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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I also think both of them looked tipsy during that, Maci especially. I think that was the cause for the loose lips, as others have said.
  2. I agree. I go back and forth between thinking he's unfairly having to be the caretaker like he was with Butch (although obviously not as bad)....and thinking he's loving it and using her issues for his own personal gain. It's probably both. He probably does feel some deserved frustration at her issues, but he also uses both his caregiving and his frustration to get ever more likes from fans. They really need to separate for six months or a year, deal with their own stuff, share custody of Nova and then come back together if they feel they really should.
  3. Listen, the cashiers at In 'n' Out have saved, if not my life, my mood at least a time or two. Amber should maybe aspire to THAT first before trying to save lives?? Also, Debz OG can go fuck herself. Seriously, what a terrible person.
  4. And honestly this is VERY questionable. I would bet quite a bit of money that I could otherwise be spending on TTM shirts and FroCo FroYo that she never got any actual treatment beyond 1-2 sessions. The thing is they always think they are advocates for the worst stuff ever!! Like what they are uniquely UNqualified to be advocates for. Hear me out: -If Amber is actually mentally ill and not just making excuses (questionable), she's the poster child for how not to deal with it. -Cate and Tyler are pretty much the worst people on earth to speak out about the benefits of adoption. -Kail is the picture of no hustle, no heart. /I think her shtick is "educated" and "hard working," which a bachelor's degree you took like 83 years to finish and an occasional podcast do not indicate. -Leah is the icon of how not to deal with your child's disability appropriately and healthily. Also I think she speaks about going after your dreams, which she does not do. -Maci should never, ever be speaking about abstinence and birth control!!
  5. I'm Team Shawniece. Yes, she seems insecure and can be irritating, but still. Hear me out. Yes, the whole situation is weird, the lap dance was off base, and Shawniece talks to fill empty silences and doesn't give him a lot of space to catch his breath. But it's not like they are on a third date and she's demanding he propose. He SIGNED UP for a show in which he would marry a complete stranger immediately, and now he's acting like his date is being dramatic and wanting him to commit for no reason and like he's been forced into this. From what we've seen (and yes, I know the editing can be wonky), he doesn't ask her questions about herself, he doesn't say "what would you like to do on your honeymoon," etc. She tries to throw out a harmless positive comment like "first time traveling together!" and he goes "yeah, and it sucked." Eat and drink together and get to know the girl, for god's sake! Give her a hug or something and ask her how she's dealing with this huge change. He just keeps repeating that he doesn't know her. Of course he doesn't know her! That's the point of the show! She doesn't know you either, that's why you have to do the work to figure out why the experts matched you and if there's something there. My thought is, if you're going to go to all the trouble to be matched by experts and sign up for a show and do all that that entails, at least give it a full, real try. If you're going to do something this weird/risky/adventurous, go all in.
  6. When Shawniece took her makeup, my reluctantly watching husband actually said, "Oh, thank God! She looked terrible with that stuff on! She's actually really pretty without it." I agreed...thought she looked way cuter without all that fakey stuff. Sorry but if he can go to bed in boxers with no makeup and his natural hair...so can she. And if she needs glasses, she needs glasses. What is she supposed to do, not see? I personally think glasses are adorable on both men and women. I guess maybe I just don't care enough, I've been married a few years, but when we first dated I 100% was without makeup most of the time that I saw him. It is what it is...take it or leave it. Don't like it, don't spend time with me, don't care that I'm a woman and he isn't. *shrug*
  7. Why do these people always think they are advocates? Advocate for yourself to get off the couch first
  8. This is just a meme. That's mostly what he posts on social media. (I think anyway? I guess it could be Leah.) I didn't take it as sarcastic. His own fiance doesn't know how to use "your" correctly, so I don't think he'd expect it of a child. I think he's saying that the message of the letter is a positive one...anti-competition, pro-cooperation. (Go for your friend, not for the winning, because you're always a winner.)
  9. I wish I could like this 800 times. You're not "wanting more kids," you're bored as shit because you have no career, no education, no intellectual curiosity, no wanderlust, nothing that keeps you alive and fascinated. You're not mentally ill, you're BORED and tired from staring at screens and being hung over, and upset that you've had such a useless life so far. Then you filled the emptiness with drugs/food/men that sucked and then you were upset about the fallout. You're not "passionate about clothing," you think it could be something that makes easy money without you having to demean yourself (in your eyes) or work up a sweat by working at Target, doing manual labor, or getting degrees. Their "passion projects" are just things they see other people in the same boat doing (people who didn't grow up with privileges, but lucked into some through TV or the like) and consider 1) doable and 2) socially acceptable.
  10. I don't know what kinds of drugs the leghumpers do but I'd really like to get some...they seem totally out of it.
  11. I am so sorry!! & second @Bridget's suggestion of bad Yelp reviews. I volunteer to write one too. It can be so cathartic if it's well deserved (which this sounds like this absolutely is).
  12. This is so true. As insufferable as she can be, I feel bad that that's all she thinks she can have and that she's so dependent on him. He's really a total narcissistic dick.
