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Everything posted by jade.black

  1. Arie's reaction to Lauren was a dead giveaway how he is feeling. It looked like shock that all his pretty blonde dreams were coming true mixed with a need to speak to producers about the logistics of how the rest of the episode would go if he gave out his second rose there. There was a moment when they were playing soccer where she looked just like Emily, and I got it. She also is very reserved and measured in what she says... just like Emily. I'm in love with Jacqueline! But now it all makes sense as to why the producers shunned her all season- she broke the facade of every woman on the show believing the lead is the best thing that could happen to them, and she didn't bother pulling an Ali-esque excuse of being called away for work, she just flat out said she didn't trust that her feelings at that point were enough to justify meeting the family. I totally get where she was coming from with the mixed signals though. The guy is hot (and yes I still think so despite the cardigans), and she had fun with him, and in real life she'd probably date him for another couple months and enjoy it. Maybe if fantasy suites came before hometowns she would have stuck around to test drive that before calling it quits, but introducing her parents to ABC wasn't worth it just for some hot sex. I was extremely surprised Kendall got a rose, but also psyched about it. I'm a fan. Her tears over Jacqueline probably had a lot to do with losing the most intellectual conversation partner in the group. Finally!! Bekah is gone!! Thanks for making all my wishes come true, Arie. She seemed like such a child during that group date! Her THs and interactions with Arie all showed more of an interest in selling a fairy tale (which she probably would have gotten bored with as soon as the publicity ended) versus an actual interest in marriage. There was no reason to burst into tears when Tia mentioned what she'd told Arie- they were some pretty mild comments compared to what Bekah had to say about Krystal. And yeah, she looked like a baby next to him (or his very young niece at the least) when he was holding her out in that garden. I respect Arie for knowing that regardless of how fond he was of her, it wasn't going to be a lasting relationship (and the creepy factor of being a 36 year old man meeting a 22 year old's parents probably had something to do with it). I love Tuscany but was surprised we saw none of Florence. Arie was clearly there in the first intro shots of the episode at the Piazzale Michelangelo, then none of the dates took place there... but correct me if I'm wrong. I didn't catch where the group date or Seine's date were located, but they definitely looked like they were in the countryside. Hometowns look particularly fun this year!!
  2. I've just finished the whole series in a week-long binge and have some mixed feelings. It is definitely addicting, but I also feel like they could do so much more with it than what they have. I find myself not caring about almost any of the non-traveler supporting characters. David, in particular (and it seems I'm in the minority), can go away forever. He was sweet during the flashback where is JUST being a social worker, but he's creepy and clingy as a love interest. How can he possibly have sex with a woman who he met in the state that Marcy was in when he found her? It's really gross and every time they're pushed forward as a couple I cringe. I'd prefer seeing something develop with Marcy and Philip, for instance, or really, just any other storyline for her. I thought the reboot might be a nice way to drop David, but it seems the writers had other plans. I also hate his wide-eyed earnestness, and the fact that he totally ditched his actual girlfriend on her birthday so he could have dinner with a Marcy who wasn't romantically interested in him. Trevor and Philip are BY FAR my favorites, well, closely followed by Grace. The three of them are so much more fascinating than the rest. For some reason I also find the traveler Grant/Kat relationship cringey, likely because she thinks she is banging her husband when really it's a total stranger impersonating his life. I didn't quite get the mechanics of the Groundhog Day episode. When exactly did each new traveler enter Kerry's body? Wouldn't they have to wait until the last traveler was about to die (mauled by a dog, shot near the end)? If this is possible, how did misfires happen in the past? Couldn't they have just immediately sent a new traveler into that girl Charlotte when the first one didn't make it rather than let her live? The moral compass on the show is sketchy at best. The brother who was skydiving and the truck driver were never meant to die in the first place. It was due to the Director their lives were cut short. Shouldn't that impact the future too? I also had questions about the whole "can only travel back as far as the last traveler" when we've now found out that there is body hopping going on in the future. Then it seems that it IS possible to go further back than the last traveler and maybe it's just a rule that they don't, but when you get the Faction who doesn't follow the rules, you'd think someone would have said "fuck it" and done it anyway. I'd also like to see more of the future they came from and what they looked like originally. Also more insight into Philip's update and how much exactly has changed since they started. And I wish we had more clips of them adjusting to their new bodies, new lives, and new environment. I am hoping the show continues but would like to see it evolve and improve a lot more.
