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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Ohhhh....I must have missed Mama Karine getting dolled up! However, I did find her open back red flashy top strangely reminiscent of Angela.
  2. Why didn't Karine's dad make any effort? Maybe they didn't have the funds, or it's all make believe, so they figured, why bother? Although,that little party on the boat looks nice, and looks like it cost a pretty penny.
  3. I have to say, I'm team "Get The Hell Off My TV Already, Both Of You!" Jesse and Darcy deserve each other. Jesse is trying hard to play grown up, and Darcy is playing the female victim to the hilt. Would some burly man rescue her from that monster, Jesse, already?
  4. And I could be way off base here, but I'm willing to bet Hazel knows a few good moves (well placed kicks or jabs) to protect herself from a man. I feel like she's had to learn those moves. Just a hunch.
  5. I am embarrassed to admit I had to look up what that meant.
  6. Yes! That is EXACTLY how I interpret her tears. She's not crying because her daughter has hooked her wagon to Paul...she's crying because now her daughter is in the unfortunate situation where *that* is the best choice.
  7. Sorry if this has been mentioned -- I was babysitting my almost 1 year old grand-twins on Sunday, and missed the first hour of the show....did I see a clip (in the previews) of Karine in a hospital bed? What ever happened with that? Thank you!
  8. Yes, I like Ximena. She has a wholesome, sweet look about her. I don't know if she could pull that off if her long-term work were...um...entertaining men.
  9. Unless that's what she likes/prefers to wear.
  10. If she is pregnant, she may not be lazy, but may be consumed with the overwhelming fatigue that comes in the first trimester. Not that I'm defending her at all.
  11. Yes. Yes, they do. I knew a man who married a girl from the Philippines. She lives similarly to Hazel. In fact, she worked in another country as a domestic, and sent money back home. When she married this man (and her family similarly showed up at the airport with a welcome banner, it was expected that her new "rich" husband would regularly send money back to her family (as well as other items).
  12. She can't say she's pregnant, otherwise he'd "know." So she does the next best thing: pushes him to start a family, and after he agrees, she "magically" becomes pregnant. And her - and Paul's - baby is born very premature.
  13. I thought it was a birthmark, maybe? Like a port wine stain?
  14. What was up with Jesse saying, "I'll go take a shower and get ready". I notice Darcy didn't take a shower. Get ready for what, precisely? That whole situation was just odd. I think they like make up sex, so they fight, and they BOTH get off on it.
  15. I know! She was cooing and babbling! If he thinks that's crying....he's in for a rude awakening!
  16. As a Buckeye, I feel the same way when idiot Ohians are featured on the show. It is what it is.
  17. That would mean his mother had him at the ripe of old age of 11, and her mother had her at 11, as well, wouldn't it? I guess if it's happened once, according to the Enquirer, it can happen twice.
  18. I saw that post - after I made mine, of course!
  19. I saw that post - after I made mine, of course!
  20. I would never, never, never go on TV to announce the fact that I'd had sex with a perfect stranger, much less giggle over how many times it was, and start going for #3 or #4 right then and there. I mean, how in the world does she think that's ok? This woman has absolutely no boundaries. Cringeworthy, Angela...cringeworthy. Maybe it's the fact that I just turned 53 that her antics disgust me even more. Others may find her openness refreshing. I just can't get past her lack of decorum.
  21. Or maybe they want someone who doesn't call them fat.
  22. In the preview for next week: Did Michael say, "Don't BLINK at the dress because she's fat" or "Don't BLING OUT the dress because she's fat", or something entirely different? On a side note, if you are not watching the screen and are in a different part of the house, Angela's voice sounds a lot like Mama June's. Must be the Georgia.
  23. I wish Michael and his friends would stop referring to Angela as a "grandma" in relation to him. She's old enough to be his "mom", not his "grandma". There's not 40 years separating them, is there???
  24. I thought in Azan's case it was because Nicole couldn't correctly say (or remember) his name.
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