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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. I liked Buzzy, but I have to admit that I am still Team Ken.
  2. good lord, is no one watching it? I'm enjoying this, although some of that is totally shallow - Brook is so statuesque and gorgeous, and her clothes are amazing. Not a huge fan of Laila, I know they needed someone youthful whose emotions are still in a state of flux, but what a bunch of cliches. And there is no way in the world she's bond with Brooke over earing candy. I did like her sponsor, Rita, I had assumed it was her therapist. Actually, given how many unresolved issues Brooke has (baby, father etc) I'm surprised she's a therapist herself.
  3. Maybe I watch too much tv (well, no maybe about it) but I wondered if John had really killed Erin, and manipulated Billy into confessing.
  4. Loved the dino folks. Great business, they know what they're talking about. If they hadn't gotten the deal with Mark, would they have had to back out of the tank, or would it just have been edited? I liked the coffee thing, although I like it black, which to me is not Vietnamese coffee. I think it would really work if you're traveling and have access to hot water but not the equipment to do other than instant. I would market to hotels, if I were her. I liked her though., and thought they were pretty rude. The potty thing, I'm not at all in the market for that. Didn't really care for the couple, the whole thing is 1 product. On the other hand, I didn't see the point of the Squatty Potty and now I love mine. Lit handles: Nice product, but I didn't get the name.
  5. Ha ha, thanks for that. Perfect
  6. I didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell her some mean guys were picking on his sister. I also don't understand why he is in such bad shape about his dad - yes it is an awful place to put your kid (making him keep a secret that affects his mom), but isn't he old enough to feel comfortable talking to his mom? Have friends with cheating parents? It made me wonder if there was more to it.
  7. There are a million of those shoe lace things - I'm wearing a pair right now. I liked the couple, they were so low key. I really liked the pillows, am thinking about getting one for myself, and if I liked it, would be good for presents for family members. Impressive couple. The golf thing was pretty gimmicky, and I can't imagine who would want golf balls being flung all around Now, if the balls were like nerf balls or something. I could see it more if they were setting up leagues and franchising it. I'm not interested at all in the pool grill, because I just don't see the problem with having your grill poolside.
  8. One of whom is substantially younger, to boot. Maybe it's me, but the fact he asked Mare on a date makes him a bit suspicious to me. Not that he is the serial kidnapper, who clearly likes younger women. But him asking her out, the religiosity with his mom . . . maybe he's too good to be true?
  9. As a consumer, I'd be really interested in the protein mixes. I think there must have been a lot of editing or something, I can't believe someone would not know basic numbers, unless she was really nervous. That was nice of Barbara to reassure her,
  10. I'm impressed at the proper grammar and correct spelling.
  11. I'm sorry, but this show is just not compelling enough to me to put the effort into figuring out different timelines, realities, resets etc. I'm glad other people enjoyed it, but I had been really tired of perfect Finola/doormat Bryan before this. Sorry to come off as grumpy (well, to be fair I AM), but I am also tired of family dramas, even when they're shoehorned into the main arc (like, Daddy George).
  12. My favorite was: Good Nightmare.
  13. Maybe because I wasn't really paying attention, but I didn't get the point of the self-cleaning water bottle - is it that it purifies the water? If so I guess it would be good for the camping/developing nation markets. The fact that it's self-cleaning is meaningless to me, I just run mine through the dishwasher. I thought the salad spinner seemed like an ok product, but the reviews on Amazon weren't great. I have to admit, I don't spin my greens and nobody has complained of limp greens. The hand cleaner thing - I don't know, it didn't seem very well designed. Truffle snuffle - not a truffle eater, so that part of the business didn't appeal. There are a million cooking classes around, and also lots of meal prep kits, all of which have clear instructions and I think some videos. This might be a good zoom kind of party thing, though. The hammock update - there probably is no item I am less interested in, especially the chair version. Now that I am older, I don't like anything that sages and offers no support (no personal comments please!)
  14. I was never a contestant, but that letter expressed my feelings perfectly.
  15. Wow, that is some restaurant that makes its female patrons look terrific. Both (ex) Deputy Liv and the mayor's wife looked stunning. I really liked this episode - I liked how Harry could talk about his true self to Asta (and her reactions), how the usually clownish Sheriff immediately went to help Asta's father. The only thing I did not like was Darcy's single handed rescue - it just was so completely unrealistic. I know it was necessary for plot purposes, but I think it could have been done differently.
  16. Misfit foods sounds way too much like Ugly Foods. I would try it, depending on the nutritional and price, there are a lot of alternatives out there. Have no interest whatsoever in any of the other products.
  17. As soon as I saw the episode description, I decided to skip it. I don't care about Clarice's dreams (we already know about family issues, Buffalo Bill PTSD, there have been a lot of flashbacks etc). At this point, I'm not sure there even is any series story line, it seems pretty episodic to me.
