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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. This totally broke my heart - Crane just did this amazing romantic, special thing for his "Leftenent" and she totally was like "Nah, I'll go to the gun range.." Sorry, but he just tried to do a beautiful sweet amazing thing for her...the ungratenessfulness bothers me....
  2. How about a quote from the third episode (the one Darin Morgan wrote) The conversation from M&S Meet the Were-Monster: Episode thread suggestion: There Isn't Any External Logic - Season 10 General Talk Thread or No External Logic - Season 10 General Talk Thread. Kinda appropriate for season 10, doncha think? :')
  3. I actually do remember him from the Harry Potter movies - he played the character of Dean Thomas (and was good!), but due to his early growth spurt and the lack of height amongst the rest of the cast, he was kinda waylaid in the later movies..too bad. But I was thrilled to see him in this movie, and think he's pretty good!
  4. As a current smoker, but who had a large gap in time between smoking...(7 years) It's all mental. But to answer? Yeah, you do. You need cigarettes- mentally and physically, until you can wean yourself off them. Fact is, stress in life fucks one up. It takes time, just like the weight loss takes time. The worst part? When you smoke, your appetite is somewhat suppressed. When you stop? Dear god, you want some food.....
  5. You know, this show messes me up. Everytime. Some scene occurs, and the actors do their thing, and I cry...Legit tears. Why you do this to me, show? Also, this show is brilliant at making me go "OMG, NO! HOLY SHIT! OMG!!!! I love this about this show. Seriously!! ETA: I hope that people don't slam Annalise for not wanting to have kids. I get that society has made it the norm (must have kids.) But there are many of us, who have no need. Many of us who have no interest or desire to have kids. Let's hope she isn't unfairly vilified for simply knowing what she wants...... I say this, because in this episode, she seemed very hesitant to have the kid, and just seemed offput by the whole situation......
  6. Alright people...Let's get back to discussing the episode My Struggle II, and try to Be Civil with our discussions. Thanks.
  7. Basically, in OriginalRecipe!X-Files, whenever Mulder or whoever would spout their mythology, I never sat back, stared at the screen and thought "the hell are you talking about?" There was always some plausiblity to it that one could get behind, however strange it might be. Government doing some shady stuff behind the scenes? Of course. Gov't secretly working against the aliens to save themselves. That's what happens today (just not with aliens, other countries). Aliens acting like parasites and taking over human bodies? We have parasites everywhere. Nanotechnology to cure people - we have progress on that today. Abductions - happens all of the time, and what one remembers can be twisted. In fact, there are ways to convince people they saw one thing, over another. Global pandemic? Very plausble. PCR/DNA tests accurately completed in an hour? No. Chemtrails dropping I don't know what it was supposed to release. Scully immediately stating they needed Stem cells without even performing one bit of testing? Scully 100% accurately diagnosing o the fly? Scully is going to be able to amplify and replicate her own alien DNA enough to cure millions of people. The amplification and replication only takes an hour or so? Tad O'Malley telling the world there is a cure for everyone, coming from one single person with a limited amount of body fluids to spare? How many IV bags are there kicking around to cure millions. Who is going to administer those IV bags - everyone seems to be sick. They mentioned that people were globally affected - so how is the cure going to get to France, or China or Australia or South Africa? Where is the communication to tell other states, provinces and countries to look for alien DNA in a human, and then replicate it for others? How on earth did CMS get hit by a rocket launcher and survive? Unlike in Original series, there were little explanations, no information proved, just Scully quickly saying "we need this, we need that!" They didn't tell us why now the epidemic was released, they didn't reflect the proper time and procedures these tests take to complete. Why only Stem cells - why not anything else? Granted, I expect some of this will be explained in season 11, but it was just so abrupt, while in original XF, they would show the science, explain it (or have Scully question it) and have more information provided to the viewer. In this case, because of time, they didn't bother to give the viewers those crazy explanations that Original XF did so well, however far-fetch it may be. ETA: Ha, I guess I shouldn't complain about super fast DNA testing results, considering all of the other craziness in the X-Files. Still surprised they had an actual science consultant in the show....they didn't do their job.
  8. This point is very true. Like, for all of the twistedness and mythology of Original!Recipe X-Files, I could get behind it. It's wasn't as far-fetched, even though it was. Like, Flukeman? Radioactive bugs that could cocoon a full grown man? Tooms chomping on livers every 70 years to survive? Leonard Betts being decapitated and regrowing his entire head. A microchip implanted in one's neck, that would stop cancer. All of this - at the time - seemed plausible. Crazy, but plausible. Even Mulder and his long-winded explanation weren't too insane. But the science for this episode - and the revival - was just off...Like, maybe we know too much these days with the internet at our fingertips, that it's hard to come up with something that's so crazy advanced but actually plausible. I would put money on two different editings/filming of the episode. First version, if the ratings were not that good, then no cliffhanger. Second version (that we saw), with cliffhanger, if the ratings were really good and FOX basically told CC that yes, we would want a second season and GA and DD were on board. We got version 2.
  9. Juice4Cheeze - I think this is the best explanation I've read and totally nails how these writers can produce material that - at the time of original publication - captured so many readers/viewers, yet fails upon revivals or newly published books a decade later, to be the 'same'. Thought the current Star Wars is right now seems to break that notion, but remember there was SW chapters 1-3 that faired quite poorly.
