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Everything posted by Kiki777

  1. Bravo will offer her a contract (because drama) and Raquel will except (because since she first showed up she’s been fighting for screen time even if it meant awkwardly injecting herself into a conversation). I’m sure everyone else will accept and will probably be required to film with her at least a few times. It gonna be a hot mess and of course I cannot wait 😂 I hope Kristen comes back - I’ve seen a few podcasts she was in and she really seems to have grown and matured. It’ll be fun to watch how the girls (except Raquel) interact with the Toms now that the world is aware of how horrible and manipulative they are.
  2. Another thing she seriously lacks is charisma - she has like a negative level of it if possible. Even before Scandoval it made me uncomfortable just watching her try to be normal while she stood on the sidelines with an aggressively pageant-like blank smile plastered on her face.
  3. That is one thing I agree with Stassi on. If hell exists, that’s the song that would play there as well. Speaking of Stassi, I saw a rerun from S6 I think where she mentioned her name is short for Nastassia- a shame because another great way to shorten it would be to call her Nasti.
  4. Ok I had to do some ‘research’ and pulled up a South Park episode. Yes it’s the vacant eyes and blinking, but also the roundness of her head and face if that makes any sense 😂 and yes I also feel that women who have to constantly tell the world how pretty they are… are not so. I do feel she must not have really believed it and felt insecure because the rest of the girls are gorgeous (see: Spelling, Tori) so maybe she thought she could convince herself by constantly repeating it.
  5. I feel bad saying this (even though Raquel is awful) but I don’t get why others in the show called her pretty/beautiful/hot - unless it’s just about her figure and long blond hair. If this were 90210, she’d be the Tori Spelling of the group. I can’t quite put my finger in it, but something about her face reminds me of the people in South Park.
  6. 😬😬😬😬 I mean, I feel bad for Ariana and all but… all those videos of Sandoval ‘singing’ with his ‘band’ - the sparkly outfits and flair that only Freddie Mercury could get away with because he had ACTUAL TALENT… I am seriously side-eying Ariana for tolerating this joke of a man for almost 10 years.
  7. The doctor had probably just met her and did not realize that she is always blank and confused.
  8. Okay, zombies I can handle but not a flood of cockroaches. Bye!
  9. I was scandalized 😂 does Bob Vance know about this?
  10. I did catch a preview in which Peter rolls his eyes at Raquel and says ‘no offense but you’re not gonna break my heart’ and her with her usual confused stare. Heck I’d just watch for that 😂
  11. I would have liked to see Lane and Zack with a third child - just as physical proof that her sex life wasn’t limited to that one awful time on their honeymoon.
  12. Not to be crude, but with the forward lean and tension in her hands, it kinda looks like she’s leaning forward to fart.
  13. I saw the Dr. Phil episode which featured the couple who adopted Natalia and they seemed like well-meaning people to me. The money they got from having her SS benefits signed over would have been necessary to take care of her expenses (and probably were not even enough, considering the medical expenses she probably had). I think Michael Barnett just had major sour grapes about losing that source of income because it was less $ to spend on his ugly sports cars.
  14. I like the ‘temporary’ recast and wouldn’t mind if they made her permanent
  15. Interesting! I just saw a few YouTube videos that mentioned the green light bit. One of them also brought up that part where Ariana didn’t want Raquel sitting next to Tom at the reunion - it initially seemed like she just didn’t want him sitting with his side-piece, but might have been actually that she knew Sandoval would try to coach Raquel on what to say.
  16. It’s always so jarring to hear KG speak in an American accent lol
  17. As much as I hope Willow will die, it’s a nice consolation prize if Liesl is a match - because we’re then back to the fact that Carly almost cost Willow her life by keeping Harmony’s secret for too long.
  18. Did anyone catch Austin referring to Spencer as Nik’s ‘super good-looking son’? That felt like an ad-lib and made me giggle. I too dislike Portia’s new hair. I loved the curls, and this new color is too jet-black and washes her out. Amelia Grace is a beautiful name and I’m shocked that these basic bitches didn’t name her Lilibet Carly or something.
  19. I like it - I tuned in just for Kelly but it’s an entertaining show - and yes she looks even thinner than she did in AYITL - I hope she’s okay. She is definitely bringing that Emily Gilmore energy
  20. I think it’s more likely they’ll have Nina switch the babies - because the only way to redeem their pet Carly is to have Nina do something stupid.
  21. It was a bad look because every time I saw an item in the show that I liked, it was not from Anisha’s line. She was actually doing Monica a favor by not having her wear one of her creations.
  22. Hmm but if Nina’s not a match they’ll find a way to somehow blame her for it.
  23. I wonder if Bali is staying at her parents’ house so she can still participate in the show and get that $
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