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Everything posted by Rlb8031

  1. My sister and I are two years apart. We got confirmed at the same time, as Wendy mentioned the kids have to go to classes every week for a couple months in advance of first communion. My parents didn't want to go through that twice so waited until the youngest was old enough so they could get it done at one time. I don't see anything strange about that.
  2. See, I think Wendy is crazy like a fox. Every season she has a storyline - starting a home goods line, opening a restaurant, the talk show. Each story requires her to do 1-2 planning discussions with her husband, 1-2 meetings/site visits/warehouse runs with another HW and perhaps a meetup or two with some investor/advisor/partner every season. That's five or six episodes worth of story arc which usually ends with a "will she pull this off". The season wraps and Wendy moves on. She hasn't spent any money on any of these items and most importantly, hasn't had to bring HWs shenanigans and tomfoolery to her real job at CNN, MSNBC or on any other cable network that may look down on the green-eyed bandits storming in to have a knock-down, drag out on their set. And Wendy lives to throw shade at another reunion. Y'all are thinking checkers, but Wendy's playing chess.
  3. So it looks like Quad is a "friend of" this season. I don't know that it's a good look to show up crashing your ex's fiancée's shower/bachelorette party, but a check is a check, right? Dr. Gregory looks like he may not come out of this with his reputation intact.
  4. I've been wondering in general, why none of the HWs have chosen the tactic of saying "My husband and I have an understanding. It's not up for discussion - next topic." Robyn would at least sound less crazy. But then again, maybe that would just paint a target on ole' Juan. Frankly, I don't understand why, if you are targeting a married dude to be a side piece for, you'd choose a guy who is mediocre at everything in life. Because he's just going to be mediocre at juggling you as well.
  5. Well, how do y'all expect her to make a living with a droopy vagina?
  6. She was a former Playboy centerfold (actually I think she was the last centerfold before Playboy folded for good) - a fact which it felt like the guys knew even if no one discussed it. Why else would they all be hot to trot when she gave zero indication she was into either of them. And speaking of which, Jordan's response to Alex in the hot tub was a master class in how to say no. Very clear no, no, no - without a raised voice, or the slightest indication that she might mean anything other than what she was saying.
  7. Based on this wording, the car belonged to Katherine but she was not driving.
  8. I've always side-eyed the narrative that Whitney is a ladies man. It doesn't track with his vibe. Remember when he dated the model? They felt like strangers On another note, is it just me or does Whitney look extremely swollen in some of these scenes? The difference between his look at the house with his mom and the new butler, and his look in the talking heads (much less bloated) is striking. It was so noticeable, I wondered if he was sick or on some medication.
  9. I rewatched this past weekend. It looks like he gave himself his injection through his boxer-briefs (not that its that much better!) which explains how the tiny needle was able to be used. At the end of the scene, you see him walking out of the kitchen and you can clearly see he's in underwear
  10. I KNOW!!!! Drew's sister is the living breathing embodiment of "Just 'cause I don't, doesn't mean I can't". That woman grew up in Chicago! She isn't taking any shorts from a former model, turned groupie, turned single baby's mama who looks like she weighs 150 with 140lbs head!
  11. I think that Kandi sees kissing women as 1) not a big deal; 2) certainly not a big enough deal for you to lie about; and 3) not a big enough deal for you to call her a liar over. What I do think is missed is that Drew was raised up in church, her mother is a pastor, and they seem like they are more conservative in their religious beliefs. I'm sure that she doesn't want to get any of the church lady smoke from her mother's congregation or put her mom in an awkward position, which is why she's been hemming and hawing and lying about it overall. What is the most tragic part about this, is Drew doesn't seem to understand that if she was matter of fact about it, everyone else would be as well.
  12. This story was told from his perspective - ie. some women he didn't know grabbed him and started hugging him. I'm sure that wasn't how she responded, especially since she is very much a traditional African mom. I think its safe to say there was a lot of hugging, kissing, blessings being offered up and the like.
  13. I don't understand the long, dramatic, train when you will be sitting for 8+ hours. If the intent is to have enough fabric for you to use as a cover-up on the couch, just pick a dress where you aren't half-naked...
  14. It was interesting watching a narcissist in action. Although, there were times when I also wondered if he was a sociopath, because the complete and total lack of remorse for anything he had done was mind-blowing.
  15. So, I just got to this last night. Thoughts: The Pass looks like your standard low-budget independent film. The telling thing will be whether the technicals (lighting, sound, editing) are feature-quality or if it looks as bad as/worse than the Project Greenlight submissions. Drew is actually talented and needs to get hooked up at TPS where she could have a regular paycheck coming in for the portions of the year that she's not filming RHOA. The concept of Ralph being upset because she's coming home from work at 3am, when we all know that he comes home at that time or later from the club is laughable. Saw/read that Kenya is now complaining that she is getting the "Nene edit" - she produced a viable story (the development and opening of the Kenya Moore Hair Studio) and Bravo chose to show almost none of it over the course of the season. She also complained that they didn't show Brooklyn's 3rd birthday party "even though all the Bravo babies were there" (evidently, in addition to Kandi's kids, Shamea's kid and Porsha's daughter were also in attendance) So, I started to wonder if "cousin" Courtney was actually Ralph playing the long game - getting his relative on the show and having her develop a relationship with Drew as a way for him to keep tabs on where she was going and what she was doing when he wasn't around. That Ty chick must have it going on - she stays turning out straight, dissatisfied women. Ralph is trash.
