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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. You couldn't have spoilertagged that gif, Uncle Benzene?? None of us should be subjected to that without warning!! :'0
  2. The nice thing about season 3 - for me at least - is that both Abbie and Crane are on a path to realization - and the realization is that they are destined to be together, are in love with each other. Crane, we've seen many times this season, is lost without Abbie. But we haven't really seen - from my view - Abbie having feelings for Crane. The only time I thought there was something, some realization about her feelings was when he was on the couch recovering from being stabbed. But Pandora even questioned Abbie, what would she do if she lost her witness partner and was alone. So this season is a nice journey to show the audience that BOTH of them are slowly realizing their love for each other. Why waste money promoting a show that gets low ratings already? Why not take that cash, and apply it to another show - like Empire or The X-Files, that have excellent ratings and high ad revenue? It's a sound business decision. Why do you think that FOX stopped reporting live ratings - because they do poorly and it looks bad on them, so they are basically twisting things to make themselves not look too bad. Thing is, many of us suffered through bad seasons of shows like The Walking Dead, but it's still a success. I remember getting really angry at the show in the early seasons, but still watched and loved it. Lost was another. I cannot find any link anywhere, but apparently the Live +3 ratings for One Life went up to a 1.4, which is pretty good actually. You know what's stupid. More people actually watched the show live. One Life was 3.13 million, Stone Manor was 3.17 million. It's just the demo dropped.
  3. Yup. The reality that so many cannot embrace nor understand. Fact is, it all boils down to ratings aka profit. Show is profitable = $$. Show is not profitable = cancellation. Complain all you want about diversity and sidelining of said character or whatever. It all boils down to money. Wherever the money goes, the decisions are made. Regardless of what you think/feel emotionally.
  4. That's what I think. Compare the disregard THO has for his wife. He basically blames her for everything, then sucks out her power, and totally disregards her after that. Compare that to Crane, who would do anything for Abbie, and lost his mind in his mania to get her back. THO uses his wife for his own personal gain, while Crane sacrifices himself for his future wife (yeah, I said it). The interesting thing is the similarities between Pandora and Abbie. Pandora sacrificed her powers for her husband for what they think is the greater good. Abbie sacrificed herself - and Crane by destroying the stone - for the greater good too. Pandora is always targeting Abbie, taunting her with how "lonely" she will be without Crane, yet Pandora herself - though THO is physically there - is truly the lonely one.
  5. I watched this part again, and yeah, Crane glanced at Joe for a moment, obviously a bit uncomfortable they were there, so cracked the joke instead. TBH, I loved it. I really did. Who else have we ever seen Crane be relaxed and joking with - NO ONE. The best romantic relationships are the ones based in deep friendship - you want to marry your best friend, not the person you barely tolerate in life, but have hot sex with. Hot sex is great, but that's a one-night stand or occasional hook-up, not a person you build a life with. This season, Ichabbie are slowly becoming more and more comfortable with each other and I adore this. Oh and "ungrateful gods divorce cases" - made me HOWL with laughter!! I loved this too. She needed the clues from Crane, but figured it out on her own, which is true Abbie Mills. This whole season has been both of them realizing what they truly mean to each other. Crane, with his mania to find Abbie, and pretty much losing it. Abbie, in her isolation, having conversation with Crane, playing "virtual" chess with him, etc (note, not Jenny, but Crane). The look on Abbie's face when Pandora cut Crane's "tether" was so heart-breaking. This is the journey to realization these two have taken all season. Nicely done, Cliff!
  6. Or Star Trek! I thought so! So that tells me, that Wilkes could have accompanied Peggy and co to "suck" the "energy" or whatever it is, out of the corpse.
  7. Isn't that truly this show? Mison's huge amazing paws, encasing Beharie's tiny delicate hands. I swear to god...(and yes, that was a beautiful scene, dammit you show!)
