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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Here is your episode discussion thread for S06.E13: The Same Boat. This thread will open Sunday March 13th, at 10:00 pm. Before that, you can speculate/chat about the episode here --> S06.E13: The Same Boat - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  2. Just a reminder to everyone to please keep the discussion considerate and respectful, and to limit the unnecessarily body shaming and general shaming overall. Please take the time and read this brief Mod Note before posting. Thank you.
  3. I think one of the writers watched Pulp Fiction recently - or decided to honour it. Jules (Samuel L. Jackson): "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.” I've got no problem with Father Gabriel quoting scripture (apparently slightly varied scripture) in this case. Because I would rather one quote it while being a useful and productive and saavy member of the group, than quote it and come off as a self-righteous hypocrite. Fact is, it's not the same world as before. Eat or be eaten (literally and figuratively). Survival of the fittest in this case. The morals and standards of our society right now have no place in the Apocalyptic world. At least IMO. Father Gabe finally realized it - I just wish Morgan would get off his hypocritical high horse and realize it also. Just look at what that Wolf did? Look what the big group of Wolves did to ASZ? Look at how Negan's thugs were going to take out Sasha, Abraham and Daryl. Look at how the Governor dictated in Woodbury and how he treated his "people". Look at how Negan's group are Mafia-ing Hilltop and intimidating the group to get what they want? Then contrast this to Jesus, who was trying to get food, tried to trick Rick and co, but ultimately because they are all good people, demonstrate that they have compassion and respect for humanity on both sides. This episode told us that Negan's group beat a 16-year old to death just because. I'm sorry, but I'll be self-righteous myself and say these people don't deserve any sympathy or consideration. They are a human plague in the world, in a world that is already messed up. They offer no value to society that I can see - get rid of 'em. (I know, cold, eh?)
  4. I don't think he was happy either. There was an article that popped up around the end of season 2, discussing the episode Awakenings. Remember in the episode, he confronts Katrina and Henry and at one point, yells at Henry that he "Didn't even KNOW you existed!" and he mentions how he approached Metzner (who wrote the episode) and thanked him profusely for writing that line. Because he - like most of us - knew it was absolutely ridiculous that Henry/jeremy blame Crane for anything. Guy was "dead" and buried. What's he supposed to do? I also remember Crane being pretty energetic whenever he had to get angry at Katrina for something stupid she did. I think people have forgotten how much people complained about Crane and his "manpain". The only way to avoid him mourning was to have a time jump and it makes perfect sense to me. Notice how they avoid even saying Katrina's name on the show. I just remember them sitting on the bed, fully clothes, and she was leaning on him, but his body language was stiff and reserved as hell. That was always such a disconnect for me, that we always had Crane saying how she was his "love", yet his body language was completely different a lot of the times. TM is very deliberate in his acting choices and he adds little nuances that one may miss on first viewing. So I assume he knew what he was doing (grin).
  5. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation/Live Chat thread for S06.E13: The Same Boat. This thread will open Friday March 11th, at 5:00 pm. The thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E13: The Same Boat. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  6. Yup. Sometimes you just need a smoke to release some stress. And they most likely smoke herbal cigs, if they are not a smoker already (the actors). Way back when, the X-Files had the character of Cancer Man/Cigarette Smoking Man/Spender, who smoked every episode. The actor (William B. Davis) requested herbal cigarettes, as he was not a real life smoker. Besides, let's face it - life is too short, especially in the Zombie apocalypse. A smoke isn't gonna matter much, considering the rest of the mess of the world.
  7. Okay, J.B. Smoove...dear god, hilarious. And I was having a hard time with the spelling of Savior. It looks so incredibly wrong. I'm Canadian - the proper spelling (to me) is Saviour. It just looked wrong on that montage. Like, it didn't even look like the right word. Questions for loyal viewers? Does the audience and guests (and Hardwick) watch the show earlier than broadcast, or are they watching it live and responding on TTD. Because I have to admit, if it's watched at 9:00 pm, then they respond on the fly, it's pretty impressive.
  8. That's what the show is trying to balance, IMO. Personally, I think Rick is correct in his plan. Let's face it, you KNOW that Negan's group will eventually find ASZ and try to make demands on them too. Remember, we saw what Negan's guys tried to do, with Abraham, Daryl and Sasha. But we've seen people like Heath, Glenn, Father Gabriel, Morgan and others struggle with the morality of it. Which is fair. But it is a different world in TWD. Gotta be saavy and cautious and street smart (walker smart? Post Apocalypse smart?)
  9. Dark episode, but with some comedy, which I admit, made me burst out laughing. "His nose is not right"...Rick punches Walker Head a few times, then looks at the crowd... "What?" OMG... Carol, oh Carol. you have some issues. And Morgan, you can just go away now. Your sanctimonous attitude isn't welcome in ASZ. Leave, and go fend for yourself, because Rick and co are doing this to get supplies and feed your useless Zen ass. The fact that I think Father Gabriel is a more saavy person than Morgan says something. At least he finally - finally! - knows what needs to be done. Morgan, it's clear he has a mental illness or something. Loved Rick's Seal Team 6 going in there and taking care of business. It has to be done, as immoral as it feels. Sometimes you have to do bad things, for the greater good. Really, Abraham? That's how you break up with Rosita. Terrible. This episode basically detailed to me the list of those who are gonna be offed next episode, or by the season finale. Tara, Rosita, Abraham, Maggie, Father Gabriel, Heath, maybe Glenn. Suddenly, they have a scene with focus on them, and they say some meaningful shit. Death sentence, IMO. But Glenn killing the guy, so Heath wouldn't have to - broke my heart. But then they showed us the photos of the Saviours victims, and you know what, hopefully Glenn realized this was the right thing to do.
