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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I like your world too. I'm in. Any trinket from Crane's time would be worth a fortune. Like we never know how he could have flown to England without proper documents, we'll never know where he gets cash. Not gonna worry about it - It's TV. This show has a headless horseman, demons, and a man who was born in the 18th century. People in TV live in way expensive apartments living a rich person's life while making a pittance. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  2. No, but those deep bows pale in comparison to the original one in season one. They are no where near as sexy as that one (and actually different in form). Maybe season one's was Mison just being a goof and improvised, and these ones are scripted. Because I've seen the promotional photos for the next episode, and read enough about what's going on, I have an idea of what Pandora's plan is. I will say though, that opening that tree was freaky, because I was expecting a crap-load of evil demons and the like to fly out of there or something. Because I am a nerd, I wrote them down (because I was curious). The six are: Secrets. Chaos. Loneliness. Death. Lost Innocence* (thanks bethy!) (? This one was really hard to hear, I couldn't quite understand her it sounded like she said Innocence or Innocence Lost), and Fear. Anyway, good episode actually. I really enjoyed it and time flew. Still loving Pandora as a villian. Blown away by the jealousy that apparently Daniel has for Abbie. He was scared of Abbie - who he obviously thinks is the better agent - one-upping him, taking over, etc. Very interesting. However, it's clear that he loves/loved her, but she's so closed to relationships that it would never go anywhere. He just talking about the shack by the beach and them spending time there together sounded intriguing. Wish we could see flashbacks for that (probably never, since it'd be R-rated - hee). Interesting that Abbie is very vary about long-term commitments, which fits her personality. She's afraid of being alone, but is unwilling to take that leap to NOT be alone. I'm actually glad that Daniel doesn't know the Supernatural stuff going on, that he forgot. Oh, and her takedown of this guy twice her size was beautiful. The "date" surprisingly didn't bother me. It just makes me feel meh. If Crane wants a dull cutesy girly girl, that that's what he wants? I will say that his interactions with Zoe are a helluva lot more believable than his interactions with Katrina. There is actual chemistry there. It's cute, sweet, saccharine and non-threatening Sweet Valley High type of stuff, but no where near the level of intensity he has with Abbie. I'm not into sugary sweet romances myself, but its cute. And Tolerable. That's the key. Tolerable. Jenny Mills. What can I say about her. I totally have a girl-crush on Jenny, because she was just so awesome and looked so beautiful this episode (well, every episode). I am really enjoying how much more they are giving us of Jenny. Moar please. Joe and Jenny could have their own show and I'd be all over it. But what the heck absorbed into her body?? Now a specific spoiler make total sense. There are three (two?) episodes till the mid-season finale - I see where this is going and I like it. Forgot to add - the "Herb Purveyor?" Yum, and hilarious scene. Like that guy (yum) can he come back? When his eyes switched to creepy full on white, that was creepy. And interesting. NR really isn't a good actress, is she? That flashback was not good. Onira Tares was fine, but NR trying to be "tough" was just terrible. And no woman would be allowed to wear pants without punishment. I'm not being sexist, I'm stating fact. There were laws. In fact, woman in the late 1800's (suffragettes) were thrown into jail for daring to wear "men's clothes". She's just not believable as a tough, saavy spy. A debutant at a ball, maybe, but not an ass-kicking spy. It's funny how this show is so amazing at casting 90% of the roles. Then there is a misstep here and there, which makes you wonder why? Or who?? One thing I noticed is that the show has a more gritty, more darkness to it, which I actually like. This episode I felt flowed really smoothly, was connected well. I am really enjoying this season.
  3. Chloe?? Who's Chloe? Do you mean Zoe? Either way, yeah...meh...
  4. This is an excellent post and such interesting statistics. Here's the thread rab01 mentioned - Gruesome, Gory and Grabby - to further discuss the Walkers.
