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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Final Adjusted Ratings for Friday March 18th, 2016. Stays a 0.8 demo, with 2.83 million viewers!!
  2. Awesome, awesome episode. Dammit, Jim's in jail for 40 years. That is so not right. And Barbara woke up!! This will not end well!! And can I say, I love how the future Poison Ivy is growing some psychedelic 'schrooms for profit. Love that. Penguin finds his "family". Yeah, this will not end well. Paul Reubens though actually LOOKS like he could be the father of Robin Lord Taylor. And man, his voice is beautiful. But I don't trust his character. At all. I totally can see how Ed/Riddler could frame Jim so easily. He's a forensics expect, plus he's the one doing the investigating and signing off of evidence. All he has to do is plant the proper evidence as per how forensics would perceive it, then sign off on it, as legit. Quite easy and very very evil. Dammit, Jim deserves better.... Bruce and Selena, and him getting beaten up and "liking" it because he forgets his pain. Holy shit. I love how in this series, you can totally see why Teen!Bruce can become Adult!Batman. The seeds are there, it just needs honing. David Mazouz kills it in this role. As does Camren Bicondova - awesome! But I have to say, Gordon in prison, Bruce slumming it, Barbara just waking up, Leigh on her own, Oswald seduced by that family, Nygma messing with the GCPD - it's all beautiful and makes me so want more!! Oh, and I had to bring up the so bloody bad continuity in this episode. Leigh is pregnant. Yet they show her having a stilted and cold emotionless dinner with Jim. Then she sips some wine. And there is an open bottle of wine. And Jim is having a whiskey. Yikes. Morena Baccarin already had the kid, but Dr. Lesley Thompkins did not. I hate to sound so judgemental, but in reality, I am surprised that no one caught that flaw. Not the director, or the actors (who recently had a kid in real life), or the so-called continuity people. I am fascinated with continuity, so - though I have no kids - the fact that I caught that, makes me go, "the hell?"
  3. OMG, I loved this episode. Just loved it to death. The back and forth with the priest, Lucifer being upset at his death, the realizations that Priest Frank possibly made for Lucifer. First, and foremost, whoever plays Priest Frank needs to find a way to market his amazing voice, because damn. There was something in my raised Catholic, properly atheist heart that truly loved this episode. Just flat out adored it. Everything worked beautifully. I really loved Father Frank. Usually sermons and declarations like he made would make me roll my eyes, but I loved the former "bad boy" turned holy man, and therefore embracing his beautiful self. Quotes of the episode. Lucifer: "Ten Hail Mary's then and a good shag." Lucifer: "Why does everyone always think it's a good plan?" Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. Spot on, I can't even....
  4. Hee. I didn't think it was odd - I just thought he was implying there was a lot of drunken misbehavour (I won't say debauchery) going on there. But who knows - maybe it WAS something else.
  5. Ah man, poor Denise. I thought for sure, she and Aaron would be the only two ASZ-ers who'd live long enough to join CDB and be a permanent fixture in the group. Focus on Denise = death. Disappointed that Carol really is having a breakdown and going all Morgan. I'm tired of the whole "Life is precious, save lives" BS that Morgan is always spouting, and now Carol. Fact is, many humans are selfish and evil. We are fundamentally animals, thought some would argue with that. It will always be survival of the fittest, kill or be killed. The Morgan-attitude is just plain idiotic and dangerous in this environment. It's a weakness that endangers Carol and anyone around her. At least she actually left ASZ, as opposed to Morgan who is sucking up their resources but not contributing to the safety of the group. The worst to me is that Rick has his breakdown and managed to work it out in his head. Carol did too, didn't she. In the early seasons. Now she gets another one?? Not happy. What amazes me is that Carol has seen the evil that people can do to others for the past few years, yet now she wants to not kill anyone. This probably makes me a terrible person, but if I went through what she did, I sure as hell wouldn't have any love loss for most of the humans out there. It would make me MORE likely to have no qualms about taking out some thugs who deserve it, than less. *shrug*
  6. I just read that i09 review today. I'll be honest - anytime I read an opinion that S3 is worse than S2, well, I side-eye that big time. Because I still remember S2, and how angry it made me. S3 I'm watching and enjoying. It's not the batshit insane yet awesome show that was the first half of season 1, but it is not anywhere near the mess of season 2. So that i09 review means nothing to me, because I plain think they are wrong in their opinion.
