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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. This "choice" is like one you'd be forced to make in one of the Saw movies, lol. "Do you want to saw off your arms with a dull rusty knife, or chew through your own ankle?"
  2. I was actually thinking that the drag queen seemed really sweet compared to what Sophia usually encounters...at least she looked happy. Poor Sophia :(
  3. I know right? Like, don't even joke about that.........scary shit. She does look like Kail here. She actually has a very homely face, though. Even Kail looks pretty in the face sometimes.
  4. Yeah, as weird and potentially disturbing/limiting as it would be to be raised by Farrah, I can't imagine how suffocating and scary it must have been to be raised by Hyperevangelical Debra. Remember how she forced Farrah not to get an abortion and slapped her on camera because Jesus? And now she has a rap career as Debz OG? But also screams that she's going to kill herself during pedicures? That is not just an eccentric person, that is a scary-ass lady. She's like a mix of one of the Real Housewives and the mom from Carrie.
  5. I don't necessarily disagree with this either, but her parents (especially Debra) could also stop using Farrah for fame and money if they wanted to get out of the drama; Debra uses Farrah for her own gain, including money, airtime, and public shaming/revenge, as much as Farrah does. So I can't fault Farrah any more than I do Deb for continuing the toxic codependence they've got going on. They are both adults and both getting something out of it. I don't doubt that Sophia had a good relationship with her grandmother when she was a toddler, which isn't hard, but it could just as easily be that her grandmother is just as hard and dramatic to be around as her mom (she doesn't seem to respect her mom either) and she's old enough to figure that out now. Both her mom and grandma throw temper tantrums (in fact, we've seen them do it while she's there), and Sophia's witnessed that, along with the drama with David. Eventually she is going to act out to get attention herself or stop respecting them because they don't respect each other or anyone. Sophia is what, 8? She's old enough to see what's what to some extent. She sees how her mom and grandmother treat people who work for them, waiters, each other, their boyfriends, Michael. That's 'appropriate' behavior to her. TL;DR I see it as mutually toxic/mutual 'using' of one another.
  6. Is this just a mini version of Cate's VMAs outfit?
  7. Really? I honestly can't see Debra as anything but extremely emotionally abusive, certainly not only to Farrah. I know there was cheating on both sides in her and Michael's marriage, but I have to imagine that she absolutely sucked the life out of him. I definitely feel that Farrah has become much like her mother. And I have to think that inviting someone who attacked her daughter physically on camera to her wedding is 'standing up' to her...certainly doesn't seem afraid of her. She screamed that she was suicidal at a nail salon in front of her granddaughter. I don't think that's because she's being mistreated by Farrah; the woman is just plumb crazy. Maybe I just see it differently because I watched them on that ridiculous family 'therapy' show. Debra is every bit as manipulative, angry and aggressive as Farrah, if not more. She learned from the best. There's no question that Farrah is vile as well and is on track to being just like her toxic mom, but I have to say that Debra makes my stomach turn. And I don't get where she took away her parents' independence. Debra is marrying a disgusting leech who clearly wants to screw her daughter and treats her horribly, started a variety of businesses on her own and with Farrah, and *is trying to have a rap career.* I'm interested to see what other folks think, but honestly when I watch the two of them, I don't see Farrah as perpetrator and Deb as innocent victim of her abuse. I see Toxic 1 and Toxic 2.
  8. That makes a lot of sense. I really wouldn't be able to get half the hate Mack gets on social media and keep going. Either I am very thin skinned or the thirst must be REAL.
  9. What I'm confused about is how the hell Amber made it two years without getting pregnant by Matt.
  10. My husband's 13 years older than I am. It's never bothered us but we also both had jobs and apartments and no criminal records and I'm not a Real Woman (TM) like Amber, so idk it's not true love like Amber's anyway how can I even compare.
  11. Is there ANYONE on this series who has legit just had *one* wedding? It's like a tradition to have 50 engagements and 3 weddings, even to the same person.
