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Everything posted by jade.black

  1. I don't know what it says about me, but Zac has been my favorite main player (sadly Joe and Demar just didn't get the screentime) for awhile now and I was MORE attracted to him after hearing about his rocky past?! Plus I just like his seduction style and the way he holds eye contact. Mmm. Bennett can go now. He keeps bringing up the age difference between him and Noah, but bro, YOU are the 36 year old man fixated on the dumb 25 year old. Get over it. The gift was all kinds of cringey passive aggression. I can't wait for Tayshia to find out what's in the box (also the Seven parallels really work with Bennett's American Psycho vibes). Still hate Ben. Clinger vibes all over. It seemed like he had nothing to offer emotionally so he decided to offer his penis. Also his face is very hard to look at. And his neck is like the size of my thigh. Ew.
  2. We both had crushes on Arie from back when Emily's season aired and there was much discussion about joining up to compete, including planning ridiculous limo entrances for him. Actually, a friend of mine did write up a nomination for me but pretty sure it was like a week before his season started- not that I think I'm up for the public humiliation that goes along with appearing on the Bachelor, haha.
  3. Saber, we were almost Arie co-competitors and we're birthday buddies too?! Mine is tomorrow! Tennisgurl, sorry for jamming your notifications by liking basically ALL of your posts but we must ride the exact same wavelength. I swear you are reading my mind every episode, haha. (PS I would also dig a ghost hunting birthday date) Glad more people are picking up on Ben's creepiness. What the hell was Tayshia thinking this rose ceremony? Joe (JOE!), Jordan, and Kenny all gone in the same episode? Not cool! I can't believe she isn't giving Demar more credit either and expect him (as my other favorite) to get cut shortly even though he's ridiculously hot and articulate and sweet. He should've won the song challenge. I'm sure Tayshia picked out her winner before they even competed. I actually doubt the BLM talk was producer motivated or Tayshia would have been more prepared. It's really not uncommon to come up naturally in the current climate. I've done a lot of app dating this year (10/10 do not recommend, ugh) and I've had a lot of conversations about it as well, even on first dates. It's at the forefront of a lot of people's minds and seemed like a natural progression from Ivan talking about his brother. I was very impressed with how well he expressed himself but was equally UNimpressed with Tayshia. I feel like she had nothing to contribute and started crying to mask how little thought she had on the topic. Ivan is great though, I think he needs someone with more depth (and I say that as someone who does like Tayshia). It has been great to see so many real life conversations this season though- not just this one but talks with the other guys that seemed relevant and glaringly lacking in Bachelor cliches. Overall this is the most fun season I've watched in a long time though! Tayshia is definitely my favorite b'ette since Emily in how well they handle the guys (I'm going to ignore Tayshia's rose ceremony chastising for now). Plus these guys are just awesome, genuinely enjoyable to watch and I'd have a beer with almost all of them. Aside from the smoothies, I actually loved the truth or dare date. The phone orgasms and Chris with his crab legs had me cracking up.
  4. Last week when the fireworks went off after her Brandon date, Demar was standing at the resort with one of the other guys (can't remember which) and they were talking about what a romantic moment Tayshia must be having, but the camera was filming them from behind standing super close with their heads tilted towards each other and I just thought- YOU TWO are having the cuter moment, guys! Adorable. Speaking of Demar, he and Joe have been my favorites since day 1 on looks alone and I'm so excited to find out I'm justified in my love for them. Demar always has the prettiest smile on his face (and it looks genuine), and while I usually hate when contestants write poetry, he delivered it in a really charming way. And he brought her a mimosa for the bed and breakfast challenge! Yes, please! And Joe is just amazing, his "smack talk" during the wrestling date was the best, and then they showed him sharing some delicious looking Asian bowl with Tayshia later on and showing family photos. Aw! Oh and I loved his ponytail. Chasen is just every dumb hot douchey dude at the bar who never had to work for women in high school and have never matured past then either. If I have to hear him say "smokeshow" or "Wolverine" one more time... I do think Bennett is condescending and smug as hell but damn he's still hot, and I'm super entertained watching him. I'm bougie too, Bennett! Loved that Tayshia zeroed in on that as a quality she appreciated, haha. I like how he stirred the pot between Chasen and Ed and then just backed off to watch the drama unfold without getting any of the negative backlash. Did none of these people recognize Lita from WWE?! Omg! I'm a wrestling fan and I would have been so hyped. I love how articulate Tayshia is and how she isn't afraid to speak her mind regardless of the situation. A lot of leads let the contestants dictate their time, but Tayshia is really in control of her own season. The way she handled Chasen was great too- telling him she thought this was petty and needed to be buried. I also really like Zac and how she saw and appreciated his suaveness and maturity. Ok, surprised that I seem to be in a minority here, but my LEAST favorite person right now is Ben. I find him completely cringey. When he had that one on one talk with her where he said seeing her walk across the room makes him want to grab her because she belongs next to him and that his big regret was not being able to just kiss her all day, I was totally squicked out. Major clinger vibes and red flags from him, in my opinion.
