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Everything posted by Kiki777

  1. Oops I believe you are right, my apologies. I think 40 was the number in my mind bc that was the amount she gained. But even that 15 pound loss was a huge difference. Lucky girl bc a 15 pound loss on me is not as dramatic lol
  2. I'm pulling for Shannon as well - yeah she can be reactive and repetitive at times but of this group she seems to be one of the few with a good heart. dont know if anyone here watches WWHL but she was on a couple weeks ago and is back down 40 pounds. Not as skinny as when she started RHOC, but that in-between weight. Frankly I think she looks best in-between, where there's still just enough fat to keep the face from looking deflated. next week they're celebrating St Patricks Day- I do hope she gets tipsy enough to warble 'top o of the mornin to ya!!!' Like she did on the Ireland trip. Don't know why but she cracked me up with that.
  3. Lydia's THs remind me of those old Joan Crawford movies - soft lighting and heavily filtered so she looks almost pretty, then cut to a shot of her with the girls and YIKES. Vicki, stop with the 'sexy' clothes, you're nauseating America and not fooling anyone into thinking you're even remotely attractive. ok I am PMSing and being super catty. Positive notes - I agree that buttermilk makes a great marinade for chicken, and healthy if you use low fat buttermilk. I marinate pieces in a buttermilk and hot sauce mixture, bread in panko and bake it - heaven! now I am bithcy AND hungry. Thanks, Uterus!
  4. I do think Peggy could be pretty - with the right hair and makeup. But aside from that, yeah I'll keep my 3 digit IQ that allows me to do my job every day as well as crossing the street without getting lost. TOTALLY agree about Vicki. I can think of no good qualities on that one. You know a person is horrible when they make Ramona Singer look good. gosh if Ramona had a boyfriend who hit on Avery she'd shriek and beat the man with her handbag.
  5. I caught a rerun today and saw this scene where Vicki hides her face from the camera and mouths something to Kelly about Shannon's weight gain. It was actually funny too see now knowing that Shannon was on WWHL recently looking great because she lost most of the weight. Oddly, for once I look forward to the reunion where hopefully someone will call her out on that scene. And I hope Shannon will say it was Vicki's fault she lost the weight too, and thank her for it lol
  6. I'm hoping they will go to the Penis Museum. With all the vaginal lasering and waxing we need some equal opportunity immaturity.
  7. Someone should show her that scene in "Billy Madison" as an educational video. Conditioner is better! I make the hair shiny and smooth! Speaking of Peggy and her tacky displays of wealth, I find her house to be quite a bit smaller than expected, like they spend all their $ on cars. I actually don't mind Michael and Brianna. They seem to see their mom for who/what she is and are just biding their time till they get their inheritance. God knows how most people would have turned out with a mother like that.
  8. My guess is she can't figure out how conditioner works.
  9. I still find it so odd that Lydia and Peggy are on Vicki's side (I don't buy them not knowing about the cancer scam). It feels scripted to me. Like Bravo will bring them on board along with Vile Kelly on the condition that they hang out with Vicki. btw that 'hello' scene reminded me why I can't quit Shannon. Girl is *hilarious* when she wants to be. She was channelling the fabulous Bea Arthur with that deep throaty helllooooo. PS - more Archie please! Loved him slowly walking alongside the ladies as they hobbled down the hall in their stilettos.
  10. Not gonna lie, I'm pissed off that DD is cancelled while the kardashians go on forever. What is wrong with this picture??? I am also so sad about this beautiful show being cancelled. The timing stinks because watching it has really helped me cope with the unexpected death of my beloved rescue. I will miss Martin tremendously - on the bright side this loss is inspiring me to get off my butt and rescue a new dog hopefully this summer. There are many Martins out there :-)
  11. it's true- we can say/do what we please at home but when you say it to guests who would be hurt by it... Why? I felt awful and uncomfortable for long-haired guy (Dan?). So much for being a 'southern gentleman'. That is no way to treat a guest in your home. On the bright side, previews show Racist's mom calling him out on it. BTW I totally agree on how much better Ashley looks with little-to-no makeup. She looked pretty and glowy and 10 years younger than she normally does.
  12. I did realize something about Martin saying 'like' like, a lot :-) I was watching last night's episode with the captions on and it somehow makes all the 'like's more obvious- Nan says it a lot when talking to her work friend (Jan?) and her friend did a little as well. It sort of makes sense- if our dogs were physically able to speak, they'd pick up the speech patterns of their humans. Martin would talk like Nan. And my dog would have had a Jersey accent and compulsion to sing showtunes. (He would actually howl when I sang- I thought he was complaining but maybe he was actually trying to harmonize?)
