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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I agree that she should be mad at herself, too...but no matter how a child is conceived, it's both parents' duties to be parents. Luis and Devoin probably shouldn't have procreated with someone as trashy as Briana, but if she basically refused to do anything for her child, I wouldn't blame them for hating her, either, and I would think that Briana was more guilty than they were, if she was the neglectful parent and didn't come around while they spent every day with her. Gary probably shouldn't have procreated with Amber, because she was clearly immature and emotionally unstable from the get-go, but I certainly think that it's her fault, not both of theirs, that she is neglectful. Gary has had the right response by taking more control of the custody agreement, and Briana hasn't, but he did initially make a bad choice by procreating with her, and not using protection, etc. Everything that's happened since then, though, has been her fault, not his. I agree that she should go the hell to court and I don't know why the hell she doesn't. It drives me crazy. I don't agree that she or her family caused Devoin in particular to be neglectful by being bitchy, or that they are all equally culpable for Nova's situation. There is the legal duty, which Briana should absolutely enforce and she is ridiculous for not doing so, and then there is the moral duty of being an equal parent to your child. Regardless of what the other person does, how they act, what they say they want from the other parent, or what kinds of agreements they should enforce, it is his moral duty to do 50% of the parenting IMO. I judge him for that separately from the coven's actions.
  2. Damn, she's only 26?! She really has a Desperate Housewife of the Holler look to her.
  3. Yeah, this-- as flawed as Briana's family is, Devoin is essentially not a dad. Even if we all agreed that Briana was a terrible mom (and I don't think she's "terrible," very flawed and immature and annoying as fuck, and it's awful that she talks about all that stuff in front of Nova, but "terrible" is strong imo), she's still a parent. Devoin is not one at all. The person who has raised Stella from birth while getting essentially no support from the father is not 'equally bad' in my mind to the people who go overboard in insulting him. One is a bad parenting choice deserving of critique, the other is straight up abandonment. At the same time, I see the argument that she can't really complain because she hasn't gotten a court-ordered agreement. He, too, though, could fight for custody if he wanted it. He hasn't done so.
  4. You say acquaintance, I say "guy whose body he dumped in a river after stealing his military grade weapons." Tomato, tomahto.
  5. My understanding is that you have to be convicted of felony domestic violence before you aren't allowed access to a gun. I wish it was stricter, because there is no way that David should have access to a weapon. I don't even want him to have a freaking plastic butter knife.
  6. Kail actually looks pretty there. Either she has on a LOT of makeup or she's been working on her skin. It was baaddd during her pregnancy. Vee's face isn't the prettiest in my shallow opinion, but omg her body is amazing. So jealous.
  7. That is an adorable picture of Leah. She looks like a doll.
  8. Lol forever @ "eye fucked at the gas station"
  9. Her pants don't look ripped. I think for her that's a costume.
  10. I think Cole is really hot. I am very into deep voices, though, and the squeaky baby voice really ruins it for me. I'm also not about the flag apparel obsession. In pictures, though, damn.
  11. 1,000 a month?! How much is she pooping? My box of 252 lasted 6 weeks.
  12. Yes. I was actually more forgiving of her than some of the others because she seemed to know she should not be procreating. Also, why this guy and not Matt, I wonder?
  13. Our standards are so low, lol. I am so excited by any normal human behavior I see from these people.
  14. Yes, I agree with this mostly, except that I don't think anyone could drive away a truly "good" man from his kids. I could work overtime to drive my husband away and he'd fight tooth and nail to have equal time with our daughter no matter how many times I got terrible ass implants and yelled at baby showers with my new baby daddies. To me if you do anything less you are not a parent, point blank. That said, the rest I 100% agree with. They need to all lay off the fighting and insults. It is totally damaging to that poor little girl.
  15. Yeah. If it's just a husband who's not the best on earth, or gets on your nerves, or someone with whom your daughter bickers too much, it's not bad advice. But a known abuser who films Barb secretly at restaurants? Wtf was that "advice?" I'm still scratching my head.
  16. Agreed. It is not Briana's and Brittany's fault that they don't have a father. Making fun of someone for that is trashy, no matter what they said to you. They all clearly cannot have a mature interaction and it's all inappropriate for Nova to be around. They should have a clear visitation schedule and see each other for dropoffs only. That is, if Devoin gets a license. There should not be any "co-parenting" going on here. Right, but my point is not about their morals or work ethic, my point is that since he didn't work, he should have had plenty of time to see her and fight for more visitation, but did not. We can speculate that they wouldn't like him no matter what they did, and I agree because Brianna is very immature and aggressive, but the fact is he has done nothing, so it's kind of moot in my mind what they WOULD do if he was a decent dad. He's not. I don't understand for the life of me why there is no visitation arrangement in place. These people should not be interacting. What a bunch of ridiculous BS for a kid to see.
  17. You don't think Catelynn's attempts to find a boat to take out there were sincere? Lolololololol
  18. Seriously, those are some bad genes and history. They all just need to stop.
  19. Can't he not drive? Or at least he couldn't for a long time? Where else is he supposed to see her? I don't think they can be reasonably expected to drive somewhere to drop Nova off with someone who has no reliable transportation. Especially since the lack of transportation is likely due to law breaking, and for years it appears they all worked and he did not.
  20. I agree with that. I don't think the guys specifically want to alienate Barb, but she does choose men who want to alienate any partner from all others and monopolize their time, since Jenelle both is abusive and dates only serial abusers. I don't think they are being protective of her when they freak out at Barb, but they are all too willing to go along with the narrative either because they have someone to be angry/scream at (which is important for Nathan and David) or because it's an easy way to keep Jenelle under their thumb, which she enjoys. I assume the triangulation she prefers is a continuation of the Daddy issue, where her abusive dad was "not at fault" in her mind and her mom was evil. If someone didn't participate in the triangulation I don't think the relationship would continue very long.
  21. I agree. It was his house so he had every right to *be* there, but I would have said, "no, sorry, I won't consent to not being in my own home. We can sleep in separate rooms, obviously, but it is my house. I will be there at X time and that's that." You don't need to sneak into your own home so the "it was his house" thing never really flew with me. He was clearly trying to unnerve her, which I get because she sucks, but it's still very creepy imo. She had no right to tell him he couldn't be there at all, but once he agreed to that, it was partly his own fault what transpired. Do I believe she was actually scared, probably not, but it doesn't make his actions ok. I think it will be very telling what he does with Briana or the next long relationship. If that one also blows up, we will be able to say more definitively where Javi falls on the Awful scale.
  22. This. The #1 thing going on with her, more than drugs, more than pills, more than stupidity, more than mental illness, more than laziness, more than trauma, more than anything, IMHO of course, is a Daddy issue the size of the universe. Any dude who will say she's pretty and he loves her is on a pedestal and any woman, including her friends, her sister, and her own mom, and unfortunately Ensley in the future, is suddenly a piece of trash on a garbage pile as soon as a guy exists and is willing to promise her things. He could quite literally be a serial murderer and it wouldn't matter. She will lie, cheat, steal and believe anything he says. And if the boyfriend or husband of the moment wants her to get Jace back or tries to alienate her mom because he wants control, Barb is Satan because she's getting in the way of something His Highness wants her to do. Women in her world are not people. They're just potential obstacles to her single goal in life, which is a dude sitting beside her saying "I love you" from the time she wakes up until she goes to sleep. Barb consistently presents that obstacle. So to Jenelle she's basically subhuman.
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