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Everything posted by jade.black

  1. I can't believe I'm watching this. Was fully intending to boycott, because Clayton. Why is age treated like a disease on this franchise? He could have had some fun with Holly, flirted a little, instead of looking like a deer in headlights at seeing an older woman step out of the limo. It was obviously part of a gimmick, chill out. Did they cancel the senior Bachelor?! I'm totally bummed if they did. The blonde pilot reminds me of an annoying actress with a baby voice who played mean girls on (I think) early 00s shows - someone help me out if you make the connection. Looks like they removed the post-Corinne alcohol restrictions from the show! Let's party.
  2. This show really knows how to ruin its leads. I liked Michelle a lot on Matt's season. She always seemed laid back and fun on their dates, making jokes and coming off very confident and comfortable in her own skin. Now she's actually the central figure with a bunch of guys vying for her and she's shrinking into the background? I haven't seen a lead seem this insecure since Ashley Hebert, and I don't get why. She doesn't seem the type to demand the spotlight, I would've expected her to jump in there and have fun with the guys, no invite needed. I can't agree with the Chris/Michael Scott comparisons because I think Chris knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Does anyone else remember his intro video from ep1? I do, and the reason I do is because he came off like an absolute douchebro (who knows it and doubles down on it), so I'd been surprised he's stayed so under the radar up to now. I mentioned on the ep1 thread that I went to high school with Rick in the same class (go see my post there if you want to check out his freshman yearbook pic, ha), and now I'm wondering if this is why he left our school junior year. That was a rough story. He definitely was a lot too fast with the love talk on one date though. I also had to laugh because I was talking to another high school friend about this the other day, and he was saying how his primary memory of Rick was him mumbling all the time in the huddle on the football field, and I see from his present-day mumbling and whispering that it hasn't changed!
  3. The biggest contrivance to me is that nobody ever calls the cops the second they get a chance. Theo should have been on the phone the second he found the Conrads in the cage, Matthew should've called as soon as he found Joe tied up. They're just waiting to get found and killed knowing they're in the house/bakery of confirmed psychopaths and leaving no phone trail. I know I was supposed to hate Ryan, but once I realized he was played by the same actor as Cappie from Greek, I just couldn't. Add that to the fact that he was the only one outsmarting Joe - calling him out for lurking at AA meetings, ambushing him in the parking garage first, etc, I'd have liked to see more of him. Another problem I had with this season was Joe's obsessions seeming so much more... shallow? Not the actual people (Natalie and Marienne), but his relationships with them. Joe and Marienne went from 0-100 after like one kiss. In love and ready to run away together? I can't remember season 1 too well, but Beck at least seemed to be taking the relationship at a normal pace, and obvs Love was as crazy as Joe. And although the actual relationship with Natalie made more sense in pacing, Joe got over a woman he was obsessed with in approximately .1 seconds with very little anger at her murder. More like annoyance at Love for breaking his new toy. Which I know could be a commentary on how his obsessions are never real love, but you'd have expected some kind of need to avenge her. Natalie also didn't fit his typical pattern of passive victims. She was a confident woman in charge of her life which makes me wonder why he ever fixated on her in the first place. Despite plot holes, I loved the ending, but I hope they manage to keep things fresh next season since getting rid of the perfect match to Joe's insanity seems like a step backwards. I also hope this series ends with all the comeuppance for Joe.
  4. He didn't graduate with our class, I think he switched schools after a couple of years. I don't remember having any actual classes with him (this was 17ish years ago so I could be wrong) but we talked a lot in the hallways. He must have stayed under the radar a bit because I texted one of my best friends from our school about this and she had no recollection of him! I'm about to go through my 2003-2004 photo albums when I get home from work because I'm sure I snapped a few photos on disposable cameras back then. He did grow up to be cute! He always had pretty eyes. Don't think this will stop me from making fun of him though this season, haha.
  5. Y'ALL. I just finished this episode and I fucking went to high school in Ohio with Rick "head on a platter" Leach. I didn't connect the dots until the end of the episode but had my mom snap pics of my yearbooks and send to me to confirm. We were friends freshman year. This is wild. 😂
  6. I can't deal with every commenter on Reddit salivating over Silky, so here I am. Glad to see this forum is still sane. The bitch killed a few of those lip syncs for sure (I did cheer in the bar with everyone else after Barbie Girl) but Jan SLAYED her. Picking up a prop from the stage floor after doing nothing 3/4 of the lip sync does not a win make, especially not when Jan was delivering the emotion and performance she did. I should have known when Ru eliminated her insufferable fave early on she'd find a way to bring her back (and I 100% knew she'd never bring back Jan out of pure spite). Jan won and so did Eureka. Period. For the record, I speak as a Yara Sofia ultimate fan girl who thought that lip sync was a pretty close one, and I also begrudgingly loved Silky's titty wet bar against Jiggly. While we're at it, Serena ChaCha was the rightful winner first round winner. God dammit, All Stars never fails to piss me off.