  3. The reason I love this season so much is because for the first time since Sean Lowe's season, I am genuinely clueless as to who will win. My best guess at the moment is Becca, as she's the only one I could picture being F1 since the start, but now she's started to fade back a bit too. In fact, three of the women I was sure would go home this week all had roses at the rose ceremony! I like that the winner isn't glaringly obvious for once. I sometimes have trouble making conversation too, but I felt a lot better after watching Lauren's date which I spent thinking of what could be said in any of those scenarios. The Notre Dame... ask him if he's religious. He mentioned they have cheese wheels at home... ask him if he means the Netherlands and then follow up about his background. Then he mentioned it's her first time in Europe when they were at dinner! What? She should have loads of observations to share! Honestly though, whoever said she may be perfect for Arie because they can just curl up, watch TV, and go to bed every night may be spot on. I also think he's blinded by physical attraction to her and likes the challenge of getting her to open up and reciprocate his feelings. I like Kendall and actually even loved her after that date. She was so classy, and I do think she was at least somewhat sincere. I'm thrilled she was the person on the 2 on 1 with Krystal because none of the girls would have handled her so well and in a way that caught her so off guard. Krystal was so beautifully pissed off at the response. Go Kendall! Get that kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower, you deserve it. None of us have to hear Krystal's breathy voice again until TWTA (in which she will unfortunately be the main event). Jacqueline has tied Tia as my favorite. She is fun, smart, and witty... I'm now annoyed that the producers showed us none of her up to this episode. Her comment about her date being like getting a pony but one that she'd have to learn to ride by the end of the day or else it would be shot was amazing. I hope she makes it through to hometowns! I'm guessing we'll be stuck with Bekah as well as other Becca and Tia, so I'm trying to figure out who the last spot will go to (unless Arie surprises me and sends annoying Baby Bekah home which would be such a gift).
  4. So much amazing snark here on this episode in particular! I wish I could quote so many of you just to show my appreciation. Cardigan-lover Arie thinks Fort Lauderdale of all cities is "sexy". My favorite observation by one of the girls was that a highlight of FLL was that it has "lots of water". I definitely hate when my beach cities just don't quite have enough water. Tia is possibly my favorite at this point. She is definitely trying to distance herself from the country image as opposed to Raven who seemed to want it to define her. Tia pointedly stressed that she now lives in a city and has a doctorate. She also seemed slightly reluctant to explain the whole frog gigging thing to Arie. Oh, and she discussed her religious views with him, and she's gorgeous, and she is the first woman on the show I've seen pull away from a makeout session with Arie to try to cuddle on his shoulder instead (while they were on the porch). Arie looked momentarily confused. Um, I loved that man whose Everglades residence they visited. (Paraphrasing) "There was nothing really to do so I just built a cabin." Every female on that bowling date was drunk (possibly including those horny old women at the end who I loved). Especially Jenna, but I get the feeling Jenna is constantly drunk, and she's my other favorite for it. Becca: "I just have so many questions for you... I want to ask them all." Proceeds to make out with Arie through the rest of her one on one time rather than ask him any of them. Ok, here's the thing with Krystal. She thinks she is the frontrunner and that Arie is only going through the motions until he can finally declare his love for her and they can shack up together in Scottsdale where she can make his life a living hell. She was pissed because, obviously, why would he want other girls infringing on their personal time when he's already made it so clear he won't be picking any of them? So her brain is trying to reconcile the notion that she's his one and only versus the fact that he changed the rules after he had an out on spending time with the other women (who aren't supposed to matter). I loved Arie so much through all of that. From the "stay in your room (and think about what you've done)" to the "It could be our last fight" to his look of misery when handing her the rose. Ha! Did she even talk to Arie when she came downstairs after all of that?! We saw her put on a nice dress and do her makeup only to sit on the couch and have a short chat with the girls, then it was a cut to the next date. She's the kind of woman who thinks it's adorable when she throws tantrums and picks fights ("aww our first fight!") because she'll immediately turn docile again once the guy makes up for his supposed slight against her. She'll always want a man to prove himself to her and will thrive on the drama because she'll think it proves she worth the effort. I also loved that Arie returned to tell the others, "We've got the night to ourselves" as if a group of 9 girls really felt so much more intimate or personal than 10, but IT ACTUALLY DOES when the 10th girl is soul-sucking Krystal. Rainsong, I feel your pain, I watch the show with my best friend every week on Hulu (so, it's not up until the day after it airs), and she often has a weekly D&D meet on Tuesdays, so sometimes I can't watch until Wednesday- such as now- and posting almost feels pointless! I think I once watched on time and made it onto page 2 of the forum a few seasons ago and could hardly contain my excitement.