  5. Me too. I'm enjoying the episodes, enjoying Pandora ALOT. I am very interested and curious as to what her ultimate plan, and like how they are giving us little pieces of the puzzle and hints here and there. It's MUCH better than season 2 (granted, it is a low bar), but I'm enjoying it. Tomorrow's episode (This Red Lady from Caribee) looks good too. I even have a little of the excitement and anticipation back that I used to feel in season 1, in that I am really looking forward to the episodes.
  6. Actually that's pretty accurate. Smaller jets weight less, therefore are much more susceptable to turbulence in air. In fact, a smaller jet flying close behind a really large jumbo jet is going to feel buffeted by the wake turbulence of the larger jet's engines. A larger jet flying behind a smaller jet won't feel it nearly as much (if at all) due to its size and weight. It can't be thrown around as easily. There was a case a few years ago from LAX, when a smaller jet took off too soon after a larger jet, and it crashed due to the wake from the big jet. I don't doubt that Jane knows to fly a helicopter, but the moment from her going "I don't know how to fly this" to her getting the bird in the air was so fast, I was like whut? I assume LDP is going to be in a multi-episode arc?
  7. ^^ This is one of the things I wish the show would delve into more. Alas, no.
  8. And he's cute! There's a romance? Apparently, because when Jane kept asking Lou Diamond Philips' character questions when they were walking in the forest, everytime she did, Weller would chastise her with a "Jane, not now." or a "Jane, be quiet". He's talking to her like she's a child, which then creeps me out, because he's obsessed with her (still have no idea why **), yet there seems to be some chemistry, but at the same time, he always dimisses her like a child. Creepy. ** No slam on Jane. I still don't really get why a 10-year old would be so obsessed with a 5-year old's disappearance. Part (most?) of it is that I have zero recollection of my childhood. But unless you had an eidetic memory, most people would forget the details of that. Kids move in and out of neighbourhoods all of the time. Friends come and go - so Weller's obsession really borders on creepy. I did love Patterson and David solving the tattoo clue together, and sad she got caught. But that is probably what would happen in real life. Too bad about the bf - he was so adorable, but Patterson (don't know her first name) really wasn't into him. Her little speech about many men moving in, then they move out. schtick was sad, but when you see her basically not paying attention, or getting annoyed with the bf, or just being off in a different place, you can see why. Yes, she's dedicated to her work, but simple courtesy doesn't take much effort. She treated him poorly. No wonder they left.
  9. I'm wondering if there is some more serious shit about to go down in the Walking Dead-verse, that Gimple and co really, really didn't want to break up, disrupt, so decided that a) they still wanted/were determined to have a Morgan-focused episode and b) placed it as episode 4, to best not disrupt the rest of the season. Just speculation. Here here! I wholeheartedly agree! I think so. Eastman doesn't have the benefit of the knowledge that we viewers know about how truly messed up the Zombie Apocalypse is. We viewers are so "educated" on the show, that we totally get that trusting certain people, is just plain stupid. But if one is isolated, then one doesn't know any better. Not an excuse, just a reality. Like, the Alexandrians haven't gone through the turmoil and suffering and total anarchy and insane violence that CDB has gone through over and over again, so they know nothing. Walk a Mile in My Shoes, you know?
  10. Considering I'm still watching a show called Blindspot, where a tattooed lady with no memory - but apparently Navy Seal ass-kicking skills - is being allowed along on FBI missions and allowed to participate in capturing/shooting the villians, I'm not gonna worry about that. Don't even get me started on Quantico. This IS (WAS) a show with a Headless Horseman with a machine gun, Demons terrorizing a town, Pandora messing with people and an 18th century tall skinny dude who was magically put to sleep for 250+ years, I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff. *grin* For the record, no small town cop would be able to get away with this either, to be real. But hey, what can you do? *shrugs shoulders*
  11. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E05: Now. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E05: Now to continue the discussion, as this thread closes at 10 pm. Remember: Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Enjoy Yourselves!
