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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. OMG Tyler, calm TF down. Sometimes I do feel bad for him, but then I see how he writes--like he's a freaking war hero who led a one-man trek to save an island full of babies and shipwrecked rescue dogs while his leg was amputated. Everything he writes sounds like it comes out of an 'inspirational' self-help book, but instead of encouraging others, he's describing HIMSELF.
  2. Seriously, since when can lesbians not adopt or get a donor and/or surrogate? Plus a fair number of people who realize they are gay or bi already have a child from a previous marriage/relationship when they enter a new one. I know that to Mr. Eason, fertility is this big Sign of His Manhood, but sorry, dude...the guy doesn't even actually have to be in the room. Also, he didn't actually answer her question? Lots of people don't have children, that really has nothing to do with them being bad or good. Is that supposed to be a "good" argument on his part? He is dumb as rocks.
  3. Yeah, I personally don't see this is as a big deal at all. Of course, he does kind of do the male version of Leah's "just hangin' around in mah makeup and tank top, y'all!!! #lol #sotahred #bestlife"
  4. I actually feel similarly. I admit to being biased against Chelsea because she seems very dim to me. Same with Leah. They're obviously much better people, parents, kinder, more moral, etc., but I do have my moments where I just can't stand to watch them because they seem so...not bright. *shrug* I'm shallow sometimes, I guess. I agree that Jenelle has become much more of a narcissist over time. Kailyn seems inherently narcissistic in a way that won't change. Jenelle, I think, seems actually mentally ill in some way, so I don't really feel that I know what her personality is or what it would have been without the drugs. I've known people like that before--the drugs really destroyed them and you can see that years of drugs and fucked up situations/environments have left them hollow shells. They can't think clearly, make solid decisions, feel things. That's what I see in Jenelle. Maybe that would have happened anyway without the drugs, but I'm not sure. Seems like without them and without getting pregnant she might have been more of a Barbra: rough around the edges and not always the best decision-maker, but has some depth. Of course, now she will never be that. I wouldn't say the same for, say, Amber: She's awful, always would have been awful IMO. I don't know about Jenelle, especially given that even her exes who've had such patently horrible experiences with her do remember some nurturing, gentler times. Very weird.
  5. This. And the thing is, Freeman's complaints don't even make sense. Unfortunately, with regard to the shooting, that violence has already happened...we can fight for various things so it's less likely in the future, but it is already done. Meanwhile, David was still on the MTV dole and able to use their platform to disseminate his dangerous BS, INCLUDING his rah-rah glorification of guns and hate crimes towards gay people, *which likely adds to the risk of future shootings and hate crimes.* There were real reasons to say something about it and they were related. Fans have a lot of control over TV shows in many cases--people's complaints DID do something, and as a result, David will be less able to spread his bigotry around on national television while getting paid for it. So he can miss me with his faux outrage that people were focusing too much on David and not on things he deemed more pertinent.
  6. LOL I'm dying at the pairing of the hashtags with the very serious/sad anecdote. Very TM appropriate. Still--that's so scary. I'm so afraid of when my daughter goes to school in a few years.
  7. I agree. I think the glorification is such a huge problem and so part of David's personality. Not to get too political, but that's why my dad left the NRA this year...too many Davids in the mix (not saying all of them are like that--you get it). Everything David does is meant to glorify a really violent form of masculinity, and his cavalier, in-your-face, "come and get me" attitude towards weapons is part of that. He is the poster boy for IRresponsible gun ownership.
  8. We should all do that every time we do anything that can remotely be considered an activity. "I drank coffee today" #workingmomlife #suburbanlife #marriedlife #marriedmarriedquitecontraried #suburb10milesfromacitylife #usedtoliveincali #wenttocollegeinacity #midwesterngirl #nearacitydweller #sotiredlol #lmaooooimgoingtobednow
  9. Damn, they push this country thing hard. Nothing wrong with liking the country, and of course people post things like "beach life" or "city living" under their pics, but dear God, WE GET IT YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY OMG
  10. Unfortunately, all he's taught his son about being a 'real man' is that it means choking women out and getting arrested on the regular. And David has taught him it means waving guns around the day of a shooting, pushing pregnant women out of cars, and homophobia. That kid is screwed.
