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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. You just won this thread, and nickname of the year! Love this! I don't know anything about the comics, just what's on screen, but since it's a TV show, I am sure they will spin some things differently. So if demon cannot literally touch an angel, then this is a huge development - no wonder Amendiel responded as he did. So it is Amendiel's frequent visits to the Earthly realm, or the consequences of Lucifer being out of hell for a long time that allowed Maze to actually touch him? Besides, who is to say that the other Angels are 100% untemptable? Maybe the lines between heaven and hell are starting to blur? Just throwing it out there.
  2. COMIC SPOILERS PEOPLE! Watch the spoilers. You all know this. Even if you are speculating that XYZ or ABC may happen, because it sorta happened to someone else, or still might happen to a character, it's still a spoiler. Tag it or negate it from your post, or take it to the Comics or Spoiled Speculation threads.
  3. No worries. We don''t mind the discussion of CC and his writing. It's the tone and back and forth beating of dead horses that's getting dicey. To contribute, I remember reading too that FOX wanted a sexier Scully, and CC was very adamant that is was GA hired or forget it. He fought hard for her, which is interesting because I don't think CC had as much clout back then. When she became pregnant in real life, GA was terrified that she would be fired, because of FOX wanted a "hotter" agent, but CC assured her there was no way that would happen, which was good of him.
  4. Um, did you two not read the note above?? Knock it off and move on. If you want to continue the back and forth, PM each other.
  5. TVLines Recap - S10:E05: Babylon: Save a Horse, Ride a Mulder.
  6. Alright guys. Let's move on from the back and forth arguing over CC writing abilities (good or bad). It's starting to sound like Agent Einstein is here. Thanks.
  7. I'm curious if anyone who shoots Lucifer would still injure him, or was it only that Chloe shot him, that he got injured. Because as Dr. Linda mentioned, that he put Chloe on a pedestal and in turn, seems to lose his "power." She used it as a metaphore, but he really did lose his power. If someone else shot at him, would he actually get bloodied and feel pain? Good episode - enjoyed it. Very interesting reaction to when Chloe tried to touch his wing scars. Shocked that he would cut them off though - maybe he might need them in the future. Chloe seeing more and more that there is something not right. However, she seemed to quickly forget about it. If Lucifer really wants to prove he's the devil, why doesn't he flash his devil face/chance his eyes. Maybe it only comes out when he is going to punish someone, and they are scared of him. I expected him to be more upset that he could be shot, not so nonchalant about it. Shallow comment of the episode: Dear god, Tom Ellis is hot. Like, smoking smoking hot. Yes show, please show Lucifer sans clothes at least once an episode, plskthx.
  8. I don't really know what that episode was, tbh? I thought it was terrible. Agent Einstein was way too irritating with yelling at Mulder all of the time. Miller was fine. The parallels were cute, the trip Mulder was on wasn't good. Really show? Linedancing? T&A? I had to pause and remind myself I was watching a show called the X-Files. But really Mulder - you think 'schrooms are gonna allow you to speak to the half-dead? So why didn't Mulder encounter any other human spirits in the process of passing over to the next realm? And then we find out it was a placebo? Just, no.
  9. He's a pretty brilliant actor all around. But sorry topanga. you'll have to fight me for the spot in that course!! ;')
  10. Ha. Because I wrote TVBytheNumbers first, then edited my post later to fix it. You were right!
  11. Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 - Webseries - Parts 1 - 9
  12. The X-Files - Episode 10.05 - Babylon - Sneak Peeks, Promo, Press Release & Promotional Photos.
  13. Unfortunately yes. Lucky wife *lesigh*. Crane glances at Joe first, who is silently giving him a look that says "tell her!" I think so too. He was going to - remember a few episodes ago, where Crane tells Joe to "tell her" - Tell Jenny how he feels - and then Joe cryptically says 'When are you going to tell her (Abbie)". That's why they shared that look. Nope they didn't. Not at all.... My pleasure. Knew you guys would like those gifs! ;') Here's another... Closeup of Hand Sex for "Educational" Purposes:
  14. It's addictive, isn't it. I think this was all Mison (who has said many times that he convey's Crane's emotions via his hands). God I love this guy!!
  15. You win the Internet for this. You win the Ichabbie award for awesomeness....
  16. Not at all. Carol was trying to toughen this kid up, which was essential if one is to survive the Zombie apocalypse. Ron being an idiot and murderous teen, who has no clue about the reality of the world, and Sam, who was too sheltered and fearful. Was it Jessie's (or Porch Dick Senior's) fault? That I don't know. But they were a liability, just like Morgan is a liability, and sometimes you have to remove those liabilities from the equation for the greater good. It's why I was hoping that Carol would have taken out Morgan. Aussie accent. Damn you, Wolf!
