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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Only using your post as a jumping off point -- anyone considering parenthood later in life shouldn't be scared by the statistics, either. I've always hated how they make it sound like older moms are at higher risk of having kids with Down syndrome, etc. Statistically, if you look at the numbers, there are more babies born to younger women with this condition. It just looks worse for older women because after 40, the rate of women having children declines sharply, so, yeah, of course it's going to look like there's a higher chance of something like that.
  2. I had my last at 41 (she was born in May, I turned 42 in August that year). It can be done. :)
  3. Am I the only one who imagines the wierd dynamic their sex life probably has?
  4. Molly makes me cringe with embarrassment.
  5. .....except that he doesn't have 2 nickles to rub together for the surgery......
  6. Molly - that red outfit with an exposed white bra band in the back, and wild red leggings? Yuck. Molly is Cray Cray. LUIS IS SO checked out. Libby 's posse - bullies. What were those inflatable things? Makeup applicators or penises? Nicole - teen drama. May looked like she was pushing Azan away.
  7. In the words of the immortal Bard....."methinks the lady doth protest too much...." OK, I'll let myself out. :)
  8. "....trust me, you'll be glad you let us take you on this trip in a few years. Trust me...." I don't even know what that means. And I'm over 50. I know, right? I was thinking, "Are you sure you want to hold this little get together at a shooting range...with live ammo???"
  9. Do you have $13,000 for a heart shaped 2K diamond ring?
  10. Yes, another case of "her mouth should have it's own show". Maybe she thinks it's sexy. Are you talking about her sunset top w/unmatching beige bra straps at the sides ensemble?
  11. I think you're right -- I've seen lots of pictures of people who've lost a lot of weight (like, 75+ lbs) and in every instance, except one, they all looked older, and haggard.
  12. The things you say about Luis may be true. As far as Kensley goes, you don't learn to be a brat that like that 5 seconds (even if Luis did deserve it). She's been a brat for probably most of her life. That is most probably due to her mom. I'm sure her mom tells her that her attitude is cute. (Again, take the interactions with Luis out of it). I have young kids -- girls. I would be embarrassed if they acted like that child (attitude wise).
  13. I hate to say this...but Nicole is just totally worthless. What kind of lazy-a$$ mother of a toddler sleeps until 3 or 4 in the afternoon? I mean, unless she's dealing with some undisclosed illness that would make her sleep alot. I've read some posts that suggest she has low self esteem. I think her self esteem is pretty high. In fact, I think she's delusional. And immature. Again, that poor little girl (May). That's not to say that she (Nicole) couldn't mature. She probably will, in time. But what an absolute slob.
  14. I haven't read though all the pages yet, but did anyone else notice that Elizabeth's dad and Andrreeeiii had the same shirt on? Same color, style, etc......
  15. Thanks for saying this. I've thought Kensley was a brat from the beginning (she has absolutely no manners and is probably babied because her mom feels guilty that she's not home with her, which is how she can get away with her brattiness). Note: I work, so I'm not bashing working moms. Just Molly.
  16. I can't STAND when people say that! And there are a lot of them out there that have no idea that there is an "R" in fRustrated!
  17. Please don't judge all Christians, or people who read the Bible by a few fanatics. The fact that he is such a fanatic is exactly why he's on the show. Or Evelyn or her family. I remember the days when it was "ok" to be a Christian, and not akin to being a leper.
  18. Who was it that said (in the last episode's thread) that Elizabeth's mouth deserved a show of its own? Pure gold! It kept playing, like a mantra in my head, the whole time she was on camera. Oh, until I saw her very wet underarm stains while waiting for Andrrrrrrrei to come back from his interview. She must have really been nervous.
  19. You know Luis wants Olivia for himself.
  20. Josh just looks weird to me....like a 40 something teenager, who would be more comfortable wearing baggy "down to your a$$" jeans, a baseball hat worn bakcwards, and a skateboard under his arm. It's like he never grew up.
  21. I've noticed something in the way that these folks eat *before* having the surgery -- but Doug eats that way *after*, too...not a good sign... They shovel the food in their mouth, as fast as they can, without even taking the time to taste what they're eating. When Doug's wife said to him, "I can't believe how fast you're eating that [referring to the bananna pudding]!", he actually took it as a positive -- like a compliment. Poor guy didn't even realize she was thoroughly disgusted with watching him shovel the pudding in his mouth, as fast as he could.
  22. You post (the way you worded things) made me realize something in a blinding flash or clarity: I don't like people who think that, just because they're up front about something, it's perfectly OK to be materialistic/mercenary/out to get whatever you can. (However, if both parties were OK with this.....no --- I don't like the other party, and how they "buy" sex, either.) Thank you! Now maybe I can focus on other things! :)
  23. I thought it was just me... She couldn't even fit on the seat.
  24. Not trying to get bogged down in semantics here (and probably failing miserably) -- you are right -- it's an ethnicity. I don't know why I called it a culture. So he wouldn't be a racist towards Luis, based purely on Luis being Hispanic -- unless Luis was biracial. But he would be prejudiced against the culture.
  25. ......but Molly's dad has two granddaugther's that are bi-racial. I guess I don't understand what a racist is. He seems to love them. :( And....being Latino or Hispanic is a cultural thing....not a race. I don't get it.
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