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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Pray it away. (That's what I think they say, not what I say!) :)
  2. You and me both! Ugh! I don't know why I find it so irritating, but I do. I guess it's the delivery. Or the gush-factor, or something....
  3. "Intentional" as in: intentionally getting to know someone with the ultimate goal being marriage between you and that person [considering them as a life-partner] vs. just getting to know someone, hanging out, having a good time over and over again, only with a different person, each time. Hope that helps :)
  4. My DIL (aged ~24 at the time) made my son an Alabama/Ohio string art like that, when he was stationed at LRAFB and she was here. I thought it was sweet, and creative. :)
  5. Observations from this episode: Did you guys see JimBo snooping in Jer's closet? What did he expect to find in there? JimBob's snarky comment to Jer, when he was talking about bartering: "We get married next month, or I'm gone." JimBob: "See ya, Jer!" When Ginger was going up the escalator to catch her flight home...did you guys see the sneer JimBob threw over his shoulder to him? JimBob dragging them all to the pawn shop....Jeremy's parents looked uncomfortable. When JimBob was grilling Jeremy at the Mexican restaurant...Jeremy's mom looked displeased. I don't think JimBob likes Jeremy. Excuse the bullet points. I don't know how they got there, or how to get rid of them.
  6. OMGosh! You are corrupting me with that link! As they say, there's a lid for every pot! :)
  7. Was there a news story that showed Tom was TLC paid and gay? Not disputing this -- we certainly know this from other TLC shows. Just wondering where it came from. :)
  8. As someone mentioned earlier, and I do agree, he looks like Chaz Bono.
  9. Someone who is very young and immature. For those reasons alone, I would give her another chance to grow up and become responsible.
  10. Well, that makes me feel better! Although, not necessarily better for any home health patients whose records or treatment she may affect in one way or another.
  11. Wasn't she a nurse working in a hospital? I'm sorry, but I don't want someone as dimwitted, superficial and constantly horny in charge of my medical care. Especially in a life and death situation. The sex must be awfully good.
  12. Did anyone else catch when Azan and his BFF re-met-up at the airport with Nicole that Azan kind of gestured with his hand toward Nicole, the BFF said something, and Azan said, "Yeah." And not a very enthusiastic "yeah", either. Like Azan said, "Well.....here she is. Would you get a load of that?" And the BFF said, "Oh man....you're up the creek now!" and Azan said, "Yeah. I know."Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
  13. Whew! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! I thought I was in the Twilight Zone thinking it was Father Eric. I didn't watch the show way back then, and even have trouble recalling the history from 10 years ago!
  14. Kim was sexually abused by Eric the priest???
  15. Maybe she was hinting that they wouldn't turn a way a "gifting" of free childcare....or a live in au pair.
  16. Donna Lee is whose roommate??? Not Whit's...her roommate is Buddy, right??? Todd....I used to like him,as a goofy sort of guy, until he showed his mean b!tch colors with the C You comment. That was such a nasty thing to say to women, everywhere. Buddy...he needs to get that wheezing-mouth-breathing malady of his fixed. He's like a "hanger-on'er. " He's just there for the $$. He has no real b@lls, and will never stand up to Whit, but he will be her bully when someone is "abusing" her verbally. Heather -- she's just a body, collecting a paycheck. Tal - I think he means well, but his actions are so unprofessional in this show. He will be hard pressed to find a "real" counseling job in the "real" world. Glenn and Babs....I used to like them, but after this season, I think they're not the poor little misinformed parents they appear to be. I think they're great actors. Whit's brother...what's his name? He wants no part of this circus. Lennie -- he's a creeper. Or just plain creepy. He must have been high on something to prepare himself to even pretend to be intimate with Whitney (as in, their sleeping in the same bed scenes, and the few paltry kisses they exchanged). Thanks for letting me tag on your post, Mamadrama!
  17. I thought her "taking her shoes off" was a show of solidarity with Whitney. LOL!
  18. How can she be sterile? Didn't she have a baby a few years ago that was stillborn (or portrayed to be), but who knows? Or am I confusing her with someone else? I thought she had trouble carrying a pregnancy to term, not that she couldn't get pregnant, period.
  19. An RV at survival camp... Jill coquettishly sidestepping the pregnancy question by the producer... Jinger is actually annoying in this episode.
  20. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I cannot stand the way that Claire sings. Today she was singing "Amazing Grace," and I don't know what the technique is called that she's using to present her voice, but she sounds like she's singing with a mouth full of marbles.....Instead of "wretch," in the song, it comes out as "wetch".....That whole, whiney-folksy-nasally-marbles-in-your-mouth voice is horrible.
  21. I don't get the whole, "we crossed the flesh-hold" references either. I don't want to be graphic, but since we know that Buddy is/was never into her (that it was one sided)....oh, where my mind is going. Anyway, I'm sure you can imagine: a lovelorn person, coming on to someone who's not that into them, but wouldn't turn down a quickie (not necessarily intercourse). There. I've said it. Is that what she means by the whole "flesh-hold" statement? I'm almost caught up with the thread. :) Bear with my multiple posts, please. :)
  22. "Woman-child" at age 32 is something reserved for those suffering from mental impairments (not attacking your post, though! :) ) She acts like that because it's gotten her what she's wanted in the past (either attention, approval or a free pass), so why bother changing? She's pretty sly, I think. She's managed to amass a small fortune (I'm guessing) from her TLC paychecks, and she gets to live her hedonistic life to it's fullest. All she has to do is very conveniently turn away from the truths pointed out to her left and right.
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