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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Totally agree. The dimples make it, but both are funny adorable guys! Tom Ellis - who stars on Lucifer. Very Tall, slender, with scruff and utterly charming. Why don't any of these men exist here? *lesigh*
  2. Yeah, she said it was hers. When Mulder was throwing the pencils (sharp bloody things, eh? Nice aim, M). Anyway, when he was doing that, I was like "Wait, Mulder, you ripped that poster!!" But then Scully does say "What are you doing to my poster". Yup, it's hers! "That's how I like my Mulder" gave me massive feels and smiles! If I remember right, he died of cancer, so appropriate epitaph. What can I say? He speaks to me. I read somewhere long ago, that when D. Morgan was writing during the original X-Files run, that he was struggling with depression and had a hard time writing at the time. It's one of the reasons he only wrote a few episodes. However, it's why he tends to focus on the introspective and the human condition, from what I remember reading. Or he was smoking a bowl of the good shit from Van City. *grin*
  3. This was the most crack-smoking, LSD dropping, bat-shit insane episode of the X-Files. And I laughed! I did. Beautiful tribute to Kim Manners and Jack Hardy - check Callback to Mulder in red speedo - check! Long-winded Mulder "there's a conspiracy" rant - check Callback to rarely-drinking Mulder - check Monsters who initally seem evil bad Monsters, but are really misunderstood victims - check Darin Morgan's underlying commentary on humanity that I agree with - check! Proof that Scully is indeed sexy and does have sex though CC tried to bury this - most assured CHECK! Callback to Scully being immortal - check! Skeezy motel with strange creepy happenings in it - check Queequag 2.0 - check! ETA from SparklesBitch post below - Mulder's ringtone is the X-Files theme!! - CHECK!!
  4. SpoilerTV - X-Files Breaks Worldwide Records FOX is going to be very happy with this. Very happy. Season 11, anyone?
  5. Watched it again. Yeah, they slowed it down a bit. Same pitch, but slower. *sigh* I'm really going to miss this beautiful man on my screen. SpoilerTV - Sneak Peek (Dinner scene) and Promo for S03:E09: One Life. Dinner Scene from One Life - short clip / on YouTube Poor thing looks so depressed.
  6. I knew about it because I saw the announcement on Spoiler TV (I think), but the only advertising I've seen on TV is a quickie commercial adverting Fox Fridays that I saw this weekend. But they never mentioned the air TIME. But yeah, FOX should have put something a little more substantial out.
  7. Oh totally. The moment she said "Whatever happens in these walls stays in these walls", I was like, yup, spy. Plus, she's in the house with free reign. I would not put it past her to plant some bugs. Yeah, that is really freaky, that no one is outside the walls. Were they slaughtered, or sent to the Factory? That exit to the "outside world" is going to be very important, maybe to save some resistance fighters but having them "disappear". I'd like to know more of why the Aliens are here and what they want.
  8. Lucifer did say the more complex the person, the harder it is to read them, so I guess Creepy Record Producer was more complex, and the bride was much less. However, Dr Linda, he was able to get info from her pretty easily, but he did call her complex, so who knows. I assumed the followed her limo and watched her go into Lux, then waited outside until she came out of the club. There may not be a back exit that they have access to, to watch her. I'm looking foward to seeing how Dr. Linda is going to respond/reply/offer advice to someone who actually thinks/claims that they are The Devil.
  9. Shhh....no one is supposed to know it's
  10. Promotional Photos for S03:E10: Incident at Stone Manor. I covet/love her hair! S03:E09: One Life: Promo. The mirror....*cries*
  11. Another Three Promos from SpoilerTV - Three funny clips for The Were-Monster episode. It's going to be a funny one!
  12. I think judging is so subjective on these shows that it's sometimes hard to see WHY they chose someone. We also can't taste the food, so we don't know how bad - or good - it is. I've thought the same to be honest, especially Chopped. The decisions they make seem biased at times (whether gender, race, someone who was an apprentice to a judge, best sob story, yadda). But no, I don't think it's sexist, though I get irritated at the judging. The critiques are edited, the food we can't taste, each judge has their own food item/type preference, so we don't get the whole picture. I do get the anger though, I yell at the TV, at the judges "stupid" decisions too.
