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Everything posted by Rlb8031

  1. My guess? Natalie has already expressed that she isn't comfortable with some of these ladies, and Amir is trying to diffuse the potential storm coming, by identifying what would otherwise be completely innocent behavior, and advising Natalie not to get upset over it. Then he goes the extra mile by stating that he'll call it out as well if it does occur, to try to prevent any blowups on Natalie's part. My guess, she will have a problem anyway and decide to go HAM on one of the single girls who will then promptly step into a fight over nothing.
  2. I don't think he was appalled that she took a picture of him, I think he was appalled because she snuck and took a photo and then shared it without his permission to mutual friends. The weird part was it was easy to just say "Alex is in town and he and I are hanging out" but she characterized it as this romantic thing that it absolutely wasn't from his perspective. If we are all friends and you are sending a pic to say we are hanging out, then tag me and let me know. It's the positioning it as casual sex to him, while saying it's something romantic to mutual friends that he finds weird.
  3. But let's look at both of these situations with Candiace. In the first one, charges were brought against Monique then ultimately thrown out by the court because they basically determined that this was a childish dispute where both parties were wrong. And in Sesame Street's case, as far as I know there were not even any charges filed. It's great to say the law will take care of it, but actual practice shows that this may not always be the case. And Candiace is the one paying therapy bills related to PTSD. I'm sure that Janice thought that she was standing up for herself when she approached Candiace. After all, she's been the one clowned incessantly on Al Gore's internet. Nothing that I've stated should be interpreted as me living a life based on fear. I think of it as having a healthy level of respect for possible outcomes and weighing whether or not I want to live with the outcome. I drink in public regularly. I do not drink in public to the point that I am incapacitated because I'm not prepared to deal with all of the possible outcomes that come from such a decision. Does that mean that I think people should be allowed to take advantage of drunk people? Not at all. It simply means that I recognize that it is far more likely that someone would take advantage of me when I am incapable of caring for myself. As my dad used to tell me "The best revenge is living well." I actually have. About 20 years ago, I worked on a political campaign after college. On election night my candidate won and the entire professional campaign team (basically everyone that got paid to work on the campaign) decamped to a local Irish pub to celebrate. Another patron overheard us talking and began berating us as he supported the other candidate. It started with a lot of drunken hooting and ended with punches being thrown. Imagine the characters from "Veep" in a bar fight. The cops showed up, dusted everyone off and sent everyone home.
  4. They are both deficiencies. But you rarely hear people who throw hands complain about how hurt they are by someone's words - that's not how they are built. And uniformly, they have little to nothing to lose by smacking someone upside the head other than their freedom, which many do not value in the least. Life is all about risk assessment. I don't throw hands. But I do recognize that not everyone is like me, and that the possibility exists that even though I don't fight, you do, and you may not have the same level of impulse control as me. I understand that people are unpredictable, and therefore it's in my best interest to not presume good manners and proper behavior from anyone who is angry. Folks like Candiace may wish for the world to respond the same way they do, but folks who live long lives without fighting recognize that the easiest way to win a fight is to avoid one.
  5. You (hopefully) learn this behavior may have unanticipated results when you are young, which prevents you from being a 35–40-year-old housewife talking shit to some ratchet hood girl who just wants to be on tv whether they are famous or infamous. And if you don't learn it then, you should certainly learn it after the first or second time you say something out of pocket which results in a right hook to the dome. I grew up in a major metropolitan city where "fuck around and find out" was written in every schoolyard, backyard, and playground. As a kid, having a slick mouth could get you into trouble in school, in church, at home, and most certainly out in the street with strangers. People learned to size up the person they were dealing with and to understand that just because someone seemed like they were harmless (like those little old church ladies or the little kids you picked on at the bus stop) didn't mean they always were. You learned to discern how to stand up for yourself without slinging insults and when making a point drifted into going too far. I do not understand adults who have not developed this life skill and why the expectation is that everyone else in the world needs to tolerate their deficiencies in self-preservation.