  10. Who isn't? (who ships Ichabbie...)
  11. I tell ya - the move to Friday seemed "bad", but the numbers are unbelievably consistent. It's a devoted bunch of us watching. C'mon FOX, you know this is a good thing (yeah, yeah, I have hope)
  12. Miss Dee - your entire post was one of the best analysis for the relationships in SH ever. Until I read your post, I never truly realized how Ichabbie and Joe/Jenny are different iterations of how a pair of individuals would act in a relationship. Nicely done and so spot on! I know, eh? Broke my heart actually. If that isn't love, I don't know what is... They are, aren't they. When(if) SH gets cancelled, I wish a saavy network would pick up those two and put them into a show. Any Show. Together as leads actings their talented asses off. I could watch them basket weaving. The two of them together are magic. True magic. Me too. It was so nice to see team Witness relaxing and just being together for once!! Just them unwinding and being together with the banter, etc is wonderful. The four are a great group. Crane's rant was awesome too (Kaiser buns! Eggs Benedict! Ha!) I agree. It's nice to see proper service done to both characters. Want to hear something messed up? This episode was written by the same pair that wrote the most hated Deliverance. Progress? #1 was so sweet..Aww...However, I do kinda think she should have been a bit more panicky. Abbie didn't seen concerned enough, especially when her soulmate is literally dying in front of her. #2 - LOL. I know - the man can actually get out of bed and WALK and DO something. Shock. I didn't mind the movie showing the start of THO. Finally, some background information on how those two ended up together. And about how "Pandora's box" came to be. The only thing missing is really an indication of why Pandora is so devoted to THO. Yeah, he's hot as hell, but so are plain mortals (ex: Billy Brown (Nate) on HTGGAWM, Tom Ellis on Lucifer).... Dude is so underrated it's ridiculous. He really is an amazing talent and so gifted....He doesn't get the accolades he rightfully deserves. Same with NB.
  13. I complete agree. Bond has some of the best opening credit songs ever. I don't even understand how this song (Sam Smith's I mean) actually WON an Oscar for best song. It was like nails on a chalkboard. I love Bond opening credits but when I watched Spectre, I had to fast forward through the credits because of this song. Absolutely terrible. So when it won, I was like, WHAT?
  14. What I don't understand is how these detective jobs seem to work on the show. They both have full time (I assume) jobs as cops. They are scheduled to work on certain days for a certain shift for X amount of hours. The Taco Tuesday thing made is seem like a weekly thing, so if Dan has to work, he has to work, because he was scheduled. Chloe should know that, as she has the exact same job. Now, if Dan volunteered or this was OT, that's another issue. With Trixie's birthday, he could have taken a vacation day, but not everyone who requests time off gets it, which again Chloe should know that. Senority may come into play, and maybe no one else can work it. On the show though, they are spinning it like Dan doesn't want to be there, but when she got upset with him, I'm just thinking like, "He's scheduled to work, just like you do." Not everyone can just take off at the drop of the hat to do personal things. JMO.
  15. Man, this show is skilled at making me bawl like a baby. When Eve said to Rose something like her deportment would be the next day, and Rose is like, "No, now, my son, how must he feel.." just broke my heart. I don't even have kids (nor want them), but damn, thinking about what Rose would be going through, knowing she had to leave her son....damn you show. Eve! Love her to death, and her interactions with Annalise. Oh man, Rose commiting suicide - again, broke my heart. I honestly am not 100% sure what she would accomplish - whether she got deported or died, she would not testify against Rich Boy, so with deportation, there is a chance (yes, slim I know) that she could come back to the US. Interesting Bonnie recording Frank's "declaration" of love for Laurel. Do love how Laurel is at this point, the only one to basically take on Annalise. Everyone else, including Bonnie and Frank, can be easily cowtowed by her. But not with Laurel. Shallow comment of the episode: And Nate. Oh yes, Mr. Nate. Wow.....just wow....*dropsdeadonfloor* / *admireshowmucheffortitistomaintainthatbody*
  16. Excellent! HTGAWM renewed for season 3!! Link HERE (many other ABC shows listed also)
  17. Here is your discussion thread for S06.E12: Not Tomorrow Yet. This thread will open Sunday March 6th, at 10:00 pm. Before it opens, you can head on over to the S06.E12: Not Tomorrow Yet: Speculation and Live-Chat Thread Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  18. *pouts* Aw c'mon, you're no fun *grin* All I can say (and have said) is that as someone who never really shipped a TV couple before (a few would've been nice if they got together but it wasn't esssential), THIS shot is what pulled me immediately onto the SS Ichabbie and never let me go.
  19. Check out this screen shot from season 1's Sanctuary. Note the left side, and two particular (but same) last names. Could be coincidence, could be not... Personally, would not want that storyline, but who knows...sometimes shows name characters after crew members or writers or close family members for that little connection and shoutout.
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