  5. WOW. This is the most uncomfortable, cringey season ever. I felt like I needed a drink after both this week's and last week's episodes. Like I spend half of them covering my face, they're that hard to watch. Clare has so many awesome, attractive guys there who seem genuinely like a fun and easy-going bunch, and she's treating them like shit. She and Dale are like high school freshmen giggling and sneaking around together and bullshitting about it. I can't even count the amount of horrendous things she did to the other guys in this episode but refusing to give out a group date rose after a party where she coerced them to talk abotu Dale the whole time just caps it. Like how many shows have you been on, Clare, and you can't even PRETEND to play the game?? That's not how this works! Plenty of other B'ettes picked out their guys on day 1 and were still mature enough to be courteous and show interest in the other men. Hand out other roses. Actually go on your freaking dates. I didn't like the way Zach J grabbed her neck after she (super weirdly) pulled away from him mid-leaning in for a kiss, but she didn't even bother explaining to him why she was triggered or why she (again, SUPER WEIRDLY) backed away just as she was going to kiss him, and he obviously left thinking it was because she thought he pulled back and not because he aggressively tried to turn her back towards him afterwards. Yosef was a grade A dick, and I hope he gets torn apart worse than Clare after this episode. "Ashamed to be associated with you"? Ok, asshole. You don't speak to women (or anyone) like that, plus IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR SHOW, BRO. Let me just praise the other guys here since Clare obviously isn't going to. Demar is HOT. Bennett is hot with his glasses and his scarves and martinis and his whole Bruce Wayne/Elijah (from Vampire Diaries/Originals) vibes and looking comfortable as hell putting on that tux. Zac C looks like a weird hybrid of Matt McConaughey/Pauly Shore/Jerome Flynn (Bronn from GoT) and it's working for me. I find Joe (?)- the Korean guy- really attractive. And Riley last week got me with his smooth talk and dancing. These are some QUALITY MEN, CLARE. Arrghh. Please, Tayshia, show them the appreciation they deserve... Her emerging from that pool was like a fantasy for all of us suffering through this season.
  6. I am SUPER late to the game here, but I just finished six seasons of this show in an obsessive binge and have many thoughts and no one to share them with (since it's 2020 and they're not relevant anymore). I really started the series because I figured I'd hardcore ship Chuck & Blair, which I did, and it was the motivating factor in my love for the show. I am so happy that they consistently wrote the two of them as soulmates through the whole series (unlike most shows where the couples will have other serious relationships and you think they might have dropped the pairing- even Pacey and Joey the first year of college seemed done for good). I was pleasantly surprised their pairing happened so quickly in season 1 and never quit from there on out. They never let you forget that Chuck & Blair had a connection, even during Raina, Dan, Louis, Eva... Plus, I loved the little touches of Chuck and Blair remembering all the tiny details about each other that showed they appreciated one another for who they were, not just for their connection ("You obviously don't know Chuck, he has a thing for roofs", "Blair, you're wearing your beret, who are we spying on?" and so on). My main issue was that they seemed afraid to write them together, officially, and it suffered for that in that later seasons. I thought Chuck/Blair in seasons 1, 2, and 4 (return of their rivalry, hate sex leading to real sex, realizing they're still in love- I actually thought season 4 was beautiful) were fantastic, and the first half of season 5 as well, but in seasons 3, second half of 5, and 6 it was a mess. It seemed like Chuck's speech to Blair in season 2 (one of my fave scenes) about why they couldn't be together (the games will end, Chuck & Blair don't go to movies/hold hands, etc) was meta- the writers basically saying that the couple won't be the same once they're actually a couple. And I was fine with them holding off for those first two seasons, because somehow it wasn't tiring, and their chemistry and sexual tension was incredible. I expected them to do a good job of writing them together in season 3, but I actually thought season 3 was the worst writing-wise overall. I liked that they were written as functional together (pre-hotel incident), but somehow everyone's lines just seemed off. Blair all of a sudden came off a bit like a caricature with the NYU stuff, I didn't buy the hotel plot, hated that Chuck was about to rush a proposal in a hotel lobby in the finale. I just didn't enjoy the way the relationship was written... I thought maybe it was the whole transition out of high school that was hurting it, but then season 4 felt back to normal quality again. The trajectory of the relationship felt on point until the car crash halfway through season 5 and then the writing just took such a nosedive. I didn't even hate