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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Usually when people let themselves be controlled, it is because they are not in a position to do the controlling. Been there. Done that. Never going back.
  2. I couldn't help myself...I watched this AGAIN last night. It's not enough that I've seen it 10 times, and own this episode on Amazon. But things still jump out at me, that I've never noticed before. When Lisa is bringing him that big honking plate of steak, corn and potatoes. After he inhales it, she asks him, "Do you want more?" Are you mad, woman??? Why are you even asking him that????? Keep your mouth shut. What's going to happen if you don't give him more? He's certainly not going to jump up out of bed, and chase you with a meat cleaver! And then, after he eats the second plate (except for a few kernels of corn he couldn't glue down with this fork) she gives him a giant slab of coconut cream or lemon meringue pie! The filth of the first home they were in....my gosh, does no one have any time to dust, vacuum, or just generally dispose of dirty dishes? The total, bald-face lying by both of them to Dr. Now. I don't know how I gained weight.....He's been following the plan real good.....etc.
  3. See? I know nothing about such things...my husband wears boxer briefs. :) He wouldn't be caught dead in a thong. Or speedo.
  4. A couple episodes ago, when Sean gave Abby the laptop and ipad, did you see her hands when she took them? She was making the open palmed, "gimme, gimme" gesture to him, like, "c'mon dude, just give me the stuff, already!'. That was either a trick of editing, or she is one cold you know what.
  5. And why isn't whats-his-name the least bit concerned? They slept together, right? Or, at the very least, slept int he same bed, but I doubt she's have to tell him "what she likes" in terms of which side of the bed she prefers....
  6. I'm wondering if she's into BDSM -- I oould see Jesse in that role. He's got that detached air about him.
  7. To play devil's advocate -- I wonder if what we're seeing on the screen is chronological, or did the editors cut and paste so things are happening out of sequence, to make for more salacious viewing?
  8. I just can't fathom someone who is solely attracted to someone (and takes steps to pursue a relationship) based purely on looks, alone. I know they exist, I know there are people like that, but it's hard to wrap my head around. Courtney needs a guardian.
  9. I missed the first 15 minutes (and don't have a dvr thing). What did I miss?
  10. The fact that she's into stuffed animals and cartoons should be a red flag for Paul, that maybe she's not ready for marriage. But who knows with this guy?
  11. I think half was shaved, like a bare bottom, and the other half was dyed black, and pulled into some type of Naruto character. Or a sumo wrestler. I can't decide.
  12. Karine actually looked disappointed when Paul said last night, "no intimacy until we know each other better." Not so sure she's a virgin. If she is, she's one of the most edgy virgins out there. The photos of her are very provocative. I know someone who found his wife in much the same way Paul is doing (she was from the Philippines, but working in Singapore). It's a way of life there -- many young women are trying to lift their families out of abject poverty by marrying a "rich" American. I think they think we're all rich. Maybe compared to them, our lifestyles seem that way. Anyway, this guy was not rich by any stretch of the imagination. He's a bit of a loon, as well (which I tend to think most men in that situation are- they know not many American women will put up with their weird ideas or fetishes, so they look abroad).
  13. I just figured he wanted to go to LA to be a star. He probably also figured that at Darcey advanced age, they wouldn't need to worry about any little "mistakes" -- although I had my last child at 41 and 3/4's, so....age is not always a guarantee. OHHHH..........I didn't even know they had a child. I need to catch up! Thank you!!!
  14. I'm lost -- what other 90 day guy is raising someone else's child? You mean the guy from KY, with the Russian wife, who brought her son? I'm not sure that makes him a cuckold....or is there another one who got duped into thinking the child was his?? Oh....maybe you mean what I saw on the previews, about the people from PA? The interracial couple (can't think of their names) -- anyway, the previews I saw seem to imply that she's pregnant.
  15. Forget her oddly shaped boob....what's with his crotch area? It looks like he has pull up denim pants on. .........except that I think she likes it that way. She definitely gets off on his "alpha male" dominance.
  16. I was hoping that was the case, but one can never be too sure! :)
  17. I'm sorry, Swim mom! That didn't even occur to me...that that would happen..... :(
  18. While you were all focusing on the important stuff, the minute I saw her dad, chewing open-mouthed, with a full load of food in his mouth, much like a front loading washing machine as it's first starting up, I was transfixed. And not in a good way. I couldn't un-see it. And I couldn't really focus on anything else, except waiting for her dad to shovel the next bite in, and then regale us all with open mouthed, sloppy talking.
  19. I'm confused by Karine's story. She lives in a hovel like house (or so it seems, from the way it's portrayed), has no internet access, or something like that, yet she has belly button piercings, and a cell phone, and takes a pretty mean sulty "kneeling in the water" photo. All this to say, she seems neither disadvantaged nor without the creature comforts, to me. I would like to add to that...normal mothers do not give their sons a clump of their hair to carry around. Unless you're Norma Bates, I guess.
  20. In my 20s, I found myself worrying about a boyfriend seeing me without makeup on. That was a wake up call for me. After that day, I wear only a minimum of makeup (like, eyebrow pencil to fill in my disappearing eyebrows) -- maybe a little mineral powder and mineral blush if I'm feeling like dressing up. I've also read (don't know if it's true) that most men don't like a lot of makeup on women. I know my husband doesn't. And that's fine by me!
  21. I cringe whenever she comes on. She reminds me of Fran Drescher, the Nanny.
  22. (I think Sean has visited alt.com).... [but you probably shouldn't!]
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