  10. TVLine - Walking Dead's Andrew Lincoln Weighs In on the 'Amazing, Beautiful, Moving' Twist He Never Saw Coming
  11. TVLine: X-Files: 7 Tweaks That Must Be Made in Season 11 (Paging Vince Gilligan...)
  12. You know, I know Mulder and Scully are not killers, but at the same time, sometimes you've got to just pull the trigger - for the greater good of humanity. One, for millions. Mulder, aim that gum at CSM and pull that trigger... I can only speculate that they will reveal in season 11, that CSM is officially an alien/human hybrid - literally put back together with alien tissue. Othewises, who could survive that?
  13. One of the things I love seeing on this show - besides Tom Ellis in general - is how good he switches from the suave, charming, grinning Lucifer, to suddenly looking angry and just plain mean. When Chloe told him he had a "god complex", her comment obviously hit a very sensitive nerve and his expression switched so quickly, that I was taken aback. Well done, TE. Oh, that spoiler-tagged comment, Storyskip. Whoa. I would love it, if the show went there with that storyline... Oh, and thank you for tagging it (everyone should do this)- some people don't want to be comic spoiled. Excellent! And whoa....
  14. Here is your discussion thread for S06.E11: Knots Untie. This thread will open Sunday February 21st, at 10:00 pm. Before it opens, you can head on over to the S06:E11: Knots Untie: Speculation and Live-Chat Thread Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  15. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E11 - Knots Untie. This thread opens Friday Feb 26th around 5:00 pm for your chatting and speculating enjoyment. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E11: Knots Untie to continue the discussion. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  16. :'( Considering some of the hype last week, I expected better. Oh well.
  17. Basically, I would have eliminated Babylon completely and stretched out My Struggle II into two episodes. That's what I meant. That sweet ending in Babylon, they could have tacked it onto another episode. Otherwise, no Babylon. X-Files Creator Chris Carter on That Cliffhanger Ending, a Lingering Mulder Mystery and the Latest on Season 11 .
  18. OMG, now that you've pointed it out, you are TOTALLY right! What a nice call-back and comparison. Wow.
  19. That order might have been, a bit better but it was still okay. Honestly, I think it should have been like this: My Struggle Founder's Mutation (with hints of CSM and this alien DNA illness link hinted at and Einstein and Miller intro'ed HERE) Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster(levity and a classic Darin Morgan X-Files.) Home Again (a classic creepy standaline, but also with the seriousness of M&S wanting to find William.) Babylon My Struggle II - Part I My Struggle II - Part II Yeah, sorry, not creative titles but it would have been much better over two episodes, building up to people getting sick, and E &M getting on board, etc etc, leading to the cliffhanger for season 11).
  20. Couple of tweets from Yvette Nicole Brown. Love this to death! Tweet 1 Response to YNB YNB Replies Love that Danai Guirira suggested this!! And love that she was unspoiled! ETA: She'll be on Talking Dead next week.
  21. I agree actually. It was rushed. CC could have nixed Mulder!on!Schrooms, and started showing people getting sick. Einstein's skepticism could still have been there, just about the alien/government conspiracy. Then it would be a two-parter, like the episodes of old, and continues into number 6, and goes from there. It was rushed, I agree. They could have put little hints and teases in the entire 6-episode arc that leads to this, then the cliffhanger for season 11. Anyone know the original air order? Two was swapped for Four, right?
  22. Now THAT was the X-Files that I missed! Whoa. Pretty good episode. Not perfect - lots of logistical flaws, but more to the original series. First - and most importantly - yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be a season 11. That was a cliffhanger, not closure. We'll get 6 more episodes next year! It's the X-Files EveryIllnessUnderTheSun / aka The Sickly Dead. So how did CSM get into this position to be able to pull the trigger? And like Agent Einstein said - why now? What is it about now? I guess CC wants to jump on the Walking Dead/Apocalyptic bandwagon like so many other shows these days. I liked how Alien DNA would actually save the masses. Loved Mulder turning down his fathers "offer". Good for him. Scientific flaws though - PCR /DNA testing take time. I am sure there is very advance techinology now, but turnaround is still hours. PCR may be faster, correct me if I am wrong, but it still takes time. Also, Tad O'Malley tells everyone there is a cure? How on earth are they going to be able to synthesize enough alien DNA to treat milions of people. Scully only has so much DNA/Blood she can spare? Especially is the treatment is an IV bag. I totally expected Scully to trip and the IV bags to break - I know, terrible. People were getting sick so quickly and dying, there is no way anyone could treat the majority of humanity. However, if they had no immune system, you could probably simply inject the people with Scully blood (plasma and cells) - there is no immune system to attack the foreign transfused cells, which is why people have transfusion reactions - immune system attacks and destroys the foreign cells, causing massive hemolysis. If one HAS no immune system, then there is nothing to attack the cells, and the DNA would be in her blood cell makeup. I wonder if that could work as a quick fix, but instead they showed her with IV bags. I'll be interested to see where they will go season 11. Oh, and William is so there on that ship. Overall, decent episode. Einstein didn't bother me as much. Even Reyes was fine. William B. Davis was his awesome villain self. Obviously the aliens helped him "recover" from his massive injuries. Looking forward to season 11! ETA; I wish we could do a poll, to show who hated episode 5 and liked this one and who liked episode 5 but hated this one. Interesting the division between opinion. I recognize some of you liking last weeks, but not this one, whereas I and a few others, disliked last week, but this week was decent.
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