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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. LOL. me too! And did you catch her post-match interview? Completely dismissed Jabeur's play. She made some comment about having played her a few years ago but, "I didn't remember that at all" like Jabeur was too inconsequential for her memory. Bish needs to learn some humility but quickly.
  2. Oh, don't get me wrong. I love him. But I feel like he just cruises or gets distracted in matches he should win easily. Not that Donald Young is a gimme. But I think Monfils is supremely talented and should have a few majors under his belt. Would love for this to be the year.
  3. You know that scroll at the bottom of the screen asking, "If you're completely open to being a canvas, email us at..."? That's where they get them. The things some people do to get on tv.
  4. My heart won't take too many more Fed Five Setters. Monfils continues to baffle. So much talent but such a flake. Am I the only one who finds CoCo Vandeweghe to be completely insufferable?
  5. I know! I too wondered about his back and how prepared he would be for this tourney. But I'm really wondering how Tiafoe isn't ranked higher. He is the full package. Great news for the future of US Men's Tennis.
  6. My goodness--does Roger have his hands full with this kid. It's a shame this is the first round. This is Quarter/Semis/Finals material.
  7. Yeah, except in the novel, Bev was a kind of tom-boy but she still had cascading, beautiful hair. It was such a focal point in the story with Ben writing her the poem. Ain't nobody writing a poem about that mop of hair this actress is sporting.
  8. Don't you mean, "Turkey Sub?" LOL Well played, Ms. Blue Jay. That movie is infinitely quotable. If I never hear the word "modest" again, it'll be too soon. . Ok. I didn't realize that he did the gold thing either. Then he definitely was living on borrowed time in the competition and I'm not as sorry to see him go.
  9. I'm shocked that I found myself agreeing with the judges order of Winning, Safe and Lowest. I thought I was going to love Wabi Sabi's collection but I liked Ballin's just a little more. Did Wabi Sabi Jedi Mind Trick Kentaro into believing the Japanese Samurai Garden concept was his? LOL LOVED Brandon's! His girl looked cool, confident and effortless. And what's up with him having a larger girl two weeks in a row? They need to button-bag that selection so we see that the model assignment is random---just a suggestion. I didn't care for Ayana's at all but whatev. Project Runway PC version continues. Sentell going home is so much BS. He handled it better than I would. Did Cue Ball Twin do anything??? We saw shot after shot of her running back and forth, whining, melting down but never sewing a damn thing. Her team made her garment and she's safe?! And her twin can miss me with that dramatic "crying" that we've seen when her sister appears after the final aufing.
  10. I am hollering over here. Why they gotta be dusty?!
  11. I swear, I could've written every bit of this! It's crazy how often intelligent, perceptive, funny, women can have their shit together everywhere except in the romance dept. And we can see everything that's wrong with someone else's situation - - just can't fix our own lives. I love the conversation that comes out of a show like this - - - those moments when you realize there's a whole Sisterhood of Self-Saboteurs. Zaldamo with the "Barack Barometer." Love. "I-got-a-pastor's-body-colleague" may be just what Molly needs. After all, Barack and Michelle got together at that law firm. But only after she's back in LA--she doesn't need those kinds of problems at the job. And take that man some Roscoe 's! My aunt flew out to Indiana for Thanksgiving with smoked turkey butts in her luggage because she didn't trust Indiana stores would have them for her greens. Sometimes, we just gotta own our heritage.
  12. So I finally saw an ad for this--I was hoping for a vast improvement from the TV version because I was not impressed with that dreck, Tim Curry aside. But who the fuck did the casting for this?? That Beverly? No. Just no. Beverly Marsh had cascading, gorgeous red hair. Why did this girl with the short hair get cast? If she was the best actress, they couldn't get her a wig?! FAIL.
  13. JJ had no time for the diesel fuel case. And that was the oldest looking 19 year old I've ever seen! I know someone who's car was ruined by diesel pumped by an attendant at a full-service gas station so I wonder if it's as impossible to make that mistake as the Plaintiff was trying to argue.