  12. HalcyonDays

    S06.E05: Now

    Here is your episode thread for S06.E05: Now, which will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday. Prior to that, head on over to this link --> S06.E05:Now - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat to do just that! Speculate and Chat. Please Remember though: Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Enjoy Yourselves!
  13. Honestly, I was waiting for Morgan to find out that "Eastman" was actually Clayton Dallas Whoever. That's he'd die, Morgan would get his wallet (don't ask why he'd be carrying it) and the name would be the serial killer's. Alas no.
  14. Yeah, that's why I was really surprised about that - usually the credits stay that way for the rest of the season. I have a conspiracy theory that I'll throw elsewhere. Excellent point. I thought that too, that the fires would draw Walkers and Humans to Morgan - not what he wanted, but I guess his mission to "Clear" would be served by drawing others to him. Interestingly, we've had Morgan, The Governor, Michonne, Sasha, Abraham and Rick all lose their minds (aka PTSD) for a bit, then manage to come back. Maybe even Tyresse. I do like that they show some people are going to have problems coping. Problem is what message do they learn once they break out of their traumatic fugue state? Oh, and Lennie James was very adept at twirling that stick around. Nicely done - wonder how long he had to practice for.
  15. Wait, whut? His name wasn't in the credits.....?? Oh show.... ___________________ ETA: GUYS AND GALS! Talking Dead Talk in the Talking Dead THREAD!! Thread IZ HERE
  16. Why, WHY'D they kill Tabitha. Stop killing the animals, show! First the horses, then some GSD's, then the goat. Poor baby. I was actually hoping through the episode that Morgan would have a "breakthrough" and teach Eastman how to make good cheese. Don't ask. Yeah, but everyone on this show makes bad decisions. It's like required plot points of the show. Shush you...Glenn's not dead (yet.....)
  17. How many times are we going to see a good person try to "help" someone who may or not deserve it, and subsequently get killed for their efforts. Crazy!Morgan had it right - Clear them all out of the area. Crazy Morgan was crazy - dude, stop yelling "Kill me!!" You really want to die? Take that rifle of yours and put a bullet in your head. Problem solved. John Carroll Lynch and Lennie James killed it - both were awesome. Very disappointed though that Lynch lasted only one episode. Wish he could have joined CDB/Alexandria and been useful. I don't agree with the message "kill no one." There are bastards out there that need to be taken out. Wolf with bad teeth is one. Serial Killer Clayton Dallas Whoever was another. Sometimes there are just bad people out there. (Guess I missed the whole ZEN message of the episode) Was Gimple smoking some herb and hanging out at a hippie commune while writing this episode. Very peace and love and zen and peacenik episode.
  18. People. This thread is to discuss and debate actual spoilers about the Walking Dead, not debate and discuss the concept of spoilers in TV land. I've removed a ton of posts that have nothing to do with, nor belong in this thread. You want to debate spoilers, go to the Small Talk thread. Get back to discussing spoilers for the show itself, not the intricacies of how Spoilers work, and how they mean different things to each person. Thank you.
  19. And once again, I realized it when setting up my DVR to tape the episode. Phew! This thread will close at 10:30 pm today, and the actual episode thread will open at 10:30 pm. I don't know - after last weeks action packed drama, I feel like this episode is gonna be SLOW....TWD tends to do that, has a crazy (probably budget sapping) episode, followed by a "Bottle" episode. Hopefully it's interesting.
  20. Just realized that when Crane was incredulous that no one recognized this "John Adams", Mison sounded exactly like he did as Mr. Bingley in Lost in Austen. Basically, the bit higher (his normal?) voice. He speaks in a much deeper register as Crane. Totally reminded me of th LiA scene "But Miss Price is the perfect nurse...She has Paracetamols..." Hee. I agree. I wish we had more of those kind of scenes in SH itself. It was hilarious, and probably they broke character. Reminded me of the full "Waffles" video that Abbie had on her phone.
