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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. She did later on say that "these kids have already lost one mother...."
  2. I know, right? That ending was....depressing. For an educated woman, she said some stupid things...like, "Four pounds! He's mad about 4 pounds!" No...he's upset because in addition to gaining 4 pounds, you also didn't lose any! Funny how that just slipped her mind. And that mouth on her...every other word a f'ing this or that. I wonder how the principal and superintendent of her school viewed that? When she ate those two pizzas in her classroom....I was amazed that she wasn't dead yet.
  3. OT...I love the new Bates Motel. :)
  4. I don't understand the whole Stefano thing. What are they going to Prague to find out? And why is the Holly baby drama being dragged out so long? So much for Nicole bonding with her baby, as Deimos put it.
  5. Gabi looks like a hooker in that blue dress with the cut outs all over the place. I'd die if my 20 year old daughter dressed like that and walked around town....
  6. And Czech's. My maiden name ended in "sky". Both sets of grandparents came from Prague.
  7. As far as Matt is concerned....I would venture to say that Alla looked the happiest -- the most content out of all of them. Matt was caressing her hand with his thumb, and his hand on her shoulder several times throughout the broadcast, in a way that loving, intimate partners do. I've never found Matt a "goober"....but rather, perhaps a "Mr. Deeds" kind of folksy guy. I never did understand all the bashing of him, because of it. So he's been married 4 times. Maybe he's too trusting. Anyway, he seems to be treating Alla well, and she doesn't seem to mind him.
  8. I've researched this a lot, because I have an 11 year old dying (lol!) to get her hair colored. Before puberty, it is NOT recommended that kids get their hair colored. I've asked several sytlists about this. It has something to do with their hair before puberty vs. after, as well as the chemicals in the dye. Others here in the profession could probably say it better than me. :)
  9. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable. It's just people with different opinions and tastes...no more so than anyone who doesn't like his hair should feel uncomfortable that you like it. Nothing scary about it. Just a right to having an opinion. :)
  10. So Pedro admits he understood "Chantal family" all along, and just played dumb. Sigh. Anfisa/Jorge -- there's not much left to say. Except how embarrassing to have your wife tell everyone that you were "broke" and that's why you couldn't make the flight. And the smashed phones. And admitting that they basically have no control and resort to physical means to deal with it. I was pretty amazed they even got married, what with that article we all read on here that said they didn't make it to the altar. That's what I thought it said, anyway. Alla -- wow. Her sister made is after all. I figured the ultimate plan was to have her find a man to marry, and move to the US, too. Maybe that happened at the wedding. Nicole -- she had remarkable poise for most of the night -- given her immaturity in times past. Or maybe it was just good editing. I walked out of the room right around the time Azan's feed was lost, so I missed that.
  11. Can't stand the new Abby. Sorry. She's....weak. And unattractive. And...I don't like the way she comes across on camera.
  12. Can't say that I'd blame her if she was...given the man she's married to.
  13. I didn't get the bridesmaid's dresses at all. Was there a reason for those particular colors? Was there a reason each person got whatever color they did? And those man buns....please. The man bun has more than passed it's prime. And at the end of the wedding....which Duggar couple was it that did the "dip kiss"? (I mean, I know it was a married couple, but couldn't see which one, but how tacky to try to put the spotlight on yourselves....) oh, it was THEM!!! (see my later post!) Idiots!
  14. Ugh! That "V" just screamed "vagina" to me. I thought it was very bizarre.
  15. I really think Dani thought Mo loved her. The green card was incidental. To her, I mean.
  16. To be fair, she and her family were mocking him. (ha, ha! It's easier to change husbands than it is jobs!) I can't say I wouldn't be a little angry myself.
  17. And me, here I am, sitting here wondering how she pee'd "on" him (as was said). The logistics of the whole thing has taken up way too much of my time. But I doubt her told her to get on top of him. Maybe it was just a misused word. Or they were standing face to face, and she .....-oh, nevermind.
  18. I wonder if he could just buy another phone for business purposes? He seems to like to spend money. And I think he even likes getting dinged by Anfisa.
  19. I agree she's doesn't come across as a shrew like Anfisa. She still seems wooden, though, and she is fully capable of having dead, dark eyes. I saw that with the looks she was giving Patrick (not that he didn't deserve it). I guess she's doing the best she can regarding her feelings for him. I know she's capable of deep feelings, because I see it with her sister.
  20. The ONLY reason he said that was because they were safely sitting in a public place (the airport), and she would be leaving in a matter of minutes, AND he didn't want to screw up his chance for a green card. Just my opinion, of course!
  21. I don't know...they had like 3 different conversations about this in the course of the evening. I heard him say something like, "Well, when do you think you might say you love me?" and she said, "I may never say I love you." I do, however, recall the part you mentioned (about the 3 years). I think that was during their dinner with Pat and his girlfriend. I am glad she doesn't take love so seriously (or saying the words). I'm like that. I get it. You don't just throw it around. But to tell someone that you are considering marrying that you may "never" love them is probably jumping the gun. There were kinder ways she could have said what she was trying to get across. I think it's a cultural thing.
  22. She said she "may never" tell him she loves him. Really, she can see how important it is to him to hear it. He even explained it to her. If she "still" cannot possibly "ever" tell him...she doesn't love him.
  23. Jorge and Anfisa -- you're both idiots who deserve each other. Jorge must be the baby of the family by a few decades. Some of his sisters could pass for his mom. What makes Alla any different than Anfisa, except for her quiet demeanor? She's in this for the same reasons Anfisa is. Anfisa wants money. Alla wants a green card and to bring her sister over. Matt -- he's pathetic. Seriously. That he would have no problem with the fact that this woman says she may "never" love him. The sex must be good. The nurse and the catfisher -- I can't even recall either of their names -- nauseating. Another one who has no self-respect. Again, the sex must be good. Chantal -- how disrespectfully she talks about her future MIL. If I were her parents, I'd be embarrassed to have anyone know she was my daughter, but they probably spoiled her from day one, so this is what you get, I guess. Pedro -- I'm not sure what to make of him. Again, the sex must be good.
  24. I'm near Cleveland (go Tribe!), and I also disagree!
  25. Entirely your right. I just don't like women who act like Anfisa, I guess (and I'm a woman). I don't necessarily like men who act like Jorge, either. But she just seems so much....worse to me.
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