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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Ya think?? Sorry to be so negative, but at this point, any Ichabbie talk is nonsense. The writers decided it will not be, so therefore it is not. What kills me is that they have presented many scenes for years that would indicate it WOULD be. But to them, the reality of the scenes would invalidate the Ichabbie, because they see Ichabbie ONLY as friends.... It destroys my shipper heart, but honestly, yeah whatever. I expect what I do not want, which is Crane dead, and Abbie living her normal life with Daniel, in it's boring realization. I expect it, so come on, show. Prove me wrong.
  2. Ugh. Seriously show. Face it, anyone who has any brains/saavyness/actual cognizant realization of the world.....Yeah, people will die. I don't know, I just don't get the whole 'OMG, killing iz bad" when said character has been killing for ages. Why? Because I expect that the person would have realized how evil and pathetic the people that they encounter are...basically, you will know right away the worthiness certain people are - honestly, get rid of the rest.
  3. Ugh. Seriously show. Face it, anyone who has any brains/saavyness/actual cognizant realization of the world.....Yeah, people will die. I don't know, I just don't get the whole 'OMG, killing iz bad" whensaid character has been kiling for ages. Why? Because I expect that the person would have realized how evil and pathetic the people that they encounter are...basically, you will know right away the worthiness certain people are - honestly, get rid of the rest.
  4. That's what I am starting to think too. Unless my theory of Crane being killed off (because he technically doesn't belong in the 21st century - think Final Destination) is right. There would no longer be a need for Witnesses (Crane's death - taking THO and Pandora with him - stops the threat completely), and Abbie can go back to her normal life of FBIing, jogging in the woods and being in a boring normal relationship with Danny. /End series Won't be hard, since the show most likely will be cancelled. Only two more rage-inducing, ship!teasing, illogical episodes to go.
  5. So that means Betsy Ross IS going to come into the modern era. Great. Or all of the gods from the catacombs decide to visit SH. Or we'll get the last ten minutes of the show being a tribute montage of all of the characters that have come and gone on the show, like the In Memorium segment on Talking Dead....
  6. I figured NCAA and that it's the Easter long weekend. Yeah, I don't get it either. This week I'm back to being cynical and thinking that for sure the show will be cancelled, so why bother? They may want to attend anyway for self-promotion, get their faces out there, networking purposes, etc since they all need to find their next project.
  7. Funnily enough, this is the exact complaint some of us have been making for the entire three seasons. Don't ship-tease if you are not going there. Why do we get Crane losing his mind to get Abbie back, forgetting his citizenship interview, cooking her romantic dinners, Abbie 'talking' to Crane to keep her sane, her freaking out to rescue Crane from THO, and Pandora stating that they "love each other" and then it's just friends. That's what's so frustrating about the show. Don't include stuff like this for the last three years, then claim platonic.
  8. ^^^ Miss Dee - I agree. If I KNEW we had a 4th season, I wouldn't be sweating this at all - normal human drama/experiences, that's all. The fact that *I/WE* don't KNOW is the problem. The fact that there are only two more episodes of SH ever - and yeah, Ichabbie ain't happening. No bloody way. I have to admit - I'm amused by this episode, merely because of the reactions that I KNEW would occur. It's not what I wanted, but what my cynical mind expected. But the expected reactions are just making me laugh..... Will say that I LOVED Pandora basically finally kicked THO to the curb - as you should, Beautiful One. Sophie and Daniel have more chemistry than Abbie/Daniel. Looks like Ichabbie is platonic - go figure. Thanks a lot, stupid writers, You were responsible for Deliverance, so therefore, I hate you even more now. I guess this is my first show, experiencing how a ship will not occur however much I desire it. Sad and depressing and irritating.
  9. GET. OUT. Kidding. Sorta (with all love). Yes and No. Size of cast, actor salaries, location shooting (SH films in Georgia with lots of tax incentives), day of week ratings, TV buzz, FX budget, and behind the scenes ass-kissing all probably influence the ratings numbers. There are a myriad of things that will decide SH's ultimate fate. Let's put it this way - two years ago, a fantastic show called Forever lasted only one year on ABC. It's ratings, FOX would KILL to have. I don't think one of their shows this year - save X-Files - are even close to matching Forever's ratings #'s. Yet because of whatever stupid reasons, it was cancelled (laments this). So unfortunately, justice does not play fair. In all rights, SH should be renewed. But like Forever, the beautiful Brits on America's TV land keep getting axed by stupid execs in America-land....
  10. Ah man, I used to watch The Garry Shandling Show when I was (much) younger. (though apparently it's called It's Garry Shandlings show...okay). Death decided he wants to be extra busy this year. So sad and too young.