  12. Am I the only one creeped out by how much New Matt actually looks like Matt? And how similar their mannerisms are?
  13. Used to do content writing full time for a business school. An EMBA is just an accelerated MBA, and usually it's for older adults who already have some work experience so they don't want to take the GMAT or don't have recent undergraduate grades available. It might be low residency or on weekends, or distance learning, but it doesn't usually affect the reputation either way (sometimes it's high, sometimes it's low)...it's more about how it's delivered, as others have said. Usually it's offered in more nontraditional formats, like short term intensives, summers, etc., but it can also just be a slightly different kind of program than the ones aimed at just-out-of-undergrad folks (like more focused on networking than coursework). Either way, it's freaking stupid. Putting EMBA after your NAME would be like writing "Debra Danielsen, Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon MA in History" because your grad seminars were on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
  14. Yeah, that's the thing. Debra doesn't deserve respect because she is seriously unrespectable. Who the hell invites someone to their wedding who physically attacked their daughter on camera? (And honestly, Farrah was nicer about it than I would have been...) Farrah is seriously cray, but Jesus...I see why sometimes. That is some major rage/passive aggression/disordered behavior. It's one thing when Jenelle flagrantly disrespects Barb. Debra is NO Barb and IMO she deserves what she gets. I've seen people put Dr. when they have an MD or PhD. IMHO adding "_____, PhD" or "_____, MD" is somehow worse than that for some reason. Dr. is like Mr. or Mrs...adding MD, PhD or MBA means you're just trying to show off. And adding EMBA means you're stupid, because as someone else pointed out, it's an MBA, just accelerated and usually doesn't require the GMAT. Debz OG is a real piece of work.
  15. I agree. As much as Jenelle truly sucks, she seems to put her men on pedestals, but she doesn't seem to think SHE is some brilliant, tragic, wounded bird with a poetic soul and a fierce loyalty that only a goddess could muster. Amber sees herself as Marilyn Monroe, Sylvia Plath, etc. You can tell with all her "real woman" crap.
  16. I don't think she has one. (A hinky meter, that is.) Also, hell no Matt didn't say "When you're done with your man, your husband is ready to come home." You KNOW that fucker calls himself "Daddy," not husband. YOU KNOW IT. I know it. We all know it. It keeps me up at night like that nun demon from The Conjuring.
  17. I am laughing so hard at the fact that Debra's EMBA was listed on her wedding invitation........
  18. Seriously. When Leah is crying or upset, does Amber say "Booooger Butttt, don't cryyy" in a sad voice?
  19. Yes! I've never thought Leah was a very naturally pretty girl (more like she is thin and blonde and so a certain kind of guy is always going to find her attractive), but she looks much younger here than usual. Maybe she's working on her health? She's been looking better.
  20. Call me crazy but I actually think Brittany is very pretty and has a gorgeous face. https://twitter.com/BrittDeJesus_ Briana I think is much less cute but she clearly thinks she's hot shit.
  21. Just wanted to clarify something...I agree that probably many bio parents say "daughter" or "son" to each other in private. I *think* that people here mean when C&T post on Twitter, Instagram, etc, or talk on TV about their "daughter" and openly imply that they think they are her real parents and B&T aren't. I always thought it was less about the wording and more about the "nyah nyah nyah, you couldn't get pregnant, you're not even real parents like WE are" tone of their statements.
  22. Right. And because I'm sure it's easy to be jealous of them. A natural feeling. But those issues need to be worked out privately. The thing is, she's shooting herself in the foot so hard by going along with Tyler's "they are so jealous of us for being fertile" narrative. Back when C&T and B&T went to a kind of counseling session/ mediation on that one episode, Theresa said something about being worried that C&T might develop a bond with Carly if they saw her too often and that that made her feel vulnerable as an adoptive mom. I saw that as a genuine moment of her trying to reach out and say "this is hard for all of us and full of complex feelings, so even though I don't agree with what you're doing, I get it and let's work on it." Instead, what do they do? Rub it in her face. Make it clear they don't think B&T deserve parental respect or rights. They have been given so many more chances than they deserve or earned. B&T are clearly willing to be accommodating. C&T push them to their limit consistently.
  23. I know it might be hard, but if she is going to be angry, she should be blaming April and Butch for her having to place Carly, not the couple willing to adopt her. Confront them about the abuse, cut them out or push them to go to therapy. Hold them accountable. Instead, she &Tyler allow them to watch Nova. B&T are an easy target for her years of pain. The problem is, while her pain is justified, there are two children involved. She's not just publicly humiliating B&T, she's now doing it to Carly's parents. And poor Nova is there too and needs her mom and dad. Like I said, if I was Cate I'd be angry too...but B&T would be about the last recipients of my wrath. A lot of people failed Cate. Her dad, her mom, Butch, Tyler, maybe even the school system, CPS and Bethany. B&T did nothing wrong.
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