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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Depends on what FOX thinks is good, or is acceptable for SH. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, already renewed for next year, pulled a 1.6 total demo. SH, on the so-called "death slot" of Friday, managed a 1.5. Also consider the weirdness of number. B-99 maxed out at 3.5 million viewers, yet earned a larger demo. SH had 1.5 million more, maxing at 4.9 million. New Girl maxed out at 4 million, yet got a total demo of 2.1. Unfortunately, demo matters. Considering the lack of promo and the fact that FOX owns the show, maybe they might be happy with this. American Idol is gone, X-Files may/may not be renewed, and it depends on pilot pickups, how other shows like Gotham and Lucifer do. Basically, it's hard to say. The numbers sound decent to me, but that's up to FOX and what they ultimately expect to see.
  2. Live +7 DVR Numbers for SH. It comes in 24th, out of the top 25 TV shows with the Largest Total Viewing Numbers Increase, going from 3.129 million viewers to 4.915 million. It didn't make the top 25 though for demo. With they would show a list of ALL TV shows. This would be the episode increase for S03:E09: One Life. Here is a better list from TVByTheNumbers. Top Live +7 gains for the top 25 shows (including ties) for the week of Feb 1st-Feb 7th (One Life). SH tied for 25th, going from a 0.9 to a 1.5. SH tied for 25th, going from a 0.9 to a 1.5. SH is tied for 13th, with highest percentage gains for adults 18-49 at 67%
  3. No no, Jesus heard someone shouting his dad's name....*grin* That was my first thought too - why they didn't check this guys forehead for the carved W. First thing I wouldn've done. Also, assuming he was alone, and not with a group of people was wrong too. Almost every group Rick and company have met up with, have been bad news (except ASZ). I wouldn't trust the guy at all.
  4. Because she was boring...Seriously. I gonna go with the theory that Rick was in denial about Michonne, and didn't want to inadvertently hurt their friendship, and therefore didn't make any moves until now, in case he did, and she would be pissed off about it. Just loved their scenes together #somarried
  5. OMG - this was a great episode. Carl! Seemingly okay from his injury and yeah, being his badass self. Daryl - actually getting the soda's for Dr. Denise!! Spencer - can he just go away please? Michonne and Rick!! OMG, they have the best relationship!! I was already surprised that the show had them kiss (and quite deeply). Then, sex yeah!! Hell yeah!! I mean, come on, have you seen those beautiful people!
  6. Here is your discussion thread for S06:E10: The Next World. This thread will open Sunday February 21st, at 10:00 pm. Before it opens, you can head on over to S06:E10: The Next World: Speculation and Live-Chat Thread Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  7. Yeah, you are right. I think either Media, or the Therapy thread perhaps? Gonna reply there. ETA: Wait, no, this isn't the Ratings thread (why did I think it was?). It may be okay here. I have no clue :') Very true. You'd think that FOX would want to promote the show as much as possible, but I could see them putting their eggs in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Empire (and X-Files) baskets instead - more lucrative to them, I guess. No clue. Don't have it, don't want it, really respect Mison for basically being very private about his personal life - and the fact that he hates people who take selfies. Stop being so awesome, man! Also, ever notice you NEVER EVER read any gossip or blind items or see any papparazi photos of NB or TM. Smart. Seriously. Or at least they are not recognization in public. Mison especially - he looks completely different. I think it's very possible it's the flip side. The show isn't really the New! Hot! Thing! anymore. Magazines, Gossip sites, Media in general want the hot thing. Maybe no one wants to book them - they'd rather have a Kardashian or a Viola Davis or a Nathan Fillion - then top it off with FOX not caring, and - I still believe they both don't particularly care either- then that's why you never see them in typical media. Just speculating. But it's a combo of factors I think. I know, it makes no sense, but either does have the stuff on - and behind the scenes - of the show.
  8. Well, to you, but not to them. If you've followed their twitters, or read any interviews with them or seen public appearances, there are certain things that stand out that you don't see with the majority of actors/actresses: First NB is incredibly uncomfortable in interviews. Second, TM and NB are incredibly private, TM more so than NB. If they have the ability to say to FOX "not interested in promo", and FOX doesn't want to spend the money on a flagging show, then they won't. Is there behind the scenes drama? Most likely. Why has NB been scheduled for the last two comic cons, then cancelled at the last minute. That's was entirely on her, not on the show. One of the cancellations, she was seen partying that day. Why has TM removed his rarely updated social media entirely before season 3 start? Part of it could also be their agents not working in their best interests, to TV shows not booking them in favour of bigger "names". Again, that's on TM and NB. If they WANTED to be more visible, then it behooves them to get a new agent, pressure FOX to let them get onto late night/shows. Many actors/actresses understand it's important to stay in the public eye, but not all want to or care that much about it. Both strike me as those types. Personally, I think it is a combination of factors, including "no time", prefer personal life, prefer to be out of the limelight, intensely private people, etc. Besides, as much as I love watching interviews with those two, for any other TV show, I don't actively search out public appearences for any actor, on TV shows I watch. This show would be the only anomaly. Other shows, I watch because I want to watch them, the shows keep me engaged. Having, say Kerry Washington or Nathan Fillion or Ben McKenzie appear on a talk show isn't going to make me watch the show - that's on me. It's only really going to remind me that the show is still on - commercials and promos can do that also.
  9. Personally, I would select one of the following options: a) too busy filming b) sick and tired of the same questions over and over ad nauseum c) hate doing interviews in general, unless forced to d) no time because of personal life. e) Know show is over, so why bother? Just my guess.
