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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. Damn. Nicole Ari Parker has never looked better. Gorgeous. ETA: OK, she and Boris together? That is TOO much pretty. They're hurting my eyes. It's like looking directly at the sun.
  2. Heh. One of my fav seasons. I still cackle thinking about Bobby (President Beefcake!) & Bruce getting sloshed in the outhouse while the rest of the tribe slept. Good times. OK. I didn't see any exit interviews so that's interesting intel. I wonder if just Carl was targeting Gabby or Nick and Davie also? I'm not one for wishing my life away but next Wednesday can't get here soon enough.
  3. So I can see where you're coming from except I really believe that Nick, Davie & Carl fully intended to stay loyal to the David alliance and it just so happened that the 3 of them were gathered to strategize and they wrongly assumed that Christan would be on board with whatever the alliance decided. And they recognized that Christian seems to be the Gabby Whisperer who can keep her calm (relatively). I don't think it was intended as disrespect or arrogance. They just misjudged the loyalty to tribal lines. The decision to deceive Gabby was based on feeling that she was becoming too chummy with Alison. And they were correct. Really, why would Christian believe he was in a good place with the Goliaths? He was their main target for two votes until the awesome David Advantage play. He's been playing a helluva game so I'm on pins and needles waiting to see how this move plays out for him.
  4. Is there room for me on the Alison hate bench? You hit the nail on the head---she is just "Non." Even her whole big spiel last week--"I realized the best move is to stand perfectly still..." Bish, bye. I think Carl was correct in his assessment that Gabby was becoming way too close to Alison---leaving her out of the "real" plan might've been hurtful to Gabby but it was smart. That is, until Christian went all soft on us. I'm still pulling for Christian, Nick and Davie but if Christian departs this game before the remaining Goliaths, I will have to laugh. Smartest guy on the island undone by a neurotic crybaby.
  5. Bless your heart, clearly you haven't watched this series since inception. In Australia, the survivors didn't ration their rice well and were walking skeletons by Day 20 Something. One poor girl's hair was falling out in clumps. Probst was so pissed that they didn't ration well that he stepped in and gave them more rice but he took nearly all of their tools and comfort in return. So Angelina really wasn't being heroic when she made her rice pitch. She was being a show-off with her lame attempt at "negotiation." But you know Yale ain't claiming that.
  6. The one I recall clearly was Savage. My husband is only a casual viewer and walked thru the room as Savage was swinging in the hammock, holding court, thinking he was firmly in the driver's seat. Hubby says, " He's going home tonight. He's too comfortable". Lo and behold, Savage gets blindsided that night. If I were ever to play Survivor, my superstitious ass would give hammocks a wide berth.
  7. YES! With all of the things swirling in my brain, this concisely states exactly what I was thinking when that Carl vote went down. Why leave any Goliaths in the game when you potentially have bitter Goliaths sitting in that jury box?! Ugh, I hope this doesn't come back to bite them. I never got over the Men vs. Women season when all the women needed to do was get out those final two men and they instead turned on Eliza just because she was annoying. Fatal error. An annoying Carl was NOT going to win the million but if one of those Goliaths survives until the end, I bet they will. Elizabeth has quite the eye candy with her at Ponderosa. Her own personal Magic Mike cast.
  8. ^^^. I edited my response to add the clip. Check it out. I'll wait. LOL
  9. Ugh...it was weird. She started talking about playing Luther Vandross and laying on the bed with your back up and your thighs tight or some such shit but she was kind of acting it out too. Then Wendy asked if she had a man and she's like, "Who says it has to be a man?" It really can't be described--let me see if I can find a clip. But she was acting like someone's turnt-up auntie at at BBQ rather than a political pundit who lectures at Georgetown & Harvard. ETA: Here it is! Ready yourself for the cringe.
  10. I feel like I need a nap after that Donna Brazile "interview." She was exhasuting. Funny how Wendy was trying to rein her in and she was not having it. And I could've really done without her weird sexual banter but major props to whoever was responsible for her makeover.
  11. The first film was better but Vanellope bonding with all of the princesses was perfection. That and Ralph as Bob Ross. Vanellope's big singing number about Slaughter Race had a few genuine LOL moments. All in all, not a bad way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.
  12. Exclamation points are warranted!!! Feel free to use them liberally!!! Davie: Pop that collar, Bruh! You are so much fun to watch. Carl: I think he was bopping out of Tribal Council. Normally, I would find his "Bing!" offputting but I'm overlooking the obnoxiousness due to my Goliath distaste (with the exception of Alec.) Also, I just knew that there was another advantage hidden near Carl when he was left out of the Reward Challenge. I'm yelling at the TV, "Look around you...look behind you!" but the cameras never panned to show a missed opportunity so I guess I was wrong there. Dan: Poor Dan. I almost want to feel sorry for him. Wait a sec---no, I don't. He was a pouty baby when he sat on the beach for 2 hours. He really was waaaay too emotional about the plotting and strategizing going on around him. Go join your fellow Brochacho and stew in Kara's betrayal. Damn you, Survivor---Making Wednesdays become my fav day of the week!!!!