  5. I was excited to see him take his shirt off and realized it is the first time I remember it happening on this season! I'd be down with some more shirtless Arie scenes... he even has tattoos which I am now curious about (but not curious enough to search the Internet for information or anything).
  6. You beat me to it! Bekah's reaction to Arie voicing his concerns over her age was really juvenile. The fact that he directly said he was worried about choosing her and having it blow up in the end, and she said, "But wouldn't it be worth it?" showed her age. I LOVED that he said, "No, because I need a wife" (although I would have preferred it if he wasn't holding her face inches from his while he said it). And then when she started trying to relate by saying she had worries too, the first one she threw out there was, "Will my friends like you?" Concerns of a 22 year old... I'm sure the opinions of Arie's friends are not high on his own list of worries. And judging by her Instagram, she is not looking for quiet nights in starting a family out of the spotlight. I've just been counting down the dates until the shitty country band appearance... here we go. I had to laugh at the ONE guy standing at the corner of the stage actually watching/filming the band. Everyone else (98% female) were watching Arie and Sienne (who is such a catch). I like Tia a lot. Her reactions to Krystal (the champagne, the dagger eyes) were hilarious. I'd be down with a Bachelorette season starring her. She doesn't grate like Raven and is way cuter. I didn't like Chelsea at the start, but that comment about millennials followed by the sad acknowledgement that she too is a millennial... I FEEL YOU, GIRL. Can we self-identify as Gen X? I laughed as EVERY ONE OF THOSE GIRLS in Arie's orienteering group patiently waited for him to help them over a log that couldn't have been more than a foot off the ground. "The girls on those other teams must be struggling." Come on! I agonized this whole episode over who the remaining Lauren reminds me of and finally got it after the episode ended. Shannon from LOST (Maggie Grace), minus the bitch face. I can sleep now.
  7. I can't even stand Bekah. She's clearly obsessed with herself and has written up a narrative in her head of all of her own super chill, awesome, cool girl traits which she is reciting to Arie every chance she gets. You're not supposed to TELL a guy that you're the girl who doesn't need him, or you're the girl who is simple and laid back, or any of the other bullshit she's been throwing out there. You just are yourself and people notice it on their own... nobody is impressed when you tell them how great you are. If some random I just met was psychoanalyzing me on the third date ("maybe that's why you like moms"?? Really?!), their ass would be out of there. It makes Arie look really weak-minded when he plays right into it. She also does that Olivia-esque jaw drop (open mouth for as long as possible to make sure the cameras got it!) faux-shock and enthusiasm for every tiny occurrence. I am actually a big WWE fan too so it really annoyed me when she was trying to come off as a wrestling expert. And yes, watching her and Arie together is gross. She looks like she could be his child. I am really unimpressed with Arie's apparent taste in women between Krystal, Chelsea, and Bekah, but I do like Becca and Caroline for him. I want to see more of Jacqueline. The remaining Lauren is very good looking. My personal favorite right now is Jenna who just seems batshit crazy but also genuinely fun and attractive. I also didn't like the way he sent wine date Lauren home. The tone of his voice or expression he had on honestly came across like he was joking and going to come out at any minute, like, just winding you up! It was weird to watch and up until he actually got up to walk her to the limo I still didn't think he was being serious.
  8. Harrison used up his speaking quota this week on demo derby commentary! Which is probably the happiest I've seen him look on the main franchise shows (you can tell BiP is really what he lives for). Reasons I like Becca: She seems mature. She was well spoken and direct. No giggling. Confident but relaxed. No sobbing for her sob story. Go Becca. (Coincidentally, also many of the reasons I like Arie.) Yes. UGH to Bekah. She keeps throwing in these rehearsed lines in "intimate" moments and it's gross. How many girls did Arie kiss in front of the exact same fireplace on that group date? I hated Krystal the second I saw her intro package and have nothing new to add here. I can't stand listening to her speak. Cracked up when she asked him, "Does that scare you?" after revealing her homeless brother. I thought it was actually a good move not to reveal the details of the date (between meeting his parents, seeing his house, and looking at childhood photos and videos, it was kind of a big deal), but she really should have emphasized the concert/dinner portion and then nobody would have been suspicious. But, she sucks. Am I the only one who liked bitchy Jenny...? Come on, bumper car trauma? Even Arie looked like he was trying not to laugh. The reenactment was a highlight of this series. These editors are the real MVPs. I spent a lot of time this episode wondering how much prettier these girls would be without their clumpy fake eyelashes. I like that Arie digs it when the ladies have something different going on. Kids... Yale... taxidermy... he rolls with all of it.