  11. Yeah, I certainly don't. I'm just baffled at why MTV/the general viewing population thinks she's worse than any of the others, unless they're obsessed with the porn thing. If we're talking unpleasantness and general rudeness, Farrah would only be at the middle of the list for me. Amber would be absolutely f*cking insufferable to be around, and Kailyn, Jenelle, and Briana would be a very close second IMO. Honestly I'd really hate to be around Cate or Maci, too (although I admit to hating Maci for perhaps no good reason, she just annoys the hell out of me). Farrah's bitchiness is just sort of somewhere in that mix to me, not vastly better or worse. So I don't think anybody is "defending" Farrah or saying she's awesome. I just personally don't get the intense hatred for her when I look at videos of her put out by MTV in comparison to, say, videos of Kail or Bri, or people worshipping Maci and Cate. Even Amber gets a fair share of atta-girls, which I truly can't understand because I think she's by far the worst the show has had to offer.
  12. I agree, I've seen complaints towards her on social media because she isn't the primary custodian. So silly...it's much better to see parents equally than to see your dad only occasionally. I don't see why it should be different just because she's the mom.
  13. This! I actually think Kailyn has a nice body. She could look statuesque and athletic with a bit more exercise and the right clothes. She dresses like she doesn't know she isn't 5'2" with a curvy little hourglass figure, or like she's never bought new clothes since she was a size 6 in high school.
  14. Hear hear. The one I most notice this disparity with is Amber. She treats the crew like absolute crap and started a fight on stage yet somehow they *still* cater to her.
  15. I don't feel super comfortable with nudity, but I know many families who have totally different feelings on it and hang around together naked. I wouldn't do it but it's their right. Our feelings on clothing and nudity (pro or con) are so shaped by our environments that I get that everybody will feel differently and what one person thinks is super weird will be another's normal. I Still, I agree with whomever said that Farrah seems to have a lot of signs of prior sexual abuse. I in no way think she sexualizes her daughter or shows her porn--that's a serious allegation I'm not willing to make without some proof-- but she seems to have an odd relationship to sex, bodies, and others in general, consistent with abuse. By far one of the funniest things I've ever read was a serious review of her album from a cultural critic. Omg, it was hilarious.
  16. Kail and Bone's shorts look painful AF.
  17. I wish David had social media so I could tweet this at him again and again.
  18. lol this reminds me of Mean Girls
  19. I tried to watch her Instagram Lives recently or whatever they were and I couldn't think of anything but that one tweet.
  20. I actually do find all of her girls quite pretty/cute. I do agree with you in general, though, most disabled adults find it very patronizing to not be criticized like anyone else. It's part of equality. I don't tend to say negative things about any of the kids because they're kids, nondisabled or disabled. (I also mostly just don't think about the kids, I'm usually too horrified by their parents to focus on them).
  21. AGAIN?!?!?! Is he drinking and driving again? Jesus Christ, he needs to get off the road.
  22. Yes, this is the scariest thing about her. She has no real personality or thoughts. That's true. Kaiser and Ensley are much worse off than Jace, though I feel bad for him as well. At least Kaiser has Doris, but he has no caring parents. Ensley has nobody at all. :(
  23. I think the things he said about Leah & T.R.'s imagined future babies were pretty heinous, but I agree that it certainly wasn't as violent. David is far more dangerous and criminal, not *just* bigoted. I'm not saying David isn't a lot worse, I'm just wondering where the line is. David is more out there with his drama, but the only people MTV has fired or threatened to fire are him and Farrah. Meanwhile we've got Ryan literally endangering lives on camera with high driving and Leah high while watching her kids, and they've shown how much domestic abuse? I am pointing out that MTV doesn't really care about this, just about more fan backlash. When they try to pretend they're taking the moral high ground in any way with who they choose to 'associate' with, I just laugh.
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