  17. OMG, that was one of the best episodes EVAH!! So many people got the ending they deserved!! The opening scene were Negan's asshole thugs got blown up. Beautiful! I cheered. CreepyWolf got the ending he deserved! But holy hell, Jessie and her kids all got taken out at the same time. Stupid Sam and Porch Dick jr so deserved it, but POOR Carl!! That asshole took out his eye. I was cheering when they were taken out too. Then I was hoping that Carol would have taken out Morgan. Michonne not even hesitating to take out Porch Dick Jr - God I love her! Rick losing it, and taking on the herd of Walkers, and everyone joining in! Last minute Sasha/Abraham saving Glenn was a thing of beauty! Gabriel finally joining in the fight! Eugene! Poor Carl!!
  18. Hey everyone! Raven1707 was wonderful and reminded me that tonight's episode runs three minutes over. It finishes at 10:03 pm. Adjust DVR's if you have to. I've adjusted the thread open/close times to reflect this. This thread will close at 10:06pm and the Episode thread will open at 10:02 pm. Happy Watching!
  19. Neither do I! I keep flipping back and forth between pretty certain it's done, to having hope there is still a chance for renewal. Today, it's hope.
  20. Here's SpoilerTVs - it's now in yellow "In danger", not red "Likely to be cancelled" Two week ago it was red. Sorry, not TVByTheNumbers, I meant TVLine. The two sites are very similar. They've switched SH to a 'could go either way'. TVByTheNumbers still have it as likely to be cancelled, but they are the most cautious of the bunch. You are right though, about the fact that FOX owns the show, has 3 seasons in it. etc. Also, there are the filming incentives, and the fact that a lot of FOX shows are doing poorly. Also depends on what pilots FOX picks up.
  21. Honestly, there is a HUGE amount of background information and history, all of the way back to season 1, that I would have to lay out in advance, in order to demonstrate why I have the opinions I have. Like, essay-lengths. But I'm not going to. It actually makes it a bit hard for me to post something clearly, because I'm actually not including a major amount of necessary realizations that I've come to in the last few months. But all shows have growing pains. Shows also grow. No show is the same every season. It's on both the show and the fans to weather those growing pains. Instead, just wanted to comment on a really interesting review I read (gotta find it again and post the link), where they commented on how scared Abbie's face looked when she thought Crane was going to say I love you, or something, and how when he cracked the joke instead, she looked incredibly relieved. I really liked that observation - that she wasn't quite ready yet to face that realization. This really was a fabulous episode, as always, the Ichabbie interactions made it gold!
  22. I know we are not going to agree, but the problem is that people aren't patient at all. The show this season is SO MUCH better than last season, and intricate developing storyline is weaving it's way throughout this season. Every episode builds on a past episode. Motivations and actions become clear as we go on. Think Pandora, and why she did what she did - we had to wait and see her motivations, but I remember people complaining about her purpose right away. This episode, was Abbie finally realizing how important and special Crane is to her. We know Crane feels that way, but not Abbie. That's why she talked to him, played chess with him, etc etc. You KNOW he was going to say something epic to Abbie, but it wasn't the right time or place. It's coming though. Next week will continue to deal with the PTSD from her isolaton. It's a long journey that's unfolding in season 3. It's like reading a book. Some will read the final chapter of a novel first, while others will start from the beginning and enjoy the journey to the end. That's how I see this season, a nice slowly unfolding journey that will lead to epic revelations for Ichabbie. Yeah, it was better than some season 1 episodes, to be honest. Check the ratings thread. SH may not be quite done yet.
  23. What I meant was that I stuck with watching the show, and it improved a lot and still is must watch TV for me, even thought there were some rough seasons. Unfortunately, SH viewers tend to bail instead. I know - and it's the dumbest thing - like people over 49 apparently don't have money to spend. Anyway, the episode is getting a lot of positive reviews and comments, which is wonderful.
  24. I can't find a proper link anywhere, but CC retweeted a tweet about One Life. That's pretty good. One Life has 3.13 million viewers and a 0.9 demo. Stone Manor has more viewers - 3.17 million - but the demo dropped to 0.7. ETA: Interesting. SpoilerTV and TVLine have changed their cancellation predictions for the show from "sure to be gone" to a toss-up. Could be some hope. This is the closest I could find listing SH. Scroll to the bottom. It had total Live +3 viewership of 4.5 million, which from last season, usually translated to about a 1.4 demo.
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