  7. There was definitely one scene where they all stood in a group circle and did tequila shots (they announced it out loud). It also seemed like a few of the couples were tipsy later on when they were all making out - I'm especially thinking of Natasha babbling about their shadows dancing on the beach. Loved the pinata room where the date was, but I wasn't getting the best vibes from Noah. He seemed way too insistent on asking her about the moving slow/boundaries thing, and there were a few times in the episode I got the impression his mind was on way more sexual subjects than Abigail's. I mean, typical guy/BIP contestant, but I don't think they're a match. I am way too skeeved out by the age differences on this season to enjoy some of these couples. Serena might be emotionally mature, but she still giggles and acts like a 23-year-old, while I think Joe seems every bit of 35. Kenny at least still comes off like a bit of a fuckboy while Mari holds herself more seriously which makes her seem older, but I'm not down for that age gap either. Why did they think it wouldn't be creepy to throw dudes in their mid to late 30s on the show with girls who are 25 and under? I feel like we all foresaw this weirdness back when the seasons aired. The rotating hosts might be fun (and I like how much more ridiculous they make this show seem), but I don't understand why Wells isn't just outright in charge.
  8. Appear on reality TV and you receive unsolicited armchair diagnoses when you act like an asshole. I'm against bullying anyone directly on social media, but these forums are fair game for discussion. You get what you sign up for.
  9. THANK YOU. I spent two and a half years in a manipulative, emotionally abusive relationship and I was getting horrible flashbacks through this entire sequence. Maybe it's hard to see the signs if you haven't gone through it, but this is EXACTLY the sort of thing my ex would do to me. Fly off the rails because you didn't respond in the perfect way, because they suddenly suspected something, because you didn't live up to the flawless image they have in their mind of how you should act and exist at all times. And it might not start that way, but it will get progressively worse and worse throughout time. He would also say things like I wasn't really who I had made him believe I was or that I had "tricked" him somehow. It's pretty awful for your partner to suddenly treat you like some kind of stranger because of one misstep. Look, Katie was weird in that moment, yeah. She has seemed slightly uncomfortable and surface-level during every moment she's been onscreen this season, to me, honestly, and I liked her on the Bachelor. I remember how Ali looked at Roberto the morning after their FS or how other girls beamed and radiated all over their face how they were feeling about their top 1 (Emily with Jef, Andi with stupid douchey Josh Murray), and Katie didn't do that here. But while I think there was piss poor communication, and she could have said a lot more to him along the lines of "we'll have a private conversation next week in the FS, you don't know how happy I am to hear this, etc etc", the way he treated her because of one misjudged response, knowing full well what he signed up for, is red flags ALL OVER. That cyclical, gaslighting, maddening type of conversation would have been their entire relationship. He knew they would have had alone time without cameras within a few days. Either he was never actually in love with her and was acting for TV or he's been hiding some major abusive tendencies through the whole show thus far. And if he did suddenly realize that this girl is more shallow than he thought she was, he didn't have to turn that cold on her that quickly. It was obvious she genuinely didn't understand what had happened. (ETA: I'd also like to explain that when you're in love with a dude who does this to you, your brain basically malfunctions trying to figure out where you went wrong, how to fix it, and how to basically salvage the conversation without sending him into a further meltdown. I saw that paralyzed fear all over Katie during the argument.) Katie's better off. I don't see the appeal of Blake, but he makes her laugh and they have physical chemistry. Take him and date outside of the show, at least it won't end in lifelong trauma. God, I have had zero investment in this season but I had to come here to call out what Greg was doing and hope nobody has to go through that type of trash "love" EVER.