  21. I must be getting soft in my old age, but this episode had so many disturbing parts, but at the same time, some good "revenge" parts. The auctioning off of the woman, the Senator teetering on the books, noose around head, poor Bridget being all burned and now subject to "experiments". This show literally turned my stomach. At least the Pike brothers died. I wish Bridget could have enjoyed her revenge (glad she killed them) and lived a good life, as opposed to what happened to her. I still really dislike Penguin. Weak, ineffectual without his band of goons. And him saying he would reward Butch's loyalty. Yeah, I saw how you 'rewarded' him. Galavan is very dislikable too - someone please take him out. Liked the boxing scene with Alfred and Bruce. And Alfred almost knocked out Bruce! This show does not shy away from violence, no matter who the person is. Hey Nygma - there is a nifty little thing called CPR. Kringle wasn't "choked" long enough to die at all, but let's just say she was - CPR Ed. Cee. Pee. Arr Harvey and Jim remain my saving graces. Harvey was in it too little, but he provided that snark that I so need. Cat too - Camren Bicondova is so good in this role. All of her scenes were great. But overall, just so creeped out (just finished watching it) and utterly disturbed by so much of it.
  22. Anyone think they film the actual challenge as is, then get the contestants to film "extra" scenes to add to the drama? If one makes these beautiful sugar glasses, one isn't going to carry them - teetering on a sugar tray - without being very careful about where they step, or what they carry. Same with the broken pumpkin. Everyone knows that you lean on it with your full weight, it's gonna break. Same with that beautiful sugar glass in the small scare. All of the conveniently broken spectacular sugar work seems very convenient. Sheesh. Scream Team was talented and were consistant, but that other team (I forget their name), I thought their Billy the Kid was so awesome. Plus, their undead dinner party was exactly that - undead dinner party. The kid in the cauldron - though creepy - was not the theme to me. It was a good piece, but damn, those pumpkins carved into gorgeous gowns!!. The sugar glassware!! The total scene itself, being in a crypt. They were robbed, I tell you. I will say that their piece was a bit monochrome, but it was beautiful. Should've won. Elvira - how old is she? Because she looks FAB-U-Lous!
  23. Six Foot One - So yeah, pretty tall (considering that I am so short!) Beharie is five foot even, so consider that disparity. Great episode. Same with the Bones one before. I really liked them and surprisingly - the shows did mesh together. Seriously - the reactions that the Bones' crew had about Ichabod Crane are the exact reactions I have been expecting from SH itself (from obscure residents). Yes, some people know about the Supernatural mess in SH, but others do not, therefore, serious side-eye over someone dressed as out of place as Crane. Though Brennan catching him over the identical handwriting - goddammit! His "explanation" was not sufficient at all, but still - good save, Crane. I really loved all of it. Partially, I wish I got into Bones. Never knew why I didn't, yet should have, because I love the forensic scientific explanations for the crimes. Love forensics, and how answers can be determined from mere fragments of bone. Damn. I thought both Abbie and Crane fit in beautifully into the 'Bones' world. And I quite liked the episode. Appealed to the scientist/logical person in me, Corbin Jr. and Jenny - can we get a spin-off show for these two, because - like Beharie and Mison - their chemistry is beautiful. Serously, spin-off please. Love them. The Ichabbie shipping was a little much - as someone who desires it most assidously - it was out of place and seemed added needlessly - now I want some shipping man, but in the Bones episode, it just seemed liked pandering. It would NOT have seemed like pandering, if in the subsequent SH episode, that idea was reinforced. But, alas, no. *sigh* Over all, it worked. It really did. I was entertained for 2 hours, found the characters brilliant and enjoyed each episode. So what was considered so crazy seemed to be more tame for the general public. Who knew?
  24. Hermey, Rudolph, Yukon Cornelius and The Abominable Snowman were the only redeeming characters I think. *grin* Damn. I didn't like your post, because that would sent the wrong message. It took me a bit more time to get to the proper bitter cynical state, but I did at least develop empathy early on, which is what a proper person should have for Charlie Brown and Rudolph. Maybe that's the ultimate message/purpose of the TV show. Learn empathy.
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