  13. Exactly! Plus it further stigmatizes people who actually do struggle with these things...I truthfully don't know if she does or not, or if it's as bad as she says if she does (my strong opinion is no, and/or that she is still using), but it's almost immaterial, because even if she didn't have "mental health issues" she would still suck and be an awful mother. I truly think she gets these excuses from social media, maybe from people who actually do have severe issues, and then she just parrots back the excuses that have been handed to her on a silver platter. Jenelle does it, Cate does it, they all do it...not just with mental health stuff but with stuff against Brandon and Theresa, stuff against Barb, etc...
  14. I don't think that's fair. She's giving up BoogieTown to go there. She is like Mother Theresa...but with more hustle...and heart. Wait, I'm mixing up slogans. Things That Matter?
  15. With her it's so confusing. She's so skinny that I can't ever tell if it's a baby or just a hamburger because even that would show on her teeny tiny frame.
  16. Yeah, that's the thing. Anyone who's delivered or gone to therapy (or both) knows that a diagnosis in the mental health world isn't the same as it is for a physical problem. You might *have* to get a diagnosis on the first or second visit just to continue to get treated...which isn't necessarily the best, but that's how insurance unfortunately works here. Plus, mental health diagnoses aren't based (often) on lab tests or blood workups. They're based on self-reported issues, especially at first when the person doesn't know you, and the DSM changes all the time. Psychology is a still-contested and relatively new field with a great deal of fluidity. So Amber has plenty of room to manipulate and lie and it's not like they can do much about it. So say Amber comes in and says "oh I just can't get out of bed, I will DIE without MATTTTT," any normal therapist is going to say "depression" and "possible suicidal ideation" and warn her about the necessity of managing her suicidal tendencies. Or she recounts her romantic history and says they all "abuse" and mistreat her, and someone says "oh, maybe BPD," because of the unstable relationships and abuse/trauma that often go along with that. Or she says "Sometimes I get so excited and happy [no she doesn't] [except maybe on Twitter with the haters] [or with a new boyfriend] and other times I am just soooo tired [high] and I just literally CAN'T take care of Leah" and they say "bipolar disorder." If she says she has anxiety, what therapist is going to say "no you don't?" That's against like every ethical standard. So then she technically does have diagnoses...which she can now run around with and pretend her diagnoses from 1-2 sessions with a therapist are exactly the same, and as intractable and For Sure, as if an MRI revealed a brain tumor. There's a lot of room for error, and lies from Amber, there--especially if she never goes back to therapy and clarifies anything or allows any clinician worth their salt to see a pattern that she isn't manipulating or obscuring. I also assume if she ever does stick with a clinician for more than a single session, it's only the ones who give her softball questions or who let her go on rants and don't try to actually do much to push her to change or manage her symptoms. I would assume she sticks with the Kinko Kathleens of the world who are not that bright or who are just there to collect a check (and there are plenty of those), and anyone who ever tells her "hey perhaps you could change something that you do in order to improve your life?" gets summarily dismissed.
  17. I also don't understand how these people don't use condoms. Before I was married there wasn't a single time I had sex when I wasn't using 2 forms of birth control. I know I might be in the minority there (maybe? I was always paranoid), but they just casually use none?! And the guys they sleep with are like "ok cool you're on the pill?" Don't they know it can fail, and you can both get STDs even if the woman is on birth control?! And they're not getting tested before they start having regular sex with a new partner?!?!?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND Y'ALL.
  18. Yes! I have had chronic back pain since high school and it became unbearable during my pregnancy. My baby was also breech at 36 weeks and supposedly chiropractors can help with that. I didn't believe it, but 48 hours after my first visit, she turned...so, Idk. It SAVED my back pain. I haven't felt that much relief from massage, meds, anything. Like others said, they took measurements, weighed me, did some tests, etc. They did do my first treatment that day, so that might be different depending on the chiropractor. ETA: I saw your update. They used that thingy (the adjustment wand thing?) on me too. It felt weird and I didn't like it, but the pain was all gone after that...
  19. I presume that as with most things, the answer is not that they do or don't want one but just sort of get drunk, bang and don't care? lol I think we might be overthinking how much forethought these two put into anything except booze runs and the next MTV season.
  20. I never understand the "having babies to get out of _____" thing. Having babies pretty much makes your life more difficult in every possible way (financially, testing your relationship, mental and physical health, space, leisure time, career) and the only perk is that you now have a baby, which is awesome and lovely if you WANT a baby. If you don't, I'm not sure what it's supposed to help, but apparently they think so? It's like they think it's a doll.
  21. Very much so. Which, again, I would venture to say that most people have vices (though theirs appear a bit extreme) and it's not like they're the worst people on earth or something, but they both prance around like they are super classy and well-bred and/or Badass Business-Owning Boss Bitches/Bros. Like...you got pregnant, got on a TV show, had several kids while in an ambiguous dating relationship, the guy proposed when the girl begged and nagged enough, you bought a shitty T-shirt company that probably does slightly better than the average shitty T-shirt company because you have built-in fans from the TV show you're on about said pregnancies, and apparently between the two of you you can't figure out how birth control pills or condoms work and neither one appears to have an education or a job. No, they're not Amber/Matt/New Matt or Jenelle/David level bad. They're not getting routinely arrested for domestic violence like Nathan or David or viciously abusing people on the reg and neglecting children like Amber and Jenelle. But damn, they both put on quite a few airs for people so damn mediocre. Pretty much AGGRESSIVELY average or below, but with privileges that many people could have used to become extraordinary or at least better than before.
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