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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. On Hulu or Netflix. I can't remember which, but it's on one of them.
  2. O.M.Gosh. I wasn't going to watch the video. But after reading more and more comments about it, I did. What a.......complete B. A nasty B at that.
  3. She can do some serious damage with that butt. I'm half in awe (because I can't shake my butt like that) and half scared.
  4. I really think she has absolutely no intention of losing any weight. She's on a mission now: to show the world that you can be ____ lbs. and still _______________________. Fill in your own blanks.
  5. I saw one picture. And I have to say, I wonder if she's using spanx under her clothes. Not that millions of women don't, I guess.
  6. But you have to eat, whether it is good food, or junk food. Like...you can't quit eating cold turkey, like you could quit smoking cold turkey (did it) or drinking cold turkey. Maybe I should have said drinking wild turkey (did it).
  7. I couldn't even read it all the way through. But I agree, and said the same thing as you in a different thread, that you need food to live, but you don't need alcohol or cigarettes. Comparing the two is like apples and oranges, in terms of dealing with the addiction. You can say, "Well, I have an addiction that I deal with too," (as Kerryn did) and that's true to a point, but the similarity stops there. However, to the best of my knowledge, Whitney has never said she had a food addiction. I could be wrong, but I don't recall her ever saying that.
  8. And, like the group of Adults they are, they clapped when she left! And then, we have Queen Whit, with her sanctimonious statement to the world, "And if you've ever doubted that prejudice does exist for fat people, you've seen it now." And I hated the way she pleaded with Lennie, "Hold my haaaaandddd......" And am I the only one who found it odd that her hand was on his bare thigh?? Is that just where it landed?? Logistically, it that where it fell, and she couldn't bring it closer to her own body, or what? I know I've brought that up before, I'm still amazed by it. Even after a good night's sleep. And still no talk of her getting healthier in the next season. (What was the big surprise she was talking about on her FB page, anyway?) Big news that she apparently can't discuss on the air. Huh.
  9. That whole Whitney/Lennie segment was creepy. Why was her hand on his thigh for most of the segment? Todd -- you jerk. "Because we didn't have room for a C U Next Tuesday." What class. Kerryn had some excellent points -- things we've all spoken about here. Funny how the pack of jackals had no come back -- other than to attack her. She almost seemed near tears to me. Buddy -- you're a jerk as well. Glenn didn't look very disturbed by anything being said, though. As if he agreed with it all. His only snarky comment came after Kerryn apologized, and he said it was too late for that. Tal...grow a pair. What happened to the guy who stood up to Whitney?
  10. Except....(and I can't believe that I'm actually going to sympathize with Whitney here, and not trying to dismiss what you're saying, Totogirl), you don't need alcohol or cigarettes to live, but you do need food to live, which makes the addictions different. Imagine if you said to an alcoholic, "You can have any type of alcohol except scotch," or to someone addicted to cigarettes, "You can have any type of cigarette except for Marlboro". Kerryn could give up alcohol and cigarettes and move on. She isn't still using "some" types of alcohol or cigarettes. All the more reason Whitney needs professional help with her food addiction.
  11. I didn't know JimBob was an ordained minister! Wow! His talents are limitless!
  12. I don't think Whitney is a "kid" person. We saw that in the one episode where she was babysitting, I think. Also, children do not have filters. There would undoubtedly be times where a child says something to her that she doesn't like, or considers body shaming.
  13. All they could possibly show (at this stage) is more embarrassing footage of her attempting to live life as if her weight were not an issue. Unless..................she turns a new leaf, and gets on board with some type of healthy weight loss program.
  14. You said it. Not to mention, she thinks everyone is watching her every move. Someone needs to give her a cold slap of reality. I'm sure she feels like she's the center of everyone's universe due to her upbringing as a child, and having a father who could never say "no" to her, per Babs. I don't think Glenn was a bad guy for saying he wished she'd have lost more weight, or that he would have helped her lose more weight. He equates being overweight as unhealthy. Him saying he wished he could have helped her lose more weight = "hey, being overweight is unhealthy, I don't want you to fall ill and die due to your obesity." Leave it to Whitney to jump on every single opportunity to turn a statement around to make others look bad (fat shaming) and her look like the poor little chubby girl, to be pitied.
  15. Nutella...I just noticed your avatar..... :D
  16. Well, then my other guess is that she's suffering from delusions of grandeur, to think that peoplel are "watching" her, or "tracking" her to see how much pizza she eats in a week. Otherwise, why bother with 3 different apps to 3 different places? Multiple personality disorder -- one for each?
  17. Maybe she thinks they'd sell her ordering history and frequency to the tabloids? Just guessing.
  18. I posted something similar on this board a long time ago. Well, I hypothesized that a lot of Dr. Now's patients got that way because they were abused, and eating was the only form of control they felt they had in their life, so they ate to excess, and ended up in their current situation, and perhaps this was true of Whitney as well.
  19. I really think Whitney feels like she's a role model for overweight young girls (she alluded somewhat to this in the special), and it's her "mission" in life to show them that they can be happy, healthy, and have a fabulous life, no matter how high their weight gets. Maybe now, for her, it's not about losing weight, it's about standing up for all those girls, and being their spokesperson. BTW, I'm not saying she's doing a great job of it --far from it!, but I don't want my post to disappear again! I wonder if there is any weight that Whitney would find dangerous, and say, "it's time to lose weight"? If what I said above is accurate, probably not.
  20. What show is that? I've recently discovered Benefits: Life on the Dole.
  21. And did I hear correctly last night that there's only 10 lbs difference between Buddy and Whitney weight wise? Doesn't look like it to me.
  22. I really don't get the strange dynamic I'm seeing in this group. It's like...Whitney rules over all of them, and they all fall into place, like neat little minions.
  23. It is nauseating to me to watch her, watch herself in these clips. She can't get enough of herself. She is a bully. This show was her chance to show us all that the 8 hours of "show" we saw out of 1,000 hours of actual footage was fake or edited to make her look bad. She's making herself look bad all on her own. I feel like she refuses to admit her weight might be leading to her health issues just because.
  24. I honestly don't think she's saying anything negative about her body. I think she looks in the mirror and admires how she looks. No snark intended in that comment.
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