Dan/Blair as an idea (and the two had chemistry), I just hated how they got there. Blair made a pact with God? Um, what? That's literally the best they could come up with to keep Chuck and Blair apart? Then all the bullshit about how Chuck needs to destroy his father in season 6? I even thought Blair's backing out after the Heaven & Hell ball (and after that beautiful kiss on the balcony in front of the crowd) because she wanted to be successful without him was reaching. They just kept throwing nonsensical obstacles in the way despite the fact that both Chuck and Blair at various times had been ready to put everything aside to commit- it just never could be at the same time. While I'm glad they ended up together, the last season was a wreck (I'll detail their ending in my overall complaints about season 6 in a minute), but they were by far the most wildly enjoyable couple I've ever watched on TV and had the most insane chemistry, so the show has my love forever for giving us that. There was like a magnetic field there and every bit of emotion and body language those actors put out just nailed it. Unfortunately, most of the cast didn't have the same type of charisma and I found most of their plots tedious. Leighton Meester and Penn Badgely (as separate entities) had the best comedic delivery out of the whole cast, so they were enjoyable to watch for that. Dan as a character though really suffered as the series went on, but I see that the majority of people overwhelmingly agree with me, so no need to detail that! I actually did like Jenny, helped by the fact that she also had my favorite style on the whole show (the goth/rocker look is my aesthetic), and she was the only actress I missed a bit after she left. Vanessa was a joyless black hole, I wish she'd been more like her book counterpart. Nate was so pretty and I will say I enjoyed him as probably the most decent person out of the bunch- his friendships (with Dan and Chuck primarily, but with the main cast of girls as well) were my favorites to watch. I never bought Blair and Serena as great friends with the amount of backstabbing and the absolute bare minimum they had in common. Blake Lively just never had the chemistry and sparkle that the mythical Serena van der Woodsen should have had. Between her trademark mumbly delivery (she always sounded drunk) and her blank acting, I couldn't get into her character at all. She was best with Nate, but even Nate I preferred with Jenny. I can totally relate to being flighty, and I understand her character and the whole "so pretty/magnetic I never need to work for anything, can string guys along, etc etc" and even thought she sold being a sweet person despite all of that in the early seasons, but by season 5 somehow she'd just turned into a gigantic bitch. There were multiple times in the last two seasons that I just couldn't reconcile the scheming Serena was doing with who she'd been earlier on, so I guess her ending up with Dan was fitting in that sense. Honestly, despite the weak second half of season 5 and my lack of love for season 3, I thought they'd manage to tie up season 6 nicely despite only having 10 episodes, but what the hell was that?! It was just so BORING. First, bringing Bart Bass back from the dead was not only unnecessary, it cheapened the trauma and growth that Chuck went through trying to cope when Bart initially had died. They wasted the majority of the season on filler- Stephen and Sage? Ivy? Why?- instead of working towards a satisfying ending involving the characters that actually mattered. Then, the last two episodes were a total rush job trying to get everybody in place for their conclusion. What the actual fuck was that action-movie bit with Bart Bass falling off the roof ending they did in the penultimate? Like, the music was even so cheesy that for a minute I wondered if Blair was having one of her cinematic fever dreams. Then, after spending six seasons keeping their main couple apart for increasingly unbelievable and aggravating reasons, they just marry them off in a two minute ceremony so they can't testify against each other? Come on. They totally had earned a wedding by season 6, they could have written a finale based around it in SO many better ways after spending the first 9 episodes with appropriate buildup. I even would have liked to see some of the other endgame couples develop a bit more (Georgina and Jack, for one! What a perfect match!). So yeah, this was overall a crazy enjoyable ride, but I'm still left feeling disappointed in what could have been more. Ugh. ETA: Two minor details I forgot to mention- It drove me nuts that they never showed Chuck with his shirt off (I assume because of Ed Westwick's tattoos?). It just looked so silly when he'd lay down next to Blair, who would be wearing a silk nighty, and he'd still be in his full suit complete with socks (or worse, those long sleeve pajamas they put him in sometimes). Also, I actually paused my TV to read one of Dan's great literary works- the story about Charlie Trout in s2 or s3- and it was just TERRIBLE. Like horribly written. So that's always added another layer to the absurdity of Dan becoming some kind of best selling author, haha.
