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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Yeah, me too. There are going to be lots of questions - since the episode will most likely end with a cliffhanger!
  2. Thanks! There is so much going on that rewatches sorely needed. I'm pissed my lousy DVR died (again) because I lost the first four episodes to try to find some more clues. Cliff Campbell wasn't lying when he stated that this season was already mapped out fully. It's totally obvious and it's wonderful. Something that will be significant again - Jenny had those flashes, and flashed that Destroyers tablet too. I think someone mentioned it above. This Thursday episode is gonna be good, partially because we are going to get lots of answers.
  3. Heh. But those scenes disturb the hell out of me, to be truthful. They really do. The Penguin/Nygma and Jim Gordon basically mowing down anyone who dares come for him were the best parts (for me). Note I'm still watching. Still disturbed, but still watching.
  4. Or, you know, if Twit-PixieHead didn't lie down next to the Walkers, none of this wouldn've happened. You've got to wonder how people like this survived for so long...
  5. *kicks thread* Civility and Respect are beautiful things. Let's embrace them, shall we?
  6. Why, why do I watch this show? Cutting off ears and throwing them into fires, with torso's already burning away? Crazy people revelling in the torturing and killing of others. Why? Why? Because then I get hooked into Nygma taking care of Penguin, while embracing his sadistic murderous side, while rooting for Jim to beat the crap out of anyone coming for him. But I still get royally disturbed every episode. Completely disturbed. And Bruce needs to grow up. At least this episode, Alfred (and Cat) stood up to Littte!Naive to teach him a clue. But this show really can be, a bitter pill to swallow....
  7. , and now I have to keep watching. OMG, really?? *drops dead on floor*. Yeah, I'm watching for this ALONE. *fans self*
  8. That was Glenn's voice on the walkie? I didn't recognize it, except that it wasn't Rick. Why does this show keep doing this - giving us case after case of human's being so stupid. Either not killing Walkers when they can or having a heart with stupid humans. If you don't kill the walker, the walker will kill you. Thought for sure it was curtains for Abraham. And how dumb for him, when clothing resources are low, to do something idiotic to rip up his clothes like that. Short-haired blonde was an idiot too. The episode title should have been Always Idiotic.
  9. Last night, I actually did. 12 hours long. Apparently not sleeping for a few days helps. And some wine. But will I finish the first chapter? Hee.
  10. Okay, for the record, I changed the thread title to something I thought more appropriate than original. Why? Because I couldn't bloody well sleep, because my stupid mind wouldn't shut off, then for some reason I was thinking of that book Love in the Time of Cholera, and thought, "Hey, this would make a great title!!" Not like I've actually read that novel yet. So whatever. But note not an official mod post, but I think it better matches as a thread title. Anyone who wants to come up with something more appropriate, bring it! In the meantime, apparently lack of sleep = creativity. Go figure.
