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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. OMG! Who the heck is Mum???? Why you do this to me show?? Why? Good episode, Malcolm getting his just desserts was sweet. Hate that Det. Douche has to surrender though. True evil takes Trixie and holds her hostage. Lucifer realizing he's dying - man... But question - why are Angels/The Devil susceptible to gunshot wounds? Okay, I get Lucifer, if Chloe weakens him, but Amenadiel should be able to resist a stab from a demon-forged blade.. I say this, because from watching the show, I thought Demon's didn't have any power over Angels, or if anything, a weakened power. Guess it's enough to cause damage - but what about Angel healing powers? Dr. Linda being like, "Yeah, you're brothers..." making the realization she's been played, and going from there. Rachael Harris is just wonderful. OMG, Maze using her lone Lucifer!Feather to save Amenadiel!!! All of the scenes between Maze/Amenadude, Lucifer/Maze/Amenadiel and Lucifer/Amenadiel were just pure gold. Love them all together. Excellent episode. But the question remains.....Who the hell is Mum!!!??!!
  2. Here is your discussion thread for S02.E04: Blood on the Streets. This thread will open at Sunday May 1st at 10:00 pm Prior to that, speculate and live-chat here --> S02.E04: Blood on the Streets - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. DO NOT post spoilers and DO NOT discuss the Walking Dead. To discuss the more popular Dead, go HERE. As always, be civil and be respectful, but always have fun!!
  3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey Everyone. Heads Up! If you already didn't know, the PTV forums are going to be upgraded Tuesday April 26th, starting around 8:00 am ET. This means that the forums will be UNAVAILABLE most of the day Tuesday. You will not be able to access the forums. If all goes well, the forums will be available again sometime Tuesday evening. So don't panic! Grab a good book! Get some work done! Catch up on your news! Go for a walk! Watch a movie! When you log on again, shiny new fantastically fast forums will await you! Just giving you this messsage, in case some of you missed the announcement at the top of the site. Cheers! HalcyonDays ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey Everyone. Heads Up! If you already didn't know, the PTV forums are going to be upgraded Tuesday April 26th, starting around 8:00 am ET. This means that the forums will be UNAVAILABLE most of the day Tuesday. You will not be able to access the forums. If all goes well, the forums will be available again sometime Tuesday evening. So don't panic! Grab a good book! Get some work done! Catch up on your news! Go for a walk! Watch a movie! When you log on again, shiny new fantastically fast forums will await you! Just giving you this messsage, in case some of you missed the announcement at the top of the site. Cheers! HalcyonDays ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey Everyone. Heads Up! If you already didn't know, the PTV forums are going to be upgraded Tuesday April 26th, starting around 8:00 am ET. This means that the forums will be UNAVAILABLE most of the day Tuesday. You will not be able to access the forums. If all goes well, the forums will be available again sometime Tuesday evening. So don't panic! Grab a good book! Get some work done! Catch up on your news! Go for a walk! Watch a movie! When you log on again, shiny new fantastically fast forums will await you! Just giving you this messsage, in case some of you missed the announcement at the top of the site. Cheers! HalcyonDays ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S02.E04: Blood on the Streets, for your commenting enjoyment! This thread will close at ~10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S02.E03: Blood on the Streets. DO NOT post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful and civil to your fellow commenters!
  7. True Hollywood story for Castle - hands down. Maybe they could do a special one just for that. There is so much gossip out there right now over what "supposedly" happened. Ouch. And I realized that is I scroll to the very top of this page, yourpointis mentioned then answered/quoted my own post about whether a certain blind was Katic and Fillion (I wasn't sure at the time). yourpointis for the win! - you were so right. That blind WAS them. It's threads like these one where I want to read from the start to see what people speculated on and what turned out to be actually true.
  8. Wait, what? Strahan is leaving! (yes, I'm behind on my entertainment news...) Always knew he wanted to do more serious stuff, but not sure GMA is it. Full time on GMA, the host for @100,000 Pyramid AND I think he's still doing Sunday's FOX NFL Sunday show (he's better keep doing that one)!! This guy must not sleep. Ever. TVLine - Strahan leaving for Full Time GMA Gig Kelly Ripa MIA on Live in Wake of Michael Strahan's Surprise Exit News
  9. Here is your discussion thread for S02.E03: Ouroboros. This thread will open at Sunday April 24th at 10:00 pm Prior to that, speculate and live-chat here --> S02.E03:OuroBoros - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. DO NOT post spoilers and DO NOT discuss the Walking Dead. To discuss the more popular Dead, go HERE. As always, be civil and be respectful, but always have fun!!
  10. I just love this show and this episode was an excellent yet very fun one. The snark from Lucifer is the best. The goat thing, "I don't even like their cheese" or something like that was the best. Him staying five paces back from Chloe, and checking her for wing marks was hilarious. Amenadude (whoever coined this for the WIN!) and Maze together are adorable but also very hot together! I am thrilled this has been renewed for season 2!! I like the theories that someone far back in Chloe's family was a former angel who "fell" and lived as a human (can they have kids though?). Another theory is this is Lucifer's father messing with him, and "gave" Chloe some divine ability to humanize Luci. Still, great episode.
  11. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S02.E03: Ouroboros, for your commenting enjoyment! This thread will close at ~10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S02.E03: Ouroboros. DO NOT post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE. Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful and civil to your fellow commenters!
  12. Here is your discussion thread for S02.E02: We All Fall Down. This thread will open at Sunday April 10th at 10:00 pm Prior to that, speculate and live-chat here --> S02.E02:We All Fall Down - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat. DO NOT post spoilers and DO NOT discuss the Walking Dead. To discuss the more popular Dead, go HERE. As always, be civil and be respectful, but always have fun!!
  13. Season 3 kicks off Sunday June 12th, 9/8c Yeah!!
  14. The hell? Seriously? That is some sick thinking, I tell you. Wow...just wow. Well, not gonna post an essay, but will say that I love Rick and Michonne being together. That's all. ;')
  15. It's not that he's unpopular - it's that he's not enough of a draw for a majority of people. I've (and many others) have gone through seasons of The Walking Dead, hating the season, hating the characters or at least HOW they wrote the characters. Some actions/behaviours/storylines too stupid to comprehend. If any one of you have seen the S6 finale (or even the early seasons of TWD), you'll know what I'm talking about (the anger). Yet, six years in, it still has me and I will watch. Live and in anticipation. Same with SH. TM is enough of a draw for me to watch. He is not for many others, but he is for me. Hence the UO.
  16. Then you haven't read any of my posts starting since 2013 *wink* UO: There is a very real chance that FOX will renew SH, and that it actually might be (somewhat) successful and turn a profit.
  17. No. It's because some of us actually like the actor, Tom Mison. A rarity, I know (and probably an UO), but some of us do and therefore want him on the screen anywhere.
  18. He speaks with a much deeper voice now. Other stuff I've seen him in, his voice is a bit higher. Not sure if it's a product of aging or the character or whatever. If anyone's seen clips of Dead Cat (or anything else he's been in), he looks completely different (but adorable) in that film. Completely different. __________________________ Not sure if anyone posted this: SpoilerTV - Final Adjusted Ratings for Friday, April 8th, 2016. 2.96 million viewers and a 0.7/demo
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