  10. She's also never disclosed the REAL father, so there's been much speculation it might actually be BJ... I've always hoped it's true, haha. I really liked this second season! It felt better put together than the first. I like Devi a ton as a main character and find her realistically flawed while still likable. I think both love interests are likable as well which definitely makes the show more enjoyable to watch. I've seen other shows where I hate one half of the triangle and feel like it's just a waiting game until the MC bounces back to the other one, whereas here, even though I'm Team Ben, I still enjoy her scenes with Paxton. I do find Paxton to be very attractive (the scene where he first crawls through her window and also the gratuitous woodworking scene - hot), but the Ben/Devi relationship is more of a love story to me. I also dig the enemies to lovers trope, so that could be part of it, but I think Ben's actor brings a lot of feeling to it. As a commitment-phobe, I relate to Kamala running away from the dinner. Sometimes something just feels off. I'm sure she still likes her fiance and this doesn't all hinge on his advice about the science bros, but she might just be realizing he's not the right fit for her. Mr K is a character I really enjoy, but I don't see her 'choosing' him here either, just choosing a night of fun of freedom over being trapped in an engagement. Lastly, I am so surprised by how much I love Trent's actor!! His comedic timing is perfection. He kind of reminds me of a young Ryan Hansen.
  11. Katie: Thomas, I'm sorry if you felt ostracized. Me: Dude, he doesn't know what that means - he just used the word 'demonsterized' two minutes ago. I must be in the minority because I was obsessed with Katie's plaid sequin coat. No carbs in 7 years is an automatic dealbreaker over here. So many of these men are hard to look at. Instead of trading out the Bachelorette like last season, can we trade out this cast? But not for even bigger losers like Blake please? I can't believe Andrew has become my favorite despite continually using a cringey fake English accent. At least we know there's another Bachelorette season to choose the next Bach from, because if this was it, I'd be begging them to go back to the vaults of seasons past.
  12. I'm WAY late on this post (catching up on the season now), but the Aaron/Cody conflict jumped out to me as likely political. Even if Aaron doesn't know Cody well, he'd have seen extreme posts on socials that might have given him a toxic impression (maybe the dude is alt-right like Garrett from Becca's season). Especially coming off the election year and a year when racists came out of the woodwork on social media to denounce BLM. It would make sense they couldn't show an actual conversation about that on air since it seems they steer away from naming names or putting out any real substance that might alienate any viewers (see exactly how long it took them to address race on this show). But to me that was my immediate assumption. And Cody would have known exactly what Aaron was referring to, but again, either couldn't defend that on camera or didn't have any ground to stand on if he's aware that Katie doesn't share those views. Speculation on my part, I'm sure someone out there has found screenshots of whatever posts Aaron was referring to, but I'm not nearly invested enough to look for them.
  13. I didn't realize how badly I wanted Trevor to win until his pic came up in 1st. I absolutely think Deleesa deserved it for playing an excellent catfish game. She totally pulled off a convincing guy, had a notebook of cheats she might need for sports knowledge etc, and got along with all of the other players despite not being in the Cardashian alliance. I also just think that the money will be better spent by her for her family than it would be by someone like Lee who doesn't really need it or Chloe who can probably make a decent bit of cash off her fame from two shows at this point. Was anyone else watching Chloe and Mitchell hit it off in the background while Deleesa was calling Trevor? I'm rooting for those two! Great finale overall, I love the face-to-face dinner and everybody seemed happy to see each other, catfish and all. Definitely a better format than season 1.
  14. I mean, yeah cool, I get it. But that doesn't stop it from being boring. Knowing that she's a producer and major player behind the scenes only make it seem like she's really fucking impressed with herself to continually put June front and center even when it's unrealistic to the storyline. You think Sean Bean didn't pull people in for the first season of GoT? Or RDJ didn't get people hooked on the Marvel movies? It's possible to cut loose a main character when it works in the overall favor of the show. I'm sure Moss can continue to produce and direct without also sticking herself in front of the camera, but I get the impression she's obsessed with her own brilliance (although honestly some of her acting choices baffle me) and it won't happen no matter how much titanium plot armor she needs to build around her character to keep her around. It's just become unrealistic, and I don't need to be force-fed side stories about how every other character (EVERY SINGLE ONE - Nick, Lawrence, Moira, Emily, Luke, Mrs Keyes, the other handmaids, it never ends) is just in awe of her heroics.
  15. Commander Lawrence this ep regarding June: "Perhaps she's fulfilled her purpose and it's time to move on." YES. PLEASE YES. My God, I am having so much trouble separating my hatred of June and Elisabeth Moss from the good parts of this show. I'd have rather June been killed off this episode and we could follow Alma's story instead, but my reward for that thought was Alma's unceremonious death at the end of this episode. Thanks.