  7. My favorite bit of watching this was the post-show clip when Clare called for Chris to help her pick up the knight's armor, and I commented, "Say Chris Harrison's name three times and he materializes," to which my friend's husband responded, "He is bound to the manor." Anyway, Clare seems to have an AWESOME group of men and I'm kind of jealous. So many of them seem genuinely fun, maybe because it's actually a mature older group! I was upset she sent home the good-humored guy who had early selfie video clips in his hotel bathtub, and I suppose the tall guy because he was pretty hot, but she kept around most of the cute ones. I also liked how she handled the early on drama and sent home WV guy who instigated it without a second thought. Can't wait to see this play out (despite the media already spoiling plenty of it)! Get it, Clare!
  8. First of all: THERE ARE NO WILD MONKEYS IN AUSTRALIA, DUMBASS. My first assumption having lived in Oz for a bit was that the girls were all sharing a room because it's so damn expensive there. Peter is disgusting. Like, I almost need to look away from the screen, I'm so grossed out by him. I can hardly even place what it is. Something about his boyish face mixed with him constantly having his hands on the girls' faces and in their hair, insisting on touching foreheads while he "talks" to them, and by talk I mean stare intensely at them while they're trying to express feelings and then interrupt them with a middle school makeout. I felt this way watching his amateur moves on Hannah's season (when he got on top of her in the sauna it looked like a freshman practicing his moves). I would cringe at the thought of him even touching me. Then, the way he handled the Madison situation. I am unspoiled, but it's seemed pretty clear for awhile now that she's his #1. She sat him down after the rose ceremony and laid out for him (poorly, but she still got the basic point across) that she might not continue in this if he sleeps with other women. That's totally fair. I don't know why people are acting like it's expected for the lead to sleep with all of the women, or any. Plenty of past leads have not done that, and others have been called out for doing so (Emily clearly thought Brad would have saved it for her, Nick thought Andi sleeping with him meant he was F1, etc). She basically was saying, hey, if I'm the one, I would expect you not to be with anyone else, but I'm not shaming you for sleeping around if that's what you want to do- I'm just probably not the one for you if that's your decision. She is not the same as Luke, because Luke made assumptions that Hannah would not sleep with anyone else and waited until the overnight date to mention this like it was a fact, while Madison told Peter ahead of time that she couldn't come to terms with it if he slept with other people but that he had every right to do so if it was his choice. Peter heard this, went and slept with (most likely) both women before her, then acted like he had nothing to answer for when Madison told him she would need a basic yes or no on his actions to know if he was the right one for her. Then he follows her just to put on an overwrought apology without ever explaining what he was sorry for, pulling her face to his (fuck, that move is so cringey) and just trying to transmit his regret through their foreheads until she walked away. The thing is, he's not sorry! He knew upfront that this could be a dealbreaker for her and did it anyway. Getting tearful over your own actions when you knew the other person would not be ok with them in the first place is manipulative and shitty. Screw you, Peter, you don't deserve the girl and you better not go chasing her back to Alabama. Just let her take the Bachelorette gig and settle down into your "exciting" life of probable domestic abuse and adultery with Victoria.
  9. Enough has been said about Victoria (she's horrible), but I also tend to think the fact that his ex didn't sign a release to show her face lends some credibility to her. I do wish she'd have been more specific about Victoria's history, and if I were Peter, I would have asked her to have a drink with me and elaborate. BUT, my main turn-off this episode was Peter after Hannah Ann said she loved him. He said to the camera that it feels so good that "SOMEBODY" feels that way about him- not that Hannah feels that way, just that somebody feels that way. Then he continued saying he has just been looking for validation and is so glad to have gotten it. Red flags all over. He just wants the ego boost and will take anyone who gives it to him. I really hope Madison escapes next week.
  10. After Peter tried to confirm (again) that her wild mood swings shouldn't worry him and she was actually still into him, Victoria honestly whined in his face, "Why do we have to talk about this every time we get together?" Maybe because you come at him on every date like a black hole of passive-aggressive bitchiness, Victoria! She is the WORST. They're bickering like they've been in a years-long relationship. She's exhausting and horrible and not nearly cute enough to compensate for it. The fact that Peter is so into it and has kept her around despite the fact that she has snapped "Ok, Peter" like a dozen times at him really tells me all I need to know about his maturity level. I don't even care that Kelley was smug, I loved her. Girl did not give a fuck. She and Natasha had the two best exits this season because they are both mature women who looked at this relationship realistically- it's going well and we're having fun and it could develop into something. Unfortunately, Peter despises the word "fun" and needs histrionics and misery to show him a girl is serious about him. If you watched the security footage, what actually happened is even funnier. He slams his head onto the golf cart so hard that it bounces towards his other hand and he impales himself through the forehead with his wine glass. I'm pretty sure the scar is from the wine glass injury and not where he hit the golf cart.