  6. The thing about the vineyard is there isn't a bunch of late-night clubs/parties the way there is in the Hamptons. Much of the island shuts down by midnight during the summer and there are really only a couple of venues that host parties. Everything else happens at private homes, and my guess is that the owner put some limit on the number of folks who could be on site during production to assure that the wild bacchanals that happen on the mothership, don't happen here. My guess is that this is a way to create group cohesiveness, while at the same time not getting the locals too riled up over the show.
  7. Yeah, it seems that reconnection came BEFORE her marriage, but reconnection, nonetheless.
  8. The interesting thing about Mia is that her actual story is way more interesting and compelling than her manufactured story (lies) and she looks like a nicer and more sympathetic character in real life than the housewife persona she portrays. She is a bad (not pathological) liar who can't keep her lies straight which is why Wendy calls her slow. I wish she were honest enough to talk about her struggles with Gordon and her reconnection with an old flame, rather than being willing to paint herself as a trollop and a strumpet to match some perceived "Boss Lady" image.
  9. I looked it up on IMDB. She's number 4 on the call sheet (Erica Mena is 3, so take that for what it's worth). Bottom line is that this job makes sure she stays in SAG and with health insurance.
  10. I have a different take on it. I don't think Juan will leave her until after those boys are grown and up out of the house. He will just be less and less present until they are living separate lives under the same roof. When the boys leave, he will tell Robyn that he's out, and she will not understand why as she believes he'll slow/settle down as he ages, while he will do everything short of chewing off a limb to get out of there. This is a long, slow slide into Robyn's outside relationship matching the inside.
  11. Doesn't Candiace have a reoccurring role on a tv show, or was that just part of a fever dream?
  12. Okay, I'm going to say that Candiace gets pregnant has her baby and in 1-2 seasons is back on RHOP, especially if Chris doesn't have anything super significant pop in the meantime. She strikes me as someone who is smart about managing her $s, so my guess is it will be a few years before she needs a full-time gig again.
  13. I feel like this is a mashup of the LulaRose and Jeffrey Epstein documentaries! Horrid cheap fast fashions sold with a dash of American racism (micro and macro), body dysmorphia and pedophilia/sexual exploitation of young girls. And once again the men that are behind these business models are nameless, faceless and unpunished.
  14. I watched the bonus episode, and my big takeaway was that the two parents (Drake's dad and Bryan's mom) who were the most present and vocal about their children's well-being ended up being the two whose relationships were ruined directly by their children's involvement in this business. How crappy must it be for you to be doing everything to protect your child, and the outcome is that your child hates you for it. It was so heartbreaking to hear that Bryan didn't even realize that the source of his anger towards his mom were these feelings that she was responsible for him being fired from the show, until he saw the documentary. He's clearly been in therapy for a while, and to never have understood that fact just goes to show how these kids get used to thinking that their parents being true advocates is somehow abnormal or shameful. I'm glad that both of them seem to be rebuilding those relationships as adults, but that lost time together is truly tragic.
  15. Are we sure Gordon isn't Incognito's daddy? Because they share more than a passing resemblance...or does Mia just have a type?
  16. I'm also side-eyeing Robyn because of all of the heat that Monique got from these women about her involvement with "bloggers". It was the height of betrayal that Monique was friends with "bloggers" and was supposedly talking to these folks and planting stories. But when Robyn is caught doing EXACTLY the same thing somehow, it's just Robyn talking to her friends. And we see exactly how petty those friends are because one of them took pictures of their text chain and sent it directly to Candiace.
  17. He did, and ultimately their production company Tollin/Robbins created not just all the major kids shows but a bunch of movies. Brian Robbins is currently CEO and President of Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon. Brian Robbins Wiki
  18. The podcast itself is free, but they also have a Patreon associated with the show. You pay for the Patreon and get exclusive content, special episodes, videos, etc. Lots of podcasters use this model to create additional revenue.
