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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. I saw that too. Made me cringe.
  2. No, but I can imagine...thank you :)
  3. I cannot decide which is more annoying...Andrrrrei.......Molly's 4-year old voice, or Nicole's whiny, sexual hunger fueled whining
  4. I heard that, too. Now, I just think when you get old, you get a crease in your earlobe.
  5. I wonder if she really "cheated" on him. She seems to get off on the whole "teen scene" drama trip. You could practically see her salivating when the bomb was dropped that it was a "man" she was out with. I'm sure it made her feel very loved and cherished to see Azan play the part of the hurt/betrayed again fiance. She's like a 12 year old. Maybe she really has some disability. If so, I guess I shouldn't knock her.
  6. YES! I'm beginning to understand what Andrei's attraction to her is.
  7. So why didn't Azan just "pretend" to ask his Aunt about them sharing a room? Nicole wouldn't have known the difference.
  8. What is it about here? In some of the scenes (at the airport) she actually looked very pretty....I don't get it. As someone else said, she's like that two-faced character from Seinfeld. Poor girl. (I mean that sincerely, without snark!) What exactly is a "Thai massage"? And why is it so special? Does it involve some type of sex act? i could look it up, I know, but I don't want the evidence of a weird search on my computer. I thought I'd try here first, and see if anyone knew :)
  9. For everyone wondering why Darcy would "put up with" Jesse -- if it is indeed a verbally/emotionally abusive relationship -- it is very difficult for anyone NOT in that type of relationship to understand how anyone could let themselves be berated like that. Let me tell you, as a survivor of such abuse (that was not limited to verbal and emotional) -- the abuser chips, chips, chips away at the psyche of the person being abused, telling them "you're not good enough/you'll never be good enough/no one would ever want you/you're lucky you have me, baby", until the victim has no idea what end is up anymore, or what is real. Additionally, abusers keep their victims isolated, and keep them away from friends -- anyone who might say the opposite of the abuser. Pretty soon, yes, you start to believe what they are saying to you, or saying about you. You literally lose yourself, and your sense of self-worth. It is crippling. And you start to believe that no one would ever want you, and you're lucky to have that person in your life...so of course, you're going to put up with what they dish out, because they make you think you deserve it.
  10. He posted somewhere online (and I think it may be shared here in their special thread) a picture of his std test.
  11. I wondered about that too (whether or not she even had the ability to cook anything). I do recall, before they left to visit Azan, there was a bag of donettes (those little debbie doughnuts) on the headboard shelf. For ease of grabbing in a split second, I image.
  12. Maybe the cameras had something to do with it, as well.
  13. Not just her mouth....her whole face (in certain angles) looks odd. Like...slanted, downward.
  14. And, the way her eyes were darting around when she was answering his questions in the restaurant...
  15. I met my spouse on Match.com too -- we just celebrated our 15 year anniversary! However....I think Match (or the people on it, or what they are looking for) is different now than it was, 15 years ago. I know I keep saying it...but I think it's a D/s relationship (Dominant, submissive). Makes perfect sense when you look at it that way.
  16. Abby is such a sleeze. Karine has sleeze potential. She's not innocent. She's just not as hard as Abby or Jenny. Jenny -- ugh. If she ever makes it over here, Larry will probably find antifreeze in his koolaid. These men are all horn-dogs. You can practically see them salivating over the soft-porn pictures of the women they've chosen.
  17. I thought she was looking around for the camera crew. He did the same thing when he said "STD test and Pregnancy test". It's as if he knows what he's doing or talking about might not be well received, so he smooshes all the letters together to get it out there fast.
  18. Why didn't Larry's cousin's wife speak to Jenny during that skype session? Wouldn't that have cleared up anything lost in translation? Yeah, I've seen it mentioned several times, but I think it was more someone taking an idea (based on his spitting the meat out) and running with it. I think he spit the food out because seeing that whole pig nauseated him, not because he's a vegetarian. I'd be shocked if he were.
  19. Is Larry a vegetarian, though? Wasn't he eating hot dogs with his kids in that scene in his first episode? Has he ever said he's a vegetarian? I know he said he couldn't eat the pig, roasted for him on the spit, but I figured that was just because the pig's entire head, still attached, was wigging him out.
  20. Not defending Larry (well, maybe just a little) but didn't he tell her no sex before marriage? So...he's not out just using her for sex, is he?
  21. My husband talked to the Mayor (I asked him to, because, apparently, everything "I" say gets misconstrued). After talking to the Mayor, my husband is of the opinion (based on what they said to each other) that the all of this Weinstein crap going on right now, the men involved became concerned that I was going to file a sexual harrassment/hostile work environment claim because they KNEW -- they KNEW they were acting inappropriately at work. No one pinched me, propositioned me, or anything like that, but they made inappropriate comments (think teenages in a locker room), including coming up to the offices, saying "it smells like a douche in here!" They've also made disparaging remarks about me being a woman, and "everyone's secretary" -- not that there's anything wrong with being a secretary. But the way they said it, there was, if that makes any sense. So the Mayor told my husband they were just trying to cover themselves, because someone panicked. But they're still going to keep that letter in my file, for a period of time. And if they have no other "issues" with me, they'll destroy it. My problem with that is - why doesn't this guy have a similar letter in his file? He does not.
  22. Oh my gosh! Her singing was so painful to listen to! I really wish I could play that clip for everyone from Doc Martin - this girl thought she was such a hot singer -- singing about the pigs on her dad's pig farm....sounded just like this girl. I about died laughing!
  23. Evelyn and her mom bother me. Her mom just seems so...unnatural. Like she wants to be her daughter's best friend (instead of her mom), because, maybe then, her daughter will confide in her? I don't know. OMGosh! Her singing....I am not sure how to insert a link here...but she reminded me of the pig farmer's daughter who thought she was a singer on Doc Martin. I'll have to go out and search for the a clip and see if I can share it. Well, it's not up online yet. It was from Season 7. But if anyone is an avid Doc Martin fan and you've been watching, you know who I mean. :)
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