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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. (above, bbm) She did. She got up at 3, and had to be out the door by 3:30. She didn't have time for much else.
  2. I couldn't hear it, even with the sound turned up to 100 on my computer...what was the gist of it, please??
  3. The portrait that Lennie painted now rests above her bed. You can see it in the bedroom episodes (that sounds bad...I mean, the scenes that show the bedroom -- like, her first day at her interning job) this season. She is very proud of it, apparently.
  4. That must be a repeat. She posed "nude" -- she had a bedsheet covering her -- last season.
  5. She's looking at him with that Duggar wifely adoration thing. He's looking at her like, "Meh. You again? Maybe if you wore a wig, and I could pretend you were someone else...."
  6. I've seen others comment on the camera showing her weave. Can't blame it on the poor camera guy...unless he did her hair for her! :)
  7. Did anyone else get the impression that when Whit went to Lennie's house and he answered the door and stepped out and closed it behind him so quickly, that maybe he didn't want her to come in because he wasn't alone?
  8. Forget it. I made the mistake of looking it up online. What a freak show. Emphasis on freak. That'll kill Glenn if he ever sees it.
  9. OMG...I just saw this. There should have been a warning crawling across the bottom of the screen. I'll never be able to unsee that.
  10. I wonder if Will watches the show at home. Interesting set of possibilities open up, if he does.
  11. And speaking of not having any trouble getting guys in earlier seasons....it was the Wedding Dance episode...where she brought her gf down to ....rub her feet? She has this girl drive down 5 hours to rub her feet? And then the bride decides the stress of the dance is too much, so Whit and gf go to a bar. And promptly find the young weird man with the blazer on with tennis shoes and no socks, and the dirty old man who is into...what was it? Squashing? I can't even bring myself to look that up on the net to find out what it is. I would probably end up on a bad list of some type. Whit knew exactly what he was referring to, though. So she left the gf in the bar with him, and took off for fresh air with the strange young man (who was there WITH the old perv, so I don't get that at all).... I know the bit I posted is from an earlier episode, but it piggybacked on the, "I have no trouble getting a man" comment that I quoted. Whitney in the first season is somewhat different than Whitney now. But she still used her tears, and acted like a child, to get her way.
  12. I bought and downloaded the episode from last night because I wasn't able to watch it when it aired. So I'm catching up in bits and pieces. That gym bathroom scene with Will...........she is so delusional about herself -- and I hate to even use the word delusional, because that implies that you're not in your right mind and maybe don't know what you're doing, and I think Whit knows EXACTLY what she's doing...but that part where she's whining about how Will only remembers her as a 200lb person, and how now he knows she's capable of that, and he's going to hold her to it, and sniffle, sniffle, hiccup, more tears..... OMG....I cannot bear to watch this woman anymore. I have to take her in baby doses.
  13. I forgot to add that following a low carb diet can tremendously help (maybe even reverse) PCOS. Whitney - take note!
  14. (bbm) I agree about the cereal -- she does not need to be eating the huge amounts of carbs that she is. I've done a lot of personal research over the past few years regarding dieting myself, and it's a fact that unused carbohydrates (those not burned off through activity) are turned into fat in your body. Now, I'm not a scientist, so I can't explain the whole process to you, but you can find it if you search. I do know that your body has two fuels it can burn off for energy -- either carbs or fat. If you remove a lot of the carbs from your diet (and get them from vegetables, not breads, pasta, etc) your body has no choice but to burn fat as its fuel source. Also (please don't throw anything at me), healthy fats are not the enemy when one is following a low carb diet. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you'd want to eat less fat, so your body will use your stored fat stores for energy. But fat satiates you. It makes you feel full. I'm taking healthy fat sources. Not bowls of ice cream. And you eat less when you're not eating empty calories. Having said all that, if I were a hard core athlete, I'm sure I could eat more carbs. I really believe Whit would benefit from a low carb, moderate protein, and healthy fat diet.
