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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Abby is looking for a rich man (well, rich to her, I guess) who can buy her new computers, ipads, and 190 pairs of underwear and other various pieces of clothing for her to resell. In exchange for all these material things, she will sleep with him. It was obvious from their meeting face to face that she is not attracted to him (maybe to his money) -- she looks like she's just playing the part - a means to an end. She wants "things" and a better life, and he wants a certain type of girl -- and feels he's found her. I'm really not impressed with either of them. Don't you mean Mohammad?
  2. Probably the "don't eat" list said something like, "avoid all "white carbs" -- potatoes, pasta, rice. (although, come to think of it, I would think even the healthier versions of these foods would be off-limits. Anyway, I digress. James must have thought, it's fried rice (and hence, brownish in color), and it was the "white" rice he was supposed to avoid. ~smh~
  3. I must say, I haven't really been a regular participant in the group to know what's going on, but Bettie Jo Elmore is a regular contributor.
  4. First off, sending love and prayers to Anchorabu and her mom.... Secondly, I belong to one of the Facebook groups that some of the show's participants belong to. Some there are saying that the people on the show get no perks for being on the show (no $$, no relocation $$, no vehicles, no free weight loss surgery, etc.). Is this true? Because...I can't imagine putting yourself out there like that and uprooting your family and your life, all for an hour's worth of questionable fame. They have branded me a bully (of sorts) for not jumping onboard the sympathy train for one of the former cast members, who now finds herself the object of admittedly mean memes. I merely pointed out that this cast member had to know that putting her life out there for public consumption would result in good and bad attention, but that she didn't mind when she was getting all the perks of being on the show (which I assumed to be some type of financial assistance as well as weight loss surgery).
  5. And why was their front window duct-taped up? I'm hoping it was due to the filming.
  6. Can someone remind me (I missed the first 10 minutes)...how old is Charity? I was thinking her boyfriend was her son. I am so confused. Does she have no teeth? Her mouth is oddly concave.
  7. He was called, I think, the half-ton man. There is a video upthread, showing his journey to weightloss.
  8. Unfortunately, he died last year. http://www.theindependent.com/obituaries/patrick-deuel/article_742d8f86-10b9-11e6-825c-331245b86993.html
  9. As much as I enjoyed watching Chad's success, if I hear, "I want to provide for my family" one more time, I'll scream. Every third sentence of his was, "I want to provide for my family". We get it, buddy, that's important to you, and you're happy you can do it now. We're all glad for you, too, but we heard you the first 50 times you said it! In regards to the taking his family in the truck -- I think they enjoyed it -- I thought it was a cool way to spend the summer. They were going to see sights they probably wouldn't get to see, otherwise. I bet they never forget that summer.
  10. Save me a seat on the academic snob bus. I busted my butt getting a bachelor's degree (back when going to college required work). A few years ago, my niece got her MBA from a McCollege -- I'm pretty sure she bought most of her test answers, and probably her thesis, online.
  11. "Jelly" as in, "Todd was "jelly" -- jealous, about her getting a part in the fitness guy's exercise video, and he didn't.
  12. Wouldn't that be considered family therapy? My ex-husband and I had the same counselor -- we saw her separately, and at times, together. We had an abusive relationship -- my ex was the abuser.
  13. Now you're just confusing your shows, Complexity! That was the person on MBFFL, who showed up for the intervention! (Sorry, forgot their name!)
  14. Don't ask me how, but I actually fell asleep during this episode, and haven't seen a replay. She kissed her cat? And not just one of those sweet little kisses on top the head that I give my mini schnauzer every day?
  15. I'd love to see a sit down conversation about Whitney and her weight issues between Glenn and Dr. Now.
  16. I was wondering if the mom was unconscious, and maybe that's why he didn't call her? I've never heard him say you can eat pretty much what you want. But maybe I missed that part. :) He touts the low to no carb, veggies, no fruit, absolutely no sugary desserts,chips or bread, diet - before surgery, and the soft food diet for quite a while after surgery.
  17. Thank you for the insight! I hate to say this, but it looks awful to me.....but that could be because once I worked with a lady (non-hispanic and at least 20 years ago), who put on lipliner and forgot to color the rest in with lipstick.
  18. What's up with her lips? It looks like she used lip liner and forgot to use lipstick on her lips. Is this some type of odd beauty trend?
  19. Gilbert and Lupe....ugh! I don't know which one I can't stand more. Gilbert is a dog, but I feel like Lupe is an enabler to him being that dog. Hope she finally leave him for good.
  20. I was just coming here to post that! GMTA! I have no idea. Likewise, I have no idea what strange and mystical road it was that took me to the website that listed them. I was just taken aback by that one. I don't know why. Oh wait! Now I remember: I was wondering how Babs was doing after her stroke, and ended up here: http://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/whitney-thore-dog-died-124922/photos/whitney-thore-231153
  21. So....I guess this goes here, since this is one of Whitney's instagram photos. I'm just so weirded out by it. Her oddly shaped and slanting eyes, her porn-star pout...her naked shoulders....take your pick.
  22. I am more surprised the golf cart was able to pull him, his dad, and the property manager. Well, until he fell off..... In fact, I don't think he fell off...I think the golf cart rebelled. But then how could he shock anyone who happened to wander, unawares, into his abode?
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