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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. I know, right!!???!!! I was thinking along the same lines...her whiny, "Buuuddddyyyyyyyyyy......!!! Come help me!!!!" And then the part about, "....will you rub it??" ugh. Blech. She has the maturity of a 12 year old boy.
  2. It looked like some kind of animal hat to me....you know, like, the whole tail movement thing? I don't know what it's called, but where people wear animal tails and sometimes don animal head hats....
  3. I am thinking she will decide she likes the convenience of the scooter, and rather than make her want to lose weight, it will serve as a handy accessory for her from now on.
  4. I know, right? Don't ask me how I came upon it. I think I was in a "let's spice up our lovelife" phase, and visited a website. :) And then I couldn't stop looking at things. Like when you pass an accident scene. I left the website empty-carted. :)
  5. Sex Furniture.... I'm very sorry I brought it up; I didn't mean to permanently fry anyone's eyeballs, imagination, or brain. :)
  6. LOL!!! Sorry, Charlie! (Get it, Charlie Tuna?) :) My goodness...those are dreadful!
  7. Speaking of such things....I've seen (online) a device that larger women can use to facilitate sex. It's like a chair type thing that you would place over the man, and the woman would sit (with knees bent at her sides) on top of it to...um...position herself.
  8. You've all pretty much hit on everything! I think in the "I can't get in Lennie's truck" scene, she was saying it would have been much easier for her if he had a little step stool there for her. All that screeching as she was riding the bike....screaming and yelling out her frustration...how embarrassing. She should have just channeled that energy into peddling. Can't believe she called her mom a B. How is that ok? She actually looked hurt when her dad said he was disappointed in her. Good. He's not the only one, Whit.
  9. I totally missed this part, because my 9 year old walked in the room, and I didn't want her to see/hear the show....can you fill me in on what was said, please?? :)
  10. I hate that laugh of hers. It's so forced; so fake. Unless she's laughing at someone else's misfortune, or making fun of "their" fat.
  11. I think I heard her mention that her job with the baseball team was seasonal -- that it would resume again (supposedly) when it was baseball season.
  12. The Duggars were unable to finish the job, for whatever reason. TLC stepped in and took care of getting it done.
  13. I agree with what you said (see bolded), EXCEPT...Whitney acts like a child who needs to be taken care of. So....she and her parents have kind of developed this parent/child relationship where the parents take care of the child long past the usual age, and the child acts helpless and in need of that help.
  14. Is Will The Trainer a former gang member with a teardrop tattoo under his eye, or is that just a skin discoloration?
  15. Those parts of her talk at her college? The sex parts? I don't know who was more uncomfortable...me or Glenn.
  16. I was really discouraged with her talk with Glenn. It's obvious she has absolutely no intention of modifying her eating habits. She was like a drug addict faced with the prospect of having her drug taken away from her, forever. She doesn't want to change. It is going to take an actual heart attack or stroke, and then she'll only want to change until she gets used to her new "normal".
  17. I'm not a fan of Dr. Phil, either. But I thought his book, Life Code, was an excellent resource. Quite possibly because it gave me a lot of validation. :)
  18. I just had a thought: Whitney is so into this no "body shaming" thing. BTW, body shaming is defined as making inappropriate comments about someone's body/appearance. Will she use being the "face" of body shaming as a way to continue eating, and maintain her size? In looking up a definition for body shaming, I came across her blog, which showed other large women, and how she was praising them, but it seemed like she was praising them more for their size, and any other accomplishments were an added bonus.
  19. That's really sad; I'm sorry you have to endure that. What prompted your parents to want you to be all made up?
  20. I'm doing the eating plan that was devised by the Duke doctor who is also the president of bariatric surgeons in the US...Dr. Eric Westman. There were so many people interested in it, and such a waiting list, he put the program on line. Not sure if it's the same one you are talking about.
  21. Do not feel badly for pointing out the truth. Her life is what she makes it.
  22. Re: Her job Does she still have the job with the minor league BB team, does anyone know? It seemed obvious to everyone that she was unable to complete the duties of the job (in the one episode that showed it)...plus she seemed to really have an attitude with her boss ("Oh, I'm guessing I'm not supposed to be sitting on a training table...."). I figured that job was long gone.
  23. Wouldn't she have to work to have insurance? Or does she have the Marketplace stuff?
  24. It's funny that you bring this up....just today, I signed up on the Adapt website. But they don't answer a lot of questions there (on the site). Did your doctor recommend this? My brain hears what they're saying, about sugar and carbs being bad for you...I can even understand it. But I think I've had the "fat is bad for you" mantra drummed into me so long, I worry about all that fat. Even. Though.I.Know.Carbs.Are.Not.My.Friend. Ugh! Ooopps! And I meant to add, good for you! Good luck!!!
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