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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Well, there's the rub, then. Jorge has no $$ (or at least, not as much as she wants him to have) and she is not putting out. She is devoid of any warmth -- it's all coldness with her. We can agree to disagree on whether or not we like her, and whether or not we feel sorry for Jorge. He's an idiot. I guess I always feel sorry for the idiots.
  2. Yes, I believe she is. She encapsulates everything that is a money-hungry, cold hearted person, who thinks that just because they're honest and up front, they can treat someone like dirt. Jorge is not financially taking advantage of her, she is financially taking advantage of him. I cringed at the way she treated him. And if he likes that sort of stuff...he probably needs mental health counseling, not ridicule or disdain. I sense, underneath it all, Jorge is all bluster, and was really hurt by Anfisa. And she knows it, and could not care less. She shouldn't be praised for that. Heck, we don't praise Trump for being blunt, do we? No...he is vilified. But not Anfisa.
  3. A prostitute that you invite into your house to live with you? To share your food, sleep in your bed, and plan to build a life with? That kind of prostitute? Yeah, George wanted someone hot looking. Most men under a certain age and maturity level do. Anfisa is just a cold hearted B. I think that George thought she would change, or is incredibly stupid. Or both. For that alone, I feel sorry for him. But not her.
  4. Anfisa is everything that's wrong with society.
  5. Could she wipe that stupid smile off her face? It is constantly there. Even in painful situations. Or embarrassing situations. Or...in any situation.
  6. He (River) mentioned, "Mommy and Daddy" when referring to their parents, like my family does. I thought that's what you were saying was odd. Sorry if I misunderstood you! Did I quote the wrong person??
  7. I kind of think that the way Nicole throws side glances toward the camera, that she's taking cues from them, or something.
  8. I grew up in a Czech Catholic close knit family. We always referred to our parents as Mommy and Daddy, even as adults. Not in a creepy way....when we would talk to them directly, it was "Mom" and "Dad", but for some reason, when referring "to" them in talks with sibs, it was always "Mommy" and "Daddy". We're all pretty sane.
  9. .........and "sold at an auction" jail house prisoner vans, at that!
  10. I know. It's not as if they work for a living.
  11. Marlena...where did you learn to do CPR?? She was doing 2-person CPR as 1 person.....(one chest compression every 5 seconds.) Does no one check these things for authenticity?
  12. Has Jessa always had such a fake, hollow laugh? Jim Bob, stuffing his face....DH said he looks like he's pregnant. Derick -- get rid of the slicked back hair and man bun. It is not attractive on you. Jana...she looks old and tired. I feel badly for her. I just notice a shift in her attitude. Her countenance looks like she's turning into a cranky older woman.
  13. Marlena...could you be any more crass in your "goodbye" to Jen at the Pub? She must have been having a senior day...when she saw JJ at the Square, she didn't even call him by name. I thought for a minute she found a stranger. Maybe she meant to act like a doddering old woman.
  14. So, something struck me today as I was watching Monday's episode.....Gabi is sitting there, talking to Chad, and has Arianna on her lap. And she's talking about "all hell breaking loose". Isn't it funny that they don't even think twice about using cuss words (yeah, some may dispute "hell") with a child on your lap? And, as far as real life goes...the real-life parents of this child aren't concerned with this? I would have been.
  15. OMG...that part where she was all weepy, 'cause...."When you get married, you get these big rings! And I can't even afford rings!" Yeah, that's what it's all about....big rings. She is nauseating.
  16. Am I posting in the right place??? This is in regards to the "where are they now" whatever it's called -- the 2nd half of the Season 4 shows that deals with people from Season 3. I am baffled by Devar's older sisters. Do they live together? Is the masseusse also a paid escort? Even Melanie was intrigued as to how they could afford such a nice house. Why didn't Melanie ask them why they were not financially supporting Punkisha?
  17. I thought the same thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if (initially, anyway) Patrick was the groom they picked out for her sister. I know someone who married his wife from the Philippines -- he had the same mindset as Jorge -- that American women are too independent and bossy for him. Anyway, I've seen the tight knit little group they all hang out with...all American men married to women from the Philippines. I live in a very small, very rural town, and am really surprised at the network of like minded men/couples there are here.
  18. I was wondering if that whole, "C'mon, Lazy....ect." part was dubbed in there afterwards...because I can't believe Nicole just took it. You know, she's not a sit down and shut up kind of girl.
  19. I wonder why her brother doesn't like Pedro? If I had to pick one of them to save me from a burning building, it would be Pedro, not Chantal.
  20. Is the episode here somewhere??? I usually don't need it, but I need a refresher :)
  21. Not digging the teen scene. They need to make two shows...one with adults, one with teens. Joey -- wish he'd just get lost for good. What's up with Andre? Now he's a good guy? I'm liking the Hope/Aiden storyline. But then, I've never really liked Hope of the Quirky Eyebrow. She's so sanctimonious. Chad...change the bloody shirt already. And once he did....he was all bloody underneath,and didn't bother to clean himself off. I said it before, I didn't like the whole "bombs going off, and the town panicking". Too true to current events. Bad taste on the writers part.
  22. Theresa and JJ? Isn't there (supposed to be) like a 10 year age difference between them, with her being the elder?
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