  14. AHAHAHAHAHA! May I have an invite to your next family reunion? I can be Cousin Lucky..."You know, Lil'Lucky?" LOL. That's what was so foul about Molly's tantrum. It was such old news and everybody seemed to be having such a good time. Let it go, Molly. You ain't never lie. I had a really good friend for 13 years who was my Dro. We slipped up and took it further when we were both single and lonely thinking that we could just be that "friends with benefits" kind of deal. He's my husband now. But I do understand that we're the exception, not the rule.
  15. This was hilarious--bringing up some dirty laundry from 30 plus years ago. Dropped that bomb and then walked off--don't even know the shit-storm they started. This show makes me so grateful that I am out of the dating world. My old ass could not be bothered with the craziness of the modern dating scene. Tinder, "Kiss and Grind" and dick pics from random strangers? I just can't.
  16. Right? What is that?! I mean, I've been out with someone with whom I've had zero chemistry but I would never be so rude and dramatic. Molly was way too extra with that reaction. I was embarrassed for her.
  17. Which one of the writers has something against Richard Gere?? Why the insistence on referencing gerbil rumors periodically? "Now we know who's watching NCIS." I must admit, I've always wondered. Take On Me. Cool.
  18. Nothing at all wrong with that. I submit as evidence: "One way monkey." LOVE forever. Does anyone even say "One Trick Pony" anymore?? I don't.
  19. I agree. Maybe it's that hair. It's questionable.
  20. I've actually had my hair done in the JC Penney salon. In my defense, my stylist decided that owning her own salon became too expensive and she went to Penny's thus allowing them to foot the overhead. She didn't stay long. I agree with the poster upthread who said Heidi looks good with darker hair. eta: I think eurekagirl mOo and I may have sat next to each other at the dryers!
  21. So happy for Deyonte! His model looked gorgeous and she wasn't one of the stick-thins. Brandon's girl looked OK but methinks they put him in the top because of the statement it makes- - him having the largest lady and all. And is Brandon capable of showing ANY emotion? Dude seems so---bland. The twins. Ugh. How did I know they were going to say "Katy Perry" before they announced it? If I was going to have any tolerance for them it went right out the window with that declaration. But I liked the white top the one twin made. Those shorts? No, just no. The black convertible garment was interesting but I thought the bikini bra top was a throwaway. And Imma need The Instructor to pick up something other than black. I love Zac Posen regarding Cha Cha's dreck. SOMEONE: “If it had pockets..." ZAC: "Then it would be a clown with pockets. Dead.
  22. I thought Beth looked fantastic - - as pretty as I've ever seen her. One of my favorite parts? Her Jill diss. You just know that Andy keeps raising the possibility of a Beth/Jill friendship rekindling because he sees ratings gold in that. B shut that shit DOWN. And I cackle to think of how embarrassed Jill was seeing that. Mean hag. So I know y'all keep clowning Tinsley (Elsa, Ice Capades, 50's negligee---y'all are slaying) but there's something that I really like about Tinsley 's style. I wouldn't wear it in a million years but I like people who aren't afraid to be individuals. If she likes her frills, petticoats and embellishments then I love it. Lu. Sigh. That was rough. Watching her learn of even more Tom indiscretions and trying to keep a brave face? God bless her. I think it was a very real moment when she said, "Why do you think I stayed in a hotel last night?" Ramona. Shut up.
  23. I just saw that on Google News and thought that was a new case! I was actually looking forward to seeing that pop up in New episodes. Good to know that I'd be waiting forever.
  24. She's been there periodically since last November. I posted about it then, but nobody else commented on the resemblance, so I started thinking it was just my imagination. I guess not! So I'm just catching up on my new DVRd episodes and saw the girl of which you guys speak. She was a contestant on America's Next Top Model quite a few years ago. I don't remember her name (and honestly, I'm not motivated enough to go research old ANTM seasons) but I remember her vividly because she was quite striking but one of THE WORST models EVER. She only lasted one or two episodes and the thing I remember most is her almost falling (TWICE!) during a runway show--Ms. Jay called her "Tippy Tumbles." I hate myself that I know this.
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