  16. Jack is absolutely killing it! He should have come in as a 64 year old psychic from the start. I also am digging his dance moves during the parties. I might have a crush...? I do keep thinking I wish I could see how that twist would have played out with a more entertaining co-catfish though. Imagine Jack paired with Terilisha or Khat or one of the finalists who is still left. I'd have liked to see one of the real players have to switch it up and become a catfish. Poor Mitchell! I think he did a good job, and he and Trevor had some solid last ditch moves. I honestly would have been happy to see any of these six (well, seven) in the finals, but Mitchell was a block that hurt less than others would have. I hope he and Chloe hook up at the reunion once she sees that Trev-Trev isn't real. The awards were very cute. I loved Lee's excitement. He's just adorable. Good on him for the secret super influencer spot. Chloe or Trevor for the absolute win!! Come on! How are they going to leave us on a cliffhanger like that?!?! A whole week to wait for the finale?? *#&$%! Damn you, Circle!
  17. Alright, I'm watching The Circle: France and just need somewhere to bitch about how unbelievably stupid these fucking players are. I hate Romain, and he has such an ego he just blatantly talks about his alliance of three in every group chat. I was a big fan of the Cedric, Ines, and Gary alliance, and I don't understand why Gabriel, who is close with Ines, would kick out her ally over Elea when he had the deciding vote. If Gary was going to join the horrible trio to "protect" Ines and Gabriel, why would he not have messaged them afterwards to let them in on that? And worst of all, when the trio is flaunting their MINORITY alliance in group chats, why would the other 5 players not start a "Team Losers" chat and strategize to rank those three last and kick one of them out? Just ARRRGHH. I liked this season a lot but now (on episode 8) I'm just pissed off. Valeria/Maxime is a great game player though. I wish he was allied with people I actually liked. ETA: AND NOW GARY LEFT A MESSAGE THAT THROWS HIS BFF INES UNDER THE BUS. EXCEPT HE THINKS IT'S CLEVER AND SUBTLE. Omg. I just can't. I loved the rocking grandmas though. Loved. I died laughing when they inaccurately used the WTF hashtag.
  18. Originally, I didn't love the cast as much as I did season 1, but the twists and the scheming are making this one so much fun! Jack/Emily is actually my favorite, I died at him hiding in cabinets and shrinking into the floor during his makeup critique, so I'm really glad he gets to stick around for another chance. I wish he was paired with someone else more entertaining though. I assume both he and Lisa will still have to make farewell videos for the rest of the cast? I bet everyone will relax a little knowing they supposedly got rid of two catfish and won't suspect an old man as being a new one. So much fun. Really liking everybody left honestly (aside from Lisa who has been kind of meh). I couldn't stand Savannah and was so glad she got sent packing. Once you get past Chloe's screaming and antics, she's a great game player. I also like Courtney despite him coming for some of my other faves. River/Lee is just so cute, I wonder how he'll react to having a (fake) fellow older gay man in the Circle? So much LGBTQ rep this year which is very cool. I actually like how Trevor is playing the game, she's very believable but is still finding ways to bond with the girls. Khat and Mitchell were both welcome new additions. Great stuff, can't believe I binged all four new episodes this morning and now have to wait another week for more. #WhyAmILikeThis
  19. I have the cocktail making experience you're looking for! Your next Wells Adams is here, ladies, except I tell less lame jokes. I'll warn you I pour strong, so until one of you pulls a Corinne at the hot tub, it's gonna be a messy season. (Plus single-malt for my fellow whisky lover, Rainsong- I got you, bro. Unless you're 15.) I noticed I was on my phone through the whole episode scrolling this forum until Tyler showed up to receive my undivided attention. I texted my best friend "Dildo Girl for next Bachelorette" after the premiere episode, so I've been on the Katie hype train since night 1. (ETA: And I think she looks like Linda Cardellini who's a total babe.) I dislike Serena C, but damn if that bitch doesn't have the best lipstick game in this franchise. Heather showing up to the season as a deranged bride after half the competition has already been eliminated, and Matt James LAUGHING INTO THE SHOULDER OF HIS BEWILDERED DATE before kicking her off the couch to hug the party crasher is the drama I really didn't know I was missing.