  16. This is absolutely not true. If you grew up poor in Brooklyn, you definitely aspired either to 1) own a Brooklyn brownstone or 2) live in one of the then "upscale" Brooklyn neighborhoods (exact location might be different depending on which 'hood you grew up in). Even if you had Manhattan penthouse dreams, there was always a neighborhood in BK that you were like "rich people live there" - especially 15 years ago when formerly industrial neighborhoods started to change (Williamsburg got hot back in the early 2000's). The city isn't like other places, most folks don't clamor to live in another borough from where they grew up because each borough has its own socio-economic hierarchy. There are literally enclaves of stupidly wealthy people in each borough and most kids start by wanting to live there before decamping for Manhattan.
  17. She is going to sit on her porch, counting her coins like Scrooge McDuck. When it comes to business, she slays all day and she's earning cash so that she can continue her artistic pursuits, rather than relying on someone else to fund them. I'm not mad at Kandi at all for booking tour dates, producing broadway shows, hosting podcasts and whatever else she wants to so that she can live out her golden years not having to rely on someone else.
  18. I don't really get why these ladies would speculate on the paternity of a miscarried child of someone they claim to be "friends" with - or at a minimum are at least co-workers with. Its mean and wrong to do that even in a closed circle of friends, its completely damaging to do it so it ends up on television where millions of people can chew on it. If this is really what was going on - that Giz and Robyn, two women who clearly don't want their own damaged past discussed dragged this up to make "a moment" at the expense of a rival - then I hope they get this treatment back for their own questionable relationships. And I'm side-eyeing the legitimacy of any of this - why would Monique have an affair, get pregnant, get an abortion and then tell anyone such that it got back to Robyn and Giz. They have said before they don't run in the same circles and Monique's friends are not their friends. How did you learn about your co-worker's deepest and darkest secrets? Monique strikes me as being too savvy to share this with anyone who would weaponize it against her. And how does a woman who famously does not engage childcare and has a bunch of side-hustles have enough time to have not just a full-blown affair, but a pregnancy and abortion literally under her husband's nose when both she and her husband work from home. It's not like she or he are gone eight hours a day and her movements are in the blogs. Folks keep trying to paint her as both the mastermind of this whole elaborate second life, and then say that she's stupid enough to tell someone all her business. It just seems to not hang together well.
  19. This is an interesting episode from the perspective of watching in real-time, a HW try to navigate the "on tv vs. IRL" aspect of the show. These women all seem to have these off-camera implicit or explicit agreements about what is or is not fodder for the show (kids are off limits, no talk about blog issues unless you've expressly asked and been given permission by the HW, etc.) This is yet again, a case where someone (Sheree) raises an issue without clearing it off-camera, then gets accused of trying to make "a moment" happen on-camera. At the same time, the person who is at the center of the issue (Drew) gets accused of trying to milk an otherwise non-issue for their moment. This particular formula has become almost singularly, the main conflict across all the HW shows (Erica's lawsuit on BH, Kyle's divorce on BH, Lisa's courtside seats on SC, Karen's hooking up with Blue-Eyes on Potomac, Monique and the trainer on Potomac, Tamara and that new chick on OC, etc. etc). Clearly (and with the 20/20 benefit of hindsight) Drew is dealing with something that is much bigger than $1000 lawsuit. I feel like what production may be starting to allude to is that Drew is concerned that this woman may also have had some interaction/interplay with Ralph. Whatever it is, she is boxed in by not wanting to/ being able to be honest with tv cameras running, and her co-workers determined to make a moment at her expense. But since Bravo never lets an opportunity pass, we have a lot of smoke and very little fire, over a $1000- which as Kenya pointed out is ridiculous.
  20. I know! I wish women (especially black women) would stop doing this. You God-given nose is fine. Literally, unless you have a breathing issue that requires reconstruction - leave it alone. The plastic surgeons put the same nose on every face and you are not improving your looks.
  21. I assumed that much of that was related to the pandemic. He may have seen her when she was a baby, but I assumed that Kenya was saying that this was the first time Brooklyn saw him in person since she was old enough to know who he was. I'm calling BS on the not seeing Marc thing, since he was on a whole season after the baby was born. I wonder if production finally put a stop to it. She traditionally brings them then uses their presence as an excuse to disengage, leave early, and otherwise control how/when she engages.
  22. Maybe I'm just old, but when did following somebody become synonymous with sleeping with them, or even being intimate? I follow folks that I'm friends with and wouldn't think the simple act of clicking follow would mean anything, especially if its her trainer.
  23. I'm not going to shade Drew for making her donation in installments. As someone who does a lot of work with non-profits, they will take the money any way it comes. What's important is that she paid everything she said she would.
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