  9. While I didn't care for San Junipero or USS Callister because of the whole plot revolving around simulations instead of real people (well, I enjoyed San Junipero during the time that they were actually real), I did like this one. It's been my favorite so far this season, actually, although there are two still to go, the reason being that I wasn't expected to feel sympathetic to the simulations. They're not treated as real people in this one, they're treated as a tool, which is what virtual NPCs should be. It's a clever idea for a dating app and is awesomely interesting tech. To know beforehand (as I would be more inclined to use a dating app that explained the tech behind the matching- so I assume this app marketed itself honestly) that a simulation of yourself clicked with the simulation of another person to the point that they'd fight to be together seems a much greater basis for success than our own fallible choices based on what another person has (possibly falsely) written up about themselves. On a side note, the main actress was gorgeous!
  10. I agree. I wrote a whole post in San Junipero about how the people were still dead and the copies were just computer programs, so who cares? And I kind of felt the same way here. In the end, they're just code. Not people. Their bodies aren't even real. I struggle feeling sympathy for AI, so... I guess this didn't have the same impact to me as it did for others. The worst part to me would be knowing, as a real world human, that someone (especially my boss) was playing god with a computer program who looked and acted just like me. I wouldn't be feeling sympathy for my virtual counterpart, but I'd be real creeped out by the implications and wondering what sort of weird fantasies this person was living out with "me".
  11. Haha what a comprehensive tutorial!! You're the best! I'm already following him so halfway there. We'll see if I buy the love story this season and if not I'll have to get your help drafting the perfect message to let him know we're meant to be.
  12. Come to Cleveland and we'll commiserate with lots of alcoholic beverages! I saw someone stole the race car idea, anyway... I'm sure we would have pulled it off better. But yes, he is so painfully attractive. Those eyes! I can't handle it.
  13. So much to work with! My fave was Bibiana clearly having no working knowledge of genetics. The chances of your mixed children having Arie's recessive blue eyes are not favorable. Also, tall Becca saying hopefully that intro would be the "first and last time" he was down on one knee. Well... you better hope not? The producers would be pretty livid. Chelsea= Olivia. Not sure what "mysteries" she's going to unveil to him other than her child. Maybe, "Surprise! I've been a bitch all along!" And she's not even cute. Krystal= Britt 2.0. All that permanent smiling. The life coaching and being your best self and uptalking fake cheeriness. I would have sent her right back to the limo after that zen bullshit intro. She would be my least favorite if Chelsea weren't there to make everyone else look so much more appealing. Brittane looked like Black Chyna. Marikh also looks like a Kardashian which is unfortunate, but I'd keep her around til finals to get some homemade Indian cooking at the hometowns. Jenna is possibly on drugs but I like it (if she can cut back on the flailing arm movements). The two blonde Brittanys that made it through were among the cutest (the one in the silver dress and the one in the black dress). I liked the server (Valerie?) in the yellow dress, she seemed down to earth. The taxidermist was fun and different. There was also something appealing about Jacqueline, the one who had a slight Anna Kendrick resemblence. I do not care for Becka so far and some of you have explained it better than I can... I think she comes off as too self-aware, and while her question about "three things" to Arie was a good one, it also sounded like the kind of thing I would have patted myself on the back on for coming up with when I was a teenager. And I felt like she only asked it so she could give her own very rehearsed response. "You know... that feeling when you're not sure if someone likes you back... oh, kind of like right now!" *coy look* Anyway, none of these girls are the one for him because, uhh, I'm right here and age-appropriate at 29 and DAMMIT I'm just going to be jealous and bitter all season every time Arie stares thoughtfully into some woman's eyes and makes adorable comments and caresses their face during some ridiculously hot makeout session. Help, I've never had these kinds of feelings for a Bachelor before! What do I do?! Should I slide into his insta DMs for the inevitable broken engagement? How do you "slide into one's DMs"? This is all very new to me.
  14. Either my friend nominated me too late and/or they stalked my social media and saw that I was still in a relationship at the time of casting, haha. Think of what could have been! Guess I'll just have to save myself for the next time they actually cast an attractive Bachelor (so probably never again). I'll just have to be here to judge everyone with you all through the screen this year as usual! (Also agree with you, I always loved Holly and Blake, but since Bachelor Pad made Blake look like a villain and hyped their relationship as one to root against in favor of St. Michael Stagliano, they're probably mad at it all working out for them.)
