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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Mama, I think we are siblings, separated at birth!
  2. Well, to most folks, I agree, a life would be more important. But money makes people do funny things.
  3. 'Cause if they stop doing those things for her, poof! There goes the show and the TLC Gravy Train....for ALL of them drawing a paycheck from it.
  4. That preview was just...bizarre. The pig is humping her leg, and she throws her arms up, and flops back on the couch. No jumping up, and shaking the pig off??!!!
  5. That preview was just...bizarre. The pig is humping her leg, and she throws her arms up, and flops back on the couch. No jumping up, and shaking the pig off??!!!
  6. Her tears probably were real because she's delusional enough to have totally bought into this little story she's built of her life -- "No one values me as a human because I'm fat! You're all looking at me, or making fun of me, behind my back! I was bullied as a child!!" She has built up this fantasy world, and I'm pretty convinced she believes it happened. Why did she get bullied as a child? As many have pointed out, she was thin then, and seemed popular. Part of me wonders if she suffered some type of sexual abuse as a child. I hear that as a recurring theme with a lot of compulsive eaters. (Not all.)
  7. Yes, I find that odd, as well. How could she NOT be posting somewhere (or having someone post on her behalf) saying to her adoring fans, "I didn't do/say/imply _____________...it was all due to editing, and it's all fake!" Or...has she done this, and I missed it? I miss a lot. :)
  8. Oh, that last shot. This one, right here........................................................^^^^^^^^^ I have a problem seeing food rolling around in anyone's mouth, so it's not just Whitney.
  9. And....after all that bruhaha over the cake testing...did they even get a cake from that place? I didn't see a cake anywhere at the party. Did I miss it? I saw mashed potatoes and roast beef.
  10. Shoeless Whitney Way Thore -- Her feet and ankle area looked pretty deformed to me -- I don't know what other word to use. They look...misshapen. So perhaps it's not just the fact that she can't physically get them on due to her inability to reach down and tie them, she also can't get them on due to her feet and lower limbs being swollen. Not to keep mentioning My 600 Pound Life, but there are lots of patients on there whose lower limbs are similar. Maybe it's lymphedema setting in for her. http://www.lymphnet.org/le-faqs/what-is-lymphedema
  11. Yeah, she's got a huge chip on her shoulder.
  12. Re: Whitney being in an altered state as she eats I always tell my kids (and remind myself) that it takes 20 minutes from the beginning of eating for your brain to get the message that you are full. http://www.livestrong.com/article/489875-how-does-your-stomach-tell-your-brain-that-youre-full/
  13. Best lines of the night list (paraphrased). Please add yours: "I'm still trying to find out what his role is." (comedian referring to Buddy) "For a happy person, you sure cry a lot." (comedian referring to Whitney) "I don't even like cake." (Whitney, mid-shovel) "Hey now -- " (Lennie, after Whitney's "I'll never get married" remark) That one was just plain out of place. "I don't want to be defined by a number." (Whitney, referring to her disappointing weight gain) "If you're honest with yourself, you'll admit you have a food addiction." (comedian confronting Whitney) "I lost 100 pounds!" (Whitney's infamous wail of self-validation) Whitney may know she's fat (heck, I know I'm fat), but her delusions of being healthy overshadow that knowledge. Her mantra is, "Yeah, I'm fat, but I'm healthy, and my life is fabulous!" She's never going to get it, until that delusion is dealt with.
  14. I'd hate to see her eating something she likes! Apparently, Whitney smokes a pack a day, as well. So add that to her morbidity list.
  15. I envision the season finale going something like this: Whitney's situation comes to a head....after another collapse and/or family intervention, we see Whitney coming face to face with Dr. Now....to be continued next season.
  16. And that's fine -- if she has no intention of ever changing -- she needs to stop lying about it.
  17. I've got news for her...it gets a heck of a lot harder to lose weight as you get older.
  18. Sorry to be repetitive, but that's how all the people on My 600 Pound Life eat. As if they are eating furtively....afraid someone will snatch the plate out from under them before they can take another bite. It's like they don't even have time to taste the food, but like they're trying to fill up their stomach as fast as they can. Whitney makes every event a "once in a lifetime" excuse to eat to oblivion.
  19. "I hate to be defined by a number." Another delusional statement one makes when one doesn't really wish to face how much weight they've gained due to their unrestrained, gluttonous lifestyle. I hope she enjoys the gravy train, because I have a feeling it's on the road to derailment.
  20. Why did Buddy go with her to the comedy club? Where was Lennie? If I were Buddy's girlfriend, I might find that a tad odd. Way to hijack your parents special day, and make it all about you, Whitney. I can't even see this show going for another season UNLESS it's a Dr. Now crossover show.
  21. That was just literally disgusting to watch. And I like cake. She reminded me of so many of the 600-pound people, shoveling food in their mouths. And it wasn't just a trick of the camera, or slo-mo....she did the same thing at her parent's birthday dinner. And the last thing I need to see is food plastered all over the inside of Whitney Thore's mouth. I don't even understand what that shot was all about. What she laughing, or just showing her food for all interested parties? I feel like I"ll never eat again.
  22. Hello, Friends :) Can anyone tell me when the new season starts? I thought I saw a promo on tv that it was going to be soon, but maybe I was just dreaming, because I can't find any info on it. Like, I thought it was this weekend. Anyone else know? Thanks!
  23. If someone truly wants to work out, big or small, they will. Even if they do it at home. Saying you're not going to work out because someone might make fun of you is just a cop out. You don't need a gym membership to get healthy at home. But if you are not inclined to work out, no matter what you have, you're not going to use it. I'm mostly talking to myself here, since I have a treadmill, elliptical and total gym downstairs. But am I on it? No. I'm here reading away. :)
  24. You know, I really think we in America (and perhaps other countries as well, too) have absolutely no idea of what "morbidly obese" means. I found this: Morbid obesity is a medical term describing people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40, or of 35 to 40 with significant medical problems caused by or made worse by their weight. BMI of 40 amounts to approximately 100 pounds above ideal weight.https://www.google.com/search?q=morbidly+obese+definition&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 So, a person whose ideal body weight is 130 would be considered morbidly obese at 230. That's a lot of America. So true! But Whitney, already morbidly obese, isn't doing large people any favors with her less than stellar personal attributes.
  25. Please consider the source. It's Whit, after all. Give people enough time, and they'll eventually show their true colors.
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