  13. I don't have 40" long legs but you can best believe I will never, EVER pruchase a pair of stirrup pants. Talk about a long-past trend that needs to stay dead and buried. Hello! Exactly what I thought when she was explaining why she didn't stay in the city during that storm. "I had a list of repairs, had to meet the handyman on Friday, blah, blah, blah." First, I was thinking, why doesn't Kev fix her repairs? I know all men aren't super handy but most will try to fix something for the sake of their egos. But even if he isn't the Fix-it-Felix type of husband, he can't let the handyman in? Hmmmmmmm. I think she caught herself in her lie with that too because she started rambling about how Kev offered to meet her car and bring her boots and she would just walk the last mile or so home. "Sure, Jan." (In my best Marcia Brady voice)
  14. I am loving the ad where this little boy has a pet pig that goes everywhere with him until it gets too big. Then after the pig is banished to the barn, he can check on him with a remote camera. Not even sure what the ad is selling--Amazon? Is it Alexa? Whatev, the boy and his pig just warm my cold, cynical heart.
  15. Get thee to your tv immediately! You won't be disappointed but I hope the forum chatter hasn't lessened the glee you would feel if you were completely unspoiled.
  16. My dog just returned to the room after being rudely jolted from his dead sleep at my shriek and clapping on the final vote reveal. Brochacho Blindside indeed, John. Way to be a good sport about it. I love Davie but now I'm worried for him. Everyone knows his harmless rock choreography was just window dressing and home boy is a player. Great, great episode. No! I love Nick too! Funny how my opinions have changed over the course of the season.
  17. I agree. I didn't mean to insinuate that he was targeting John for a vote. I just found it funny that he didn't see himself to be the same level of threat as John hence why I think he still feels very much like pre-SWAT John. To the untrained eye, Dan and John are pretty equal---big, strapping guys who look to be very much the prime physical threats in the game. They just need to leave my Christian out of their plotting.
  18. Haha...me too! I think my DVR picked it up so I need to rewatch. Well, when you put it like that...LOL
  19. Dan really is still the insecure, chubby kid under that buff exterior. It was highly amusing to watch him target his fellow Brochacho with the, "Why not John?! Why aren't they floating HIS name?" whining when he found out he was a target. I really expected him to go storming into camp to confront Elizabeth and anyone else who dared mention him for consideration. And did he really need to share his 2nd idol discovery with his Survivor girlfriend? I hope she doesn't end up playing him. I fear his heart would not recover.
  20. As could I. Counter-Goliath Insurgency! Actionable Intelligence!! Factorials!!! And my very favorite moment of the night: Christian: "That is...a piece of wood." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ugh. Couldn't stand Elizabeth but her blowing up Angelina's game was delicious and I was here for it.
  21. Right? I live here in Philly and had no idea that he was working that closely with the community. Laughing at he Philadelphia Flyers new mascot will never grow old. Y'all gonna leave Gritty alone!
  22. OK. I just caught up on about 6 eps. and this statement was never more true than Debra Winger. WTF??? Her being rude to Andy is one thing but then that one caller was kinda gushing about her and she was making dismissive faces and hand gestures the whole time? What is her damage? Go be reclusive some more, Debra. And I really wasn't feeling Whoopi and Tyler Perry either. But I have a built-in disdain for Tyler Perry that probably pre-colored my viewing. And shame on him for sitting there acting like "lamentable" was such a big word. Please retire Madea and go with her.
  23. Something else that made me laugh. Lyrsa says, "I'm writing Natalie's name down because I can't stand her. She may be a perfectly adorable woman outside this game..." Ummmmmm, Lyrsa? I'm pretty sure the word "Adorable" has NEVER been used to describe Natalie---not even when she was a toddler dressed in her Sunday best.
  24. Forget about Natalie making a preacher cuss. Bish would make The Pope swear like a sailor. Yes! I was thinking the same thing---the fact that Natalie just insisted on moving ahead with HER plan to boil them all instead of listening to opinions was just too much. I would've taken MY two eggs out of the water and gone about my business. Brochachos. Heh. Shut up, Gabby.
  25. That new Google Pixel ad with the bad photos is just the best. I probably like it so much because it's so relatable. Every time I attempt to take a pic, I end up with blur, closed eyes or some other weirdness. And that "Recommended" feature is all kinds of cool. Well done, Google!
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