  19. I disagree. She and Giz will continue now with Reasonably Shady (and the associated Patreon). Now that Robyn is no longer part of the cast, she will be able to sit back and raise questions and talk shit about the cast completely unfettered. She will run with that role serving as Giz's straight man and talking all the gossip about Karen and Wendy that she can knowing that there are zero consequences. She will do this because she is dumb, and because she knows once she gets off tv, she will never need to answer another question about Juan except from her mama and daddy.
  20. @Keywestclubkid I am so very sorry that you were victimized in that manner. No person should be violated, and please don't take anything that I said as implying such a thing. What I was trying in a clumsy way to say is that the issue of how we deal with victims is something that has much larger societal impacts and should be approached in a broader manner. The fact that there are still families who don't want their kids to get therapy is a real thing. The way the system re-traumatizes children who do come forward and report as they are going through the criminal process is a real thing. And the fact that victims who do not get assistance often do turn into abusers is a real thing. If we want to stop these crimes, we have to do something different than what has been done in the past. In my mind, the question is how/why he got to who he is today and what portion of it could be prevented so we break this painful cycle.
  21. I don't think that Dan's hiring practices were accidental. From everything that I have heard, pre-internet, pedophiles who identified each other would often share access they had to children whether it was through volunteer organizations such as the Scouts, schools, church groups, sports teams, etc. The Brian Peck/ John Wayne Gacy connection was not an innocent or unintentionally created relationship. I would be looking at ALL of the men that were part of the Dan Scheider/ Tollin/Robbins production team. While Schneider continues to say he didn't hire these folks - someone did. I'd also note that Brian Robbins seems to be completely silent about all of this, even as he continues to run Nickelodeon. One thing that is we don't talk about is the prevalence of victims of child sexual abuse who then go on to offend, whether against children or against adults. It didn't sound like Drake got into therapy immediately and instead had to hit bottom before he started to get help. People who are abused as children need help to unpack their own emotional trauma and to understand how not to use the behavior of their abusers to define how to approach close intimate relationships.
  22. Yes, and but also... Two things I'm 'gonna note about this situation. First, Chelsea fucked up not one, but two of Jimmy's friendships, just because she's got low self-esteem. Ole' girl he slept with is mad because her business is on front street and other girl is mad because half the world thinks that she's the one Chelsea was talking about. Is Netflix to blame - partially, but snakes 'gotta slither. This was mostly about a conversation that Chelsea probably started "Your best friends are two girls? Really? And you never did anything with them? Oh wait, so you did date one of them? How long ago is a long time? And you don't think it's strange that you and she are still friends????" I imagine this conversation came out after a lot of interrogation on her part and him trying to put her at ease - just like the million other times they showed. Second, after all this time - it's been a year - she's never gone on television and apologized to those two women. How hard would it be to say, "I'm sorry." They were absolutely collateral damage, but she continues to act like it wasn't 1) FUCKED UP and 2) her fault.
  23. But Jimmy's friend came on tv specifically to support Jimmy and not to have her sex life discussed on national television. You are absolutely right that it should be entirely her choice as to whether to disclose that to her partner and people in her life, and now Chelsea has taken that right away. Since we don't know anything about this woman, I want to give credence to Jimmy's perspective and say it is a BFD. We don't know anything about what that's woman's background is and maybe the knowledge that she has been intimate with Jimmy puts her in an awkward position with friends, family, her church, whomever. This is one time where we as a viewing audience simply don't know enough to judge whether or not it should be as big a deal as Jimmy says it is, but I don't think he's wrong for pointing out to Chelsea that what she did was entirely fucked up as it puts someone who is not Jimmy in the position of having to explain something that maybe she didn't want to.
  24. I thought I heard him say that he wanted to not be shared because of how her current/future significant other might respond to knowing that information. From that perspective, I actually think he was 100% in the right, especially if both of them came to the conclusion that it was a one-and-done situation. Beyond all of that, if your girl/boyfriend shares a "secret" and you turn around when drunk and throw it back in their face, it's a sign that the other person isn't able/capable of fighting fair and should cause you to put the brakes on.
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