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Everything posted by LocalGovt

  1. Here's what I think happened. Darcy (like a lot of 30-ish, 40-ish bored women) got all caught up in 50 Shades of Grey. They thought they might like to dabble in that. There are many, many websites out there that cater to that type of thing, where people of a similar "bent" find each other. Darcy found Jesse. For a while, it was invigorating to both. Darcy, in the back of her mind, figured it was a passing phase. For her, maybe. For him, no. It's why she wears the chokers and scarves. It's a BDSM thing. Some people get off on it. And maybe Darcy still does. Which is why she can't stay away from this guy. She just never expected him to act that way, outside of the bedroom.
  2. Oh my gosh, you're right! Why did I think it was Italy? LOL! I belong right there next to Ms. Nigeria.
  3. She reminds me of...what was her name? The one that went to Italy. With the gummy smile.
  4. That's why she was shopping at the Pawn shop...and had to put it on layaway. Her daughter said she spent everything she had on this trip. Silly woman.
  5. And how sad that there are adults, all over the world, singing into their phones or computer screens, hoping against hope that someone, somewhere, will jump in to do a duet with them. I mean, sing in the shower or around the kitchen. Go out and meet real flesh and blood "I can touch you" people. Go to a karaoke bar...sing in real time with them!
  6. Yeah, I wondered about her leaving poor mom to go off to Nigeria. Clearly, she cannot see past meeting her prince charming. For her sake, I hope her mom doesn't pass away while she's gone. I don't think she's a nurse, per se - I think she said she was a nurse's aide. I could be wrong.
  7. My husband's family has Hispanic roots. He is "white". "White" is a race. His culture, however, is Hispanic, much like my culture is Czech. But we are both "white." Hispanic/Latino is not a race.
  8. I think Darcy likes it. In a 50-shades-of-gray sort of way.
  9. Oh, I knew that from the very beginning...those pictures she sent him -- in the water, were very provocative.
  10. What is with these men (and women)??? They want the moon -- not your average Joe-type person....but THE MOON! Bless their little hearts.
  11. Well, she said several times how she lied about her age. Probably doing it again. She's probably 62. Or maybe he's a pedo. Really, taking pictures of your naked self from behind to send to your internet gf? I feel so sorry for his sweet older daugther....she seems smart as a whip, and dealing with adult situations her father has no business putting her in the middle of. Such a sweet girl!
  12. Why, oh why did I click on that link? Whitney wheezing and coughing up a lung is not attractive. Are they high in this clip, or what?
  13. (above, bbm) I don't know...that was a pretty sizable entourage she took down to Houston with her.....
  14. Am I the only one who heard Dr. Now say, "I believe in God."??? Sorry, have not read through all the pages yet.....maybe you already discussed this.
  15. I like what you said here. I also think, for a very, very, very long time (3 or 4 decades) little boys have not had male role models in their lives to model to grow up to be men. Sorry if that offends some. But whether single parent households with missing dads was a choice or a matter of life, the effect was still the same: boys without good male role models to live with, day in and day out, to look up to, and emulate. And now we are seeing these little boys today -- the 35 year old men who play video games all day, or have committment issues, or maturity issues, etc.
  16. To me the bombshell would be that he cheated on her - was dating others while dating her. She seemed completely nonplussed by this, which I find odd -- unless it was untrue. I'd be taking myself off for some STD testing, if it were me.
  17. Did anyone else find her reunion with Henchi to be rather...orgasmic for her? I was very uncomfortable watching her practically engage in some type of fetish play with her cat. And Buddy...you cheated on Heather? I hope you told her to get tested for STDs.
  18. I love this explanation. Buddy is my fur baby's name :)
  19. OK, so what major misfortune has Babs bawling, and Whitney bemoaning the fact that she didn't get there in time?
  20. And miss a stellar chance to play the beaten-down, cast-aside, made-to-do-this-because-I'm-morbidly-obese victim? You're joking.
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