  11. Now I wish Constantine was still on. SH and Constantine would have made a great Friday night viewing, complete with lots of wine! Fringe apparently did well too, so let's cross our fingers. You never know. Thursday's was a rough night. For me, SH, HTGAWM, Elementary. Apparently, SH was moved because FOX wants focus on the last season of American Idol or something. I read that somewhere, not sure if it's right. ........................ Preview for S03:E08: Novus Ordo Seclorum Imhotep?!? (sorry, The Mummy joke)
  12. Yeah, I didn't see any smugness either. Especially since Crane sees how Daniel is grooming Abbie for "bigger and better things", and giving her more responsibilities, then this comes out about not being in the loop. Definitely shocked...and concerned I've been speculating on this for a while - woman is overdue big time. She's gonna have a meltdown because there is only so much one can take. I actually found the use of the word "control freak" and Abbie acknowledging it pretty telling. I forgot to add this, after I wrote it and shut down the computer. Another clue (to me) is that Sophie was adamant that they find Jenny ASAP. Now, if Jenny had the artifact in her possession, that all they had to do was call her on the phone, tell her to get out of dodge with the shard. Instead, Sophie tells her to find Jenny, knowing that Jenny is possessed. I could be wrong - we will definitely find out - but her reactions were not "Call Jenny and tell her to physically hide the shard and get out of here, she's gonna be chased by some thugs", it was "Get to Jenny' before Nevin's plan goes forth because Jenny absorbed the shard. Also, looking back, I realized that she knew exactly who Crane was. Some guy creeping around her bosses area, she knows is not FBI, and she neither points a gun at him, and also allowed him to manhandle her and to get away. Again, FBI agent. We saw Abbie take down Danny last episode with ease. Sophie could have fought back, but didn't and let Crane go. Leads me to believe she knows more than we think. Again, I could be wrong. Just speculation. We'll see. But I love the debate and analysis! That's what I love about this season - that we are all here debating the little clues and hints that are dropped here and there, wondering about Sophie, Jenny, Joe, Danny and Senator's role in this and what the bigger picture is. That Pandora had a bigger plan, and used the Destroyers to clean up after her messes (love that). That decisions and actions have long-term consequences now, that they never did in before - especially in season 2. Everything is building and I think it's wonderful. I watch HTGAWM after SH, and though SH lacks the sex, drugs and shady murders, it is similar in that you question everything and anything.
  13. OMG, you actually just broke my heart with this sentence. I felt the same for that poor Last Demon Standing (well, lying down). Felt similar to season 1's poor Golum just trying to protect his friend he was bonded with and wasn't able to protect in the very end. So sad. Other parts I enjoyed but forgot to mention: Loved the Soldier-Experience bonding scene between Crane and Joe. Nicely done. Different wars, but the experiences are the same. I liked the juxtaposition of how as soldiers, they knew exactly what to do when following orders, compared to the chaos of their lives now. Jenny and Joe kickboxing. Nice. Reason to me Abbie is the Diamond in the Rough, is that I think Reynolds is testing her, to see how trustworthy she is NOW as FBI agent since he's joined SH. He's been testing her these past few episodes. First, he gave her full leeway to run the investigation concerning the kids in that tooth fairy episode to see how'd she do. Next episode offered her the opportunity to head up the task force. Now, he leaves for Washington and puts her in charge. But remember the previous episode, he was angry with her for allowing her sister near the Nevins op, and possibly compromising it, yet he gives her another chance. Plus, Abbie is new in the field. Sophie has already proven herself, hence being put into an undercover situation. You wouldn't put an untested unpolished agent in the field undercover for at least 6 months, without knowing what to expect from them and what results they will get. Plus, the Senator said the "diamond" was being watched. Sophie was keeping tabs on Abbie and Crane (and Jenny and Joe) with regards to the Nevins case - she always popped up in a timely manner. Just my intrepretation. To me, the flip of Sophie being the diamond, is the polished FBI agent in a "rough" enivironment. Of course, we don't know yet about the ulterior motives of Senator CSM (sorry, Senator whoever) and Reynolds and what's really going on yet. Good point. I have to rewatch that part, to see if she dropped hints earlier on. Wish I could rewatch the previous encounters with her (damn you, DVR!). She must suspect something, or wonder why Nevins, and before him, Corbin Senior and Jenny were/are only going after these weird "magical" artifacts. She knows of Nevin's previous partnership with Corbin Sr., selling them for profit on the open market, yes, but why only stuff like that - not "regular" things like jewellry or coins or whatever is not embued with magic. I think she;s hinted at knowing a bit more. I think Reynolds and Senator whoever knows about the supernatural more than WE know at this point. The full extent of that knowledge will be revealed later on. The one thing that stood out to me, is that once Sophie revealed she was FBI, and cuffed Nevins, she told Abbie, Crane and Joe they had to find Jenny right away. The reaction I actually expected - is her being really pissed off at Abbie and co that her op was blown. But she wasn't at all. She was more concerned with Abbie/Crane/Joe getting to Jenny ASAP. On the surface, it could be to save a life, but I think Sophie knows more of what's going on, i.e., why getting to Jenny immediately was so important - to prevent Pandora's plan to raise whatever that thing was.
