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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. AMC. They are one of the channels that can show the grit and violence and sex without restriction (for the most part). I watch more shows on AMC and FOX, than any other network. For some reason, I really love this line. It totally tickled me pink!
  2. Very vocal/devoted fans on tumblr. phoenics, you know some of those people via tumblr actually (not know know, just occasionally, I've seen your posts reposted on their sites..think of the chat room members re: last years campaign...) It took a few days, but yeah, they started shifting the blame to TM because he "didn't fight for her". C76's response was my response. I wish. No, sorry. Canadian. I just have a thing for hot British men...and think Mison's an awesome talent so I'm here for him (you guys all know/knew that long ago)...But yeah, that's why my "still gonna watch" is an UO - because most people won't.
  3. Me too. He's always been a class act and always respectful to NB. However, I'm seeing some blame thrown at him elsewhere for no good reason. UO: If it's renewed, I'll watch because I love Mison to death and want to see him on my screen. I may not be as devoted or obsessed with the show as I once was, but as long as it entertains me, I'm good.
  4. From what I understand, Len Wisemen has a development deal with the network to create TV shows and help them successfully launch. That's why he's with Lucifer now. Kurtzman/Orci I think were just brought in to help Iscove (a newbie unknown) get his pilot script picked up and the show initially funded and launched (somehow he knew K/O from somewhere before). Their names are in the credits, because of WGA rules and all of that. Again, that's my understanding. They bounce from project to project, maybe overseeing certain things but not involved in the day-to-day.
  5. Thanks for all of the advice everyone!! I'll have to catch the first one On Demand and set up the rest to tape!!
  6. Everyone has reasons for what they do, decisions they make. Fact is, none of us know 100% and we will never know unless it comes straight from the actors and there is financial proof. It's all speculation, just like speculating on why FOX thinks they can renew the show and be profitable in season 4.
  7. My gut is the opposite. From what I know, the first two years of SH filming in North Carolina, TM rented a flat, while NB rented an entire house. Before SH, TM was renting a flat in London with a roommate. I think NB's been in a few more films as a more central role, therefore more bigger income. Also, knowing she wanted to leave before S3, tells me money wasn't an issue. Considering FOX's history, this is quite possible. However, I suspect FOX may have signed both to similar contracts, especially since NB was signed first and TM was lesser known. Save some budget, because they can. Also other things to consider. TM is a British citizen. Have you seen the exchange rate recently? Both are being paid in American dollars. Right now, $10K US is only $7K in British pounds. Already his take home pay is less once he converts. Plus, as an British citizen working on a Visa, whom does he pay taxes to? If he files, is he paying taxes to the US government, or the British government? I think he has to declare income to the British government. Already, the marginal tax rates are higher in England. If he files income and has to pay taxes in British pounds to the UK government, he already is paying more money out once the exchange rate kicks in. His income will be less, but he is still in one of the - if not the highest - tax brackets. I am sure there are workarounds (just ask Bono) and a tax expert can correct me, but he's out more already. Let's just say NB can file in her home state of Florida. Quick tax calculators show that if she made $500,000, she would pay ~$170,000 in tax. TM would only have earned £350,000 ($500K USD converted) and would have to pay £143,000 in taxes ($204 USD). Already a significant difference. (Yes, I realize there are deductions - this is quick and dirty calculations and no factoring in other tax credits.) These are just assumptions and speculations - I am sure there are workarounds. Also, the real estate market in certain cities. London, NY, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Toronto are notorious right now for ridiculous rent and property prices. So not only does his pay not go as far, but living in London is prohibitive. In fact, there was an article recently abut how ridiculous London prices are, and how multimillionaries are buying small houses and building down into the ground several stories to increase living space. TM's income is not going to go near as far as NB's. _________________________________________________________ I have a feeling FOX is weighing the response to the episode, looking at negotiations and trying to figure out if they can still make a profit if the show gets renewed. I think we will know in a week or two before the May 16th upfronts. SpoilerTV updated their Cancellation predictions from a 5.13 (closer to 5.00, less likely to be) to a 5.33. You think, SpoilerTV? TVLine and TvBytheNumbers are unchanged. Cancellation Bear tweeted today that FOX has "a lot of real estate to fill".
  8. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S02.E02: We All Fall Down, for your commenting enjoyment! This thread will close at ~10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S02.E02: We All Fall Down. DO NOT post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful and civil to your fellow commenters!
  9. Gotham's been renewed for season 3. Yeah! Me too, but glad actually. Dr. Strange is going to mess up Nygma even more, if that's possible. I was rooting for him to do so, and glad he's back to being his evil self. But NOT THE DOG, Penguin. WHY THE DOG? Anyone but the dog.... Donal Logue is the best. The more Harvey in screen, the better. Me too. The opening scene was made of win. Mamouz and Bicondova are amazing together. When they get older, they need to star in a movie or TV show together (the next Batman reboots, perhaps??)