  11. And she was actually funny on the group date with her TH about the telenovela abuela role! I caught myself laughing out loud and was shocked. I "literally" cannot remember another moment that a contestant was genuinely funny on this season. I think Madison is the only clear choice for winner, but I'm disappointed because she's also the only one of this crop I would like to see as next bachelorette. Aside from the fact that she actually seems into Peter which, in my book, is just gross at this point. I like Natasha but she hasn't had enough screentime for it. I like Kelley but not as a potential lead. Hard no to the other three remaining. Thank God Mykenna is gone. What a nutjob. You could tell she saw herself giving these overwrought speeches and thought it was a stellar and moving audition as tragic heroine of the show. She was bizarre and childish (Tammy wasn't wrong). ETA: OH and I was so disgusted by Peter and Hannah Ann making out with food all over their faces! EW! That was worse than Evan and Carly's hot pepper make out.
  12. Kelley is trying to but Peter got mad about it and said he isn't here for a fun time. He needs her to weep all over him or be permanently stuck to his face for him to know she wants to be there. Misery, sex, or wrong reasons!! Those are the choices! Which, obviously, she doesn't want to be there anymore, and she has skyrocketed up to one of my faves this season. She's so disinterested it's awesome, and who could blame her? She was also one of the only ones there with a realistic outlook on this whole thing. I loved her criticizing Peter to his face. He had no idea what to do. To be fair, being emotionally distant is my MO with most dates as well, so I'm biased. God, I expected Peter to be boring, but I didn't expect him to be the worst Bachelor I've watched since Ben Flajnik. He has zero conflict management skills, very little maturity, and not only lets the drama run rampant but immerses himself in it. The ridiculous grade school drama wouldn't be half of what it is if Peter didn't keep getting involved, telling the girls what the other girls said about them, cancelling parties and dates because he can't face the consequences of his own decisions, and rewarding emotional immaturity with roses. My brain hurts from watching these girls scream and cry and tear each other apart. I'm rooting for almost no one... except Madison (to be next Bachelorette) and Kelley (to continue being a level headed voice of reason). This season is AWFUL. I am enjoying watching Peter fuck up everything all over the place, for what that's worth. I can't wait to find out how many of these girls he actually sleeps with and the ensuing fallout.
  13. Thanks!! Let me know if you do, I have loads of advice! Also I do love to read and will take a look at that list. 🙂
  14. Omg I can't believe I entirely forgot about Hot in Cleveland. What a gem of a show. And I constantly reference being a solid 10 in Cleveland vs a 6 in LA too. I'm so sorry, Betty White!
  15. Forget the drama, guys... did you hear that they filmed this episode in CLEVELAND?! Maybe they didn't mention CLEVELAND enough for everyone to pick up on it, but yes, this episode was filmed right here in CLEVELAND!! Ok, so I enjoyed this ridiculously because it is not often my city is featured with such enthusiasm and large sums of money from our tourist board. (The beautiful "flee to the Cleve" 30 Rock episode is one of the only great tributes to our city springing to mind). My best friend and I were on the edge of the seat waiting for the girls' reactions to the destination announcement, and boy, it did not disappoint!! Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I've seen past groups cheer over places like Richmond, VA, we died laughing over the frozen expressions as Chris Harrison revealed Cleveland following a gleeful buildup as if he were about to announce a trip to the Rome of the United States. So, here is a rundown of commentary as a local. First of all, yes, Cleveland does claim Superman because apparently he was invented here in the city. Our public library (which is a beautiful building) had a full Superman exhibition running for quite awhile. Cedar Point is one of the best rollercoaster parks in the world, and they are beyond lucky to have gotten to skip the 1-2 hour wait times that the rest of us peasants have to suffer through all season. I really wanted to see "afraid of heights" Victoria F on the Top Thrill Dragster though. The "gangster country" (isn't that the popular fad these days?) ex was hilarious, especially as Peter was totally fanboying