  8. You know, my initial thought in the beginning was "why are we wasting time with Joe, Jenny and Sophie - get to Crane and Abbie!! but then I realized this was Metzner's tongue-in-cheek little way to lovingly mock yet revere the Crane/Abbie. Because truly, the insanity of the cases and revelations of C&A really can be ridiculous - and he was playing right into that - and I LOVED it. Thought it was awesome!! Have to say, loved the Abbie semi-goes insane in the realm. Loved the hair. Okay, superficial, but damn, woman needs to keep that gorgeous hair in subsequent episodes!! Seriously show - screw the flatiron and forget the wig!! - NB in her natural hair - absolutely GORGEOUS! Again I so covet that hair...KEEP THAT HAIR..... Also, the effect of the clothes being worn, and her drawing the map on the wall, her talking to Crane, as it's her only way of sanity!! I also liked how they explained why she didn't need food, sleep, water, etc. Pandora, honey. Really, your husband may be really ripped and hot, but he's an ass. A complete selfish self-serving ungrateful, arrogant ass. There are other ripped and hot men out there. Find them, and cut hubby to the curb and get yourself a nice boy. DO NOT GIVE him your powers, dammit!! That's the LAST thing you should do!!! Liked the Gargoyle demon. Only problem is that concrete takes time to cure. If demon has any sort of strength or power, it could have easily pulled itself from that wet mess. I liked this episode a lot!! I loved the Abbie/Crane interacts. They were so playful, fun, loving in their own way. They both are not there to declare their love for each other, but it's there. Hell, when Crane was like, rubbing her hands, and being all serious "I didn't tell you this in the caves", and you see Jenny and Joe's eyes widen, thinking, "OMG finally! Tell her you love her, fool!!", and then that awesome joke, loved it. I love seeing Ichabbie having fun, being teasing with each other and just being comfortable and loving. Truly. Romanticism is wonderful, but I did love the fun teasing aspect of this - I really did. Not everything has to be some dramatic fainting sort of mess. This was true to the characters and allows us to lead to some beautiful growth and realization. And c'mon, those two teasing, messing with each other so deviously - the BEST! Well done Metzner. And can I tell you, the tears on NB's eyes, then she destroyed the "eye", was awesome. She knows that she will lose Crane, and her chances at rescue, but she also knows this is the sacrifice that she would make, and he would also. Loved it. As I expected, the majority of One Life was mostly sans Abbie - most likely because Beharie was contracted for a break, This episode was Mison's contracted break, as he too did not appear as much in the episode.
  9. That's a very good point. Have we seen Wilkes hold any objects? Like, was he holding a pen while working on his calculations? I don't remember, but yes, I thought the same thing: Why didn't Wilkes go with them? Maybe he needs someone to open doors, coffins for him? No idea. It's like whenever you see in Star Trek, a character is phased/an energy being/whatever so they can walk through walls and doors, but they never seem to fall through the floors.
  10. advance note (my memory may have forgotten some detail) Not necessarily. In Wes' view, he may see it exactly like this. He gets into school (shock and yeah!) has a chance to better his life. Meets a girl named Rebecca, they have a relationship. He falls in love. Then he gets into Annalise "special law group" (yeah!), gets to be in Annalise inner circle, hopefully get a edge up, be successful in his career. Then he finds out: Sam - Annalise's Husband - is having an affair with Rebecca's friend and Frank - Annalise's Fixer - killed Rebecca's friend (forget her name) and because of being in a close circle with Annalise, is drawn into the drama in the Keating house. Now remember how Annalise was trying to manipulate things with Rebecca, etc. Because of the drama, and Annalise dragging the Keating 5 into the mess, and had Sam strangling Rebecca, Wes tried to protect her by hitting him with the trophy. Unfortunately he killed him, thus leading to all the subsequent cover-ups. Basically, Wes is saying if Annalise hadn't meddled back when he was a kid, got him into the school, been part of the Keating 5, and all of the drama surrounding Annalise and everyone, he wouldn't have been a murderer in the first place and none of this would have happened to him. Everything after that though, is on the Keating 5 and Anna et all. Not saying it's necessarily a correct view, but not completely wrong either. Everything starts with Annalise.
  11. No! Always Vancouver. The show must be shot in Vancouver!! *stompsfeet* :') Actually it really should be Vancouver or somewhere similar. Something about the pine forests and overcast skies lends well to the spooky/creepy vibe of The X-Files. When the original production moved to LA, it lost a little of that atmosphere I think. Plus, filming tax credits.
  12. Here is your episode thread for S06.E09: No Way Out. Prior to episode airing, head on over to Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting-whilst-viewing pleasure! Remember: Watch when posting Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Enjoy Yourselves!