  18. Maybe (probably) I'm over thinking this, but I thought generally tonight's game, including FJ, was relatively easy. I didn't get every one right, but more than I usually do. I wonder if the producers tried to make it easier for contestants to win larger sums of money, so they'll be giving a nice chunk of change to the designated charity.
  19. "muff Wader" worst name ever I really liked the salad jars, and would buy them if available here. I don't see how distribution works, it has a pretty short self life. There's a LOT of interest in Mediterranean diets now, and this could tie in very well. I liked the Pinch Me (and the name), although there are a lot of various types of stress relievers out there. I would totally buy then as gifts, my life is pretty stress-free right now. Can't believe she really wanted Robert, does he really have any kind of success except for the Christmas sweaters?
  20. i've stuck with this show but now I'm starting to wonder why. What actually happened besides Shadow finally having snow sex and some beautiful dancing by lovely Bilquis? I guess the revelation about Shadow's birth but I don't actually care at this point. Remember when the description of the show was something to the effect that Odin was gathering old gods to band together to war with the New Gods?
  21. Thoughts: (1) The bed band looked so cheap and unfinished, I can't believe someone would buy it. It's an interesting idea, there must be a number of people out there who because of their physical condition have trouble lifting the mattress, but I think it would look like a real lumpy mess unless you smoothed the sheets inside it. (2) I'm always interested in plant-based meat subs (for my husband, I prefer just real vegetables) but that price was way too high. I can see a lot of people buying it, though. (3) Dog paw leggings - I would consider it, my dog getting salt on her paws is a real issue in the winter, but the Amazon reviews said the items were really cheaply made and tore easily. I did like the woman, I thought she seemed like a good business person, and her dog was cute. (4) Hopscotch - loved the product, and the young woman. I don't think she is really capitalistic enough for investors, so I'm glad Mark accepted her counteroffer. I don't have young children (any more), but I wouldn't be surprised if there were other similar products out there. Hopscotch is already established, though. Generally, not a bad episode, although I was ready to FF when the Legendary Fake meat people started tearing up (but contained it, so good for them, I guess)
  22. But it's Michael Cudlitz! You have to like him! I've loved him since Southland. Speaking of actors - I also like Kris Holden-Reid, but that was some crappy southern accent. I did like how he was poisoned, athough they really beat the audience over the head with the root beer thing. I liked the fake lawyer fake out. I'm starting to dislike Clarice as a character - is she always right? What is the perp or suspect is a non-southerner? All her advice really seems based on cultural understandings Still plan to continue watching,.
  23. I thought Sahar (I hope that's right, Max's friend) (1) doesn't see Harry as an alien, at least going by the what we were shown in the diner, where he looked liked Harry when she was talking and looked at him but looked like an alien when Max did; (2) did remember, but didn't want to get herself or Max in trouble, I would think her family is probably stricter than Max's is. I really only like Harry, don't at all care about Asta and her family, etc. A little bit of the sheriff goes a long way, although I do think he's pretty funny. And D'arcy is a total waste of space, I assume she was just there to set up that great description of a "horse licking an ice cream cone." A big thank you to whoever pointed out that the opening "instructions" are specific to each episode - I really watch them now.
  24. I have souper cubes and I love them. I use them for stock and soup = freeze them in the trays, then pop them out and store. It's a very efficient way to use my limited freezer space, the lid makes freezing easier and they are sturdy and well made. Well worth the price. I also liked the couple - their friend not so much, that was pretty amateurish. I thought the swim suit was a total loser - yes, it is a problem but there are a lot easier solutions out there. Good luck educating your potential audience. The removable heels - boy, those flats looked totally uncomfortable, especially with that huge hole in them. Then you have to carry your heels around. I think it's a very limited market. I did think he young woman was awesome and will do well. I liked the sauce duo, the sauce looked good. I think I'm like a lot of people, I love sauces and condiments especially since we no longer go out to eat. I have no idea who Kendra Scot is, and don't really care. I recognize that self-promotion is the point but I feel sorry for any entrepreneur who is stuck making a deal with a guest shark. Has anyone looked at guest shark/original shark outcomes? Finally, I just have to say how ugly were those bows on Lori's dress. Ugh.
  25. i have to admit that I love Ken as host, but the, I've always liked him. I think his experience as a contestant as well as his obvious respect for Alex really helps him here. I think given the expectations on him, he's done well. I am one of those people pretty resistant to change, so Ken is the closest thing to having Alex. I recognize that this isn't necessarily good, there probably are other people out there who could do a great job. But sometimes changing hosts really does affect my enjoyment (I'm looking at you, the Chase). About the professional game show idea - Brooke Burns hosts various GSN shows (master Minds, the Chase) and she is wonderful. She's be great hosting anything.
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