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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. I noticed that too. Odd, that I just zero'd in on it, though.
  2. Todd was an embarrassment to sophisticated and classy gay men, everywhere.
  3. I'm calling scripted bs on the whole show. As much as I'd *love* to think that was *really* Todd giving her what for, for real, it was all carefully scripted.
  4. I agree. I have facial (chin) hair, as well, most probably (according to my dr) from having pcos. Believe me, ladies, if you don't have facial hair on your chin, you DON'T want it...and if you DO have it, you certainly don't need to feel any less feminine by having it be a source of ridicule from other women - even if it wasn't "you" who was being mocked. And for the record, I have to shave every day. Every. Single. Morning. Because, God forbid, someone should see little black hairs poking out of my chin. And not just a few. Certainly not such a small amount to tweeze. Enough to shave.
  5. Meat. Such disgusting pictures that paints for me. Maybe the instructor is a closet cannibal.
  6. I've never heard that word (sen-shus) before last night. Is that supposed to read, "sensuous"? The grammar-cop in me wants to vomit. Does she think that's cute?
  7. And I do represent the local government. :)
  8. So many cringeworthy moments....so little time to post. Have a good day, and snark on!
  9. Is the season over already? Season 11, I mean? 10 episodes?
  10. I think Jenzi is really a man. The Jenzi I looked up on line is, anyway. The article online didn't refer to him as a her (as in, he identifies as a woman).
  11. I kept hearing her say that her dad was being distant after the surgery. What was that all about?
  12. Why yes, yes it is! We were wondering if he is developmentally disabled to a degree. (not because of the ring)
  13. I was thinking it was BBQ chips. Especially after she slathered the top with bbq sauce.
  14. OMG! She is such a liar to Dr. Now!!! "I have to eat what they give me. I can't cook for myself..." Uh...didn't we just hear you bragging about how you cook from your throne that doubles as a couch? And that hotel room #1 -- did they really just rip apart the bed, and leave it like that the next morning?
  15. I am totally disgusted with this slobby pig. And that has nothing to do with her weight. Those poor children.
  16. No. I didn't mean they were gang members now, as many of those pictures were old. Maybe that was their former life.
  17. Did anyone else find it odd that in every picture of Michael and his wife, they didn't smile? Are they gang members, or were they former gang members, or what? I always equate those unsmiling, tough thug like pictures with gang mentality. But I'm 51, so I'm not as hip as I used to be. They always looked so unhappy. But in Michael's earlier pictures (like around 6-8), he looked so happy.
  18. Just you wait, AuntJess.....we'll see her in that office.
  19. I wondered that, too. I was really surprised at her niece fixing her corn on the cob during the first month. It's so high in sugar and starch. I noticed Diane ate all of that, but barely touched the spaghetti squash. I bet there was no corn on the cob during month 2. I wish they would have elaborated more on what other changes they made in their eating habits -- not because I want to be their food czar, but because I want to know for myself!
  20. Sad, but in the first part of the show, when her sister was helping her get into bed, I thought, for a few seconds, she was doing exercises before getting into bed. I said to myself, "Wow! That's great! She's at least making an effort to exercise as much as she is able to!" I quickly realized those were not exercise movements, but the movements she found necessary to make, just to launch herself into the bed. Why didn't they have her at least semi-sitting up in the back of the van?? I would imagine her weight would be pressing down on her chest, inhibiting her breathing, laying flat as she was. Sad that she had to spend the night in the minivan. I felt bad for her niece. She sure had the bulk of the work to do.
  21. I'm thinking that that wee bit of fat shaming herself was her way (the producers way, whoever) of dipping the proverbial toe in the water to test it....as in, "Would they watch if we did a Dr. Now crossover show?" I mean, clearly, now she's admitted her weight might be impeding her. Kind of like the whole "frog in boiling water" allegory thing there......
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