  15. Wellll I didn't have much say in the matter since I guess my friend went ahead and nominated me not entirely with my consent, ha. CH will need to sit her down for a very special talk. My luck they won't see it until next season and call me up for some lame lead like Ben Higgins 2.0. God, I can't believe my contact details are out there in the Bachelorverse. What is my life.
  16. I'm 5'3" so I can take on Harrison. Does Arie like short girls? Emily was short, but I can barely walk in heels and have never worn a pair of hair extensions or fake eyelashes in my life (they give me the creeps). We can both be out of place in Bachelor Nation! You're going to have to stop hoarding all of these gems of limo entrances though- I want dibs on the lube job line! As far as being Courtney-esque, make sure to wear your sluttiest bikini and go for a well-timed swim just as the most awkward girl in the house is finally getting her first makeout on with Arie. Then do really obnoxious talking heads with your rose.
  17. Ha! I'd do it just for the TV gold and to see the look on CH's face. However, it also might inhibit opportunities for future franchise redemption arcs and my own male harem on Bachelorette. How can we get access to wifi/devices at the Bach Mansion to collaborate with the full Previously forum? We might need one of you to join the filming crew.
  18. I need to make Fantasy Suites too (for... research) so we'll have to think of something good. I can get all the girls calling you Windmill Head like on BIP and they will jump on board like grade schoolers. Arie was easily the best kisser I have seen on this franchise! Hand on the face, slow, sexy, smooth. Damn, there is a montage video out there for any doubters! You can have the proposal, I can settle for being next Bachelorette with 25 men (I will request they all resemble Arie and Jef) and an extra round the world trip. Looking forward to working with you, Saber! ;-)
  19. This is fantastic. I'm going to have to up my game when I step out of the limo. I just want Arie to push me up against a wall at, like, any point in time, but night 1 works for me, so I like JudyObscure's idea because then you'll be readily handy with your cardboard gown. Can we be frienemies in the house (like secret friends but start lots of fun drama for the cameras) so that the producers will make Arie keep us around longer? AND I'm in the midst of a breakup, so Arie and I can both talk about how we ended our relationships just in time to find everlasting love on TV! I see this working out well. Although, I'm 28 so maybe I'm too old for him. I can lie about that.
  20. I can't express how excited I am about this news. How much do I value my dignity? May go take a casual look at Bach applications... dammit, Arie!
  21. I would agree with you if it weren't for the brief but so very appreciated montage of Daniel being the "whole package." I noticed that both Jared and Ashley were at the wedding but didn't seem to be there as dates or sitting next to each other... hm. I know he was never really into her, but he seemed to lead her on in the past (sending flowers, being her wedding date, etc). I hate men who decide that after they've treated a girl like a human and didn't have their feelings reciprocated, they should have just been a dick all along and she would have fallen all over herself. Shut up, Alex. Fuck guys looking for excuses to be assholes and justify why any woman wouldn't want them. I also find Diggy to be the most attractive guy there, and hey, it's a hookup show, who cares about his shopping habit when you're just making out on a beach? I never saw footage from Jason and Molly's wedding before and thought the downpour during the ceremony was actually so romantic. Unlike Carly and Evan's tacky reality TV wedding. I was hoping Chad would show up to crash the reception. Dean has gone down in my books (and Kristina is such a catch!), but I did like that he was the only one who seemed to smirk at being asked for consent at continuing on the BIP "journey". It was such a joke. However, I do not get why he or Matt are jeopardizing their chances of getting a rose literally the day before a ceremony. Just fake it for another 24 hours!
  22. The funniest thing was how offended she seemed by the fact that they didn't consider her a celebrity! She and Robby would be a match made in fame-whore heaven. When Raven was saying she can't date a guy who is prettier than her, I was thinking Amanda sure wouldn't have a problem because she doesn't think anybody is prettier than her. I really wanted to see a slow tear roll down Chris Harrison's face when Amanda handed him that ring and hear him go, "I've been waiting 13 seasons for this moment..." Robby speaks like he's Matthew Mcconaughey. What was with telling Raven it's been "a hot minute"? A hot minute since what? Since you first saw her on Bachelor? Since you've been looking for someone? Since you both were born? He was just spouting off catchphrases and it was hilarious. I would totally hang out with Alexis, but she missed her true calling with Jersey Shore. I hope she and Daniel hit it off. So help me, Taylor and Derek are adorable together. And I'm no big fan of either of them. Corinne drives me nuts. I can't stand to listen to her slur inane things all episode. I'm so glad she (I'm hoping based on her lack of a staged intro clip and fact that she sued the franchise) won't be coming back. Although I was very happy to hear she was going to give her rose to Vinny since he's a good guy. Vinny needs to stay. Loved him kicking a lamp in his intro clip. Matt was so hilariously wasted by the end of that drag date. I just imagine the queens back there funneling champagne and shots into him until he was inebriated enough to walk on stage. My favorite editing bit which cracked me up was Jack Stone telling Danielle that she wouldn't want to be the first to die on the island, followed by her giggling, followed by a straight cut to him giving her a deadly serious expression.