  20. Matt is just SO LAME, I can't deal with it. I mean, I will- I suffered through Pilot Pete and Ben F- but why is the casting for Bachelors so freaking bad? I'm very glad there's a black bachelor, but could they not have cast Mike from a few seasons ago or super hot Demar from last season? Or (even though he was too boyish for me) Ivan? I literally cover my face when Matt goes in for a kiss with his mouth wide open and then his eyes open through the whole ordeal. It's sooo cringey. He also seems to have kind of an immature sense of humor with the ATV toppling and mud flinging last week, his fashion sense sucks, and I have never seen someone read erotica in a less sexy way. His face doesn't do it for me looks-wise (whoever said Gonzo upthread- nailed it), but I thought he'd have swag from my pre-show notions of him (mainly through his friendship with Tyler)- he does not. The girls were catty and mean this week. Like, yeah, Sarah being weepy was annoying, but they seriously bullied her. It was gross. I KNEW I liked Katie during her dildo intro!! She reminded me a bit of Lindsay from Sean's season who showed up really over the top on night 1 in her wedding dress but then turned out to be one of the cutest and most fun girls on the show.
  21. I definitely think Hawk's change of heart was genuine. Aside from looking conflicted about a few things through the season, the moment where he looks up and realizes he's fighting all of his old friends alongside the assholes who bullied him at the start of everything was a realistic wake up call. Also, you have to realize these scripts are in the same vein as those old feel good 80s/90s movies... clunky redemption stories done in the form of an epic face turn at a climactic moment are par for the course. Total nostalgia.
  22. I see that I am aggressively on my own here, but Dildo Girl was my fave. I'd totally hang out with her. Matt James does nothing for me, unfortunately, but at least I actually like him which is a relief after the agony of Colton and then, worse, Pilot Pete. He seemed really nervous, which is not what I expected from his appearances in Tyler Cameron's Insta stories. I liked that he seemed so introspective, articulate, and thoughtful about this, but I hope he becomes a little less reserved and more fun. He had dead eyes throughout the limo entrances, but it might have been him trying to keep it together under pressure. And hey, he doesn't need to be hot to me if he's doing it for these girls which seems to be the case. Why are they so YOUNG though?? I do not want to watch Tayshia/Clare's men in their mid-30s hitting on 24 year olds on BiP. It's early days and never have I picked up on what I'd call a "winner's edit" before (at least not on the Bach night 1), but I'm calling Rachael (no spoilers). She was gorgeous too, I got Alexandra Breckenridge vibes.
  23. Dude, I cried real tears watching this finale. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I seriously think Zac is one of the best guys ever on this franchise, and Tayshia got extremely lucky. The most genuine she has seemed all season was with him in this episode. I feel like she put up a really sparkly front without a lot of emotion underneath it with mostly everyone, but she actually seemed flustered and real here talking to him on their dance, last date, and during the proposal. Dammit, I hope it works out for them. It actually felt like a love story. The taxi at the end was adorable. I have a feeling I'm going to hate the majority of the contestants on Matt James's season, so don't get used to this sap fest over here.
  24. I cheered when McConaughey lookalike Zac said "Alright alright alright" in his TH. He's still my favorite, loved him dancing on the bed in a pink robe and also the end tag with the portrait painting. I think he can find someone more genuine than Tayshia but was really surprised when she said "I love you" to him. Run, Brendan, run! He gave a great breakup speech. I was annoyed the second I saw Ben's too-short pants appear on screen.
  25. My best friend and I still think Zac is super hot. Like fanning ourselves everytime he looks at her levels of hot. He's got this smoothness similar to Tyler Cameron in just being able to make whatever he says/does sexy. I was entirely jealous when he was making out with her in the fountain. She better take advantage of that fantasy suite (which, remembering her disappointment after her FS with Colton where almost certainly nothing impressive happened, I think she will). I think she's most into Brendan, but we'll see. I'm getting the same void-like impression you all seem to be from her. Big, shiny facade and mostly ego underneath. I hate when the leads want the men/women they dump to cry and beg them to keep them, it's awful. Best case scenario is for the person to calmly accept your choice and move on with their lives. Don't keep them hung up on you. Sean Lowe and that guy Chase who cracked a beer had two of the best exits I remember. No tears. Ben I find disconcerting and hard to watch, so I'm glad he's gone, but she shouldn't be trying to pull devastation out of a guy who has tried to kill himself. Ivan's dad was the CUTEST! He had a Morgan Freeman-esque voice. I'd adopt him as a father. I actually really enjoyed the makeshift hometown dates, I thought they were cute and creative. And what's with all the carnival hate? I freaking love carnivals. That and the New York date were my favorites (although yeah, blueberry on bagels=gross).
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