  14. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E06: Always Accountable. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E06: Always Accountable to continue the discussion, as this thread closes at 10 pm. Remember: Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Be accountable to your comments! Enjoy Yourselves!
  15. Or frame you. Or something shady. Seriously. Maybe this is an act for whatever reason, but you don't mess with your Fixer like this, or mistreat him at all. I don't think Frank shot Annalise, but who knows with this show. Or like I said. Fire protection. :')
  16. Wow. SO many wows. Wow #1: Nate, please take off your shirt more. That man is hot! I cannot even imagine the work Billy Brown has to put in maintaining his physique. And I couldn't help laugh at those gifs above, when he takes off his shirt then says to Annalise "You nervous again". My mind needed to be sprayed with Holy Water at that comment. Wow #2: Catherine is really the killer? Nicely played Catherine. Getting a really good plea deal - even if the whole thing failed, she's be out in like 5 or less years, or if the whole thing got dismissed - which happened in this case - all the better for her. She played Annalise and company, but I have a feeling Caleb is not innocent either. I think all three (Philip, Catherine and Caleb) are in on it. Caleb found the gun "a week" ago, but after that was willing to make a plea deal to "save" Catherine?? If he was really innocent, and thought she was guilty or possibly guilty, I don't buy him going to jail for the rest of his life. Him calling Michaela over is just part of the long game. Wow #3: Annalise being partcularily nasty to Frank. Woman, he's your Fixer. He's done shit for you, you don't want him getting on your bad side. Bonnie is one thing, she wasn't involved in all of that illegal stuff, but Frank. You'd better treat him right, or he'll "Fix" you. Nate changing that suspect form will be found out. So Frank just has a suitcase of about a million bucks or so sitting around his apartment? I hope he has good smoke detectors, and is living next to a firehouse, because it would suck if his place experienced a fire! Asher figuring out the bugging, then the other clues - he's the best. His concern for Bonnie is wonderful too - he truly cares/loves her. Not so wow - can I slap that smug DA please? Almost every scene, Sinclair has this absolute smug expression on her face I want to slap off. Bugging the Keating house - shouldn't she lose her license for that??
  17. I totally agree. There is a sense of excitement and lots of speculation of what means what, where the various stories are going, etc. This X-Files special division you mention, you have to wonder now. You mentioned what I was thinking later last night and wanted to post here. Sophie is an undercover FBI agent and Daniel put her into the field. This is his op. She has been undercover for 6 months, and would regularly report back to Reynolds. She would know of all of the supernatural stuff that Nevins is involved in, that he had a connection to Corbin Senior, that he looks for these mystical artifacts. AND he knows, straight from Abbie, that she was close to Corbin. So how much of this supernatural stuff does Reynolds really know about. Does he have a hint about the strangeness of SH - he did request the assignment. What about how close Abbie is to these supernatural things going on in SH. Couple that with Abbie disappearing at weird times, and her partner, "Dr. Strange", Reynolds lets on more than he has. I was thinking that too. Initially we were to believe that Abbie is the agent the Senator and Reynolds were talking about. I think the diamond in the rough was Abbie, but then the Senator (or Daniel) mention that she's being watched - she was being watched by Sophie. So who is the one being groomed for bigger and better things? On the surface it looks like Abbie, but maybe she's being used by Reynolds for a bigger purpose. Also, this comment about Abbie loving the FBI, and being Daniel's "fair-haired girl'. So dead on. I don't think she realizes or had adapted that this isn't SH PD small potatoes (anyone catch the X-Files reference!). Yes, they are fighting against the ultimate evil that will destory humanity, but it seems to be concentrated in the little town of SH. By comparision, the FBI missions are really on a much "grander" scale. This is what's making it tougher for her to balance Witness duties with FBI agent work. That's what I really like about it - hints and misdirections, words here and there that mean one thing, but really mean another. It's a puzzle. That's why I think CC is really good in this. He's found his