over him while Chase was trying to dig out info about how well things were going with Vic F. Pretty sure his shocked reaction at dinner was more over the son of a bitch producers who set him up like that rather than any real feelings on Victoria dating him (plus maybe realizing these girls can get score much hotter guys). My friend's husband came upstairs as they were exiting the building to the cello player and noted the police cars lined up to the sides obviously holding back the real cracked out Cleveland panhandlers who would be yelling at Peter to buy a flower for the pretty lady and spare them a cigarette too. Oh... Browns stadium... really?? But we have Jacobs Field and the Cavs fieldhouse...? I'm guessing the Browns paid the show to use their stadium and not vice versa. My best friend noted that this was not the worst game that has ever been played on that field. We also had to yell down to her husband to ask if Cribbs was a Browns guy, a Brown? which led to an entertaining debate on whether Browns has a singular useage. (I'm a Steelers fan myself as much as I'm a fan of any sport which is very little.) And Alayah is back yet again rocking the pants and heels look (get it, girl), and Victoria P sucks so bad and is now outed as a liar on top of it but thinks if she cries hard enough Peter won't remember what to be mad at her about. Turns out she's right. ALSO, my best friend got married at Windows on the River in that exact room where they had the disastrous night portion of the date. I walked down those stairs as a bridesmaid! And the aquarium is attached- I kept waiting for a makeout in the shark tunnel, but I had to settle for Peter brooding in the shark tunnel instead. I mean, at least we got a cameo by the sharks. Downtown is actually nice, for the record, and Kelsey's walking date was in the best part of the city around East 4th (pedestrian street of restaurants and bars). I knew they were walking into The Corner Alley as soon as I saw the spot where they were standing. Pierogies and polka make sense because our Polish community is pretty prevalent (big Dyngus Day celebration every year), but I really wish they'd have shown more of the Rock Hall or, like, featured more rock and roll in general on this show instead of the grating nobody country acts they return to time and time again. Does anyone remember the Bachelor Pad episode where they all had to sing "Sister Christian"?! More of that, please! Damn, that was a nice fireworks display for some random night in Sept/Oct on the river! Where was I? Why did they not announce that the Flats were doing reality TV funded fireworks? Those Nautica cruises are a good time too, especially if you're not stuck on a date with Peter. Hey guys, thanks for sticking with me here. This was an exciting time as a Clevelander. Also there are way cooler things to do in this city than some of the lame spots they picked (Browns Stadium is the specific date I am referring to) and if anyone ever decides to visit the CLE, slide into my DMs and I'll link you my travel blog entry of all the awesome things here. REALLY IT'S NOT SO BAD. Ok see ya next time and I'll actually talk about the show again. ETA: I loved when that soap box derby kid called him Pilot Pete. He sounds like a Lego character. Rainsong, I so appreciate your disclaimer and your very apt Cleveland jokes. Special shoutout to you this week!
  16. As someone whose greatest fear has always been infinity, this hit pretty hard. Being afraid of death yet also wanting an afterlife but not an eternal afterlife is confusing and terrifying, and to me, the idea of a door to end the mental anguish that has to come with there being no END to anything is a great solution. I'm not sure if people are uncomfortable with that idea because they haven't fully considered what it would be like to truly go on endlessly for all time (except, of course, there is no time), but retaining the mental function we currently have would mean we'd either go insane or have to end up mindless zombies like the Good Place residents they showed this episode. I'm actually thrilled a TV show addressed that issue. So I liked this episode and everything it explored while also still being hilarious (the math lines had me cracking up and Chidi's fanboy moments were acted out perfectly). My biggest complaint is actually that the real Good Place just seemed a lot like the fake "Good Place" we started with. Call on a Janet, ask for anything, small town utopia in a park like setting, etc etc. I mean I get budget constraints, but it didn't feel like anything we hadn't seen before.
