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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Can anyone explain to me what type of relationship she and Donna have? Are they friends? Lovers? Sometimes lovers? Do they sexually experiment with each other? Use each other for sexual satisfaction when neither has anyone else around? What? She and Donna had this beautiful suite in Hawaii, and there's Donna, lying on the bed with her. By comparison, Todd and Tal's room was a standard 2Q room. I just get weird vibes from her and Donna.
  2. So I finally, finally got to watch the whole episode. What was up with all that screeching/braying whatever it was, during the more intensive times of her walk (like, everything but the first 15 minutes? Did anyone else notice she has this really bizarre habit, when talking to someone, of looking at them, then quickly shutting her eyes half shut, and then looking at them from the very bottom of her eyes, like, throwing shade? She kept doing that to Buddy during their discussion on the outcropping with the bench.
  3. I dozed off for the last 20 minutes of the show and woke up right when the screen flashed that Robert had passed away. What happened??
  4. I will let you all in on a little secret -- for the ULTIMATE back scratcher....buy a nylon (aka plastic) spaghetti spoon. Now, don't ever use this for spaghetti...but keep it hidden in your bedroom, just for scratching your back. I'm not kidding.
  5. I know she eventually did get up and do the 8K, but before that,when she just flat out stated she wasn't doing it, and then whined about how "2 other people" at the table didn't have those conditions put on their trip, blah, blah, blah....it made me so angry. It really told what a whiner she is. You made a promise, but think nothing of trying to back out of it.... And I can't stand the way she was oogling those poor island men, and caressing them. And hanging on them. And squeeling like a pig. And, am I wrong? She actually seemed secretly happy that Buddy said it was "over" between him and Heather. Not that I think Whitney wants Buddy for herself, she's just happy there's another girl out there without a man, just like her.
  6. Have not watched the entire show (haven't gotten to rehab) but in the previews, I thought his crying looked fake -- forced, whatever.
  7. And way to face all the passing motorists with your bra-clad body. I'm surprised there were no accidents. And the nipples. Has she no shame?? I was shouting this at the TV (in my head, of course!). I was afraid if I did it out loud, I'd scare the kids.
  8. She *did* lumber into the hospital on the birth day.
  9. I raised regular sized pigs for a period of time. Mine were mean and aggressive. They escaped their pen, and trapped me in my car. My siblings and I always referred to our parents as Mommy and Daddy (but only when referring to them amongst ourselves)...we didn't call them that to their face. We called them Mom and Dad. I live in NE Ohio. :)
  10. Excuse me...she is a "Labor and Delivery Coach." Not to be confused with a Labor and Delivery Nurse.
  11. I was thinking maybe his mom went in there and cleaned it up for him. If Whitney is never home, she'd never know the difference if his mom was there.
  12. What the heck was up with the friend's voice on the video chat? The one with the cat to give away? I could barely understand what she said - she sounded like a cartoon character! Did she tell Whitney at the end to "be wicked"??!!
  13. Yeah, I thought it really showed how selfish she is -- I mean, here's this poor woman, a visitor from abroad, who can barely breathe and seems on the verge of a heart attack, and instead of sitting with her, or getting her back to the hotel, all Whitney cares about is proving to everyone (oh, herself, sorry) that she could do the loop.
  14. So I'm watching these episodes now....sorry if this has been mentioned before: I feel like Whitney is totally into Nada, and if Nada would have given the slightest encouragement, Whitney would have been all over her like white on rice. As I continue watching, I thiink Nada thinks Whitney is insane. She seems so "over" writing down all these names and putting these pictures on the Avi Fan Club board.
  15. Maybe TLC gives them food money, specifically to buy junk/fast food? I've always wondered about this -- as a way to gather more salacious stuff to film.
  16. Not everyone wants to go to college. There's nothing wrong with that. As for going away to have "experiences".....as the mother of two tween girls, I don't want them going away to have "experiences", to be honest. Well, let me rephrase that....experiences, like, cultural experiences? Yes, sure. Wild drinking games, mindless sexual experiences? No. We don't really know how much time May is spending with a device (although it does seem to be pretty handy) -- only what we are "shown". I got the impression that they used the device and headphones as a way to have an adult conversation, without May overhearing it.
  17. Why doesn't Molly drive? She drives herself to work, everyday, doesn't she?
  18. Yeah...he is a jerk. And Molly is an idiot for even thinking this was do-able. And she has her own business? I hope she makes better decisions with that, than with her love life.
  19. As others were fascinated by Aika's brows (I was too), I found myself straining to catch just a glimmer of upper tooth in Josh's mouth, every time he spoke. No luck. That upper lip is not budging.
  20. When I saw the car Evelyn chose to ride in, I was thinking maybe the wedding dress was supposed to be something promoting a 1910's-1920's type wedding. Not something done too much, reallly. I kind of liked that.
  21. I think sometimes you just get used to it over time. Like wearing elastic waist pants...you don't realize you're gaining weight, because you're slowly getting used to it. (Not defending Witless at all.)
  22. OMGosh yes, the smoking...the stuffing her mouth with food....I wish we could see that. But apparently,she's (cognitively) a few steps above most of the 600lb-Life participants who let it all hang out there.
  23. What if....she is seriously, seriously mentally ill, and actually has turned all of these experiences into her reality (she really, truly believes they happened?)? Believe me, I'm not a fan -- I just had free time this afternoon, to ponder such things. :)
  24. What a mouth. What an absurdly inflated view of herself. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
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