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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Right. If she wanted to, she could probably have a personal trainer, her home outfitted with top notch exercise equipment, AND a personal chef preparing her tasty, healthy meals, all on TLC's dime....it would take her 2-3 years to lose all the weight she needs to (healthfully, not on some crash diet). But she still refuses. That angers me, too. I wish I had those things at my disposal. In terms of Whitney, the heart wants what the heart wants. And her heart wants to shovel unhealthy food in her mouth in vast quantities. I think Lenny has a large woman fetish, too.
  2. Do you believe that one can be addicted to sugar? Or that there are things put in food (similar to cigarettes) that have an addictive quality? Just curious.
  3. Sometime in the middle of the night, I came to the addict conclusion too. What does an addict do when you ask them, or attempt to convey to them they have a problem? They get angry. They get defensive. And what do addicts have? People who enable them. She is addicted to food. Or attention. Or maybe some of each. And the people who enable her are addicted to being the ones who help. The white knights in shining armor. I liked your post. And agree so much with your statement, "fat people know they are fat." I am overweight too, and have said the same thing, many times. Yesterday I really felt like the show was mocking her. It reminded me of "People of Walmart" meets "My Big Fat Fabulous Life".
  4. This episode disgusted me on so many levels. At the ER....Whitney was like a 4 year old, lapping up the attention she was getting from her parents and others there. Everything the doctor was trying to tell her, she didn't seem to believe any of it. The funeral...why didn't Buddy want to take part? If he really cared for her, he would have wanted to help her. Her tantrum afterwards....again, she's like a 4 year old. And her snarky comment that they could have found a more effective way to get through to her...Really? Have you watched yourself?? Nothing gets through to you!!! But she didn't waste any time grabbing that picture of herself and storming out. Why did no one notify Lenny? Don't they like him? I'm not sure how I feel about him. Does he have a regular job besides painting pictures? Going to the mountains -- Whitney sure didn't waste any time making fun of Buddy in his swim trunks. I found that odd, since she looked much worse in her bathing suit (she was making fun of how little suit he had vs. how much fat). The hot tub -- all of that was just totally disgusting. It was a poor attempt at some morbidly obese people trying to act like it was cool to be so fat while trying to act like people of a lesser weight. Whitney almost crushed Lenny. The tubing adventure? Just gross. The skiing debacle? No pity. I have no pity for this woman. She really needs help for her mental issues. She is, perhaps, the most delusional person I have ever seen. Crying at the end because she was too fat to do all the things she thought she could do??? She had enough self pity for herself...she doesn't need any from anyone else. I am just totally disgusted by the lot of them. And I want to add, I would be the first one to come to her defense, if she actually TRIED to make herself healthier. Instead, she just says she is trying to, and then pretends to be confused about why it's not working. I can't stand the learned helplessness. She actually said to Lenny that she never said the PCOS is the reason she's overweight (this was when they were discussing the youtube message she got from the man who said his wife had PCOS and wasn't overweight). Are you serious Whitney??????????? Every chance you get, you tout PCOS as the reason for your weight gain!! Do you not hear yourself??
  5. There's no way Whitney is eating only 2000 calories a day. At least 5,000, if not 6,000. She is almost 3 times her normal weight. I'm not quite sure what she weighs, but I'd venture a guess it's over 400. I wonder if she would be offended if the network asked her to go to Dr. Now? Yeah, I know she's not at 600 lbs., but the surgery would still be applicable to her. Her parents, especially her father, treat her like a child. It's like she doesn't want to grow up. On the other hand, they may be a wealth of pain hiding behind the, "I like being fat!" comment. I don't know why, but I will watch again tonight.
  6. I watched. My husband was disgusted with me, but I watched. I can't help it. I wanted to know the story behind shoving the marshmallow in her mouth...but I guess that'll be later in the season. When she said, "I like being fat"...I don't get overweight people who say that (and I am overweight by about 75 lbs). I hate being fat. I am disgusted with the fact that I cannot lose this weight, although I try to eat cleanly and I exercise, but obviously, I am not trying hard enough. No one likes being fat. Unless you have an underlying psychological issue that feeds that, anyway. I would be interested to know what she eats in a day. Not for any judgemental purpose. Just to keep myself on the straight and narrow. Her poor dad. I feel badly for him, but I'm not sure why. Babs, I think, likes the attention as much as Whitney. And being so proud that you're not pre-diabetic? As if that gives you a license, free and clear, to keep eating what you want, when you want, and gain even more weight??!! Please. She is grasping at straws.
  7. Has it been medically documented that she has been without periods for over a year, or no longer has a uterus?
  8. So this article states that they are back to their routine sex life. How is this public knowledge? Is there a billboard somewhere?
  9. I was completely crushed when Norma was, in fact, dead.
  10. I'm thinking that word "gushed" is a clue to who said it...they used it twice in the article...now....who do we know in Duggarland who gushes??
  11. I know lots of married couples where one spouse or the other is "not allowed" to have this, or that...like....a gf/bf on the side....guns....phone sex...or to go out on the town with ________ (insert name of untrustworthy person here). In Josh's particular case, the internet was his downfall, so it makes sense that he would have those restrictions placed on him. Kind of like.....losing your driver's license after so many DUI's.
  12. I found this portion of the article particularly odd: “It’s the last thing their family needs right now,” gushed the source. “Josh just got out of rehab, and considering the family’s financial future is uncertain, the financial burden of a fifth child is the last thing Anna and Josh need.” In fact, Josh is SO strapped for cash that he has been selling used cars on the side of the road — no joke. ***** "gushed" the insider???!!! What part of that sentence was "gush" worthy? Is also seems too well worded to be anyone in the family (cousins, family friends, etc.).
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