  17. It's only episode 3 and Peter is acting like this rose ceremony was a life or death decision. What would it have hurt to keep Alayah around another few weeks to figure things out? He has more than enough filler left in this group to cut, it's not like he'd be getting rid of a girl he really cared about in her place. I don't care how "fake" Alayah is, I was rooting for her here. That sucks to be called out like that having done nothing malicious or unforgivable (like stealing another girl's champagne, obviously) to deserve it. Sydney was hating for no good reason. Of course in a group of 25 women from varying backgrounds you aren't going to like all of them. And Peter was even worse calling out Sydney in front of the WHOLE GROUP and then straight up walking away from the carnage he created. Ice cold, dude. Not a mature way to handle the situation, but that seems to be a theme with him this season. I can't with Victoria P and the sob stories. All I could think while she was crying over her childhood was that she had practiced that speech dozens of times leading up to this date. Also tired of girls calling out other girls for "being open to opportunities that will come from the show" as if that's not the norm these days. Why wouldn't you be open and willing to make money or pursue fame if being on this embarrassment of a show opened those doors for you? You shouldn't come on here thinking "this random guy is the one, I know it and haven't even met him yet," and the Bachelor(/ette) should realize that not every contestant is going to fall madly in love with them and the whole point of bringing on such a large group is to find the few that you realistically have chemistry with. Let the others enjoy the benefits of being exploited on national TV. Nick Viall posts Insta story "this or that" questions, and one of his yesterday was, "What will Sydney's job be after the show?" and the choices were either "what it is now" or "the same as Alayah's" as in, they're both going to just be Insta schillers anyway. Also for the record, Kelley reminds me of a less attractive Kristen Gutoskie who you might have seen in the Vampire Diaries or Handmaid's Tale.
  18. I'm here for all of the drama this season. I don't think I've been so hyped watching previews for a Bachelor in ages. I genuinely hope he goes running back to Hannah B at the end of this... it'll be hilarious. And to be honest, I thought she should have chosen him on her season in the first place. They're both huge dorks and seemed easily the most comfortable together. Yeahh it's shitty of her to run back to him after her first 2-3 choices didn't work out, but it would be great TV, I don't even care. Besides, do you really want to see Hannah B on Paradise this summer if she's still single? (To be fair, I like her trainwreck self, but I see that is a wildly unpopular opinion here.) Bullying is prolonged instigation/berating/ostracizing of a person, not one instance of telling someone they're a bitch and you don't like them. Like Evan and Chad! That was mutual bullying. Don't like Hannah Ann and didn't even think she should have won the competition. Victoria and also Alexa (? the laid-back gorgeous one with the wild hair) both looked better on the runway. The fact that champagne-gate was led by one of the only older women in the house ("28" if you believe the chyron, although I can't actually tell what Kelsey's face looks like under that mask of contour makeup) is depressing. Girl who wore the most banging outfit to the limo entrances, the sparkly black lace pantsuit, went home this episode. She deserves a tribute.
  19. Speaking from countless experiences on varying amounts of acid (including 4 hits), I have never once blacked out or heard of anyone else blacking out while doing it... you can usually remember everything, vividly, even if you drink an entire bottle of liquor while tripping. So that annoyed me unless they come up with another explanation for the missing time. I always feel like drug trip sequences are rarely well researched (they did throw in a few accurate visual depictions though, like the huge eyes and waving carpet).
  20. I'm a travel agent and just got a call from a guy who spoke and sounded EXACTLY like Jason Mendoza. Turns out he was flying out of Jacksonville, of course... and when I asked him if he preferred aisle or window he goes, "Um, aisle I think? Like the one that isn't middle and isn't window?" I was so happy.
  21. I get that Black Mirror wants to portray digital copies that way, but to me, that's not your soul. That's a scan of your brain that is downloaded into a computer. It's creating an AI to emulate you, an NPC that other people can interact with that looks like you and acts like you, but really, you're dead. You could "download" your brain while you were still alive, but would you look at that computer character playing yourself and think, oh good, that's me living on after I'm gone. I wouldn't. I would still be stuck in my body and afraid of death, because what actually happens to the essence of you after you die is no more certain whether or not a computer copy has been created. I see the digital copies as more of a legacy idea, like leaving behind a book you wrote.
  22. Team Bukowski and Blake in this situation. I also fall into the category of emotionally distant, and so to me, Chris just seemed like a chilled out guy who was totally blindsided and set up as a target by his own fiance on national television. He kept his cool much better than I would have in that situation and I don't blame him for being pissed off outside. It sounds like they've hashed this out already and she thought if she put on a big dramatic televised show that he'd have to own up and make some kind of promises to change now that the world was watching. It was totally manipulative. They've only known each other a month or two... relationships take time to grow. Of course he wasn't in love with her on day 1- she is lucky that she got such an effusive and emotional proposal in the end, and it seemed genuine too. As far as Blake, yeah he sucks, but I don't blame him in the slightest for posting those texts. He was getting dragged on TV and knew that her story was a lie. She booty called him in the middle of the night and straight up wouldn't take no for an answer (he tried to decline a few times if I recall and she basically insisted she was coming over for sex and nothing else). It even sounds like he called to warn her before he posted them. She had time to offer to clear it up herself. Anyway, I've never liked Caelynn. I do like Kristina, she's always been low-key funny and seems like a tough love kind of friend (as evidenced with her pep talk to Blake about squaring up and getting through it). I would have cheered for her! Nicole is delusional. Clay is no catch, but his offer to date outside the show is really the ideal outcome. It sounded like she was acting out her own heroic telenovela scene of the scorned woman as she left him at the altar of the final rose. How dare he want to continue to grow a relationship with her at a normal pace! I've never liked him more than when he was looking dazed and bemused in the getaway van and asked to stop at a pub. Demi and Kristian are the best of the engaged couples. When Chris H asked what they love about each other, their answers were very insightful and intimate and were actually about traits that the other person had, not just how the relationship made them feel. That video of Jade post-birth asking if her baby was ok seemed way too personal and intense for this dumb show. I really like Tayshia and JPJ, but I really wish she would stop pulling away to squeal "JAYPJAY!!!" at him like he's an amusing pet. Peter. Ugh. I would be way more disappointed about this, but the show depleted "my emotional tank" back when they announced Colton as lead. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO REFILL MY TANK, FLEISS?!