groove, found his story (the entire season is mapped out, so he knows exactly A --> B --> C.) BR or Zoe is irrevelant to me, but as Miss Almond said, they are there for another purpose, that hasn't been revealed yet. Just like the Sophie reveal. Hee. Anubis is the Ancient Egyptian God of Mummification and of the Afterlife. He has the body of a man, and the head of a jackal (now, some are saying it's the head of a wolf). Many ancient Egyptian burials that shows murals on the wall depicting the journey of the Pharoah in the afterlife, may have shown Anubis. But think about the context. Nevin's needs to get the shard for something. The Shard of Anubis is the shard of the afterlife. Pandora disappeared into a tree to get someone who looks like he's been dead a while, or at least is ancient. That shard will most likely be needed for this person's resurrection. When he emerged with that robe covering his head, what looked like bandages on his hands, I was getting The Mummy vibes. Imhotep, is that you? Yup. Exactly it. DearEvette, dead on! Step back and think about how fast Jenny/Joe went from "friendly" flirting and drinking in the park to him declaring his "intentions". Three episodes. Four? This is episode seven. And this one had tons of let's be honest, shippy vibes. There was a direct comparision between Joe and Crane here, to the point that while Joe could be thinking Crane's thinking about Abbie "platonically", that conversation didn't seem it. Simply because if one is thinking about their romantic feelings for a woman, then why would that person look to another, and think about the "friendly' feelings. Didn't make sense. It could be ship-teasing, except Cliff hasn't done any of that this season, which is good. But shipping aside, the story unfolding is interesting and twisty and fun. The shippy is a secondary element at this time. It enhances or guides along the story, it is NOT the sole story. The Jenny/Joe showed that. Because of their search for the shard, Corbin Jr. wanting to know more about Senior, working together to help Abbie/Crane, they got closer and developed love for each other. That's the journey this season too - possibly - for Crane and Abbie. We're seeing pieces unfold as the season goes on, but it is something that will come out of the main story arcs. It's a journey and I am really enjoying the journey this season.
  18. Oh, I just love this comparison - spot on. Just perfect, Miss Dee.
  19. Totally. Totally agree. That's the point and the journey that I am seeing this season and I am really enjoying it. It'll be Crane first, because he is the more emotional one. Abbie still has her walls to tear down, then has to move out of the friend zone. That conversation in the woods was lovely, and that he was so open like this with her was lovely. Loved the back and forth discussions between Joe and Crane. So glad he has a bro to bond with and discuss things with. This was sorely needed in the show. Shocked though that Joe was like "talk to her". Wow. If that wasn't a flashing light. So glad they brought Joe into the mix. Sophia's an FBI agent! Oh hell yeah, did not see that twist coming. Awesome. She's been undercover for six months. Oh Abbie, this will not end well for you. It almost seems like demon hunting is putting Abbie in over her head. It's not small time Sleepy Hollow PD anymore. Even though the Witnesses are saving the world, very few people know. To people like Reynolds, there are much bigger things going on in the world. Reynolds isn't gonna be happy. Ah, there he is - . Excellent. It seemed like Jenny was like the new wife or something, the way that shadowy figure took her hand. Metzner said that people would change sides. Sophia obvious (though she was always the side of good) and now it looks like Jenny. Called it. The Dowry box makes more sense too. I think this person is the one who was her owner - who "taught her how to speak again" Oh Crane (aka Mison), you really, really shouldn't hold a vial of blood in your mouth like that. Like, I am sure Jenny is healthy and clean and all that and it's a prop, but it's supposed to be a vial of blood and there is a reason why people wear gloves in the medical field. Joe did, but not in the forest, but I just cringed when I saw him doing that. Just...no. Whoa - Crane being a bit violent with a woman. Love this more confident and cocky and ungentlemenly version, is you want to call it that - it actually surprised me that he did that. And yes, Sophia and Crane play off each other well - love it. They can be thorns in each others sides. I like her character too - but now what happens - this big FBI sting was just blown by Abbie, Joe and Crane. The repercussions