  13. I agree that they need to stop with moving martin's mouth as he talks- it's just creepy. It's way more effective with the VoiceOver and his super-expressive eyes. i love his show but feel they may be over-thinking what dogs go through emotionally. Would a dog really care if another dog seemed 'better' than them? I've had dogs all my life and it seems more like their confidence level is a consistent thing. also yeah that guy was a sucky trainer. Rule #1 is not to scold a dog for potty accidents way after the fact (and frankly I wouldn't have done it at all in this case since it was due to weird food and therefor not his fault)
  14. I'd use Ashley as an anti filler-and-Botox poster girl. She possibly could be late 20s but getting your face overly sculpted and plumped makes one look like a 48-year-old Real Housewife. It's almost terrifying how that one guy made a racial slur and there are more people finding it excusable than not. Worse yet is Racist Guy's (I forget his name but he doesn't deserve one anyway) insistence that he did nothing wrong. Reminds me of my 'neighborhood bigot' (don't we all have one?) who insists "I'm not a rascist, I have a black friend and she is wonderful!"
  15. This show has really grown on me - I didn't like the first episode much (though I cried at the end at Martin's memory of being rescued - I lost my beloved rescue dog a few months ago). But I feel it gets better each week - I loved their take on why dogs will try to win over the one person in the room who doesn't fawn over them. My dog would 'cheat' on me with anyone who needed the comfort of a heavy, drool-y head on the knee. But at the end of the day he'd always come back to me and head-butt the bathroom door open while I washed my face. And how handsome is Martin???? Those light brown eyes kill me. He has officially replaced Detective Hoffman on Angie Tribeca as my TV dog-crush.
  16. Hmm it didn't occur to me - but yeah it could have been a cover (which begs the question, what's the point of using a cover that could easily be mistaken for the very thing it's supposed to cover?) LOL
  17. Franco's ridiculous hair makes his scenes slightly less painful to watch - fingers crossed for a Man Bun.
  18. It might have been mentioned in this thread before but it bugs me that Lorelai's only clothing option on Rory's first day at Chilton was those Daisy Dukes. The show often brought up the fact that they borrowed each other's clothes- could she not have borrowed a skirt or pants or even jeans from her daughter's closet?
  19. I hate this trend, it's even worse than that Kardasian-esque vocal fry. However I do like it in that laundry detergent ad when the guy smells his ex-girlfriend's scarf and it still smells like her: How am I supposed to move ONNNNN-UH!!!! In that context it's funny. As for that singing Ruby Tuesday ad, I thought they were cashing in on the success of "La La Land" by having a singing redhead try to sell their crappy salad bar (though that doesn't explain the off-key performance)
  20. Once I caught this one I cannot unsee it. (I feel like a perv for having noticed this one- but things are far more visible when you get a 46-inch hi def TV.). Lorelai has a bit of a wardrobe malfunction in the season 5 finale- as Richard tells her that Rory will drop out of Yale and move into the pool house- the camera slowly zooms in on her and she's wearing this low cut v-neck dress and there it is. In the next scene as she watches Rory move in it's gone so she must have adjusted herself but how does something like that make it past editing? That little slip is also shown in previews for subsequent episodes.
  21. I just watched Dead Ringers off my DVR and must say I enjoyed it tremendously to the point where I would definitely rewatch it. BD was fabulous in both roles. (Side note: I loved the Great Dane and how he failed to seem scary when the script called for it- at one point he was smiling while the sound f/x was of a dog growling) TCM has been airing a lot of BD and JC films lately- caught young BD in The Petrified Forest which bored me to tears but damn she was pretty. She seemed like such a natural beauty while JC's beauty seemed IMO more the high-maintenance type.
  22. I giggle helplessly at the image of Jess frantically stashing things away under the floorboards :-) I recently discovered something amusing during a recent rerun of a season 7 episode- while Chris and Lorelai are driving to FND she is making fun of his love of 80s glam rock. If you listen closely you can hear the song "18 and Life" by Skid Row (Sebastian Bach's band and I believe he was lead vocals on that?) Too funny and Gil is one of my favorite minor characters.
  23. Another moment - I think from the same episode - is Trixie's tour of the Crap Shack. It was so visually hilarious: the camera follows as the four women and super-tall Richard shuffle silently from room to room. IIRC it was all one shot. Side note: why did they call it the Crap Shack? I thought the house was very cozy and cute, though oddly laid out (I.e. a bedroom right off of the kitchen)
  24. My absolute favorite was mentioned upthread: I am not a BEEEEEEE. (Lorelai the first to Emily upon being offered an outing to the arboretum) the delivery kills me; it'll never stop being funny. Another funny moment (which makes me glad I can rewind live tv because I do this every time I see this) is the spring break one where Paris and Rory call 'dibs' on the best hotel beds by flopping around on them.
  25. Caught a rerun on ABCFamily (or whatever they call it now). It was the episode in which Jess first arrives, but before he does Luke tells Lorelai some backstory which includes the fact that Jess' father had split 2 years ago.... Am I not remembering correctly or did Jess not recognize his dad a year later when he shows up at the diner? I would think a 17-year old would still know their parent even if they'd been out of the picture for 3 years :-S
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