  23. I kept thinking he was making fun of Nick Viall who sells essential oils, but that requires a couple layers of reference to understand so I could be wrong. Man, I know he is the poor man's Nick, but Haley didn't have to keep emphatically stressing it in her talking heads. Ouch. I actually felt some emotion for JPJ and Tayshia?! Those two genuinely seemed to enjoy each other. I knew the whole time that she was viewing it as a fun summer fling with no expectations of it continuing seriously, but I think that when he left her there (in a very matter of fact Grocery Store Joe manner, which I appreciate), she realized that she felt more for him than she had expected to. I actually thought it was a bit romantic. THERE'S the Bukowski I remember! Except with much more angst. Get it together, man, you don't have to propose. What do these producers do to people to make them think they can't just carry on their relationship off the show without a ring?
  24. ^Dead on! I also find Dean to be super attractive, but I'm very disappointed in him if he thinks CAELYNN is the one to settle down for. So she can flip her hair around 10 times a minute and giggle at you between every other word? Come on. A hot vagabond can do so much better... and she is not the girl to be into a gypsy van life. I'm so on Team Angela. She is getting the best revenge of all time and doesn't even have to work for it. Go girl! She also dodged a bullet. 4 hours at the gym?! He's upset she doesn't want to go with him? Run away! The producers are the best. I laughed so hard at the first kiss montage. I also appreciated the splice cuts of Blake protesting way too hard about not being into Brie cut with scenes from Brie looking smoking hot on a surfboard while Blake was making the world's lamest conversation with Kristina on the beach.
  25. Wow, I am so bitter. I was nervous going into this... I avoided spoilers, but I saw some ominous tidings such as the title of the last episode, a fan group on Facebook about bringing back Logan, and a review article that said "be careful what you wish for, VM fans." Well, almost nobody wished for that, and I'd have honestly rather not had a fourth season than had to have that ending burned into my brain, in a way retroactively ruining the show for me (I often try to pretend season 8 of That 70s Show never happened, but I can never truly convince myself of it- same deal here except far more traumatic). So, I was hoping that it was going to be Logan away on deployment, or, as much as I had originally dreaded the thought, even just a breakup. If this revival did anything, it made me really dislike Veronica (who I have always loved in the past) while simultaneously reinforcing Logan as my favorite character. She was a terrible bitch to him through most of this season, and it would have made sense the way they were writing the script for him to leave her the way he did in season 3, leaving her to deal with her personal issues and the consequences of her actions. Or, he could have been sent away on his indefinitely long military assignments they made it a point to bring up every episode. What they did was just hateful towards the fans who have kept this show alive. Do they think anybody is going to accept single widow Veronica with any new love interests more than they would have for a single Veronica who ruined her relationship with Logan (not for the first time)? It's just going to be more rejected because everybody knows RT killed off a beloved (for many the most beloved) character to get her there. The worst part is that I really liked this season. The Weevil/Veronica stuff was especially amazing. Mature Logan was fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat for parts of the last 2 episodes- despite my dread at what I assumed was coming. But wow. Logan's death just left me BITTER. I watched Big Dick's decapitation with my hands over my face, shocked in the right way- it was brutal but fitting. I watched Logan's (off-screen death) and was just beyond angry. It was a cheap FU to fans for a new direction that doesn't even sound compelling. Now I just feel empty and depressed about a show I really loved. Dammit. I won't watch any future seasons. I wish Jason Dohring had heard the arc written for him and made the same choice as Tina Majorino not to return for it.
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