are not going to be good. I have a feeling Daniel will finally find out what Abbie's other job is, to help him understand. I totally had shades of X-Files, when Reynolds was talking with that US Senator (I assumed he was). And Indiana Jones villian vibes, when Nevin read that little spell and was cackling when the box opened. Jenny/Joe scenes - fun, sexy and so awesome together. Great pairing. And aw...so sweet. I know many disagree that the show lots it's energy. Maybe. But these longer drawn out storylines are allowing character development and emotional pauses that this show really needed. Instead of all action and little movement and story development, it's some action with growth and storyline and a season that is building nicely. Everything just seems to run smoother to me, there is a nice flow to each episode as the story builds, that prior seemed patchy. The dialogue also seems more natural this season. Crane is always formal, but all of the dialogue for the characters just seems normal and what I would expect people to speak to each other like. Much less stiff and forced. More natural. I think there are two more episodes before the mid-season break - this is leading to some very good stuff! So sad we probably won't get a season 4 - there is such good stuff being setup overall.
  20. Hello Everyone. Please, let's move on from the shipping talk in this episode thread. We are going off topic by analyzing the various friendships and romantic relationships that have occured throughout the six seasons. That said, it appear we had no where else to talk about this...Until now! I created a thread that will allow everyone to discuss these varying relationships that have occured, that may occur, or are current as of now. Love in the Time of Walkers - Relationships in the Walking Dead. The posts above that only discuss relationships in The Walking Dead-verse will be moved to the above thread, where it is more appropriate. Any questions about the thread, please ask! Thanks.
  21. This is your thread to discuss the various relationships, couples and friendships that have occured in the Walking Dead universe. Here, feel free to discuss and debate the relationships and connections the various characters have on the show, whether expected or otherwise. Remember, this thread will contain spoilers about the show aired so far, so be warned. The discussion should be about the TV show only. If you want to discuss the various relationships that occured in the comics, go to the Comics Thread. Be Very Warned - "shipping" can be a very emotional thing to many and cause people to become very passionate in their opinions. Therefore.... ------------> Always Be Respectful and Be Civil. <-------------
  22. The first majority left because of too much emphasis on CFD. That's why season 2 really lacked. Many got sick and tired of it (us included), and decided to not bother anymore. I get that. Very true. Some who bailed were never completely invested, some who stayed are. The core shippers are the ones still (or were) with the show. Until that interview with CC. Then it was decided that no one cared anymore, that Ichabbie wasn't happening, therefore let's jump ship (ha!) I hear you about the bonkers craziness - that was the best, but as I said - it's unsustainable. There were early season 1 episodes that were not that good, but certain parts were re-watchable (to me). Not all, certain parts. Season 1 was crazy, but save for a few episodes, most wasn't that good overall. The fact that you mention BR (as everyone does) tells me that too many people are focusing on those few scenes to the detriment of the entire show, which is what I've seen these last few weeks. BR is a non-entity, a plot point. In the entire episode, she is a mere 1 minute of screen time yet everyone (here and elsewhere) always comments on her. Not anything else, just her. You mention Pandora with the tree and imply that it's boring. Here's the thing. Her "tree" is a means to an end, that will will find out in the next one of two episodes. It isn't violence for violence sake. It's a slowly unfolding story with hint and clues being unveiled each episode. Headless can only be interesting in moderation. Pandora has been weaving a plan throughout these episodes, that many ignore, because everyone is focuses on SBR or Zoe or however. By focusing on the minor, people are missing the major. Just my opinion, on how I view the season. Fact is, shows moved to Friday, will get poor ratings and will be cancelled. Sad, but true. Makes me sad, and brings back memories of Forever and Constantine (good shows, done before their time).
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