  23. No, sorry, not my intention! I didn't know where Lee was from specifically, but all the other guys spoke a lot about where he was from as if it had a lot to do with his viewpoints. Trust me, I live in Ohio and there are plenty of the alt-right supporters here too.
  24. I actually really like your whole post. I just feel like the whole thing went on and on. People say and do stupid things. Lee seems like he's been buying into the whole awful alt-right movement, and probably in the area he's from, that's the norm (which is another appalling situation altogether). I hope he did learn and grow from the situation and from being exposed to people with different viewpoints. I do think it was a bit of a ganging up situation on TMTA as if they were expecting Lee to get argumentative even when he wasn't, but I don't think any of the other guys came off as badly as Kenny (except- on an entirely different topic- Blake, who I think is the worst). My opinions about him are solely about him and don't extend to the other men.
  25. Yes, thank you. And AlleyCat too (for some reason it won't let me grab quotes from two separate pages to respond to both of you). My friend and I were watching and both felt the same way- she wondered what it says about us that our opinions differed so wildly from everyone else's. I felt awful watching that last night. Lee said some ignorant shit on Twitter (although seriously, that first tweet about getting a dog was a stretch- don't tell me many women after a breakup haven't said that their pets are preferable to men, if they wanted a damaging tweet they should have pulled that Black Lives Matter one or the one about Vietnam) and had issues in the house, but the guy apologized and in no way tried to defend himself last night. He actually handled himself very well sitting there while guy after guy attacked him. I give him credit for even showing up to this and then sitting quietly to listen before speaking. He didn't even try to jump in to get in a word- actually, at one point, he started to respond to Kenny who promptly cut him off since clearly the five past minutes he'd spent talking about Lee to that point hadn't been enough. He waited until he was brought up to the couch and apologized, denounced his tweets, basically everything he could do, but nobody wanted to let him leave until he would come right out and admit to being a racist. You could see all over his face that he clearly doesn't consider himself to be a racist (whether or not he recognizes that the incendiary tweets he made sound racist is a different story), so why would he come out and call himself that on national television? He said that the things he'd written/said were wrong and was obviously trying to think of a way to appease the guys who one after another refused to let him stand up until he came out and said the word "racist", I don't see why they weren't going to be satisfied until he labeled himself. It was painful to watch. (Also, Anthony IS well-spoken, I'm surprised so many people saw that as a back-handed comment. I guess when someone you don't like makes a complimentary statement towards someone you're just going to twist it to fit your narrative.) And now I feel like everyone is going to think I'm defending someone for racism when that's not the case at all. I'm just saying this whole thing was handled badly and Lee is still a human being. Fuck it. You want to complain about the amount of screentime given to Lee last night, but he clearly didn't want it. The one who was itching to get his face on TV was Kenny. Not really sorry for the highly unpopular opinion, but I'd be happy never to see his face again. He's unbearable to watch. He felt like the crowd was idolizing him for being Lee's nemesis and was eating it up. And then the tears again when seeing his daughter who he probably just saw earlier that morning. Whatever. The breaking point for me was when Lee FINALLY had a chance to speak and explain himself, and after not even ten seconds the camera cut to Kenny looking at the guy next to him and making a snake motion with his hand. What a dick. And right, he might not have started out as aggressive, but the more the show went on, the worse he got. From the intense whispered threats to storming back over to confront Lee after his elimination and deliver more heated words, hey!, he was an aggressor. Lee was an antagonistic little shit, but Kenny escalated the situation. If they make him next Bachelor, I don't think I can watch. Controversial opinion. Don't care. I can't hop on the Kenny bandwagon. I would have more to say about the other guys but this drama got me heated. (Ok, actually, loved Dean's and Alex's suits. That's all.)
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