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Everything posted by Rlb8031

  1. Just wanted to add, I've been meaning to call Kenya out on her commercial BS since the show aired. Commercial directors do not show up at a shoot with 1) no idea what the concept is; 2) no idea what has been provided in terms of budget, crew, support, etc; 3) no shooting schedule or location information, especially not if they are shooting a commercial for any semi-legitimate business. She knew when she got her ass on the plane that she wasn't going to be in charge of anything but the drama for that commercial. Now if it had been the Cardi B Pawn Rite shoot, then yes, Pookie n'dem would have been rounding up cousins, play cousins, aunties, and that girl with the fat ass on the morning of the shoot and expecting Kenya to pull it all together. But for any grown folks commercial, a director would expect and request way more than Kenya had which was "Cynthia is shooting a commercial while we're down here".
  2. *whispers* I took 3 books with me to a resort in Jamaica last month *whispers*. I gotta defend Kim here. There is literally nothing better in the world than throwing yourself into a lounge chair poolside at 8am, putting in an order for rum punch and instructing the waiter to keep 'em coming, diving into that novel and remaining there all day with short bathroom and food breaks. Y'all are buggin'. The turn-up is real! My SO and I got more reading done in 5 days than we had in months at home.
  3. I assumed that Kalani not getting picked for Seventeen had less to do with her being too old and more to do with the fact that compared to her Maddie still looks like a child. I think Nia still looks young enough that she and Maddie could be contemporaries, especially when she is dressed her age, but Kalani looks like a high schooler headed to college and Maddie looks like an eighth grader about to start high school.
  4. I checked. Kenya has 6 producer credits (including Life Twirls On) and 2 directors credits for Life Twirls On and self directed movie in 2013. Kim has 6 producer credits and 16 directors credits. Her director credits are for series, miniseries and movies and date back to 1995. I think Kim wins this one hands down.
  5. Kayla finally stepped up this weekend to say this to Camryn. I wonder if Diana's closeness with Kayla is keeping her from getting on Camryn about leading the team. Diana would never have let the team go three weeks without saying to Kayla "You're not doing your job". Its not clear if that task was delegated to Kayla or if Diana was even aware the conversation had occurred, but its high time that someone pulled Cammy-Cam up short and said "Now you actually have to LEAD the team"
  6. Tania didn't put the guys on blast about not showing up. However, she did remind them the one thing that was important - they are all successful contributing members of society today because of the dogs. Their ability to have houses to protect and cars to get to and from work in happened because of the dogs, and the dogs can't care for themselves. She wanted them to remember how they got there, and to make them realize they were being selfish, and I think she did so in a way that didn't single anyone out or call out anyone specifically. As for the blurred faces, one was the guy who has been accused of rape (Tony Converse) and is therefore not appearing in the series this season (but who continues to be employed by Tia, who is 100% supportive of him). I assume the other person was someone who is in the parolee program but not on the show - which is why his face was obscured. Did anyone else catch when she noted that Matt had gotten married???
  7. I think that the pain Earl has is actually in his neck, upper shoulder and then radiates down into his arm as opposed to the arm itself hurting. I'd guess amputation wouldn't solve anything. I seem to recall that's how he described it way back in the Syracuse episode when he first went to consult with a doctor about it.
  8. I agree with the original poster. I had a close friend that was suffered from manic depression. On a normal day, he was very straight-laced. Not that he didn't know how to have fun, but he was that guy that was super-serious. The kind you can't really imagine every having been a kid. In a manic phase, he'd call and suggest that we hop in the car and drive to Canada to gamble for the weekend or go out and spend his last dollar on an exotic animal because he wanted "a friend". The highs and lows were extreme, and I can see the similarities in Rocky. Its not so much the diving off the boat, its the extreme of everything. Having sex a couple of times in the laundry room becomes the greatest romance known to man. Feeling supportive of a co-worker against a common foe has become "BFFs". Everything is a superlative be it good or bad. Her ability to turn on an oven has morphed into "I'm a chef". There is no middle ground, moderation or even keel. Everything is at 1000. Another interesting thing about Rocky is that she lists her culinary education as ICE. While ICE does have a full-time culinary arts program for aspiring chefs, it also has individual classes that anyone can sign up to take. I've taken classes at ICE and I would never call myself a chef. Having taken a class there isn't necessarily indicative of her having any extensive formal education as a chef.
  9. It was not a spontaneous utterance. Effie noted that its something she says all the time as a way of responding politely when other language might be warranted. It's whatever, an eye roll, and a big f you all rolled up into one. She talked about it being a phrase that she picked up as a military kid. I think it (and the naming of her company) predate PG by a lot. In her interviews I think she says she got $900 for actually being on PG as she didn't expect that the show was going to be about her. She received her normal producers fee and points on the movie (which means that she can afford to eat between now and her next gig, but nothing more - is HBO going to even run this movie twice?)
  10. I've owned a restaurant and worked with guys like Leon before. In my opinion, its not that he's a bad guy or a bad chef. He is however a chef that believes that people come to eat his food to experience what he think belongs on the plate. So, no, he's not cooking you a quesadilla after having just made you a spectacular plate of something, because only a philistine would want something so low-brow after the perfection that he's decided to serve. He sees his role as the chef as a guide on a culinary trip, and if you step on board, you're going to eat what he wants to cook, served the way he wants to serve it, and when he wants to give it to you. Its no different than eating at a restaurant which doesn't provide salt or pepper to the customers because everything is seasoned exactly the way it should be. In Leon's mind, what Kate wants him to be is something akin to a short order cook, which is far from how he sees himself. Its why he could be successful on a ship like the QE2 and still fail miserably at cooking on the Eros. He doesn't want to blow people away, because they don't know enough to judge him anyway. And the longer he's on board and forced to make chocolate and cheese cream brownies on the fly, the less respect he has for his staff. His expectation is that Kate is going to tell the guests "chef knows best" and her position is "the guest is always right". Couple that with the fact that both of them are flaming gits and you have this season in the galley.