  13. Honestly, I think it's part of any sex culture. Some people have hookups. Some don't. To each his own. Of course, I was so waiting for a AshleyMadison or PlentyOfFish or EHarmony profiles instead that Mulder looks up, since apparently no one actually asks others on dates anymore in this day and age, but instead find people online. The email on Dr. Sanjay's phone had the name/subject Gupta. Scully says it means "Secret" in Hindi(? - I forgot which language she said). Conspiracy!Mulder thinks it's a meeting on this government conspiracy, but the "secret" is really their hookups. I thought it was a cute little switch. *shrug* Doesn't anyone remember Mulder's "Big Box of Porn" (tm 40-Year Old Virgin), or him watching it in the background, or in Fight the Future, him peeing against the bar wall, and Mulder gets creeped out by Kurtzweil invading his space by peeing next to him? Those little goofy sexual innuendos have been part of X-Files for ever. Yeah, I mentioned that too. He's rusty from apparently surfing on the web all day. I'm disappointed we didn't get a mention of Mulder on the Dark Internet finding his information! Didn't realize he switched so much. If the continuity and character growth seems more logical in the reordering, then why not. CC just tweaks here and there and it's done. I read that only 2 of the 6 episodes are mythology, the rest are standalone? Episode 1 (and most likely 6) will be mythology. Sounds good, but I thought that more would by myth, to be honest. Either way, I'm entertained!
  14. The names are there - look on the right side of the image, in the white column, below the title. There is a small paragraph for each one. It's hard to first see, because it's mixed in with some advertising, but each one is named. Most of the people in the list, I've seen before! (well, technically I have on original airing of the X-Files, but on rewatch I was like, OMG, that's <Actor/Actress>!)
  15. Oh totally. If the ratings are good, why wouldn't FOX try to capitalize. If GA and DD are up for it, I could totally see a season 11. Especially if it's short like this one, it won't be much of a commitment for them. And as long as GA gets the salary she rightfully deserves.
  16. The funny thing though, is that Mulder is supposed to be an expect criminal profiler. Like, he focused on that in University and initially in the FBI. That makes he's an expert on weeding out criminals, not regular people though. I did get a kick out of the conversation, because in the original series, all of the conversations were very similar in nature, with the shadowyness of the dialogue and the person itself Mulder was meeting with. Mulder is so used to this, that probably how he's viewing the meetup, so everything else is unexpected - because it's been that way for years for him, so that's what he automatically expects. Conspiracy and government secrets, not regular bar hookups.
  17. TV Guide - 30 Surprising Stars Who Were on The X-Files Before They Were Famous. THAT was Donal Logue. Whoa. And Wow.
  18. It was a normal deck. It's done via a specific technical, and Kostya is just ridiculously skilled at it. The BEST part to me, is finding out that P&T did the exact same trick on the Today show, 2 months before Kostya appeared on the show. The exact same trick. In this video, Penn explains to Jonathan Ross what happened. It is a bit vague, so I also was looking around trying to get more information on it. Basically, P&T went up there, they were like "okay, we know how it's done", relaxed a little and just enjoyed the trick for what is was worth. But at the very end, he did the exact same ending of the trick differently, and with such skill and finesse that Penn nor Teller caught it. That's what blew their minds, along with the fact that he took a trick THEY DID a couple months ago, and showed them up. Hence Penn's reaction of "I hate you". Because they got fooled and fool bad. Just loved it and thought it was an amazing trick. Kimlat is skilled and amazing.
  19. SpoilerTV - S10:E04: Home Again - Promotional Photos
  20. Rewatched again tonight. Still loved it. Tom Ellis is amazing, Pilot Lucifer is very much Rick Castle meets Evil Ichabod Crane. Very smarmy, snarky, charming, very smug and assure of himself yet out of place. But at the same time, the supernatural, some different type of snark, charming, strange, utterly Britishness, sexiness of the main character actually mixed in some Sleepy Hollow. All three shows had/have a female detective cop irritated at the behaviour of a strange/weirdly named/confident male who knows things, but antagonises them, yet intrigues them, and helps them solve cases, yet they are not detectives or police or any investigative unit. Hell, the TV show Forever (mourns what could have been) had the same thing - An English "supernaturally" strange man partnering up with a female detective trying to prove herself and solve cases. But I'm a Lush. A lush when a gorgeous British Man appears on screen, so you know...I'm totally in and looking forward to the next episode!
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