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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. I thought it was flirting at work! LOL@me! ETA: Oh. Now that I've read ALL the posts, I guess it IS flirting at work. :) LOL!
  2. When I saw this episode for the first time, I caught it from the midpoint on. First I thought Neiko was her brother. Then I thought she was the mother (her mother). It was a helluva night for me. LOL!
  3. I think it was because we knew he'd had health issues, combined with his weight loss, and his lack of hair that make us all wonder.
  4. I am not sure Buddy is/was really 2 months behind on the rent. I think it was a ploy for drama's-sake.
  5. I'm thinking he asks that question as a way to lead into him saying, "So, you eat too much, I'm going to put you on a 1200 calorie a day diet, no carbs.
  6. I'm thinking, and I could be mistaken, that they are one of ultra conservative religious types -- the ones where the wife is a helpmeet, and defers to her husband almost blindly.
  7. In Re: Buddy being "off"...maybe he's just sick of the show, and sick of what he's "forced" to do and endure, but he can't say "no" to the money, so he's acting passive-aggressively about it all....I don't know.
  8. So what exactly was Babs saying about her own sexuality? She thought maybe she was bi, or gay, but then she met big Glenn, and was swept away by his utter masculinity?
  9. Yeah, unfortunately, I think it is (although, maybe someone with Whitney's obvious handicaps should go sooner). My DIL just told us she is expecting...she's only a few weeks along, like Whitney. And her first dr's appt was like 2 weeks away.
  10. The only "-sexual" she seems to me is "self-sexual". It's all about her, and making her feel good, through sensual body massage, or foot rubs, or compliments, or make believe crushes, or whatever.
  11. (above bbm) But better to be a 32 year old with PCOS than a 40-something with PCOS, in terms of the metabolism. Yeah, I know PCOS hinders metabolism to some extent (my dr suspects I have had it for years). But I sure would like to have what would be left of my 32 year old metabolism be fighting it, rather than my 50 year old metabolism.
  12. AZ -- I always pictured you as under 30 -- just that young and hip vibe you give off!
  13. I know. For a brief second, I thought I was watching That Other Show.
  14. Yes, I knew it had an odd, rather Victorian sounding name! LOL!
  15. Doesn't Donna kick in for the rent? Let's see...that's Whit...Donna...and BooBoo Bear...and she STILL can't make the rent? That must be some rent.
  16. In Re: BooBoo Bear (or whatever her pet name is for him) needing to kick in for the rent....What? Do we all really think that with her TLC check, she can't cover the rent? More fabricated drama. These people are laughing (at the viewers) all the way to the bank.
  17. Yes, I had the whole "empty sac" thing a few pregnancies ago. I can't remember the medical term for it. And you're right, it would show up as a positive test.
  18. That whole scene was just....bizarre. And the friend is just...sitting there, with this sort of bemused look on her face. Not getting dressed...not covering up....not moving. Just...sitting there. Like...she'd been told to just...sit there by the director. And tromping out there to speak to her parents in that sheet? Does this woman have no shame? Her pregnancy....I'm reserving comment on this. It just seems too .....weird, the way it's being portrayed.
  19. I'm sorry. I tried to do it, but don't know how. One thing I found interesting, though, is in the very first episode of this season, Bobo has his long hair, although he looks thinner. Don't know where, or when he cut the hair. I'd rather have it be because wanted a change, or had an unfortunate run in with headlice, or something. I'd rather have it be that, than he is seriously ill and maybe going through treatment of some type.
  20. Me too! He looked the best that one season (or two? I don't remember) that his hair was short...and then he just started growing it out. Looks horrible!
  21. Poor lady. Hopefully it will provide the kick in the pants that Whitney so desperately needs to get herself on track. I know it's not easy.
  22. I am shocked by Bobo's appearance this season...his hair is all gone, and what is left is gray. My husband says he looks gaunt. Is he sick?
  23. Horrified by the fact that Whitney glorifies her state, or horrified by the snark, or both?
  24. Yeah. We've talked about that a little....
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