  7. Possibly. Or maybe he's just burned out right now. He didn't seem to have that typical Mison "spark". His usual awesome snark and wit was clearly missing. He seemed tired. At least he looked hot as hell! :') /*shallow*/
  8. Yeah, it's a tough crowd out there. I get the hate for season 2, but that's all over now. No one wants to give the show a chance anymore, which is too bad. It's a good season. For the record, I really hope I am wrong. Most of my speculations usually are, so I hope to eat my typed words and welcome a season 4.
  9. It's from a half an hour long interview with Mison, at MCM Comic Con Birmingham. Again, I am just speculating, but there is something about that interview that really makes me think the show is done - besides the hair.
  10. Taking it to the speculation thread, here.
  11. I've long been of the theory - since S3 E1 and even during the hiatus - that if there is a season 4, it will be a slow burn for Ichabbie (assuming it happens). If no season 4, then they will hook then up faster (assuming the writers will actually hook them up). Right now, we are getting a slow burn, so there you go. Cliff Campbell also said at the beginning of the season, that if he knew the show would not have a S4, he would resolve it properly and not leave a cliffhanger. More recently, he said there will be a cliffhanger, so who knows. I've also long had the theory that if the writers decide to keep Abbie/Crane as friends, or decide on last-minute Ichabbie, and there is no season 4, then Crane's going to die in the final episode. Based on cryptic comments from Tom Mison at this week's MCM Comic Con Birmingham, I may be right. Yes, they are cryptic, but something is telling me my gut is correct. Pure specuation, though. Thing is, the ratings for the show are really solid. Second Chance is doing much worse (on Friday's also). Gotham is renewed. Lucifer is dropping quite a bit (too bad, fun show), Minority Report is already gone, Bones has a shortened season.
  12. Every week I'm amazed at how steady this show is: SpoilerTV Early Ratings News for Friday March 18th. SH gets 2.81 million viewers, and a 0.8 demo.
  13. They probably didn't because they know that any longer, and those two don't seem like mere "friends". :') I too find it strange that they are apart a lot this season.
  14. That's the because the writers were Shernold Edwards and Heather Regnier, who have long said that they view Ichabbie as friends only. You can see it in their writing. He's always the MVP, in my book - Mison's mere presence on screen really elevates any scene - he made THO interesting. Love there back and forth banter, the above line, and his realizations when THO was basically telling him his life of always 'following'. Loved Crane nonchalantly having a last drink of Brandy or whatever it was before he "died" again. But the best fun part was this:
  15. No, no no. The implication is that Witness power/responsibility/whatever it may be, is divined by bloodline. Crane's family, and his ancestors mosied on doing there Witness thing, generations through generations (if required - this is an important aspect to consider).
  16. Here is your episode discussion thread for S06.E15: East. This thread will open Sunday March 27th, at 10:00 pm. Before that, you can speculate/chat about the episode here --> S06.E15: East - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  17. Here is your episode discussion thread for the Season Finale!! - S06.E13: Last Day on Earth. This thread will open Sunday April 3rd, at 10:32 pm. Note that the finale is One Hour and 33 minutes long!! BTW, the episode title changed from Something to Fear, to Last Day on Earth. o_O. Yup, this will not end well... Before that, you can speculate/chat/cry that the season is already over here... --> S06.E16: Last Day on Earth - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. Read this anti-spoiler policy ASAP
  18. Here is your episode discussion thread for S06.E14: Twice as Far. This thread will open Sunday March 20th, at 10:00 pm. Before that, you can speculate/chat about the episode here --> S06.E14: Twice as Far - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  19. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation/Live Chat thread for the Season Finale!! - S06.E16: Last Day on Earth. Considering this is the season finale, and there is going to be some serious stuff going down, the thread is now open!! BTW, the episode title changed from Something to Fear, to Last Day on Earth. o_O. Yup, this will not end well... The thread will close at 10:45 pm - Note that the episode runs One Hour and 33 Minutes long - after which you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E16: Last Day on Earth. -----> In the meantime, Everyone needs to read this ASAP: Revealing Spoilers in the Threads. <------ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  20. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation/Live Chat thread for S06.E15: East. This thread will open Friday March 25th, at 5:00 pm. The thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E15: East. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
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