound a lil' testy? Maybe it's because I stayed at a resort in Mexico back in March and they had NO BUTTER the entire time I was there. They had some mess of a butter substiutue available. NO bueno. I didn't eat a piece of toast or a pancake my entire stay and ya girl was hot about it. Anywhoo... The food was gorgeous. Everything so vibrant and fresh looking. Miguel is a G. That is all. I love Tinsley and Scott. I'm glad they're back together. I hope they make it to the alter. Kentucky Derby/Funeral arrangement or not, I thought that was such a sweet gesture. And he sent a gift with Carol! Scott's a keeper.
  10. Seriously. That little "Ode to Serena" that she did before Serena 's semifinal match was puke worthy. And I think Everett is fake AF because I never got the sense that she cared for either of the Williams sisters. Good win for Angie. She seems like such a sweetheart.
  11. What?! How did I miss this?!! Off to check the DVR...
  12. I just caught up on my DvR'd episodes and join you guys in loving Patricia Clarkson and Elizabeth Perkins. It never ceases to amaze me how legit actresses love the HWs...especially Dorinda! Elizabeth acting with hologram Dorinda was everything. And now I want to know more about skeevy James Woods. And skeevy Kevin Spacey. And how Robert Downey Jr. can't kiss. Say it ain't so, Tony Stark!
  13. ^^^ And loves every bit of it. I will happily volunteer my kid for such a worthy cause.
  14. I would so order an Old School as long as I could have spicy brown mustard instead of yellow. And if Lu doesn't get a mustard and/or bologna endorsement out of this then I don't know America. And Lu had better be on her best behavior round these parts. I hear the jails in Philly give cheese sandwiches with no condiments. Palm Beach is fancy with the bologna.
  15. THIS!!! My son is 10 and I learned over to him and said, "What in the world did we just watch??". He was equally horrified. So I went from amusement to horror to, " Awwwww!" In the space of just a few minutes.
  16. Didn't see the first one so I had nothing to compare this to but it wasn't bad. I seriously could've written that whole Dad math dialogue myself. I have said those exact words struggling with my kid's 4th grade multiplication and "demicels." But can we talk about Bao? Y'ALL. That was quite the emotional rollercoaster.
  17. I had no idea that Mike Colter was on a show currently. I still miss his Lemond Bishop from The Good Wife. That man is some kind of FINE.
  18. Because it can never be said enough: "Fuck Chip Kelly." Fired Eagles secretary gets Super Bowl Ring. https://www.sbnation.com/2018/6/15/17469510/philadelphia-eagles-secretary-carol-wilson-flea-flicker-super-bowl-ring
  19. SuburbanHangSuite

    The NBA

    I see you an Ariza and raise you a Robert Covington. Exactly. Why is it taking this long? My 10yr old son calls him The NutKicker and this never fails to crack me up.
  20. Serena and these, "COME ON!!!s". Ugh. She's actually got me pulling for Barty.
  21. I'm watching too. That really was a good match. Right up until Donaldson dropped a couple of underhand serves in there. I know he was hurting but I just didn't care for that. I don't think I've seen that since Hingis did it to Graf when she was losing and bratting out. I remember her getting booed mercilessly. Hee! Good times. Didn't know about Sharapova and Serena beefing over Grigor! He is a cutie with a gorgeous backhand. I'll sit with you at the messy table. Coco just lost. Got bageled in the final set. Today is a good day.
  22. So I've known for some time that her vegan thing must've gone the way of the dinosaur but her chowing on those ribs and blaming it on doctor's orders? Hilarious! Just own it, Wendy. You want a rib. I aint mad at you. But all I could think of when the chef was making his red, white and blue potato salad? Black Jeopardy. If you have not seen it, check it out. Pancetta + Mozarella= Raisins
  23. I was a fan of Laurel's all season but she completely lost me during that interaction with Dom. She pretty much whined and almost begged not to go against Wendell. It was embarrassing to watch. And when she admitted that she hadn't practiced fire-making? Done. I was done! I thought Dom was pretty generous to her considering what a quitter she turned out to be.
  24. I was a big James fan when he played but I don't ever need to hear him interview again. Ever. Is Sia still a thing? But nice of her to reward Donathan for his selfless concern for family. Funny how everyone always looks better on the island. Except Michael. That kid is equally cute wherever. I think Kevin Hart was drunk. Again. And his new show looks just like Wipeout (Big Balls!) which I used to love but I don't intend to watch this.
  25. Pet peeve about her "co-hosts:" Nothing makes me stabbier than when someone is selected to play one of her games and the answer is obvious to EVERYONE (including Stevie Wonder) and the contestant proceeds to hem and haw and act like they need a hint so they can milk their 30 seconds of screen time. Bish did it this morning with a screen shot from Beetlejuice. Someone did it a few episodes ago with Dirty Dancing. Come on, Man! Even if you never saw either film, you know immediately what movie it is. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....ok, rant over.
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