  15. This girl has some serious, serious issues. Turn on the tears, get an instant reprieve. I wish someone on the show would have the you-know-whats to call her on it, the next time she dissolves into a blubbery, self-pitying heap. I know many here are are giving Will kudos for standing up to her. I saw Will immediately back off when she was fake-sobbing in the bathroom. Like a 3 year old. So everyone could hear.
  16. In watching past episodes right up until this one, I've realized just how manipulative she is. The tears. She turns them on to get people to back off whenever the conversation about her weight or eating gets serious. And now she's just a manipulative bully.
  17. Sorry if this has already been mentioned -- I'm watching old episodes, catching up on what I've never watched. This episode -- what is her problem with weighing herself? Is it just denial -- like, she can't bear to actually know what she weighs? She says she doesn't want to get "tied" to a number. I'm sorry.That's BS, and I don't mean body-shaming. You have to know where you stand. You don't need to let it define you, but to stick your head in the sand, and refuse to weigh yourself, or take your measurements -- that's just an avoidance tactic to give you a free license to continue on your self destructive path, because if you don't know those numbers, well, then, there's nothing for you to face. And then she goes on in this episode bemoaning the fact that she's been dancing like crazy, and still isn't losing any weight, and she doesn't know what to do. Is she serious? I am always amazed at how people with a college education can sometimes be so stupid (I have a degree, not a hater statement). Why does it never occur to her to change what she's eating?Because she doesn't want to? Because that's the last pleasure she has in life? I would LOVE to see what she eats in a day.
  18. She mentions a lot of things. Like how PCOS is making her fat; she mentions that at least 10 times each episode.
  19. Since you can now see both seasons on Hulu (1 & 2), I decided to watch from the beginning, since I've only watched here and there, and rarely, with the exception of this season, watched full episodes. So I'm 8 minutes into Season 1, Episode 1. I cannot believe the difference in Whitney, and I don't mean her size, because it looks pretty much the same. Her attitude. She's crying in this episode about people looking through her and ignoring her because she's fat (wait till you hit 50! It's funny but you start to get treated like you're invisible then, too. Especially if you're not supermodel material. People just look right through you. Unless they're related to you, or older than you. But I mean, like store clerks, etc.) Anyway, I digress. She's apparently always had this raw, raunchy sense of humor, and doesn't mind talking about sex in front of her parents. But I wonder when she made the mental switch to pretending other people's comments or actions didn't affect her? Seeing her in this episode vs her riding that scooter in the parade are like night and day, as far as her attitude goes.
  20. Did she even take a shower before going to work? I know, I know...I'm a germophobe. My sister showers at night, and then just rolls out of bed, runs a comb through her hair, and goes to work. I don't mean to be indelicate or disrespectful to anyone here, but I've been around people the size of Whitney, and, to be frank, if you don't bathe, you may not smell nice. I hope I haven't ticked everyone off. I'm just hoping she did take a quick shower, and they didn't show it. But she got up at 3, and left at 3:30, so....I am not sure. But on your first day, you'd think you'd want to put forth your best impression.
  21. I didn't see the performance at the baseball game last year, but if they were that unprepared for the parade, why didn't they just do the same routine they did at the baseball game, I wonder?
  22. I think the reason people regain whatever weight they lose is because they look at whatever eating plan they're on as a temporary thing (until I lose the weight), and then once they do, they promptly go back to the way they used to eat, which is what made them overweight in the first place. The trick is to find a way of eating that you're prepared to follow for the rest of your life. Not "a diet", but "your diet" (as in, what you typically eat).
  23. Yes! Thanks for reminding me of that! I thought it was odd too, like, what are the chances? I agree. He was just trying to be kind to her. I love him. He said everything I'd want to say to her -- "You're really happy at what you see when you look in the mirror??" "You know you shouldn't be eating this crap," etc. I don't know what's fake or real anymore regarding this show, but it sure does get me spun up!
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