  11. If there is any justice in the world, SH had better be renewed. Why? FOX just renewed Boorklyn Nine-Nine. Let's do a recent comparison, shall we? Tues March 1st - B99 - 0.8 demo, 1.88 million viewers. Fri March 4th - SH - 0.7 demo, 2.96 million viewers Tues March 15th - B99 - 0.8 demo, 1.95 million viewers Fri March 19th - SH - 0.8 demo, 2.81 million viewers And SH is on a FRIDAY, the so-called death knell for a TV show. Don't disappoint me and be stupid, FOX. Renew the bloody show.
  12. Friday night spent with two British hotties? What are you people trying to do to me? An excellent idea, both the scheduling and the crossover. *sigh* Here that, FOX?
  13. I'm pretty confident that Lucifer will get a season 2 - FOX just negotiated an "Exclusive Hulu Deal" for three of it's shows, including Lucifer. Why bother if you don't think there will be a second season to air and therefore put up on Hulu?
  14. Love that quote too - thank you sinkwriter! Yup, defniately getting that book. Well then, if that would be the actual penance in real life, maybe I wouldn't be a lapsed Catholic....
  15. Ross was originally buried in a Quaker church, before they moved her remains were moved to the house in 1975, so the newer stone makes sense. Wonder if they kept the old stone if it was intact? When I was wandering through Christ Church graveyard in Philly, a lot of the older stones dating from the 1700's and 1800's were in bad shape - some so weather you couldn't read any of the engraved words at all. Conditions varied. Maybe is it Mama Mills that the family + Crane are visiting?
  16. Gravestone looks too new/modern to be hers (though the original could have been damaged and replaced - the ones behind it are much older). In real life, she's buried in the garden of her house in Philly (now a museum that I visited a couple years ago) Both of these made me laugh. Maybe he has some symbol on the button that she's examining, or admiring his sewing skills? I see Crane's back in a navy blue coat for the finale. Appropriate. I still miss the original military coat.
  17. She tweeked his coat when teasing him about his expenses, in the episode that had Abbie voting in season 2. She's put her hand on his shoulder again, somewhere in season 2. TBH, I'm not putting much stock in it. I hope you are right and we get a season 4 for relationship exploration, but I'm wavering on losing hope since otherwise it would be the last episode of the series. A label flick isn't going to help my shipper heart at all. I know, I know, be positive, you say !! So hard though... Ah. Guessing that explains the grave pictures....
  18. Just as I suspected I would, I've given up on Quantico and Blindspot. Tried one episode of Blindspot after the mid season break, but didn't hold my attention. Didn't even try Quantico. Castle I gave up a long time ago, but if the comments and ratings are any indication, so did many others. Ah well, got other shows to watch. Basically, yeah, probably best to give it up, if it's not holding your interest.
  19. Poor guy. Feel back for him. RIP dude. Doctors basically said the chemo wasn't working anymore two days ago. Too young. He may have had his flaws, but he wasn't that bad of a person. Just, you know, he had some issues at times. Lots of tributes and kind words flowing in. Flag's at Toronto's City Hall are at half mast, and Toronto's mayor (John Tory), the Ontario Premier, Canadian PM and lots of other politicians and higher up people (Police Commissioner of TO for example) offering their kind thoughts and condolences. I even saw a CNN news ticker on it. Jimmy Kimmel also released a statement offering condolences.
  20. He might have said Ten Bloody Mary's - I remembered it as Hail, but other's here have quoted the bloody so they are probably right. Either way, I laughed. Hilarious line.
  21. Wow. Okay, I need to get that book. Sounds fascinating. Oh man, I remember that. I also remember making up some "sins" for confession because I otherwise I had nothing to say but some white lie, then being told X numbers of Hail Mary's and X numbers of Lord's Prayers, then mumbling them out in my head as fast as possible because, "really, Priest?" Why not 11, or 13 or 27? Why those specfic numbers?? If I say only 9 Hail Mary's, am I not forgiven? That's why I love this show, the subtle little digs at some of the absurdities of this religion, coming straight from Lucifer's own voice! The "Why does everyone think it's a good plan?" really made me laugh - so dead on and I'm was yelling at the TV, "OMG, he's so right!" :') Oh, I love this speculation to death. A "gift" to his 'favourite son", and I'm thinking it's also so his father can also get Lucifer to decide he wants to rejoin his father in heaven, maybe? Interesting.
  22. I watched it too, and same - I don't remember anything about it, except Lance Henrikson being in it. Ones I like are: Je Souhaite Hungry The Amazing Maleeni Rush Theef The Goldberg Variation I liked X-Cops at the time, because I watched the actual Cops TV show. Fight Club wasn't too bad.
  23. I was amazed when Lucifer and Chloe found the body in the school, and the camera panned away from them, and Ellis just towered over Chloe - she looks so small but she'a actually pretty tall. I thought for sure this show WAS renewed, but I couldn't find the article, then realized I was thinking Gotham. The ratings numbers are similar, so I think there will be a season season.
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