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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. I know someone in my small midwestern town who did just that. For the very same reasons. He admitted it, as well.
  2. Not only that....Paul didn't know how to read the results. She could have been lying, and there is, indeed, a baby. One that will be very premature.
  3. I found Angela constantly grabbing for Michael's private parts nauseating. How he made it through that night, I'll never know. She doesn't belong there; doesn't belong in this situation. She needs to find a nice 50-something year old man in Georgia, to go out to eat and to tractor pulls with.
  4. I don't understand this whole situation. That sure sounds like Toto singing Africa. Aside from some techno stuff in the middle.
  5. Thank you. That's what I would have imagined was behind such statements, as well. But you said it much better than I could have!
  6. You couldn't pay me enough money to go on television and act like such a sap, being lead around by a h@rd-on and some fake or highly suspect soft porn pictures.
  7. As an English major (at one time), it used to make me cringe to hear "ax" instead of "ask". So I researched it. And learned that "ax" (for "ask") has been around since the 8th century, and is an Old English verb. I don't shudder quite so much, now when I hear it. :)
  8. I'm going to give Rachel a pass on her loungewear. She has an infant, and is obviously travelling out of her comfort zone. Both of those things would make me dress for comfort, and be anxious, at the same time.
  9. I think she was talking to her dad. She said to the baby something like, "Let's talk to papa"...and I was incredulous.....until I saw her skyping with her dad.
  10. I thought we saw Rachel's older daughter in the first show..or am I confusing her with another child?
  11. No, they get them from Ed Sheeran lyrics.
  12. I said to my husband, "Is that a bra tattoo???" On Scottie. Seriously. I thought she had a bra tattoo. I will let myself out. :)
  13. Most of us would scream...if we didn't have a production team, 10 feet away, waiting to lend a hand. Maybe Angie is holding out on us. Angie drives a luxury car, with leather interior. Maybe Angie takes her mom's SS money, files as head of household, and takes all kinds of free money.
  14. I'm watching it over before the new episode......and it's even more painful to watch Darcy and Jesse the second time around. There must be some crazy editing going on there....one minute, he's happy, next he's dismissive, next scene, he's happy...etc.
  15. My husband is 5'4". I'm 5'3", so for us, it works. Thank goodness I didn't let something like his height make me turn him down when he asked for a date!
  16. Is he near Fort Knox, or another Fort? That would be plausible, then. Molly 2.0
  17. You better watch yourself, or family chantal will come and rough you up!
  18. OH...THAT job...! I saw that story too, and had no idea what "job" they were talking about. I thought David took the storage job.
  19. Jesse's dad is scary. I don't know where he got the 'nads to tell Darcy, "you're not all that..." I was like, are you kidding me, buddy? Have you looked in the mirror lately? He looks like a perpetual halloween mask. "
  20. I can't look it up...I'm at work! I can imagine, though.
  21. A lot of IT people work remotely. Maybe he works out of Mom's basement.
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