  13. Not much they can do about that, tbh. Ever notice how they have to use creative camera angles to fit Beharie and Mison in the same frame? Walkable heels can only boost one up so high, but Mison's still at least half a foot taller (plus his boots have one inch heels on them). On top of that, the physical mannerisms of Crane's character means that Mison can't even slouch to slightly compensate for the height difference. Looking it up, Jessica Camecho is listed at 5'2" tall. (Wow - I though she was much taller!!). So same problem as Beharie - you can only boost their height so much to compensate for Towering!Mison, without resorted to platforms and steps (a la Gillian Anderson on X-Files, who also had the same one-foot height difference!) Explains why his forearm looked SO much larger then Camecho's!! Mison's not a bulky guy at all, but man, when they were putting their forearms together, his forearm looked huge compared to hers.
  14. The Walking Dead - Episode 6.09 - No Way Out - Synopsis, Promos + Sneak Peeks *Updated*
  15. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E09: No Way Out. This thread opens Friday Feb 12th around 5:00 pm for your chatting and speculating enjoyment. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E09: No Way Out to continue the discussion. Remember: Please Try to Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). If you "Absolutely, Positively have to include a spoiler in this Thread....! Spoiler Tag It!" Or Simply Don't Post A Spoiler! ---------> Respect each others opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  16. Good News for Hayley, probably not good news for Agent Carter (or us): Hayley Atwell Lands Lead in Conviction Legal Drama Pilot at ABC.
  17. Just a reminder to everyone to please keep the discussion considerate and respectful, and to limit the unnecessarily body shaming and general shaming overall. This Mod Note explains in a little more detail. Thank you.
  18. Another thing I really like was that Violet was not jealous of Peggy at all. She immediately sprung into action, treating the wound, and checking up on her later, always in concern and with complete professionalism. When she realized that Sousa still had feelings, Violet didn't pout, scream, cry, have a tantrum, or stomp away in a fit. She never blamed Peggy, instead she realized it, quickly accepted it, and let down Sousa while maintaining her dignity. Most other shows would have the spurned woman bawling and crying. Loved that. Seriously - Violet for new SSR recruit.
  19. I just assumed that they couldn't get the original actor who played Bill Scully Jr. either to agree to return, or he didn't have time in his schedule, so they just wrote around it. The one thing missing I think was a priest by Mrs Scully's bedside - which we've seen in other episodes (for various Scully family members). That's what I read too, and thought it was a touching tribute to his (Glen and Darin Morgan's) mother.
  20. Great episode. Peggy, Violet, Rose taking out Mafioso with flair, Jarvis being is ever awesome self! Great episode and lots of fun. The music was perfect too, giving it such a fun vibe - I want a sound-track or a song list! The more kick-ass woman the better. Unfortunately, society expects it of the men in SSR (or anywhere). The Mafia guy had his protection thugs. How many times have we seen Peggy shutout of a job in the SSR, because she was a woman, or a woman shut out on ANY TV show. THIS was beautiful done AND the ladies were absolutely kick-ass and equals to the men. That's the way it should be. Peggy with her fake *dumb* girl accent was the best - because you KNOW that's what woman had to do - dumb herself down - to make their male bosses happy, keep their job. Still happens today. Whitney is an awesome villain, and her hubby is terrified of her. This emergency council meeting, are the council going to be the ones who take her out once and for all - or find a way to use the situation to their OWN advantage. I was shocked they had Peggy impaled. It's usually the baddies that get dropped and impaled as proper justice, so seeing our hero rebarred surprised the hell out of me. It really did. You know she would be okay, but wow, that's harsh. Tough woman, Peg. Feel bad for Violet, she was such a sweet person, but just wonderful and totally commanding when faced with a medical emergency - she's a nurse, has to be. Can SHE join the SSR? Oh Sousa, what did you do? Great episode!
  21. Manziel needs to go away, so he can free up a QB spot for a player who will most likely work hard, and actually appreciate this extremely rare chance in play in the NFL. He's taking a spot that someone more worthy deserves.
  22. TVLine - The X-Files Revival - 19 Easter Eggs Some you guys already mentioned, some I didn't know (or forgot about)!
  23. I think because the accent really boosts the suave, debonair, smooth-talking, charming persona that he has. At least is does for me. ;')
  24. I didn't even watch season 8 or 9. Scratch that, I did when it originally aired, but I remember nothing. I have the DVDs, but just don't want to go there. Okay, her going back to work immediately is on point. Good to know. It just didn't feel quite like M&S. However, this could be M&S after being together for a long time, being intimate and comfortable with each other! So I guess it makes sense. I will say, that final scene, with M&S sitting on the log, was so sweet. And such beautiful Vancouver scenery!!
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