  11. Jason said in one of the earlier episodes that his parents were very good to him and allowed him to pursue his art without bounds. I took that to mean that they funded a lot of his previous work, and that he never really had to worry about how much things costs. That coupled with his "everyone is supposed to figure out how to make what I want happen" attitude leads me to think that he's never been given any limits or boundaries either personally or professionally. The fact that he was going to stand in front of her and continue to film after 9pm (when the neighbors had already been calling the authorities seemingly to complain about the production), just indicated how little respect he has for other people's jobs and how much he thinks that he can do whatever he wants. (PS. I'm calling bullshit on the will they or won't they be able to shoot at night. The footage was clearly edited together out of order to heighten the drama. When the location scout meets with Effie they have 14 of 26 signatures and she's confident they'll be able to get the rest. Ten minutes later in the episode they have 10 signatures and are unsure if they'll get the rest).
  12. I think the name of the show was Last Chance Highway (it also was an Animal Planet show). If it's the one I'm thinking about the woman used to rescue dogs and actually take them into her own home (or another local foster). She always has 9-10 dogs running around at her house and her husband was responsible for helping with the dogs. Others took care of the placements. When they had enough dogs they'd load up a huge truck and bring them north. I think she was in Tennessee or Mississippi.
  13. Okay, so now you've peaked by interest. I don't read other boards about this show...so please spill the tea!
  14. I think that the trio was ready, but the girls who were supposed to be part of the intro (the rest of the team that stayed behind) was not. The first time I saw it I was confused, because Kayla was working with 12-14 girls, Diana pulled her aside and asked "What do you think" then they had a whole conversation about the trio not being ready. It wasn't until I re-watched that I understood Diana's lead in about the trio having three parts, the intro, the trio and the closing that I realized that those girls were the intro. I guess without Diana there, they couldn't pull it together and she only had them the day of the competition for a few hours beforehand. I wonder if the trio (all of whom traveled to NYC) could have done the dance without the intro or if that was either too simple or too hectic...
  15. Abby seems like she's on something and it isn't diabetes medication. The rambling conversations, mood swings and unhealthy weight loss look a lot like something else.
  16. Just wondering if anyone happened to catch an extremely cringe-worthy racial/sexist tone-deaf moment this week. On the Dance Moms reunion show, the mothers were at the part of the show where they were all being individually and collectively castigated for their behavior over the past season. Most of this season's drama has been between the one black mother and Abby Lee Miller (the dance instructor). As a result, at the reunion, most of the moms were asked to opine on this particular mother's behavior. In the midst of all of this, Abby Lee stated "Her problem is that she doesn't know her place!". She followed up immediately by saying "Her place as a woman.". Who says stuff like that in 2015? How do you not understand the historic implications of telling a woman that she is not in "her place" and the greater minefield of making that statement to a black woman? Who does that?
  17. I've been watching for a while and think I can answer some of the questions raised here about the show. When they did the first show about the bar, all four kids came to Tia and suggested it. However, around the time that the show aired, I remember seeing that the twins were going to be handling the day-to-day operations more while the girls stayed on to help out with the rescue. The division of labor seems to be a little less black and white than that, but as the girls are in almost every episode and the twins only show up less, I'd guess this may be how its working out. I believe Perry was addicted to heroin. The house by the river was supposed to be the twins home. It was destroyed after a hurricane (Gustav??). After Chong died, the show did an episode where the Marines who helped with the original build out of the house came back to clean up and restore it. Tia mentioned that the plan was to use it as a home for senior dogs. I'm not sure if this has already happened and just hasn't been shown yet. The show has been very helpful in getting lots of volunteers to their doors. I follow them on FB and Tia mentioned that she has moved out of the city and is now living on a couple of acres of land where she is keeping all of the hounds that the shelter has taken in. Evidently, the hounds tend to bray and need room to run so they moved them out of the the shelter. She posted a funny story about chasing a couple of hounds that escaped on Christmas Day. My recollection is that there has never been a specific how-to for aggressive dogs, but Tia has talked generally about some of the methods they use when dealing with dogs they aren't sure of (using two leads instead of one, the use of treats and food, etc) I remember specifically this being discussed in the rescue where Mondo's friend took in a female dog and her pups and then called because the dog was too aggressive to handle. The one shortcoming of these shows is that none of them really give advice on how people that see the same issues can approach them. I'd guess that is to limit liability for the show and the producers.
  18. I love the follow-up episode with some of the battles from the season replayed from their competitor's perspective, complete with talking heads from the other captains and coaches. It really allows a full view of the competitions and lets viewers get inside the kids heads. It also helps a cynical audience realize that unlike another lifetime show, the results from these competitions aren't fudged for the show.
  19. I was very happy to see the mothers talking in the reunion about how they fight among themselves but view themselves as a family and will stick up for each other and all of the kids if an outsider comes at them. Very refreshing to see this, especially on the same channel as Dance Moms.
  20. Yes, its great that the dads come and are self-assured enough t wave pom-poms, cheer, and support their daughters.
  21. I think that the approach that they use with the dances (girls have a set number of routines, then they modify them slightly week to week as appropriate) is far more realistic than the "learn a new dance every week" approach some other dance shows have. Sure if you are a dancer going from job to job that might be appropriate, but as a kid on a team, you should be learning, refining and improving your technique from week to week, not getting a new dance every week.
  22. Abby would rather be feared than loved or respected. So she doesn't care that the show has given her abad rep. In her mind, she's now a household name and is thus a success.
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