  10. No worries. Just remember that some people haven't seen the series - many people binge watch a show a few months later, therefore by discussing the show, you've inadvertently spoiled them. Basically: a) You can discuss the various characters GA has done. b) But if you start to get into an in-depth discussion about The Fall, take it to the actual thread!! c) Spoiler-tag if it's plot points/spoilers from about a year ago's airing of other shows. After that, we can't protect everyone single person. d) All of the posts are back and spoiler-tagged what looks like plot points. e) Thanks!
  11. Hey Guys? Mind keeping this thread spoiler free about other shows? If you are going to discuss Anderson's character in The Fall, then you should take it to THAT forum. This is about GA, but more specifically should reference her role as Scully. You've also spoiled some people on that other show, which is not nice, so I've hidden your posts until we can figure out what to do with them. Here's the thread for The Fall. Go there.
  12. Immediately Official Executive Order - no one is allowed to write the name of that song, nor the name of that artist, in this thread to save our sanity! (I'm kidding....but really I'm not...). *TriesToKeepAnotherSongInHead*
  13. Just a reminder to everyone to please keep the discussion considerate and respectful, and to limit the unnecessarily body shaming and general shaming overall. This Mod Note explains in a little more detail. Thank you.
  14. I like the song Hey Ho by the Lumineers. I hate the song Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus. Guess which song decided to lodge itself into my brain without respite? Thanks a lot, show.
  15. The X-Files - Episode 10.06 - My Struggle II (Season Finale) - Promotional Photos, Promo & Press Release *Updated*
  16. Yeah, just saw that. You're killing me, SpoilerTV. Funny thing is that it barely changed from last week. Well, if anything, let's hope for a good series end.
  17. *sigh* Everyone. You are all seasoned Walking Dead thread posters. You've posted in the threads for a LONG TIME. You know better. This has been reiterated for at least TWO YEARS!! NO COMIC SPOILERS. Take it to the Comics Thread, or if you absolutely have to (and think twice about it), TAG IT. It's that pretty little Red Circle with a Diagonal Line Intersecting It. Highlight your sentence about the comic and click that red button. It looks just like this:
  18. I wasn't bored, per-se, just looking at the TV during Mulder's "trip", thinking 'what the hell is this?'. But yes, it did not feel like an X-Files at all. That's what I'm missing too - the dark, creepy, serious X-Files episode, or ones where they use a little humour, but it's still serious and scary. Some of it seems like how SNL or another comedy show would parady TXF. It's heavy on the humour, meta and easter eggs, light on substance. And it seems to have be getting worse as the season goes on.
  19. Yup. Everyone else has too. We've seen kids handle it a bit better, and adults that are so fearful they get killed. Depends on the person. Jessie sheltering him was part of the problem, but at the same time, Deanna making ASZ so sheltered and removed from the realities hurt them all. But yup, suck it up or die. You know now I am wondering why they didn't create some large torches, soak them with the fuel, and lead the Walking out of the compound, then take them out. The Walker seems to be a little less aggressive and sluggish when something firey and shiny catches their attention. They could have led the out of the compound, to a nearby field and slaugthered them. Now, they have Walker's everywhere they have to remove, including from the water. Guess this means they won't be in ASZ much longer.
  20. ^THIS^ And yes, it would be a very interesting, illuminating arc.
  21. Yes, but it's comparing apples to oranges in terms of characters. Lucifer's character is deliberately sexual, and he's always trying to seduce people or freely offers up sex for her own amusement and as a reward. Sex is a fun human actvity that he revels in, and has no qualms about when, where, who and how many. Also, he's the Devil. They may be attracted to each other (have you SEEN Tom Ellis?) but in true form, he's a red-skinned, glowy eye creepy looking demonish fallen angel who is The Devil. I don't think the show will have their main actress/protagonist actually have sex with the Devil. Crane, on the other hand is an 18th century gentlemen, with all the programming a gentlemen of that era would have. Doesn't go around with his clothes off (c'mon show!!), trying to sex any woman he sees, he is reserved and maintains that removed dignity a gentlemen of his breeding would have. There is a reason why simple handholding was considered a vastly intimate gesture, you would probably never kiss in public, and all of the other social rules he grew up with, and is starting to shed. Two competely different people. And Abbie isn't/wasn't ready to have any relationship with him until recently. Also, the marriage thing. So many barriers, while Lucifer has NO barriers. Hell, he can even read your desires before you are ready to say them! _________________________ Ratings: You know there is a possibility of renewal. My cynical side tells me these new "developments" mean that they know already in advance of the end, therefore are moving to a natural series end resolution, but there are a lot of shows that are not doing too well in FOX-land. Lucifer is not doing too bad, but the X-Files will be done and probably not coming back. Many shows have much lower ratings than a Friday-slot SH. Much lower. Gotham isn't too bad, but has been dropping. American Idol is gone, which means a huge loss of ratings and need to fill that air time. Who knows how many Pilots FOX will pick up? Lots of things to consider and lots of factors to look at before deciding.
  22. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E10: The Next World. This thread opens Friday Feb 12th around 5:00 pm for your chatting and speculating enjoyment. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E10: The Next World to continue the discussion. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  23. You too, eh? That's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe I just really miss some of the more spooky, serious, twisted episodes of the series. Not necessarily gov't conspiracy ones, but ones that I could actually apply logic and reason to (as crazy as the original series scenarios were, they still made some sense). Agreed. If humans had the ability to make themselves Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out at will, no one would never leave the house. I certainly wouldn't.
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