  10. Shernold left in January. She tweeted about her new "writing gig" back then.
  11. A mudflap is jokey term my coworkers have used for years use to describe the minions of a workplace. A mudflap is the piece of rubber that hangs behind the wheels of a car, and basically collects the dirt and muck that flings off the wheels. The wheels are management and the mudflaps are the minions who work (suffer) under them. That's why I said in another thread, that some people decide to put up with the crap, others decide to leave. One's financial and personal circumstances and one's relative comfort with risk influence the decision. I've done both. Stuck with a job I hated for years, and left another because it was killing me. Everyone's circumstances are different which is why NB and TM's decisions are neither wrong but right for them.
  12. Loved this episode. Maze and Amenadiel having some preternatural/angelic/demonic sexy times! Hell yeah! But I thought that Angel's are not "equipped" to do that. But since Lucifer is clearly well blessed, then I'm messing this up with/thinking about Dogma (like ghww) Really, really loved the Lucifer making the connection that only in Chloe's presence is he vulnerable. Dying to know why. Also loved that his dear brother tried to assassinate him. What I love about the show, is that the Devil - though shallow, self-absorbed, hedonistic and sometimes lacking empathy - is still a better person than the so-called "pure" Angelic individual. Actually liked to see how Det. Douche Dan was actually a good guy too. It's a nice parallel - Dan hates Lucifer, thinks he's a bad person (yes, he's the Devil but Dan doesn't know this) but Luci is still better than most humans. Lucifer dislikes Dan, thinks he's a douche, yet Dan still fights to save Luci's life. I like this parallel. Tom Ellis has a beautiful singing voice. Wow. Luci's face when Malcolm took the coin - whoo boy, am I hoping for an eternity of misery for this person. Do it, Luci, do it! So if Amenadiel is cruising around LA, having sad dinners alone, who's watching the Gates of Hell? Love love love Maze and love love love Dr. Linda. They nailed the casting with these two. When a viewer roots for the Devil - you have to admit, they did the character well...
  13. Riddle me this, viewers/awesome PTV members? Should I attempt to watch season 2?
  14. Sacrilege! Lucifer is a FUN entertaining show. But yes, Mison deserves a show that can embrace and showcase his incredible talents. If anything, maybe this can lead to better opportunites for all involved.
  15. TM had the same problems that most of us mudflaps have - we have to earn a living. He has a family to consider, or the bare minimum, bills to pay, etc etc. Sometimes people stick around or decide to suffer through an untenable situation to basically make some cash and live. Trust me, I should know. Others have the luxury or the balls to say fuck it, quit and hope for better. I suspect NB is the latter, and maybe right now, TM is the former. He may well think he deserves something much better - a lot of us do (and with his talent, he truly does). But if the opportunities are not there, some of us stay in stagnant jobs. Fact of life. He may be an actor, but he's not like a Brad Pitt or a Harrison Ford or a Bradley Cooper or whoever, who can command $15 million a picture. So I suspect he's banking the cash now, for the lean times (if they occur) later.
  16. Yeah, no. Sorry, but Iscove was long gone from SH before any of this went down. This is not on him at all. He is still credited as creator due to being initially involved with writing and creating the pilot, but he was gone at the end of S1. He has nothing to do with this, and people are slamming him unfairly in this case. It would be the same as slamming Kurtzman/Orci and even Len Wisemen. All of them were long gone onto other projects - to blame them is just foolish and incorrect.
  17. I just watched Lucifer (great show). He would be awesome as a foil for Tom Ellis (aka another angel). Blond him up a bit and he would be perfect! Did you hear that, FOX?
  18. That's it actually. A strange detachment. Five Stages of Grief and all of that. I was in denial all season, was angry Friday night, semi-skipped bargaining, now lingering between depression and acceptance. Deleted Ragnarok from my DVR too. I just can't rewatch it. But there is nothing to be done - what's done is done.
  19. Thanks for creating the thread, Skyfall...shouldn've realized we needed on of these threads here.
  20. I'm sad and sorta depressed about it and I just feel weird overall...I don't know how to describe it, just weird. All I know is I'm glad I didn't quit smoking this week - I needed several all weekend to calm my nerves...
  21. Neither do I. Not at all. I wish both of them the best, but he's going to be dragged into this somehow. In fact, I'm already seeing blame (not here) being aimed at him. I know he probably wants the income, re: new family, but you have to hope that this doesn't somehow backfire on him if S4 is a go... And I still just have no clue who FOX thinks the audience will be...
  22. Unfortunately, there is already two pages of spoilers - including comics spoilers in here, so this thread is already tainted with too much information information. I'd have to delete half of the thread just to clean it up. I don't mind another thread Spoiler Free for Season 7 Speculation. Thing is, we are going to have a few months before we get any news about season 7, and I wanted to contain all of the season 7 talk into one thread, as opposed to the episode thread. Watch Duty then can be for people to discuss when news starts trickling out. A Spolier Free thread Season 7 Speculation I can create. Whatever you guys think will work the best for you...
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